HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-09-26; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of:
Date of Meeting:
Time of Meeting:
Plaa! of Meeting:
5ept.ent)er 26, 1984
7:00 p.m.
City Council Ch!nt)ers
'the Meeting was called to order by Olairman Rootx>tis at
7:00 p.m.
Present: Olairman Radx>tis, camdssicners
Sduehuber, Smith, L' Heureux, Farrow and
Absent: camrl.ssicner Maro.is.
Staff Me!lt>ers Present:
Bill Hofman, Principal Planner
Charles Grillla, Principal Planner
Mike Bowes, Assistant Planner
Walter Brown, Civil Engineer
Mike Bolziniller, Land Use Planning Manager
Ex--Officio Memlers Present:
Dan Bentschke, Assistant City Attorney
Chairman Raltx>tis intrcd.Joed the new Planning
ca.issia1er, St.e{ben L'Beureux.
Cha!ran ROll!botis called attention to the Planning
Ccad.ssioo Prooedires printed era the bade of the Agenda.
PLEOOE a ~ was led by Olairman Rontx>tis.
CXJll'DllED :EUll.IC ~:
1. ~191 -SCHlY CREEll: SPECIFIC PIAN -A residential
speclllc plan m approiliiately 800 acres of ptopert:t
located south of future Cm'VlOn Road, east of future
College Avenue, oorth of the Sunny Creek biological
habitat and west of the Dawaal Eoological Preserve.
Bill Bofan, Principal Planner, gave the presentatiai of
this itea as contained in the staff report, using
transparencies to show the site and the zoning density
and a wall chart shoting the density transitiai. Re
stated the density transition was fonulated die to
oppoeitiai by the neighbors to specific density
Caaisstoner Smith ~ticned haw staff would be able to
insure the last parcel de\ielq,ed would have density
available if the total area oould oot exceed two mi.ts
to the acre and staff answered lll)St of the land holdings
are large and would be large develq;ments. Staff felt
they a:iuld control the density, ~r, there was the
risk of. ruming out of mits fer the last projects. In
anawier to another questia, regarding the density, staff
stated this 1111118 the gross density.
Chainml Ralbotis expressed oonoem about the elwnaticn
of ~tten en the streets, and felt mintenanoe oould be a
problem to the City in the future. walter Brown ausweted
the streets IOlld be a straight rurb with no gutter-
ooncrete and they '°1ld CJ) below the paveEnt surfaoe with
a painted edge, and added that straight rurb has been in
use in califomia for a l'Ult)er of years. 6)
Septeatier 26, 1984
Chairman Raltx>tis cpened the public hearing at 7: 10 p.m.
and issued the invi tatioo to speak.
Mr. Steve Bieri, 11300 SOrento Valley~, t101,
rep['esenting Randle> Del Cerro, spoke to the camdssioo en
behalf of the Kelly prcperty. Be referred to the oopies
of the letters the Ccmnissiooers had received fran the
Sippel family and the Kelly family, asking that their
prq>erty be excluded fran the planning area. Mr. Bieri
also asked for tiJle to respood at the €nd of the public
testinaly. Olairmn Raltx>tis stated that if SClle aatter
came up that had oot been addressed, he would be given
time to respmd.
P.!.:. Michael Rider, 9605 Scrantm Road, San Diego,
addressed the camissioo, stat~ he did rot feel all
the ptcperties within the specific plan area were the
Salll!, and shoold be a:insidered differently. Be irlied
that pdmarily the specific plan area shoold include
only those relating to the Sunny Creek resource. Mr.
Rider referred to several wall dlarts showing why the
Kelly prq>erty shoold be excluded fran the specific plan
boundaries. He stated each of the charts would be
basically the same as staff's exhibit. 'ftle five dlarts
were explained by hi.a, and he stated that visually the
Kelly prq,erty shoold oot be included. As far as
traffic, the Kelly traffic will be criented to Canncri
Road and in the future other exits, and oo significant
UDUnt of Kelly traffic would travel through the Sunny
Creek area. Fran a drainage stanqx,int, the primary
drainage extends east to the preserve area. flt:lst of the
specific plan area drains to that area. Mr. Rider said
a smaller ate does oover a portioo of the Kelly
prcperty, but if that is followed, the drainage does oot
camect to the Sunny Creek trirutary until it is ootside
the boundaries. 'ftle Kelly prq>erty has a very light
effect oo the drainage. Mr. Rider stated the Kelly
property related m::,re to the Canncri Road rorrid::>r than
to the specific plan area. In CDOclusioo, Mr. Rider
asked that all of the Kelly property be excluded fran
the specific plan. He~ a <Xlllpranise had been
proposed that the area south of the ridge line which
bisects the Kelly pcoper ty be included and the balance
of the Kelly land be excluded. 'I.bis offers 1001
protectioo of the issues staff addressed.
In answer to a ~tioo from Chairnm Raltx>tis as to why
they had ait off the boundary line so atruptly, Mr. Rider
stated they did this at the spot where a road was to be
built, thinking that the road 1IIOU1.d IIBke a <p:)d boundary
Mr. Nidt Bancbe, 810 Missioo Avenue, Oceanside, spoke en
behalf of O'Hara ptcpertles, stating their project was
~ with a high level of standards and rural
ats:lephere. With the project O'Hara is providing, Mr.
Banche stated they shool.d have density oonsideratioo, tut
they did oot ask for that. Mr. Banche asked for
consistency in the density er Mr. O'Hara would want to
~ bade and get his fair share of the density.
