HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-09; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES MeetirY;J of: Date of MeetirY;J: ~n«; CXMHSSICN May 9, 1984 T iae of MeetirY;J: 7:00 p.m. Pl&~ of Meeting: City O:>uncil l"hantlers CALL'OO CRlER: The MeetirY;J was called to ccdet" by Chairman Rontx>t is at 7:01 p.m. R>LL CALL: Present: Cllairman Raltx>tis, Camlissioners Rawl ins, Schlehuber, Sl!li th, Marcus, and Farrow. Absent: None. PLmJGE CF AL,[B;;!NCE was led by Chairman Ramotis. Staff Ment>ers Prese,1t: Bill Bofman, Principal Planner Mike Howes, Assistant Planner Ex-officio Melrbers Present: Mike HolZllliller, Land Use PlannirY;J Manager Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney DaYe Hauser, Deputy City Engineer Walter Brown, Developnent Engineer Mike HolZllliller, Land Use PlannirY;J Manager, stated ZC 309, Aqua Hediooda Lagoon, had been withdrawn. A Notiae of Intent ioo to re-zaie in that area that had been paued by the PlanniBJ Caimissicn. The City Council took actioo last weeJc that cancelled that Notioe of Intentioo. Notices had been sent out for a public hearirY;J tooight , however, and oow the item is ~irY;J withdrawn. The Planning Caaissioo withdrew ZC-309 fran the Agerm. Nllf Alll.IC lmARDCS: 3. Cl' 8~275 -L.\ CDII'A RIVIERIA -Request to 00nlltruct:art8-wrlt cxini£ainl1.a1 project en a 1.31 acre lot located m the north side of Navarra Drive between Viejo C.tilla WIiy and the La Qleta Golf O:>urse. Th.I Plavung Caaiaia'I <Dnt inued this item to May 23, 1914. t . a,,-243 --BUD ~ -Rleqlle8t fer lll)l'UVal ol • ciiniUUc:inal uae perait to a! 1111 ditional pole llign 1n car Count ry at 5500 Paaec> del llalte. '1'be Plannlng Oollliuion withdrew this i tm fra11 the A9lllda at tba ~t of the ,n>licant. loltx>tis Rawlins Schlehuber Smith Marcus Farrow lalb>til!I Ralina Schlehuber Slllith Marcus Farrow X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I X X I X I I MINUTES PINfiIN:; O'.llflUSSIOO Miy 9, 1984 OID BlEINFSS: 1. er 84-2/CP--270 -IA <Xln'A POINl'E -Approval of doc:.unents. The Planning Camrlssioo approved the following Reeolutien, with the Mdition of Section (c) to finding 1 as oontained in we nerorandum dated May 9, 1984, rran the Land use Planning Office to the Planning Ccwrissien: ~IOl tO. 2265, DENYIN; A 48-uNIT TENI'ffl'IVE TRACT MAP lH> ClHXNINitPI PERMIT 00 PRJPERI'Y c»IBRALLY I.£XM'ED Ol 'mE t«)RI'BWESl' ~ OF AU::,/\ ION) AND EL FUERl'E Sl'REEI'. 2. ZCA-169/ZC-293 -CITY OF CARI.SBAD -An amendment to the zoning ordinance to inmrporate scenic rorrioor studies into the scenic preservation overlay zone, to place this zone en properties with frontage along El CSllino Real, and to adopt •EI Cl"mino Real Developnent staooaros•. Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentation as contained in the staff report, Mding a sentence to page 10 at the end of Section 5 to indicate the action of the Planning Ccmni.ssien lllly be appealed to the Ci ty Council; l!d!ing a ~ion d to Section 7 on page 8, and t..:>rrecting a typographical error. Chairman Ra!tx>tis q:>ened tl.