HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-14; Planning Commission; MinutesNNting of:
Date of Meet lng:
Tia of. tteeting:
Plaoe of Meeting:
CALL '10 CRBt=:
~WIiber 14, 1984
6:00 p.11.
City COOncil crumt,e,:-a
'!be NNting was called to crder by Outlrmn Rmbotis at
6:00 p.■.
Present: O\air.an Rmbotis, ca.issiooers
Schlehuber, Slllith, L'Reureux, Marcus ald
McPatien. cm.dssioner Farrow arrived
6:04 p.m.
Absent: Nooe.
Staff M! tiers Present:
Bill Hofr,,.:in, Principal Planner
Charles Grial, Principal Planner
Walter Brown, Civll Er.igineer
Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager
Bx--Officio Mellbers Present:
Dan Bentachke, Assistant City Attorney
PL!OOB <:I ALl.lGIAICE was led by Olairman Ralh:>tis.
Chair-, Rmbotis called attenticn to the Planning
ca.issiai Proce&.tres pdnted oo the badt of the Agenda.
Chairmn Rmbotis anoounoed Item t4 WCA1ld be oonsidered
4. ZC-316 -IOisRl'S GlQJP •
Principal Plmner Bill Homan requested a a.o week
ocntinumoe for this It•, • there is a, environnenW
latter to be dkeesed. 'ftle applicant is in agre-at.
Plawdng ca.iuioo a:intinued ZC-316 for a.o weeks.
CXJft'D1mD 1'ftllB:
1. D-179 -CITY <:I CAmBBAD -An -dllnt to the acn1iii ciali.iii f.o i-idt autmllbile dealerahipa by
oanMtianal uae pm:llit in ,ny ncn-reeidential acme
within cne ~ Id.le of an exiating autambile
claal..tup ~-
Chtlrl• Grillll, Principal Planner, gave the staff report
<m thia ita, stating the OWli uia'l cx,ul.d ttm1y the
, ldllnt., oontinue it Wlt:11 the City OJuncil giwa
direotJon m the cllalenbip en PoinNttia, or~
the dlwat wt of I-5 anly. He atated that ataff
NO did dlnial of the applic::atiCJn balled en the fact
that the City 00uno-l will giw cllt.ctien in the near
futun llltt ~ could pnju&,ie the Council action.
lalb>tia ~
Parrow X
Schlehuber X
L'Bllureull X
Saith X
Narcua X
Nd'dtel, X X
Nuveibec 14, 1984 Page 2
ca.isaioner Schlehuber stated he vas in favor of staff
rP.CXJllllll!n<ioo for denial.
Aaaistant City Attorney Hentschke said all the
co.issiooera received a p!ldtet of letters protesting the
a•11&1ent. Be recxaended the ca.issioo accept that
padtet of •terials • part of the record. 'lbis
repreaents those people in qipositioo to the mandaent
without the neoeaaity of cping through a loog public
hearing. 'lbe protesta are written and part of the record am oonslderatioo.
~rman Rl::.ab>tis opened the public hearing at 6:06 p.m. am iasued the invitatioo to speak.
Kr. Bailey Noble, Terrmar Ansociatioo, addressed the
O'Wl1asioo, stating he had petitia,e as well as the
letters. He requested the petitia,s be llll!!de a part of
the recrxd. Mr. Noble objected strongly to the roving
of Car Country to the Terr-.ar. area. 'lbis was ~
country aid agriculture at me time, and he felt this
change IICUl.d not be in keeping with the general plan. Re
described the ooise and danger froffl car-testing there at
the present tiae aid lidded the ooise and light hlpact
would be trmendcu8 for the present residents.
Mr. John A. Gray, 5451 Loa ~les Drive, spoke against
the~ mving of car eountry to the west side of r-s. 'ft1ere ... ~ to be a ruffer mone between Car
Country aid this area, aid now the residents are forced
to deftnd that ruffer aone. Be felt the caaissioo
should do that !tafending for the residents.