Nr. Ruuell Grosse, 5850 Sumy Creek Ibid, addressed the
Ccaaiasioo, stating his a:inpany and the Mandanna
Cotporatioo had reached an agreement for a joint wnture.
He said he was basically in favoc of what staff W¥S
trying to oo, but he was ooncerned when the plan gets to
foot· tmits per acre. Be did not feel this would ll«Xk.
Septentier 26, 1984 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS
Mr. Grosse gave the setbadt di.Jllensicns and the lot size
and said it would oot be rural-rut in fact, "°11.d have
to be a very small house. Re felt it would be an error
to ~ly the rural estate standards to the Kelly
prq,erty, and he objected to the m parking a, the
streets. Mr. Grosse a:mnented that anyone has a party
now and then when all the peq,le cannot park their asrs
m your prq>eI ty. Be felt that "°11.d be lmfair to the
residents to eliminate all street parking. Re did
suggest there be oo 011emight parking-such as between 2
a.m. and 5 a.m. As an alternative, mre offstreet parking
could be required, but he felt that was oot feasible.
Chairman Raltx>tis asked Mr. Grosse to cament a, the
Kelly exclusia,, and he said he was oot ctlP()6ed to that;
that he thought it was ootside the ooundaries.
Mr. Grosse stated the rurt>er of buildings a, the ground
had 110re effect than the nunt>er of dwellings-and he said
he would rather see ooe building with two dwellings, than
two buildings a, that she lot.
At this point, Mr. B:>fman clarified the setbacks, stating
there were different provisia,s foc setbacks, depending
on the density of the project.
Victa Kato, 2004 Subida Terrace, spoke a, behalf of his
parents who om 73 acres of land in this area. ne
pointed this land oot a, the wall nap and said this is
next door to Oceanside, where a large developnent is
going in. Be felt this was rot CDDpatible with zero to
one en their prq>erly. Also, his parents' property faces
Leisure Village, which has a higher density.
Mr. Ben cantarini, 905 Laguna Ori ve, representing the
cantarini family, spoke to the Comnissioo, stating they
have no plans for: their prq>erty and are q:p:lSed to the
plan the City is prop:lSing.
Since m cne else wished to speak a, this item, the
public testillaty was ooncluded at 7: 38 p. m.
In a\Slller to query, staff stated the Kato's request did
not mtch the land use plan as displayed. 'ftie eastern
portion is zero to 1 • 5; the RL area takes in the
Mandan:-.a prq>erty and xato property, and the remainder
is RIii, zero to 4. Staff's intent was to Eke the
Specific Plan ronsistent with the existing General
OOnaissicner Farrow cxaaented it "°11.d be nice to have
all the devel.oplent plans at cne time to address the
sensitive areas of the preserve, habitat, etc. Be asked
staff why the plan ,es needed-because of the
sensitivity er the land lM3e er both, and staff answered
that the Mandanna tentative mp started the idea to <b a
specific plan for: the entire Sunny Creek: area. It was
felt this would be a unique area in the City to set l4> a
rural estate type of 2loning. 'ftiere was ~itioo by
the neighbon to an eriginal draft of the plan.
However, at a subeequent City Council lll!!eting, the
Council voted 3 to 2 to direct staff to a::mplete the
plan md tring it bade to the Planning cannissioo and
City Council f<x pmlic hearing.
Coall.i.asicner P'arro., expreesed concern for-the other
properties affected-such as the Kelly ~y. Be felt
it we a mtter of lcpogtcsphy versus the plan.
Septemler 26, 1984 Page 4
In answer to a questioo regarding the Kato prq>erty and
how that relates to this, staff said they felt the
graphic that best depicted the acreage was the drainage
plan. Fran that plan, you can see the Kato prq>erty
drains anrt fran Leisure ij:)rld, and there would be no
through traffic to Leisure ~ld. '!be ooly irlpact "°-ild
be a visual inpact.
camdssiooer Schlehuber asked about excluding the Kelly
ptq>etty and staff agreed it could be excluded, rut not
where the road theoretically would be. 'Itle natural
ridge line would be the logical dividing line.
Ccllllllissiooer Schlehuber aqreed with Chairman Raltx>tis
about the street and curb and felt Mr. Grosse's point
was well-taken about the parking oo the street. Re felt
the street should be mde two lanes each 12 feet and 8
feet parking. Ccmnissiooer Schlehuber also felt the
10,000 square foot lot size was too small.
Staff stated Mandanna dJes have an awro,ved te.ntati ve
map that is ronsistent with th'.'! Sunny Creek Plan.
Ccaaissiooer Smith agreed with the relief oo the Kelly
prcperty and felt the etreet should allow for sane
Camdssiooer McFadden agreed with ?llling the line to
the ridge line a, the Kelly pcq>erty and would like to
see 32 foot wide streets. She expressed roncern about
the Kato pu:perty vieual inpact.
Calllissiooer L'Beureux had a problem justifying four
dwelling units a, 10,000 square foot lots-that would
not be rural estates. He felt there should be
flexibility, especially with the tqx:,grap,y and
restraints in that area. He could oot support the four
unit:8 to an acre.
Mike Bolzmilfar stated staff had tried to take this into
oonsideratioo, .md that was why the four units was
propoeed by the Kelly property-it dJes have an existing
10,000 square foot ID'le. Bowever, if the Kelly pcopetty
were rellOV'ed, perhaps that would renove sane of the
concerns. 'fflere would be a smaller area, and perhaps
ncne of that area IO.lld be suitable for four units per
em.d.ssicner L'Beureux cnnented if the Kelly pcq>etty
were an:,ved aloog the ridge, the Sunny Creek Plan IO.lld
change with reference to density and transitioo and
would bea:llle a different propoeal.
