HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-25; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of:
Date of. Meeting:
~ c::o.tISSICN ( Special Meeting)
June 25, 1984
8:30 p.m. Ti.Ille of Meetingr
Place of. Meetir,;J: City COuncil Chant>ers COMMISSIONERS
The Meeting was oalled to crder by Olairman Rarbotis at
8:30 p.m.
Present: Olairan Raltx>tis, Clladssioners Rawlins,
Schlehuber, Snith, Marcus and Farrow.
Absent: Ncne.
PUJXZ CF ALLl!XilNO: was led by Olairman Rarbotis.
GP!(C 84-1 -Cl'l'Y CF CARISBAD -Amendment to Circulation
ifiiient to revise iligratnts and classifications of
certain future roadways located throughout the City.
Chairman Rcabotis stated that al though he was absent at
the last lll!eting, he had reviewed the unai;:proved minutes
and listed to the tapes of. the meeting and felt he was
qualified to vote en the issue.
Bill Homan, Principal Plamer, gave the staff report en
this item, statir,;J there IIIOUld be three parts to the
preeentatien: Jeanne Md"adden , Co-Olairpersm of the
Circulatien Ca.rlttee, IIOUld give a 1U1aary of. the
Ccadttee recmaendatiaw: Jim Hagaan, Director of
Reeelm:h,/Analyais, IIOUld diecuu the edatir,;J circulation
eleaent and the, i.eO ndatiaw: and Paul IUuua,
Aaaiatant Pl.-..r, IIIOUld give the ~tims of
Engineering Depert:aent and Land Use Planning Staff.
Mra. Jeame Md"adtten, Co-<1lairpereon of the Circulation
Ccaaittee, introch»d her Co-<llairan, Lefty Anear, and
gave a brief hiataey at the ronation of. the Ccadttee
and ita clltiea. She intrcdloed the aabers of the
Circulation Ccadttee a stated the report "88 given to
the City Clouncil with the 1.9q1.1Mt to be 1.e~x1m.-ened when
the cmpJt:er IDdel wa a:Jll)leted. Q\ Nay 30, 198', the
Ccadttee reviewed the CXllllpUter 111:>del.
Mra. Nd"lldl!en stated the Ccadttee CXJUld oot 1.eviae
Mglllftt of the Ciratlation el-,t without considering all
of it. She stated the Cmaittee tried to route traffic
around and thrmgh a fw large wll-deaigned l'Olldwaya,
MIi mt tmcugh ENidantiaJ. -• She stated -t of. the dllciaiona WA~. with five percent apirited
debate and the other tas penmat. • wtare in between.
Mra. Nc::f'adttan atated the Ol:laittee includad padaatrian
traffic and statue of collector atneta. '1'he Cmaittee
MIDld for a 1111P to be available at all tiaa at City Ball
for~• intenated in locating the oollectcr aa.ta.
Nra. llld"alten stated the Ocwliuion is aak-5 to~ the
PlAn. The Cmaittee ...,.. ndationa _,. attadled, and
ataff 1"1o ndationa .,. attadled, with the -t public
irw,ut on lfaaradt Awrue. Nra. ~ aanclllllad tar
np0l't with•• tr of the Cmaittee actiona •
inclullld en the -...uy lhNt.
Chaitaa llaltiotia thlllbd Mra. Nd"adlten and the
Cirmlaticn Cmaitta If--• for the long hcura apnt omv~ this ftlP)l:t and stated they wn to be
G k!~.
June 25, 1984 Page 2
Nr. Jill Bagaan, Director-of Research/Analysis,
0011plimented the Circulatioo c.a.ittee ME!lli>ers for their
work al this report. The State suggests Cities make a
review of their general plan every five years. Willdan
reviewed the circulatial element and subsequent to
that, the Circulatial ca..ittee was formed to review:
get if1lut fnm the plblic and llllke reoarmendations.
Mr. Bag_ .. used wall lll!lp8 to indicate the circulation
eleaent • it edsts and the proposed by the Callnittee
and by staff. Be stated collector streets have been
chaniJed frml 5,000 to 10,000 cars and se<:X>ndary fran
10,000 to 20, 000-a ~ frail the rurrent standards.