Si.nae oo one else wished to speak a, this ita, the
public tatiaony we ooncluded at 6:16 p.a.
ca.iuioo L'Beureux stated his ca10em with this
l!IIPlimtioo WI that it ... not the ps:q,er .-..er. A
IIUCh largar rea IICUl.d be needed to expa'ld Car COUntry,
anl!I thia .,.. is just too -11. 'ltlia IICUl.d not aol ve
the PftJbl• at all, but would just create m prob].-.
Planning Ccaaiuioo deniea ZCA-179.
2. SllP 84-5 -CAIUBAD GM'llaY Cl!lft'BR -~t for iQiCvNl of a site c1iwlqaint pt., to allow a:inatructioo
of a lllad-uN inlbltrial/offioe to amplex at a 16.5
acn ■ite en the .. t aide of Bl Caine Real, north of
the Cllblffiaia\ ruilding.
Bill IIDl!mn, Principal Planner, gave the pnaentatioo oo
tbla ita • cxintairllld in the staff i,apcrt, ming a
t.i anlplliency lbcw1ng the site. He stated all iuuee had
bean neol'ftd 9X01Pt the acoeu to Bl Caino Real. 'lbe
IIIJP.limnt 1a wwilling to relirquiah that acceu, a •
a naul.t of. that, ■taff i■ n,o,,.._r11Ung denial.
a.botis rarrc.
i c
. '
October 20, 1984
We, th• WMleraiped, are ••">er• of the Terra .. r Ho•ovnera
Aaeociation and/or reeide in the Terraur Subdivieion ·. the addreaaea liated
be1ide our na••• We are property owner• or rentera, and regiatered voter•, in
t\e City of Carlabad. We hereby proteat any actic~ by the Planning Co~iaaiou
or the City Cowicil in aandin1 the zoning ordinance or by any other ••n• to
per.it autoaobile dealer1hip1 by conditional u•• perait to be eatabliahed or
operated OD Avaida Bncinaa. We reeide 1-diately to the Weit of Avenid~
lnciua and allowin, autoaobile dealership• to locate on thi1 atreet vtll have
a ne1ative and adver•• iapact, both environmentally and econoaically, on ua.
Our aipature1 belov Ii ve weight to our concern•, and we aak the PlaDUing
Coaa11aion and the City Council to disapprove -.ny change in the city zoning
ordiunc•• that would perait autombile agencies to operate on Avenida Encinas.
il Lr ·5'?L,'2 iQ. A.'6~ ~~1 , Address
~~~tc~ -~~ 5 ·¾0 'c.Q_ Mo~! G::i¼'<\.lc:f J
Sipature Addreaa
Signature Address
Signature Addresa
Slpature Address
Sipatur• AddreH
Sipature Addresa
Sipature Addreaa
Plautus C~••ion
c/o ~hl\:IA.in1 Director
Lancl Oeo Plarm.ing Departaent
City of Carleb&d
Carlsbad, CA 92008
October 17, 1984
City of Carlabad Propoaed Ar.'!Jldaent
to Zoning Ordinance to P~nd.t Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
Aa you lmow froB our ... ting with your Planning Depart11ent, the residente of
the Terra .. r SubcliviaiOll are oppoaed ro any ••ndMnt to the City of Carlabad
s0D.1n1 ordinance that vould allow autoaobile dealerships to be eatabliahed on
Av~nicla !nciuaa. It 1 ■ the reaidents living nearby ~ho rill be adveraely
affected by thia propo■ed aaendMnt, and ve are totally oppo■ed to any change
in the cu:dcipal code■ or zoning that would perait the introduction of
autoaotive agenci•• OD the Weat aide of Interstate 5. Allowing such auto•obile
duler■bipa to operate on Aveuida Encinaa would be extremely detri•ntal and .
would have a aajor adverse effect, both auviron•ntally and ecouOllically, on us
•• reaident ■ of the Terra .. r Subdivision.