Olairmn Radx,tis asked staff what directioo Council had
given regarding the study l!rea, and staff said Council
waa oonoerned that the area not be so small as to oot
warrant this type of. anoept. Staff agreed that Kelly
Piq>e.t ty had presented valid arguaents---which had oot
coae forth until the last week er two.
Co.d.saia'ler Farrow agreed there should be parking oo
the streets, with a time limitatioo 2:00 a.m. to 5:00
P~ a:MIISSIOO Septe!llber 26, 1984 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS
Ccmnissioo return@d this item to staff for further study
and l:ring badt October 24, 1984. Directioo to staff to
include the Kelly prq>erty to the ridge line ooly; that
the streets be wide enough to allow minim.mt par1':ing and
designed with proper rurb and gutter: an individual
survey oo density; Kato property-zero to 4, with the
rest of it to be larger lots oown to cne half acre and
sane at cne acre.
Staff asked specific directioo as to density and how
llllch Kelly pt'q>erty to include. Olairman Raltlotis
answered that density shoold relate to topography.
Staff said they CDUld define the density based oo
tqiography, natural features, etc. 'nle ca.nissiooers
agreed they wanted the plan refined and that the 10,000
square foot lot did rot fit this area.
Mike Holzmiller stated the lateness of the recent
meetings would be discussed at the end of tooight's
Olairman Radx>tis declared a recess at 8:12 p.m. and
Camdssioo re-cawened 8: 15 p. m. , with six Conmissiooers
2. ZC-308~CT 84-11/CP-282 -CARLSBAD BEACH ~ CUJB
-Request or a oooe change, teritatl ve tract nap, and
ccndolllinillll permit en 9.4 acres located between carlsbad
Boulevard and AT'5F Railroad at Pooto/Anacapa Road.
Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo as
cooWned in the staff report, with a transparency
showing the site. 'ttle issue is the City-owned property
between Anaoapa Road and Carlsbad Boulevard, with
applicant's intent to p!:'OOeSS vacatioo of this pt:operty
through Council. Staff is reoomnending a rontinuanoe of
this project 1.mtil such time as the City Council
ooosiders a vaoatioo of the City-owned property.
Assistant City Attorney Bentsdlke stated the Comnissioo
cannot ake a decisioo oo this project lD'ltil the City
Council decides whether to vacate the property to the
It ws rec:uaended the camd.ssioo take public testim:ny
oo this i tell and discusB the project to get the
applicant's feelings.
Olairmn Radx>tis q>ened the public hearing at 8:19 p.m.
and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Bob Ladwig, Ridt Engineering, representing the
applioant, a:ncurrGd with staff's report and
r~tioo to rontinue this item. Be stated this
was a prooedlral cpestion that hasn't oome l4> before.
Mr. Ladwig agreed there should be public input and the
applicant' a te&tiJ!IClnY. Be added there would be two
buildings, with the me closer to Carlsl:t>ad Boulevard a
two-et.oey wilding, arid the cne 1¥ the railroad a three--
story wilding. ~.tie wildings had been switched as
SepteBt)er 26 , 1 984 Page 6
Mr. Ladwig stated they IOlld use the cpen space in
calculating the density and he asked for clarification
on <:aldition 33 d. Be gave oopies of an exhibit to the
CCllaissuners to show the applicant 16 pt"CpOScU. Be al<;o
referred to the fifth line fran the b:>ttal in the same
paragraph where it states the width of the pavement be
recb::ed to 28 feet-4le felt that IOlld be a problem and
wanted the wording cdded, •or as otherwise approved by
the City Engineer.•
Ccmnissiooer Sdll.ehuber asked at:out the noise fact.or
aloog the railroad and Mr. L!lotig answered a noise study
had been d:ne and sumitted to staff, and he IOlld
suggest a noise oondition be cdded. Mr. Ladwig gave
another paper to lll!llb!rs of the ca..i.ssioo for their
Mr. Geot"ge P.odgers addressed the Camrission asking if the
awlicant is going to take density aedit foc the cpen
space, wiat will ~ to that cpen spaoe--will it be
left a ESS OC' who will mintain. Staff replied the
open space will be owned by the appliicant and acme
areas will be mintained by the hc:llleomers association
and they will be left in their natural state.
Since no cne else wished to speak a, this netter, the
public testim::riy was ooncluded at 8:25 p.m.
Cbairnan Raltlotis asked the Cann:i ss icners to give the
applicant scae direction en the project.
Ccmmi.ssimer L'Beureux said the a:nfusioo regarding naE
of street should be addressed. Be felt the project was
not a ple"5ing cne frclll an aesthetic ~int. 'Ibe
railroad ooise shoold be addressed, and the fact that
the active recreatia, area required people to walJc
across a nejor street did not seen to IIBke them relate
to the rest of the project.
Ccanissiooer Smith stated he saw ooly me rz.~1
oourt, and how rould that be called a racquetball club.
Ccali.ssioner Sdll.ehuber ooncurred with 0:-1 ssicner
L'Beureux as to the building and the railroad mise.
cc-tssiooer ~ expressed <D'loern OYer the cmve
and waI ter Brown said it had to be oone that 'fla'J: that a
variance request W11S acoaipanying the project.
cc-tssimer NcPadden (1.JeStioned whether it "°'1ld be
safe. She also felt the project vas too large for the
area and the aenities did mt relate to the
Planning caa.issia, <Dntinued this item until the City
Council lakes a decisioo oo the vacation of the City-
ONned prq>erty.