~ public hearing at 7:09 p.m. and issued the invitatien to speak. Since oo coe wished tc speak en this item, the p..iblic testim:x,y portion was concluded. The Planning Cannissien approved the Negative Declaratio.1 i ssued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the follcwing Resolutioos: ~IOl tO. 2232, RECDlmi:>INi APPRJVM, CF A~ O'.DE :JMlilllir, »ia>OO TITLE 21 , CHAPl'ER 21 • 40 OF 'mE CARLSMD ~CIPAL O'.DE, BY 'mE AIDITIOO OF SECI'ICNS 21 .40.010(5), 21.40.045, 32.40.115, ~ 21.40.117, TO INCDRPaWrE OCffiIC CDRRIDOR sruorrn :rnro THE ocmrc PRBSERVM'IOl C1JER1AY ~. RBSCUJrIQI NO. 2233, ll«DlffN>INi APPRJ\TAL CF PLACDli THE SCINIC ~MIOl ( S-P) OVERIAY ZCNE Ol AIL PRJPERl'Y Wl'1'R PR:Rl'ltG! AUK; EL °'"1NO REAL. Rl!SCUJ!'IQI ti>. 2234, ~:or; AOOPTIOl CF -rliE EL CMDI) A!AL ~ IEVEURBNl' sr~• twl'ED PB8IIJMY 8, 1984. Staff wa <Xllplilnerlted for their work and presentation en theeeatani:iards. __ Pllll.IC IIEMil«:;61 3. Thia it• v• oontinued to May 23, 1984, earlier in thia aetinJ. PI.AllfDE CXJIUSSIQI PRX:JDJRE: At thia point, Cllainan Rollbotie aued fer the Planning ow-1uton l>rooa&Jre to be ahown m the overhead pa,jectcr, ad he Mlted the ax!ience to apend a few aimtM lffding the Prooe&Jre. ~tis X Rawlins X Schlehuber X X smith X Marcus X Farrow X ladx>tis X Rawlins X Schlehuber X Smith X Marcus X X Farrow X MINUTES May 9 1984 4. er 83-9(A) -MA?O\NA -Request for an amendment to a previously !R'roved 138-lot tentative tract map oo 194.3 acres located !R'roximately ate mile east of El Camino Real at the eai1tern terminus of Sunny Creek !bad in the R- E 2ICll1e. Mike Bo,,"'('8, Assistant Planner, gave the presentatioo oo this iten as rontained in the staff report, using a transparency to sholo• the site and a wall map showing the tentative map. In answer to CCll'lftiss ioo query, staff stated the lots, as they were previously divided, were in ronflict with the SOOlE easement. With the new alignnents, the lots, including the panhandle lots, were not d:>jectionable. Chainnan Rattiotis q,ened the piblic hearing at 7: 14 p.m., and issued the invitatioo to speak. Mr. Akbar Ghahremani, 18552 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine, spcite as the !R'licant, stating all oonditioos were acceptable, and urging the Planning cannissioo to approve the !R'licatioo. Sin<.• no ate else wished to speak oo this item, the public testinony was roncluded at 7: 15 p. m. The Planning Ccmni.ssioo adq:>ted the following Resolutioo: RJ!SOCtJl'ICW 00. 2291, ~DC APPR)IIAL FOR AN MaU4EH1' TO A PRE.VIOOSLY APPRJVID TENl'M'IVE TRACT Mi\P ~ PRlPERl'Y <»mRA!LY I.Oan'ID }1(1' THE E'ASl'ERN TERMnuS OF &Jtlff CREEi{ R:W) IN THE R-E 1.CWE. 5. ClJP-241 -CALI~IA FI:Rn' BANI( -Request for approval of a cxiiHtiooal use permit for a drive-thru bank facility at the southeast corner of Faraday Avenue an5 El Cainino Real in the M-Q zooe. Chainan Raltx>tis stated he would abstain frcrn discussioo on this ite111. Vioe-<:hnirman Rawlins took over the Chair fer Item ts. Mike Bowes, Assistant Planner, gave the presentatioo oo this item 11111 cu1tained in the staff report, using a tranaparenc.y ehowing the site and a wall mp shc:Ming the project. Vioe-OMlinllill, Rawlins q>en; . .<l the plblic hearing at 7: 20 p.a., and iaaued the invitatioo to speak. Since ro me wiahed to &peak at this item, the plblic testimony partioo _. cloeed. The PlainiB} ca.issioo an>t:Oll'f!d the Negative Declaratioo i uued by the LaYJ ON Planning Manager and adopted the followiB} Rnolutioor Rl90Wl'l0f tD. 2288, APPR:1ID«; A CXH>rI'I~ USE P!a(l'l' ffl iu2ii A !IUVl-'l'RRJ MNlt P'ACILITY ~ 1. 