Mr. Bagaan also stated that a 1111p should be kept at the
counter in the Engineering Department to show the
collector streets. Be stated the plan should be
reviewed every five years with the appointment of an
adviaory aaaittee similar to the me that worked on
this. Mr. Bag_,, gave a trief amry of the changes
Mr. Lefty Anear, 1728 calavo Court, spake al the
extensial of Olivenhein Road, wiich would take sane of
the traffic off of La Costa. Be stated this had been in
the County plan for' 1!9f1Y years.
Mr. Anear stated he thought a plan should be ooordinated
with the NCl'D, with plans for' public transportation,
with pull-off indentations for' picking up people. Be
stated this ws not dillCUlllled in the Caadttee.
Mr. Paul IUut., Land Use Planning and Engineering,
apcke to the Colai.uion with staff reca•mdations,
~ting out the ~ 1.._rded changes as Slal!Brized in
the packet, and how they differ frca the ca.ittee
Mr. AnNr apcke again, stating the COUnty would be
reoaptive to re-inatating Highway 680 into the plan
again, and he felt this lhould be brought 1-t) to the Boatd
of SUpervim.
a..iman Rmllotia re-q,etlled the public hearing at 9: 17
p.L and stated the streets IOlld be called as they
.....-in the ....-y n plblic if4)Ut would be given at
that tilla •
...., dal (ko Interc:bange
Nr. Jam Bentham, P. o. Box 2143, carlabad, .tdre&sed
the Oc::wdNum, tepc_aenting G , G ll!nterprieee, Inc.,
at:.attna the interc::hanlJe at BighlMy 78 and Rancho del Oro
baa no tilla table • far • calTrans is ooncerned, n
no funlSing cat:AlgQCy. Be CJJMtioned llbether this
~ 1G1ld t. lllP[Cptiate, • it oould create m srobl-bacw-al ■pacing probl-. Mr. Hentbom
•tat.! M -ll()Nking in fa9CX' of staff reo _ndatial
not to CDllltruct Rancho del Oro if the freeway achange
la not Pl'Orided, a went aw step further and asked the o-fJtan t:,r, AU-rd to the City eouncu that this be
elialnat:ed tn:a the Circulatioo Bl-nt. o---of oa..iaicn
0-'tt. ..,. nthtioo wa aclopt:ed to clwify •
Nl,_.Y ~ M 78 to llL If no freeway interchange,
NIOPII" lbou1d not t. incll.ded in Ci£'Qllatloo Bl.ant. @
PIMtUR; CDIMISSI<:fi .June 25, 1984 Page 3
Priae Arterials
Melroee and Rancho Santa Fe
.Jim Goff, representing Daon, 1241 Elm, (speaking for the
Circulation c.a.ittee), used a chart to show the subject
streets n stated if staff switched those b«>, there
would be aDi'@ than me oonstricted place. Mr. Goff
queetimed the ability to get six lanes, and stated at
Ranc:ho santa Fe and Olivenhein, in crder to widen that,
hcaes would have to be oordelmed. Re felt it possible
to find that with six lanes, it wuld never be workable.
Staff indicated the~ projects along Rancho Santa
Fe, and stated there were none IIR)roved on both sides of
the street to pinch the street. Staff reiterated it felt
the need to '4)9tD Rancho santa Fe because of the
traffic oounts projected there.
COnsensus of Cmaission
Majority of four llll!llt)ers expressed a pt"eference for
Prime Arterial for both Melrose and Racho Sante Fe.
Palanar Airport~
C0naenaus of Ckllaission
ca..ittee and Staff ~ndations to downgrade to
Major frmi I-5 to carlsbad Boulevard was adopted.
El camino Real
Conaenaus of Ccmlissioo
Cmai.aaioo agreed to •intain rurrent aligrment and
priae arterial status.
carlaball Boulevard
Olneerwua of co.issioo
Cmai.saia"I llgreed to naintain rurrent aligraent and
•jar arterial status.
OonNrwue of Cnlaiaaioo
Cmai.uion unania:lual.y agreed with rurrent alignEnt and
ajar arterial status.