We believe that autoaotive dealerships, with the general noise and operational
congeation, aal•• and aaiutenance auto road testing, the extre• noiae of tire
iapact vrenchea, public addr••• ayate•, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
■bould be kept on the !ut aide of Interstate 5. We do not vant can being
road teated on our re■idential streets.
Our cOllcen■ are geuuiue. The utter we are addrea■ing 1a our right to live
our live• in the quiet eujoJIIIID.t of our hoaea undiaturbed. We choH to live in
the Terr ... r Subdiviaion in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordinance• and
alJILiq would create a.d aaintain an envirOD11ent in which ve could live. We uk
that tbe City COUllcil and the Carl■bad Planing Coaaiaai011 stand behind that
coaaitaent to the Maher• of thia Carlabad co.-mity.
Strut Add re■■
Plamuq Co..taaion
c/o Plamung Dtr•ctor
Land Uae Planni ~ Departaent
City of Carl1bad
C.rl1bad, CA 92008
October 17, 1984
Subject: City of Carl1bad Proposed Aaendaent
to Zoniq Ordinance to Pera.it Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
Aa you know fro• our aeting vith your Planning Department, the re~idents of
the Terraaar Subdiviaion are oppoaed to any a•nd•nt to the City of Carlabad
zcmina ordinance that would allow autoaobile dealer1hipa to be established on
Avenida Encinaa. It 1• tbe reaidente living nearby vho vill be adveraely
affected by thia propoaQd aaend■ent, and ve are totally oppoaed to any cbaqe
in the avnicipal cod•• or zoning that would pera.it the introduction of
autoaotive agencies OD the Weat aide of Interstate 5. Allowing such auto■obile
dealerahipa to operate on Avenida Encinas would be extre•ly detrl•nt al and
wou l d have a ujor adver1e effect, both environmentally and econoaically, on ue
u reaidenta of the Terra .. r Subdivision.
We believe that autoaotive dealerships, with the general noise and operational
coqeatiOD, ,ale• and ■aintenance auto road testing, the extra• noiae of tira
impact wrench••• public addr••• 1yate•, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
ahovld be kept on the !aat aide of luteretate 5. We do not want care being
road teated OD our reaidantial 1treets.
Our cODcerua are genuine. The utter ve are addreaaing 1a our right to Un
our live• in the quiet ajoyaent of our hoae• undisturbed. We.choee to live in
the Terraaar Subdivieion in tha belief that the City of Carlabad ordinance• and
scmiq .muld create cd aaintain an envirODMllt in which we could l~ve. We aek
that the City Council and the Carlabad Planing Coaaiaaion 1tand behind that
coaait•nt to the M■ber• of tl\ia Carlebad coaamity.
Plamdn, Coaa:l.1aion
c/o Plamuna Director
Land Uae Plauniq Department
City of Carlabad
Carl1bad, CA 92008
. \
October 17, 1984
Subject: City cf Carl1bad Proposed Amendment
to Zouiq Ordinance to Penait Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
... you \-.now fro• our •eting with your PlaD.D.ing Depart•nt, the reaidenta of
tha Terraaar SubdiviaiOD. are oppoaed to any a•ndllent to the City of Carlabad
&OD.in& ordinauce that would allow autoaobile dealerahipe to be established on
Aveuida lncinaa. It 1a thll reeidents living nearby vho vill be adveraely
affected by thi1 propoaed a1111ndaent, and ve are totally oppoaed to any change
in the mmicipal cod•• or zoning that would penait the introduction of
autoaotiva agencie1 OD. the Weit aide of Interstate 5. Allowing such auto110bile
dealarehipa to operate on Avenida Encinas would be extremely detrimental and
would have a ujor adverse effect, both envi~onmentally and econoaically, on us
u reaident1 of the Terrau~ Subdivision.
We believe that auto110tive dealerships, with the general noise and operational
cou.pation, 1ale1 and -iutenance auto road testing, the extre• noise of tire
iapact wrench••• public addre11 syateu, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
abould be kept on the Eaat side of Interstate 5. We do not want car, being
road t a1ted on our re1idential streets.