3 M::HtS CF W i CllilMILY UlCld'l!D ~ 'DIE s:xJfflBASl' ~ CF EL CMill) 11W. NI> PMN»J AVIHJE. Foltx>tis X Rawlins X Schlehuber X smith X Marcus X Farrow X X lalh>tis X Rawlins X Schlehuber X Sllith X X Mar'Cu8 X Farrow X MINUTES P~ CXMUSSICN May 9, 1984 Page 4 1! ~l\ o~~~~ COMMISSIONERS ~ ~"" \ Chainnan Ra'l'botis resumed the Chair for the remainder of the ireeting. 6. ZC-299 -SOIINJro~Il,l'.; -Request for a pre- annexaticnal za,e ~t"an A-70 (County) to R-1- 7 ,500 for two parcels with a CDll'bined area of 19.97 acres located to the south of the southerly end of Pontiac Drive. MiJce Howes, Assistant Planner, gave the presentation en this item as rontained in the staff report, using a transparency to show the site. Chairman Ralix>tis q:,ened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. and issued the invitatioo to speak. Since oo cne wished to speak oo this item, the public testim::lny portioo was closed. The PlAMing Cawnissioo approved the Negative Declaratioo issued by the Land Use Planning Manager arn MOpted the following Resolutioo: REOOWl'ICN N:>. 2287, ~:m:; APPFOVAL CF A ~~I<:NAL ZOIB OtW;E F10I A-70 (COONI'Y) TO R--1- 7 , 500 CN PIOPERl'Y <alERALLY u:x::M'ED s:XJl"H OF 'lliE s:XJl"HERLY TEJllml.JS OF PCNI'I.AC DRIVE. 7. SP-19 (A) -CAR <XUn'RY -Request tc amend the existing epe<-i fic plan en property located in the C-2 zme between Cannon Road and Palanar Airport Road. Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo oo this item as rontained in the staff report. Chairmn Raltlotis q>ened the public hearing at 7:27 p.m. and issued the invitatioo to speak. Mr. Tall CAIVlOfl, Cannon , Associates, P. o. Box 3417, Miasioo Viejo, addressed the camlissioo, inquiring about tlle basic requirements in a C-2 zooe, Staff explained theee reguin!altl\ta are rontained in the proposed specific plan ae11d11ent. Mr. Cannon s tated he vas in bgr'eefflent with the aaendllent. Since no one else wished to speer. oo thia item, the public t:eeti.Jlary wag roncluded at 7: 29 p. m. The Planning ec..dssioo adopted the following Resolutioo: RSSCUJl'I<Jt N:>. 2274, BDIU!H>Dl'.; APPIUJAL CF SPB::IFIC PLMI 19 (A) , kii AN MlltDIBNr ro 'lliE EXlSl' IK; SPB::IFIC PIM m R!DJLlll'B SIGNDl'.i CN PRPBRl'r camRALLY I.OCM'ED llll'IIIIN <:Wi. ION> Ml> PAI£M\R AIRPCm' RW>. 8. CUP-245 -MB~E/MDI -Request &r ~ ol • an'I~ tto 110Ye an existing pole aign and acid an actditicnal pole sign in Car Country at 55-U Paeo del Norte. Bill Bof.aln, Principal Planner , gave the preaentatioo oo thia it.ea • oontained in the staff report, LBing a tnnapanncy to llhow the propc:>eed sign locations, pointing aut the exiating free-etanding sign. IOrhotis X Pawlins X X Schlehuber X Smith X Marcus X Farrow X Jultx>tis X Rawlins X Schlehuber X X Slldth X Marcus X Farrow X @ MINUTES ~ 9, 1984 Page 5 Mr. Hofman stated cne additional rondition should be added to the Resolution; that of !!ppt'O\Tal of the CUP subject to approval of the specific plan a111endment 1:7f the City Council. Chait111an Raltx>tis opened the ?,lblic hearing at 7:33 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Tan Cannon, Cannon Associates, stated