Ooll!9! Boulwam
00IWIMua of <maisaion
llajcrity of Cnlaiuion agreed with staff reooaendation
to 11P9tlllle to •jar arterial fi:al Palo.tr AitpOrt Road
to PoinNt.tia.
llld.1 ~, 7219 Nhala Drive, acMresaed the
Ooa1 ukln, atatinJ the staff mo _ ndation would cause
a lot ol. traffic and Cl'911te probl-. He felt the
00aitt.. !1'9-· ndation ia ax:h better.
~ CDIHSSI~ June 25, 1984 Page 4
Mr. 11:i Suh Park, Gruen Associates, representing Hunt
Prq,erties, Inc., spoke , stating Hunt was ~tive of
Alga tying into Poin&ettia. He stated they were not
certain about connecting with College-need nore time to
study whether it should be to College. He stated they
did oot lllllnt people to taJce College to rome through
their prq,erty.
Consensus of Ccmllission
ec-ission agreed to staff reocmnendation, to re-align
Alga to College. Downgrade west of El Camino ~eal to
Sea:lndary and llllintain Major arterial classification
and alignnent east of El Cami.no Real.
Chairwan Rcax>tis declared a re ss at 10:07 p.m. and
the Ccadssion re-oonvened at 10: 13 p.m., with all
Ccadssioners present.
Major Arterials
Mr. Ki Suh Park, Hunt Properties, addressed the
Callnission stating they supported staff and <Xllllllittee
r~ndations en aligning Poinsettia and Carrillo Way.
He stated they would like to study an alternative, that
by following the tq>ography of the land would require
less re-alignnent. Mr. Park requested a nvre detailed
study for the aligrment.
Staff indicated they had looked at tlolO aligrments at the
intersection of El Cami.no Real and believed one CDUld
not be proved superior to the other fran either a
circulation or a grading point of view.
Conaensus of Ckalission
C~seion agreed with staff and a:mnittee
reooaendation of re-aligning Poinsettia to meet
Carrillo and llP.Jrade carrillo to major arterial.
IA Colita Avenue
Nn. Catherine Regan, 7728 Palacio, La Costa, spoke
ngarding the widening of La Coeta fra11 1-5 to El C.-dno
Real and staff int.1iceted that eventually this will be
widened to blO lanes with a median and a left turn lane.
COnNnaua of ec-iseion
Cm.iuim agreed to accept the ~ttee report to
Mintaln 01rnnt ali~nt and claulfioation as maior
arterial wet of. Bl C-.ioo: secondary east of Bl
Caino Real.
Nr. Jeny Ney.r, 1755 T~ac:k, dk.ued the caaiuion
•tating he tllV'ON'd the Coaittee prq,cul th•t Tamarack
be downgraded. He tel t awr • e reocal!ndation was
unfair, ■tating the llafety of the people backing out of
their drl~ and ctiildren wllcing along the atreet
IGlld ba jeapardlNd.
~ CDIHSSICfi June 25, 1984 Page
Mr. Harry Haubert, 1241 Tainaraclc Avenue, space to the
ca..issioo, stating the residents want a unani.trous
decisia,-----one they oan live with. He stated Tamaraclc
should be a two-lane oollector street. Mr. Haubert felt
Tamarack CDUld oot be turned into a seoondary-too nmty
curves, driveways, varying widths, too neny schools and
the how!les are too clooe to the street. He stated he
disagreed with SNl)N.;'s pr:edictioo with regard to
T..araclc at buildout. Mr. Haubert stated if Tamaraclc
were wider, that wuld attract nore traffic that would
go faster. Be concluded, asking for quality growth for
Camdssioner Schlehuber stated there could be oo
decisioo oo Taaraclc wit.hoot the EIR.
Mike Holzmiller, Lam Use Planning Manager, stated if
Tam.traclc were cbwngraded, it would be neoer sary for the
City to cb an BIR. Re requested the Camdssion indicate
to staff that an EIR should be prepared.
Paul IClultas stated the data had been received on the
tripe west of I-5, and it was inoonsistent with a
oollecttx street. However, he stated an EIR was needed
to indicate the p,:obleni.