3. 1.C-31~ -~ -Request fOC' a 2Dlt: mange
frca P-C Rl>-ft aid a Plarviing camdsaioo Deter'llination
for: a 2.«-unit apm:tlllent project a, a 21.56 acre parcel
located between ca.ino de las Ondas and Buttercup~.
eut of Pase::> del Norte.
Sept.ed:,er 26, 1984 Page 7
Charles Griaa, Principal Planner, gave the presentaticn
on this itea as oonWned in the staff report,
referencing a ~an&.a given to the ec..dssicriers
tmicllt regarding Conditims 16 and 17.
On Resolution 2357, Mr. Grima gave ~ies of p,otographs
to the caaissiooers (Ncne to the Minutes Clerk) as to
how the mrports .:JUld look. 'Ibis was Exhibit R.
A tranapm:ency showing the site was used and th'! density
bcnul!I would mite 12.1 units per acre with 2« total
unite. A wll ap was used to dea:lnstrate the
justifioatiat for the density tonus, the rullb!r of
aaenitiee, termi.s <XlllrtB, eeYeral p:x>ls and spa areas,
trail systa and cpen space. In additiai, the llR)liamt
will provide carports, ..trldl are not a requi rement for
aputa:nt mit."'. In addition to oth@r amen ... t ies, 25~
would be for aoderate in~ rents at 901 of median
inc:rae. 'Die project is in the soutmleSt quadrant of the
City~ it is me of the first apartment projects
there. Mr. Gria said that b@sides the great l'Ultler of.
mElities, the final justificatioo was the low density
fer m apartaent project.
carw,i ssicner S111 th asked about the 251 mderate i.ncaae
rents and how long they would remain and the Assistant
City Attorney stated the agn,..eaent had been structured
that those mi ts could not be (XX'lverted until the ten
years expire.
ec.ai.ssioner Smth asked about the drainage fran the
project md staff stated it ~ into a detentia,
desiltatiat facility, where IDSt of it is caught. 'lbere
is a drain through the project.
ec-iMioner Smith asked about the haul route fer the •terials, a Conditiai 24 was called to his attentioo.
'ffle haul routes will be cait rolled by the City P.ngineer.
OMlinan Rl0llbotis cpened the public hearing at 8:45 p.m.
and issued the invitatiat to speak.
Nr. Greg Nwille, 701 B Street, suite 845, 5an Diego,
upla.ined they were the largest builder of apart:a!nts in
the tJnited Statea md will be around after the project
1a built. Be a:wuted the project '°'11.d be ten feet
l.Cllff than the surrounding projects.
o.inan R0lb)t1a asked about e,ipcxt.ing dirt.
llr. Pat O'Dlly, 7750 Bl c:a.t.oo, Dlgineer at the project,
•tat.eel tmy vil1 have to ilpcct 25,000 yards of dirt.
Be atat.ed be la a N!ltler of the Traffic Safety
en-twtiJII and la a,are of the c.:l!llplaints of the
neidlnta nNr PMeO dal Nerte. Be said the haul route
ta PoinNttia rm the dirt would be a:ad.ng traa the
aauth. 'Ille •.cerial ta1te can al.8o be in that
4incticn. lk. O'Dlly abated there are large signs a1
hN0 dal llocte indicating that is not a th.rough truck
*· lrmat Pruett, 929 PuchsiA Lane, Mked about the
vat« that 90N &Ml into this --and asked vhy thay wn bailding m apart:aent o::aplex in a flood plain.
llr. Pruett al8o eapt ••-' oonoern about the traffic.
Nr. ~ RodlJer■, 6749 Rl.waelia c.ourt, JpOke in
ewoaitian to the ... change.
Sept.e1t,er 26, 1984 Page 8
Mr. Ray Gable apake to the a::-issiai, stating there
would be a drainage probls and he felt the area "°'11.d
flooc!-and the natural drainage areas should oot be
Mr. Neville respooded to the issues raifled; at the
subject of drainage, he stated it "°'11.d be desicped to
keep the wter along the flat (rainage. A portiai of
the desiltatiai basin has been b.Jilt and a portiai of
the aJl'Olit fn. Buttercup Road. As to the density probl•, he added there ms mre space than
Since oo one else wished to speak en this item, the
public testislny ms <Dncluded at 9: 00 p. m.
Densities were discuued brf the camdssiai and the low
inccae units. 'ffle Assistant City Attorney explained
the low ~ units M ~ br/ City Council. '!be
density lxlnus foE' low ~ is per the Government code
arxl oot set br/ the City.
co..i.ssialer Saith ms oonoemed about the
oaipatibility of this project with the neighbors. 'Ibe
aall.neu of the uni ts IIOU.l.d attract a transient ~-
Be felt the cirotl.atia, pattern IIOU.l.d be a problem.
co..i.ssialer McPadclen supported this project, stating
it ws a good i.me of this site.
In awwr to a ~tiai regarding the ten-year period
fer the low incxae lnita, the Assistant City Attorney
stated it is written • ten ye&rs fn. the date of the
a(Jl)LOYal of the occupancy permit.
co..i.uioner Farrow felt the an,licant had oone his
he uoc:k .ell and there is a need foE' apartaents. Be
did • I nt about the ?:eC:rMtiat area being at the end
of the project instead of in the center.
