HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-22; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: MINUTES ~ <DMISSICN August 22 , 1984 7:00 p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Challt>ers COMMISSIONERS CALL ro <RD: '!be Meeting was called to crder ~ Vice-O'lairnan Rawlins at 7:00 p.m. RlLL CALL: Present: Vice-Olairwan Rawlins, camdssicners Schlehuber, Slni th and Marcus. At&ent: Ccaaissiooers Raltx:>t is, Farrow and Md"adden. PU!OOE <:I AI.UX.INCE was led ~ Vice-<llait"lllln Rawlins. PINtaR; CIJIU$ICN PRX:FlXJRE: Vice-Olairmn Rawlins annoonoed the Planning Comnissioo Prooea1re we being shown al a transparency and asked the audience to spend a few minutes reading it. Staff Mmbe.:s Present: Bill Bof:mn, Principal Planner Charles Grua, Principal Planner Walter Brown, Civil Engineer Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager Ex-Officio Melllbers Present: Dan Hentsdlke, Assistant City Attorney 1. V-362 -PAUNR V!2fflJRES -Request for apprOval of a variance to ridioe a portloo of the frootyard setback frail SO feet to 36 feet to allow for the CXX1Structicn of bolo research and develqaent ruildings at the oorthwest cnrr,er of Palomr Airport Road and Avenida Encinas in the P--M--() ZCS)e. Bill Bofaan, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo al this it.a• <DlWned in the staff report. C'alliMi.mer saith stated he had read the Minutes and felt qualified to~ at this itai. Vice Cbah::wn R.-1.ina q>ened the ?,lblic hearing at 7: 03 p.a. and ~ the invitatioo to speak. Since oo ate w1ab.5 to speak at this item, the p.iblic hearing was cl0Nd. Rawlins Scbleh•Jbe'I'. Sllith Marcus © MINUTES August 22 , 1 984 Page 2 Bill Bofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo ai this item • (X)l'ltained in the staff report, UBing a transparency to show the site and another transparency showing the existing RC and the prqa;ed RC area. Be oc:aiented the applicant had placed a site plan ai the wall, oot it is not being o::insidered at this time. Vioe-Olairmn Rawlins cpened the ?Jblic hearing at 7:07 p.m. and issued the invitatioo to speak. Mr. callaghan stated the applicant ronairred with staff's re~tims. Mr. Bofnan called attentioo to the Mes.orard.im dated August 22, 1984, adding a finding to the Resolutioo. Planning Ccad.ssioo approyed the Negative Declaratioo issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and adopted the following Resolutioo: RESOU71'ICti 1'1). 2334, ~DC APPIO\TAL CF AN MIRJllfJft' '10 'lBE l'.NI:> tEE ~ CF 1HE CDERAL PLAN P'R:M CPm SPACE (00) 'ro ie::REATICJW. CI:MEICIAL (RC) 00 PklPBRn: GBNERAILY I.DCA'IED DM1DIATELY MJRl'B CF fUIURE CNH:5 I(W), s:xml CF 1GJA BEDI<Hlr\ I.IG:x:fi. Add the following finding: 3. 'ftlis pcopetty is located within the Kelly Ranch Master Plan area and its developnent will be <DlSistent with the standards, pcovisioos, and restrictioos identified in the apptOved ltelly Randi Master Plan. ~ 84-10/7.C-31~84-1 -CrIY CF CARLSBAD general plan t, 2XXle change and lllll!ndllent to the Agua Bedicmda Land Use Plan to a-eate a 001Dinatioo district (RC,~) with a,rrespcnding zcning (R-T) on propetty located south of Harrison Street between Interstate 5 and Booller Street. Charles Grilllm, Principal Planner, gave the pcesentatioo on this itea as crntained in the staff te?Xt, UBing a transparency showing the site. Mr. Gri.mn read the five altematives • pcesented in the report, (X)l'lciuding that alternative lUlber five is ~s: u.ded by staff. In wr to c«wi ssioo c:pery, staff stated ooastal polic.y guidelinee had been established, and ccpies of t.hoae guidelinee are available. A specific plan <DU.l.d be ckam llP and presented aincurrently with the G4!neral Plan aendlltnt and xne change. Vioe-Olairan Raflins cpened the ?Jblic hearing at 7:21 p.a. Ind 1uued the invitatioo to speak. Mr. Nidt Banche, 810 Mimioo Averue, Oceanside, r~eeenting ~ of the property owners in the area, adl!lc'e•-' the er-iBBiat, stating he felt this should be retumed to staff for a specific plan to be drawn~- Mr. MIDnd Daainguez, 4378 Adas Street, addressed t..