Mrs. Judy Prioe, addressed the camdssion, stating her
oonoem about the safety for the school children and the
people backing out of driveways. She said it would be
iJlp)esible to back out into fNr lanes of traffic. Her
reoamendation was for: a two-lane street.
Mrs. Ellen Ponte, 522 Tamaraclc Avenue, space in
oppoeition to widening Tamraclc, as it would be
expensive to acquire and destroy lnlles, and the danger
to the children, people going to the beach and senior
citizens would be trelllendous.
Mr. Lefty Anear, spoke again, stating he didn't think
Taaradt wuld imke it as a fout'-lane highway, and he
reiterated the safety factocs oo Taiaraclc. Re stated
where Mr. Haubert lives wuld be a bottleneck. Re felt
all the fact.a ahould be looked at and the best decision
nlllde for all the oam.inity.
11111 a.burg, Min:,u Drive, spoke to the Comnission,
stating if this wre to be a eeoondary street, liihy did
they iuue perm.ts for dri vewaya.
Mr. Bob Mcxrillal, 3891 Highland, spoke in qipoaitioo to
lllking Taaradt a eeoondary arterial, as it would then
be right nut: to his hcuae.
Nr. Pcnte, 522 Taaradt Aveooe, apoke in qipoaitioo to
widening Taaradt, stating he had reviewed the S»n,G
npcrt aid felt there ehould be aw atand!!rd for both,
with wat T...-adt being downgraded.
Nn. Ra1pl ca.., 1725 TaKadt, stated she ...a speaking
for her heat in qlp(leitioo to widening T-radt.
June 25, 1984
Consensus of Ckmnission
ca.dssioo agreed that Tamarack oot be changed at this
time rut, instead, an EIR should be looked at before
a final decisioo was mde, and recx:mnended the City
Council direct thP. staff to prepare an EIR.
Olivenhain R:>ad
Consensus of camtission
ca.dssioo agreed with oomnittee and staff report to
IMint~in current alignment and ~rade to prime arterial.
Consensus of CCll'lnission
Ccanission agreed with camdttee report oo 680 to
maintain the roadway in the County plans and extend west
to Leucadia Boulevard.
Secondary Arterials
El Fuerte
Cbnsensus of camtission
Cclllnissioo agreed with staff and cx:mnittee
reannendations to extend oorthward to provide link with
Faraday: classifioatioo as Secondary Arterial.
Lagoon Lane
Staff wants to oowngrade the middle section of this
street to a oollectcc street.
Mr. 11'.i Suh Park, 6330 san Vicente Boulevard, ws
Angeles, spoke in qiposition to staff and camdttee
reo:::aaendation, stating traffic adjacent to the lagoon
would oonflict with mintaining the natural environnent
of the lagoon. Mr. Park reoaiaended a oollectcc street
tying back to Alga-ellllinate through traffic and
provide access to the shcxe of the lagoon.
Mr. Lefty Anear addressed the camdssioo, stating when
the aibdivieioo ves approved, this street was to be a
oonnectioo to El Cai.no Real, with a fire statioo there.
Public ahould be allowed to drive along the lagoon. He
~nded the fire station be aoved, if they oon't
want ecceea.
Mr. Willi• Savage, Box i73, Rancho santa Fe, spoke to
the Coat utoo, stating he was in total agreement with
staff, and he asked fur a ooll~ street~ to where
staff indicated.
O\airperaon McFadden stated she vu oot in favor of
Mking streets oollectcn. It was always passible to
downgrade a street, but very difficult to ~ade ooe.
Mr. Bob Inlow, 1900 Thankagiving Tower, Dallas Texas,
repreNnting Hunt Pr:q>erties, addreued the Collllissioo,
•tating ~ are negotiating with agencies fer a street
through there, and feel there is a peroeptioo of high
traffic through there. Mr. Inlow stated he ooncurred
vit.h Mr. AnNr. @
PI.Mfin(; aw.ISSICN June 25, 1984 Page 7
Staff stated frail Mr. Savage's property, it ooes rot
warrant a serondary arterial, this was why staff
re<Dllllended a oollector street. ~re the street
exceeds oollector standards, it should be upgraded.