Mike Bolailler stated the City doesn't have a choice
in granting a density bolut-the State says if the
applicmt ia willing tx:> provide a,cjerate incale
bauaing, the City met grant a 251 density lxlnus er
proride finmcW incentift& equal to 251 density
In naparwe to a (JJ88tim, ~f stated the recreatiat
u. Im bean a c:rmann, but the an,lic.mrt: added the
barbeaJa8 md tot lota aid an adllitknal pool area.
Staff felt that the tennia llr'MB should be aRrJ frca
the cater of tbe project to lllnim.:re the mise and
traffic tx:> t:boN areas.
Cbahwn aa.l:lotia stated it .. the best apartant pro:,.« that Im ever been befcre the co..i.ssiat, b.Jt
be Im • prcbla vitb the CXlllplltibllity.
'ftlo Pl.am.n!I OweiuiQI\ 4P'OM the Nec.Jstive
Daclaraticll iuued by tbe Land UN Plmru.ng Manager and a.nw w-292 am Par66.
Sllit ~i
Septeatier 26, 1984 Page 9
4. CT 8-4-18/CP-288 -mE ~ -Request for; c!WtcNal
of a tentative iiubdlv!slai ap and oona:ainil.W permit to
develop eight lnits m the southeast cmner of carlsbad
Boulevard and Sequoia Aveiue in the RD-M :zale.
Mike Bolfes, Assistant Planner, gave the presentatioo a,
this it:ea aa <Dntained in the staff report, using a
transparency to llhow the site.
Chainmn Raltx>t.is q>enecl t..'1e ?Jblic hearing at 9:23 p.111.
aBl issued the invi tatim to speak.
Mr. Gi ll Saens, 323 west Court, representing the
applicmtt, stated the,, ooncurred with the oonditims.
In response to q.,ery, staff referred to Exhibl t E of the
packet, Wlich shelfed the set.bad: to be the same as the
project. to the north which is no,, being tuilt.
Mr. Ryan, 152 Sequoia, addressed the Cormissioo, stating
hews rot against the project, tut ws oonoerned about
the height of the w.11 and the i.nderground parking.
Staff stat:Ad the lnierground parking '°11.d be semi-
undergroum. 'flle haul routes were disrussed and the
hours the oonatructim workers can be there. 'lbe
variance was di.ao1esed also, with the sight distance
that '°1ld be inptaved at Sequoia and carlsbad
Mr. Bob Truitt, Olirquapin, stated he like the
architec"-..ure and felt it should be an asset to the
Since oo me else wished to speak m this item, the
pj:>lic teetia:lny ws a:included at 9 :36 p.m.
Chainmn Raltx>tie a::.-ert~ there should be mitigatiat
between the adjacent parking and the two foot w11 did
not appeu-to be high enough. Re felt the Land Use
Plaming tk.-..ger should awrove the bl.oddng of the
lights, and the parking should be screened.
Pillffling CCWl1Yi.on c114>t0Yed the Negative Declaratiat
iaued by the Land tJee Plavling Manager and aoopted the
following Reeolutiai:
ACll!IB <:I PRlF&tti 13111'½-fl.Y UlCATID Of 'DIE ~
8ubject to n!itim of. -11 118 dieolSaed and subject to
the cQ,1.oval of. the Land U8e Pundng Manager.
Panning CCWl1ui.m qip.:oved the request fer variance CT
H-1 l/a'-288.
5. Cf 84---282 -IBAIIWf -Request fer approval of a untiUw v1alai 111p ind oondcainia perllit to
deNlGp 12 units ai the aouth side of. Olive Avenue between
the ltftB'l llailrca! and Garfield Street in the R1H1 am..
SeptE!l'llber 26, 1984 Page 10 COMMISSIONERS
Charles Grial, Principal Planner, gave the staff repot"t
on this itf!III, using a transparency to show the site.
'ftlis project is at the higher end of the allowed density,
with the parlting undergroum, including visitor: parkinq.
There is alao extra parlting outside, pdvate balo:nies
and extra a.nities.
In ans¥er to ec..dscioo questioo about parking, staff
reiterated all required parking is uooerground and in
additia, there are five extra spaces oosite in frmt of
the btilding.
Olaiman Ralbotis q>elled the piblic hearing at 9:40 p.m.
and issued the invitatioo to speak.
Chris Cllristensen, 2802 CArlsbad Boulevard, spoke
representing the applicant, stating he was available fc,c
l'.sry Davis, 236 Olive, addressed the Camrl.ssioo, asking
1thether Olive IO.ll.d be widened, and what .-.CO IIM datioos
had been mde for the traffic. waiter Brown explainecl
the street inpto.ae..ts as required for the project.
Since oo ooe else wished to speak at this ite111, the
public testinaty was a:included at 9:45 p.m.
eo.nisaicner L'BeurelD: stated there should be mise
attenuatia, oonditia, and Olive Street is very narrow, m
sidewalks, m street light, large cwerhanging trees-a
very dark, rural street. He was o:noerned about a dense
project at the end of the street. C,-,issiooer L'Beureux
found the btilding unattractive aesthetically and stated
he CXJUld mt vote foe it.
o:wdMicner Farrow stated it was diffirult to oat.ermine
what this project IO.ll.d look like-since it has angles.
Be we also oonoerned about the de-.nsity in a rul-de-sac area.
Olair:an Raltlotis oonoJrred with cn-tssicner Pm and
said the amenities did mt justify the density.
!>laming coa.i.aioo cg,coved the Negative Declaratial
~-4Jd by the La,d U8e Planni.r¥j Manager and denied CT 84-
13,,tP-~tS2, baaed a, the cn.ents of the Plaming
ca.1.saiooers, partirularly the street being too narrow
to handle the traffic cirall.atioo am the density not
juatifiea by the -.nitiee. '1be density should be at the
lllid point range.