he was in agreement with the specific plan dlange, and these signs were in <Dll'lianoe ",i th the reoonmended dlange. Since no cne else wished to speak en this item, the public testi.Jn::lny was <Dncluded at 7:34 p.m. The Planning Camiissioo adopted the following Resolution: RESOWl'IOl 00 2272, APPRJIJll,I; A aH>rrrauu.. lEE PERMIT ro ~ AN HDrl'IOIAL PREESI'AN:>IN'.i POLE SIGN 01 PR:>PERl'Y Gml!:RAILY I:OCJa'ID CN 'fflE &\Sr SIDE OF PASro DEL N:Rl.'E, ~., ~ (F C'A?H:N ~- 9. This item was withdrawn earlier in the meeting. 10. EIR 83-9 ZC-290 Cl' 83-25 -CAMIOO HILL.5 -Request for ( Cert ,oat oo of an Env ronmental Inpact Rieport, (2) a u:ne change to RMIP zooc, and (3) a tentativa tract IMP and IEbile hane park permit for 112 lots oo 29 acres located oo the west side of El Camino Real, iJl'lnediately north of. CArlsbad Research Center. Mr. Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentation as oontained in the staff report, using a transparency showing the site. In miawer to Cannissioo query, staff stated the airport isaue had been fully addressed, with no significant hpact to the project. Mr. BofJllan used a wall mp to point oot the major feeturee of the p:q,oeed project and stated there would be separate ownership of the lots in the IIObilehaae park. The ..-,,ea road, SliA)ery Hill Lane, was discussed, with the eventual change into a wl~ being roted. lfal.ter Brown, Develq:aent EB,Jineer, explained the three ~ of. a00N9 develqaent, with initial E.'i!rving of. the project. froa Bl Calno Real, with a left tum to SliA)ery Rill Lane. At a future date, either the Jl:oll property er the f.elly Randi prq>erty developaent will provide access. ,._.. the eeoond acoeu, either fran Jl:oll Ot' l(elly, is prwided, and tbe aedian is installed oo El Candn:l, there will be a right tum in and out island installed. Mr. BffM\ UNd a tranapu:ency to show the island to be irwtalled. A right t!......tl'Tl in and out would be allowed, .. in; the mngeetia, that NOUld occur at College. The intanectim IIOUld be cloeer than allOlfed for priaary uuriw, float t:he tiae the aeoond acoesa is cnwuuot:.ed, a a.u-de-eac would be oonstructed oo Slippery Bill Lane. Ramotis X Rawlins X Schlehuber X Sllith X X Marcus X Farrow X @ MINUTES PLMIUK; CDIUSSICN May 9, 1984 Page 6 1:.1ill Hofman called the Cannission's attention to the lllelll>randurn fn,n Land Use Planning Office dated May 9, 1984, giving the revisions to the conditions for this item. These conditions should be included in the Reeolut ion. In answer to CCIIIIUssion query, staff stated the condition regarding foundations ooly applies to ruildings that would have foundations, euch ae a recreation roan. In reply to a (JleStioo regarding the land slide area, staff indicated to the Camrl.ssion, as conditioned, there would be a soil engineer oo the job. Chairman Rartx>tis opened the public hearing at 7:52 p.m. and issued the invitatioo to speak. Mr. Don Agatep, 2956 Roosevelt, addressed the Comnission on behalf of the applicant, stating all ronditions were acceptable with the exception of t:wo issues. Mr. Agatep stated the airport owners suggested the prospective owners be informed of the close proximity to the airport and this be included in the CC&R's. Mr. Agatep felt the