~ Ccallaia\, stating this property should oot be dealt with pie-al, bJt • me piece. Mr. Dalli.nguez agreed with Mr. Banche that this should be returned to staff. Ratlins Sdtlehuber Smith MarC11S MINUTES Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Sally Katich, 4179 Highland, addressed the Conmission, stating if this item is returned to staff, she tq>ed both sides \Olld be oonsidered. Vioe-<:hairmn Rawlins asked for a show of hands of those in the audience that were present to speak en t.'lis item, and this was alJmet unaninnJs for those in attendance. Vioe-<:hairman Rawlins stated if all were here to speak in cppositioo and in favor of sending this bad< to staff, the Calllri.ssioo \Olld neke such a notion. Since oo cne else wished to give new testi.m::ny en this itEIII, the piblic testillaiy was o:,ncluded at 7:29 p.m. Staff agreed with the suggestioo to return this for a specific plan. Planning cannissioo returned this item to staff to CDDe fonrard with a specific plan, after o:,nferring with the prq,erty omers and their ~tatives. 4. ZCA-174~ -CITY OF CARIEBAD -Alnerlalent to the Zarling and Specific Plan 19 (Car Country) to allow the Planning camri.ssion to o:,nsider minor nooificatioos to Sectioo 21.41.075(b) of the Sign Ordinance. Charles Grimn, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo on this item as o:,ntained in the staff report. He stated the nemranlhn dated August 22, 1984, would be staff's rea:mnendatioo, as follows: ( 9) Where the spacing requirem:mts of this Sectioo \Olld preclude adequate identificatioo of services er pr:oducts available oo a lot, the spacing restrictioos of Subsectioo (2), (3) and (4) my be varied 1-l) to ten percent provided that the additiooal sign er signs are part of a oaiprehensive developnent plan er are located within a specific plan area and further provided that 111:xUficatioo of the spacing requirements will rot cause a proliferatioo of signs er traffic ex safety problem. Vice-Chairman Rawlins q>ened the piblic hearing at 7:35 p.m. and issued the invitatioo to speak. Sinoe oo cne wished to speak oo this item, the piblic hearing was cloeed. Plaining ca-tssi.oo IIIJPtvved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Mar.ager and lll:q)ted the following Reeoluticns: RBSOWTICli H'.>. 2339, ~n,:; APPIUJAi., OF A DiE ClX>E M■iiiliff, Niii>m:; m 21 , CHAP'l'ER 21 • 4 1 , SEx:"rICli 075(b), OP 'IBE ~ IUnCIPAL <IDE, '10 AUlM '!HE I'IAalilE CIIIIISSICli '10 CDiSIDER APPRJVDC MDOR ID>InCATICliS '10 'IBE SPACIR:. ~REMENl'S CF 'lHIS sm:T!Clf. AECUJ'1'I(D H'.>. 2340, IB:XMIIH>J}I; APP10VAL CF SP-19(8), TO IJDRICIWl'B A m:vISICli '10 'DIE SIQi CR>DWO: ALUJaNj '1'BE ~ CXNIISSIClf '10 CIH;IDER APPICNil(; MDl'.m IO>IPICATICliS '10 'IBE SPACIR; ~RPJG!Nl'S PER1'AINIR'.i '10 P'll!IIS'l'»l>IR; SICH;. Rawlins Schlehuber Smith MMcus Rawlins Schlehuber Smith Marcus @ MINUTES AugUst 22, 1984 'lbe piuagtllp'i listed as ( 9) is to be inrorpcrated into Ezhibit A of Resolutioo 2339. '!be Minutes of the July 25, 1984, meeting were approved as pr:esented. ~= By ptqier IIDtioo, the 11eeting of August 22, 1984, was adjoumed at 7:36 p.m. Respect.fully sul:lllitted, ' MICHAEL J. Land Use Plaming Manager Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk MEETilCS ARE M.S:) 171,PFD NE KEPI' Cli FILE [M'IL 'lHE MIRJ'mS ARE APPIUJFD. Rawlins Schlehuber Saith MarOJS X X X X X