Chaitan Rclltx)tia daclared a reoeaa at 9:50 p.a. and
C'<We1uial r4HXWlvened at 9:55 p.a., with six Mellbers
6. Cl' 84-25~ ~ BlllPF -Request for -wtov.1 al ~t pl i:ealdential c:1evelqaant
an'° acia locatecl 1-diately mrth of Batiquitoe
Lagocn, bebleen I-5 aKI the M'ISP Railroad.
Oaaiman Rallbot.ia stated he had visited the site with
the dwelq,er a hi.a tept eaentati ve.
Septent,er 26, 1984 Page 11
Bill Boman, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo era
this ita !IS <Dntained in the staff report, using a
wall chart to shaw the project. Be referred to the
.. ,nrda giving the revised an:Utioos. If Avenida
Encinas were a:nstruct.ed to secondary arterial
st:.mmrds, the imits a:iuld be aJnStruct.ed befcre the
street ws pit in. As a a:>llectcc, the standards 110Ul.d
not aet the atl~ policy and the street 110Ul.d have
to be pit in first. Staff believes a secondary arterial
is not neoeuary at the present time, and I'l:COIIIDblds that
ocniltioo be IDlified to provide f<r a secondary
arterial right~f-.ey, but require atly a a:>llect.cx
street an1:rto-curb width, with a sea1rity oond to
increase the size of the atreet to secondary if it is
deterllined to be necessary.
c:mditioo 29 should be changed to: Land foc all public
streets and eu nt-s shown oo the tentative 11111P er
required by these cx:inditioos shall be dedicated oo the
final imp and shall be granted to City free and clear of.
all liens and enOJlll:ranoes.
ec-1.ssiooer Mcf1~ questiooed the width of the tridge
and Walter Brown stated it 110Ul.d be aJnStructed to
collect.er street widths, and if the seoondaey arterial
through th.t,t area is <Dl'ltinued, the developer 110Ul.d have
to widen the tridge. Be 110Ul.d have to oond to sea:in&lcy
arterial streets throughout th'2 entire length.
Calllisaiooer Mcf111dden stated it 110Ul.d be wiser to t:u!.ld
to aecx:ndary standards at the begi.Ming.
Walter Brown stated the developer was being required to
bend for secondary arterial street all the wtrf through
the project and to build a through street, including the
bridr;ie, to a:>llector street st:.mmrds. '!he City llOll.d
hr.re the q,ticn at a later date to oo what Council
directed. If a eeoondary arterial is decided l.l)O'l",, tlle
developer will oo that er the City 110Ul.d mve at the
band. If Council decides it &:>es not "8nt a secondary
arterial, then the applicant is not cxadtted to that.
It ws deteminad that decisiat 110Ul.d be aide after the
applicmt had amitted a aster plan fer the area and
a traffic malyt;Le had been mde.
ea-1 eaiawr L 'Beurem itquired about the road
cx:nat:ructicll in i:elatiat to the phasing and Walter Brown
uplained the internal. atJ:eeta IIOUl.d hllft to be Liptoved
u part of pt._. Cft!, • well • a cx,llect.cr street to
Carlabal! Boulevard.
0Mw:an RCllbot.is q:>ened the public hearing at 10: 11
p.L ~ i.ea-5 the .lnvitaticn to speak.
11r.Danald r. Sllllia, the 11A>licmt, m:!ressed the
o:e-1Micn, giving the history of the cmpmy and the
quality cf their project. Be stated they did oot
incluc!e the open apace in detemi.nio:J the density of tbe
llr. 81:im Paul, 101 Weat Broac1way, 8an Diego, the
Ardlitect., pointed aut the features of the project and
•t:ated they had been ocnoerned with the envltawrt:Al
4IICC,ml to the project. Be med the elevaticn 111p to
abaw the variety of lmita and the diversity in the
® 11
' '
Septellber 26, 1984 Page 12
In answer to Cc.-dssim (Jlestiai regarding I-5 noise
attenuatioo, he stated they '°11.d install a 6-foot bl.odt
vall and will t.me dirt ben&. A discussioo followed
about the berm l'IMr Lakeshcre Gardens, lilhich acts as a
sound att.enuatim fer I-5. Pat O'Dl!ly stated that berm
would not be disturbed fer a>llectO[' er se<Dndary
arterial standards.
Mr. Pat O'Dl!ly stated an alternative '°11.d be to wild a
seoondary arterial part of the Vl!rf and oould be
exparded later.
Chairmn Rmlbotis suggested the appliamt be allowed to
be innovative as far as sound attenuatia, remedies. It
vu Mked whether this vas a oonditiai, and staff
stated this oonditiai had been mdified subject to the
~ of the Land Use Planning Manager.
Mr. Bir• Boekin, 7307 San Luis, President of Lakeshcre
Gardens ~rs Associatiai, spoke, representing the
Bolleowners. He stated they generally approYe of the
6-is plan, wt they are CJJncerned with the exten,;iiai
of Av,.~da Encinas. 'Ibey '°11.d pr-efer it end in a rul-
de-$de at the eouth md of the park with restricted
use. However, the City has insisted it be all the Wlrf,
aM he added they did mt want that berm renoved that
serves as a sound barrier. He stated if that =em were raoved, the City '°11.d either replaoE; it er be sued.
Walter BrcMI answered the width of 84 feet fcr a
seoondary arterial '°11.d not distffi.--b that benn.