conditioo regarding the oo parking signs in the private driveways al page 9, Q:ndition 48, was vague and suggested adding three words at the front: '"l'he entrances to-•. Mr. i-lofman stated this condition referred to private •streets• and that parlting would be allowed oo cne side of the street ooly. Mr. Agatep questioned Condition 41, as to whether this remainder (lllroel would not be a legal parcel until such time as there is public access, and the Assistant City Attorney stated this parcel was specifically designated under the Subdivisioo Act. Chait11111n Ralt>otis stated his ooncern about informing the residents dboot the closing of Sliwery Rill Lane at a future date. The Assistant City Attorney stated Cmditioo 34 did not provide for this adequately and he would provide staff with the appropriate language to OOll'er this. Mr. Art Anderson, 4961 Cindy Avenue, addressed the ca.iuioo oo this ita, stating this pad: will be for the City's benefit, with m rent squabbles. Be stated there are m purchasers already than there ai-e lots available. Mr. Anderaon asked for the c.amdssioo 's -wtoval. Since m one else wished to speak al this item, the public tect::.ia:lny wu ooncluded at 8:05 p.m. O':W!iu\oner Schlehuber stated he felt there l«lllld be a aiailar miae il!pllC't a, College with the high ellhlnlanent then. Mr. Bofaan stated there ia a bena that separates the ad>J.lehcat pan fr:ca College, but this oould be an adlted aonditioo. MINUTES May 9, 1984 Page 7 In an.'Nll!r to cannissioo query, the applicant stated there ..ould be limits oo the types and age of nobilehc,rnes, and they ..ould have to be approved. The Planning Cannission adcpted the following Reecl.utioos: RESOWl'ICN NJ. 2294, RECOtmm:rt«; CERI'IFICM'ICN CF AN milIRHl!Nl'AL IMP~ llEPCE', EIR 83-9, FOR A~ Gl!HERAILY n«:uJDTI«;: (1) A ZOlE CHA.N'.iE moil R-1-10,000 ro RMtP (IID3ILE IDilE PARR ZOIB), and 2) A TENl'M'IVE TRACI' MP NI) KEILE IDilE PA.RI{ PERMIT CN 29. 8 ACRES l.OCM'ID CN THE lP.81' SIDE CF EL CAMIN'.> ~ IMMEDIM'ELY tURl'fl CF CARLSIW) ~"F.A.ROf c»n'ER. RES>UJI'ICN NJ. 2295, ~It«; A.PPRJlJA.L CF A ZOlE CHMCB ~ R-1-10, 000 ro IMiP CN 29 ACRES CF PK>PERl'Y Gl!NERA.LLY l.OCM'ID CN 'fflE WESI' SIDE OF EL CAMIN'.> ~ IfllElIJn'ELY N:E'FI OF CARLSBAD RESEA.Rrn c»n'ER. RESOWl'ICN NJ. 2296, ~It«; A.PPRJlJA.L CF A TENl'ATIVE TRACI' 19.P NI) l'03ILE !:DIE PA.RI{ PERMIT CN 29 ACRES Gl!NERA.LLY l.OCM'ID CN 'fflE WESI' SIDE OF EL CA.MIN'.> ~ IfllElllft'ELY tDU'B CF CARLSBAD RESEA.Rrn CENl'ER. Subject to additimal ronditions as suani tted by staff, and a:nUtioos added tonight, regarding closing of Slii:pery Rill Lane and rnise mitigation oo College Boulevard. AOO.fi'ICK\L BUSINESS: Chairmn Raltlotis announced Cannissioner Lyttletoo had resigned and asked the oonsensus of the Collnissioo for a suitable date for a luncheon. Friday, May 18, 1984, was selected as the tentative date. By iroper mtioo, the meeting of May 9, 1984, was adjourned at 8: 16 p.m. Reepectfully a.ibnitted, MI<EML J. lll!ll.DIJLYIR Land ON Planning Manager Harriett Babbitt Miootee Clute ial'DIJS Ml Ala:> 1'APl!D All> KEPI' CN FILE CM'IL 'fflE MIIIJl'BB Ml APPIOll!D. ID!tx>tis X Rawlins X X Schlehuber X Smith X Marcus X Farrow X lodx>tis X Rawlins X X Schlehuber i( Smith X Marcus X Farrow X 6)