It ws agreed staff oould rome ~ with proper wording.
ca.nissia1er Farrow stated he did rot want this tied
into El Calli.no RMI and wanted that in the description.
Consensus of Ccnlission
ca.issioo felt oo the east side, Lagoon Lane should rot
tie into El Camino Real. It should re-align rorthward
to oollect to Alga. The middle portioo should be
downgraded to oollector, bJt kept in Circulation
Avenida F.ncinas tcrth of Palanar Airport a:>aa
Mr. "18sell Grosse, 5850 Sunny Creek la!ld, gave c:opies
of a map to the camdssion, and stated Mr. Clluck Strong
would give the report.
Mr. Cllarles Strong, San Diego, spoke to the cannission,
using the mp given to the C-allnission, and a chart
showing the area of Avenida Encinas, and stating it
exists as a oollector street-although a wide ooe, and
reoamended it be designated a oollector street. He
felt it oould rot reach secondary arterial standards,
and did rot wish to be saddled with a misnaner.
Mr. Doug Avis, representing Sa!ffl\is Properties, addressed
the Ccadssion regarding their property south of
Lakeshore Gardens, and felt this street was a oollector.
Mike HolZllliller stated that under the present standards,
it is a secondary arterial.
Consensus of camdssion
On this ite111, the ca.issioo was evenly divided oo the
~tioos of staff and the a:adttee; it remains
as a aeoondary arterial.
Avenida Bncinas South of J:oinsettia Lane
Mr. Avie stated the cranittee had not studied this
street md ade recm.endatiau1 as a result of the
SMmM; report. Be repcrted there was a !::uffer for Lake
Shere Gudena, n if that bluff that served as a bJffer
were J:WaOYed, it would affect Lake Shore Gardens
Mr. Avis nqueeted the reom.aendatioo of staff be
aAXoved rather than the Circulatioo COlllllittee.
Cmaiuicn agreed with staff to downgrade eouth of
LllkNhoce Gardena Mobil.hal2 Parlt to oollector street and
leaw in Circulation Eleaent.
YUTOW, caino Vida Roble, !telly and Faraday
Staff stated iua e, ta i should be CX>naiden!d
aaparately, but that the naainder of the it-oould
be ODnlidend together since there were ro differences
in ataff/oaaitt.ee recx-.niSationa..
1! \;
~n«; CDIHSSI~ June 25, 1984 Page 8 ~ :,~~ 1E,
Consensus of Cclllnission
CcmniBSion agreed to the a:mnittee reo:mnendations a,
everything except Yarrow Drive/Cam.loo Vida Roble, Kelly
am Faraday.
d. Paaec> del !brte. Maintain current alignment and
secondary status.
g. UMl!lned Street ( Poinsest tia to Lagoon Lane) •
Maintain 0.1rrent alignnent and seondary status.
j. Marron. Maintain current alignment and seoondary
k. Monroe. Maintain seoondary status, current alignment
fraa Elin to Marron.
1. Mission Estancia. Maintain secondary status,
current aligJWEnt. Intersect with Melrose if oatpleted:
loop back to Rancho Banta Fe if Melrose Is oot exteriled l10Uth.
The suggestion was mde to oontact North County Transit
District regarding street loads.
Yarrow Drive
Consensus of camdssion
caaission agreed with staff and cannittee to oowngrade
to In&lstrial.
Camioo Vida ltlble
Consensus of Cclllnission
ca..issioo agreed with staff to naintain as seoondary.
!telly laid
Q>neensus of Ckmnission
ca.i.BSion agreed with cxnnittee reocmnendation to re-
align to avoid Macario Canyon.
Staff niport should be rorrected to read •fran College
to cannon•.
ConNneua of C'allliaaioo
oo..iuion oonwrred with staff ~ndation to place
in Circulation Plan as oollectcr street fraa College to
The Plami.BJ Ccaaiaaion asked staff to prepare a draft
with f inal reeol.utione a, what was cbne tonight.
~ a:MMISSI~ June 25, 1984 Page 9
By p:q,er 11Dtion, the special neeting of June 25, 1984,
was adjourned at 12: O 1 a. m.
Respectfully sut:aitted,
Land Use Planning Manager
Harriett B.l!bbitt
M iootes Cleric