Chairmn R.Ollb:>tis stated if that berm were renoved,
then a wll should be wilt.
Nr. Jon Bri.9911 agreed with Mr. Boekin regarding i..'-e
nawal of the bera. He addressed the issue of the
streets, stating they IOlld like to wild to a>llector
status and oonstruct the interier streets-and feel
there will be m need fer anything a:re than a
oollect:cr street. 'l'he issue is at the tridge-and they
would haw to wild to seo:niary standards at this
point. The piasing was discussed at this point, and
the fact again stated that a a:>llector street IOlld not
aeet the all~ policy.
Nr. O'Dey felt the City ws oovered at this issue.
Since no me else wiabed to apeak a, this itea, the
public bearing vaa ~ at 10:35 p.■•
o..1uimar Parrow stated the ally iasue vas the foor-
laii.. higbllay. Be felt they llhould allO'.f a a:>llector
stn.t and t:and far the ~t, including the tridge.
'1'be City CXJUld alway& call the bond.
Chef~ 1a1b0Ua 1:eiterated that if the bem is
tamMd by Laaabcre Garderw, that a wll of equal
value lhould replace that ber■•
Plaming o-ataic:Jn appcoved the Negative Declaraticm
i...s by the Lal Use Plaming Nm~ and approved
the following Reeol.utiau
RBJIDflm II>. 23S2, ICXNBEDC APPlllVAL A 600-<liIT IU&rlvl tiuitt iU 1t1E PLNH1> tliIT ~ C5
Ha&it Gll.-l.t,Y IDCM!D Dll!DIA'l'!LY 11:eB ~
. '
PtMNIR; <DMISSI<JI Septelllber 26, 1984 Page 13
c.cnlltioo 15 modified to basically provide sound
attenuatioo will be accx:11Plished to a level of 45 IE in
art/ inhabitable roan fralting the ~.
Cooditioo 29 revised per staff lll!!IOranclml.
c.cnlltioo 34 revised t.o indicate umer Phase I sutr
paragraph 8, deleted and replaoed, and Phase II, C
c.cnlition 34 be re-written to provide that AveniJa
Encina be designed and bonded to~ arterial
statua through the entire ownership, including the
bridge across the railroad and the oonnectioo to
Carl.st.! Boulevard. At Phase I , ally need to ruild the
street at oollectcr street standards to the subdivis!.oo
fraa the Smith/Jewett ptopetty. At Phase II, that the
street be b.lilt through to Carlsbad Boulevard as a
collector ex as a secaldary, if determined needed by the
City 0:luncil.
If the berm is taoved, it will be replaced with equal ex
better sound attenuatioo.
The base of the roadway am be installed to secaldary
arterial standards, and finished to oollectcc size.
7. CT 84-26/CP-291 -GMRPIEl'.D S'l'BEE"I' ax:a; -Request
for appt0val of a tentative tract mp and a:indomi.nim
perait to develq> 15 lmita al the east aide of Garfield
Street, between Chirquapin Avenue and Date Avenue.
Charles Grillla, Principal Planner, gaye the pc-esentatioo
as <Dntained in the staff report, using a transparency to
show the site.
Olairan Raltx>tis q,ened the public hearing at 10:44 p.a.
and issued the invitatioo to speak.
Mr. Cllarlea Rawe, 3083 Ocean Street, addressed the
C0uncll stating the engineer allowed the tentative~ to
~zpin and as the final ap was to be finalized this ws
found out.
Since no cne else w1ahed to speak al this •tter, the
pmllc t.-tia:lly was a:inclooed at 10:45 p.a.
Plaining eo-issioo acq,ted the following Resolution:
RIIIXDflCII ID. 2353, ICDIIH)DE APl'lOTAio at A 'fl!N'J7d'IVI lfiilict ilP J11S dWilu:kml Pl!Rl[T PCal. 15 CIIITS a. PiDPER1 i
71VN!,Y tO>TID <JI '!Ill B'AS'l" SIDE a, GARP'IBW 8l'RBB'l'
BB'1'mm CBlli()lvIN AVPKJE 1R> lWl'B AVl!RJB.
8. IC-31~256 -C1'1'Y at CMUIW> -Request fee a
S0l!Je diinJe L< to 0-S lei 288 acres and a
ccnlitianal UN pemit fee a Police Firing a-. al_..
.18 acre aita wit.bin the 288 acne ..tudl miiprise the
Nila llcllMa, Auiatmt PlAnner, gave the pceeentatio.l at
thia it.a • CXllltained in the staff repxt, 1.aing a
tnmparmcy to lhaw the aite.
lamotia X
Sdll.etd:,ar X
L'Beu:..ct~ X
Sid.th X X
Farrow X
Nchdden X
~ CDMISSICN Septalber 26, 1984 Page 14
COlaissiooer Smith inquired if a golf oourse were to be
built there, lllhat would happen sld staff said it is a
COP and would be reviewed every year.
Chairmn Ramotis q>ened the public hearing at 10:48
p.a. sld issued the invitatioo to speak.
Lt. Metcalf of. the Police Department st.ated the firing
range is badly needed.
Since no a,e else wished to speak a1 this item, the
public testia:rly was ooncl.uded at 10:50 p.m.
Pl.armin3 cc..issia1 approved the Negative Declaratioo
issued by the Land Use Plarutl.ng Manager and aoopted the
following Reaolutioo:
RPSXDl'IClf ID. 2354, w.aMBi)n«:J APPR1J'AL CJ? A 21'.:tiE
Request fer ar. la!!lidiiietit to an appraved site developllent
plan to redesign sld lower the density a1 an a('proYed
apart:aent project at 336 and 372 Pine Avenue.
COlaissioner Schlehuber stated he would abstain
frca disaiaaioo sld vote oo this item.
Charles Grila, Principal Planner, gave the presentatioo
on this ital • cx,ntained in the staff report, using a
tranapanncy to show the site. '!be elevatioo change was
shown aa a Nllll chart sld me Iii.nor chang@ in the
conditions was referred to en a lll!a)l"ard,a given lX> the
Cmaissioners. Be referred to Exhibit C, whi dl we
giwn to the O:wdsaioners.
Mr. John Paut:ach stated he wmted oonditien 16 modified
by ai!aing the .a:d "wood• following the lG:d •stucco•.
llal.ter lmM1 diac:uaed the applicant's prq>oeal to
pmride a Jomh~ ._ en the street frontage, sld
•tat.ed that staff felt the ainte.,anoe, sweeping sld
parking elillinated, the di.sact9antages outweighed the
Owlrl• Grha stated too oondition regarding the wll
ataud • ml.id wll • the nei<#lbX on that side wa..
CCJIIOUMd about people uaing his trash barrels.
Diamaicn about the wll deterllined there was no
abjecticn to a .:>od cmbination fence, with a view-
otamring wll aa the RXthem sld wstern sides.
Plaming ca-tMton 491oved the Notice of. Prior:-
0allplianae ._ by the LMd tJae Plaming Manager sld
ld0pted the fol.lowinrj Reeolution:
~ -,. 2359, APPRJIIDI; A SI'l'B l:ZYBiaiM!NT PLAN a 11 11>. ti b-1 o<A> , m BB:l!Qf Mm I!IIBR '!BB ruum m, • APIIRJVl!I> APAR'1'IBft' PIOJJa' CB wi
J ill 11,Y tDCM'l!I> 'la 336 AIE 372 PIRB AVIRJE.
PINaQK; CIMIISSIOi Septaber 26, 1984 Page 15
10. SlP 80-11(8) -WA fDJP AtD!RSEN -Request fer an
aaeu1t11111ent to an clR)tuved mlti-use site develq:aent plan
to allow crnstructioo of. a visitor tourist center
building between I-5 and Paseo del Norte, ialediately
north of. Pea Soup Andersen's llt:>tel in the C-T-Q zcne.
Chairan Rallx>tis stated hi! 1«lllld participate in this
di.J!cusaion. eo-1ssimer L'Beureux said hi! 1«lllld
abstain m:a the disolssioo and voting.
Bill Bofan, Principal Planner, gave the report as
CXllWned in the staff report, using a transparency to
show the site.
The rw of. •Pea Soup 1111y• was mt apptuved and 1111St
111eet the street nae policy. The stre@t is proposed as
a piblic street because tourist inforation will be
given oot there, Sid that is a ?,lblic service.
c:a.d.ssimer Mcf'adden wanted this to be conditicned to
be a ?Jblic street oontingent lp'.ln the Olalltler of.
Ccmneroe leasing the site: to revert bade to a pdvate
street should the Olaber mt use as a tourist
inforatioo oenter.
Cllainmn Rclllbotis stated it is mt an autcaatic
reveraioo to a private street.
In wr to C~ssioo questioo as to a proper naae,
etaff stated it ~d be a falllous lllllllle, and Andersen
would qualify. Street MRS are mt ~ bf the
Cawd BB lat, but bf staff.
Planning o:w-1sst.on 44>10\led the Negative Declaratioo
issued bf the Lcld Ose Planning Manager and aoopted the
following Reaolutioo:
MINZBff '10 a:iiiriix.T A VISI'IOR '100RIS'I' cmrER EIJIIDDC
Clf HOfJdi GllllD&Jl,Y IDCAm> BE1iiEEN I-5 AR> ~ IEL
Subject to additimal oonditioo that Calllission 1«lUld
not ~ le<lWt.'dSatioo m Stre@t nae.
oa..i•ion CIUld ate a auggestion if this street not
ua9I! for public purpcme, that Council <XlllSider aking
the et:reet private.
Plamng co-i•t.cn granted the request fer standard
varianae at 3341 Venedo Str.t, Lot 481 of La Coeta
Vale, ~t No. 3, ~ requested staff to tring bade
doowents acccrdingly.
llib IIOlailler npart:.ed, aa the eo-1ssioo .ted hia to
do at the 1.-t aeting, that Deaign Review Board CX>Uld
at.art at StOO p.11., aaking a atarting tiae of 6:00 p.L
fer Plaming co-iuim a pouibility.
laltx,tis X
Schlehuber X X
L'Beureuz X
Saith X
Parrow ·~
~adden X
lalb:>tis ](
Sc:blebilber X I
L'Beuretnr I
Slllitb I
Parrow I
Mc:f'aMen I
PIAllt[II; CXNIISSIOf Septalber 26, 198.t Page 16
Planning camdssia, changed the meting time to 6:00
p.a. for: future aeeti.ngs, starting with the October 10,
198.t aeeting.
'ftle Mi.BJtel!I of August 22, 1984, and Septeat,er 12, 1984,
were carried over to the next Eeting.
By~ mtia,, the meeting of Septeli)er 26, 1984, ws
adjourned at; 11: 15 p.111.
RINpectfully aJtait~,
Land Oee Plaming Manager
Barrlett Babbitt
Mimtee Clerk
MBB'l'llUi ARB A1B) 'mP8D AND mP'l' Of FILE Clfi'IL 'IBE