Our cC"'Dcern• are geuuine. The aatter we are addreaaing ii our right to live
ou live• in the quiet enjoyaent of our hoae1 undisturbed. We chose to live in
the Terraaar Subdivilion in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordinance• and
&<mini would create and uiutain an environllellt in which we could live. We aak
that the City Council and the Carl1bad Planning Collaiaaion &tand behind that
coaaitaet\t to the •llbera of thi1 Carlabad coee•ntt:y.
N ... ./
.,:-44:z .s:t;re L?r
Str•t Addr•••
Plamdug Coam.••ion
c/o Plannin1 Director
Lud U•e Planning Depitrttillt
City of Carl•bad
Carl•bad, CA 92008
October 17, 1984
Subject: City of Carl•bad Propoaed Aaendaent
to Zonin, Ordinance to Perait Auto Dealenhips
an Avenida Encinas
Aa you know froa our ... ting with your Plama.iug Department, the re•1dents of
the Terraaar Subdivi•iOll are oppoaed to any ••nd•nt to the City of Carlsbad
zmdn, ordinance that would allov autoaobile dealer•hip• to be ••tabli•hed on
Avenida lnciua. It 1■ the reeideuu liviug nearby vbo will be advenely
affected by thi• propoeed aaenda91lt, and ve are totally opposed to any ch&uge
in the aunicipal. code• or zoniug that would 1)8rait the introduction of
autoaotive ageucie• on the Weet •ide of Interetate 5. Allowing such aut0110bile
dealerehip• to operate on Avenida Encinas would be extse•ly detri•utal and
would haw a Mjor adver•• effect, both environaentally and econOllically, on ue
u reaident• of the Terra•r Subdivision.
We believe that autoaotive dealerships, with the general noise and operational
cozap•t1cm, aale• and Mintenance auto road testing, the extre• noiae of tire
iapact vrenchea, public addre•• •Y•te•, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
abould be kept on the !at aide of Interatate 5. We do not want can being
road teated on our ruideutial •treets.
Our concerua are ge'DUine. The matter ve are addreaeing 1a our right to live
~ir liva• iu the qui~t enjoy.At of our hoaea Ulldieturbed. We choee to live in
tbe Terraur Subdiviaion in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordiD&Dcee ad
zOllin1 would create and aAintain an environaent in vbich we could live. We aak
that the City Couucil and the Carlsbad Plmmiug Co-1.eaiOll ataud behind that
COllld.taent to the ••ber• of thi• Carlabad co rn1 ty.
TEUAMil l!SIDllff
,££1.~-£( ,4y/;,/
Street Addre••
October 20, 1984
We, the undersigned, are members of the Terramar Homeowners
Aaeociation and/or re•ide in the Terraaar Subdivision at the addreeees liated
beaide our ua••· We are property owners or renters, and registered voter•, in
the City of Carlsbad. We hereby protest any action by the Planning Comaiaaion
or tbe City Council in ••nding the zoning ordinance or by any other -means to
perait autoaobile dealerships by conditional use penait to be established or
operated on Avenida Encinas. We reside iiaediately to the West of Avenida
!ucin&s and allowing autoaobile dealerships to locate on this street will have
a negative and adverse imµact, both envirouaentally and economically, on us.
Our aipature• below give weight to our concerns, and we ask the Planning
COllaiHion and the City Council to disapprove any change in the city zoning
ordiuncea that would perm.it automobile agencies to operate on Avenida Encinas.
Sipature Address
Sipature Address
Signature Address
Signature AddreH
Signature Addreaa
Sipature Addreaa
Sipatur e Address
Slpatun Addreaa
SJ.pa ure Addreu
October 20, 1984
We, the underaigned, are ••bers of the Terraur Ho•owners
A•eociation and/or reaide 1n the Terraaar Subdivision at the addresses listed
be1ide our na•s• We are property owners or renters, and registered voters, in
the City of Carlsbad. We hereby protest any ac~ion by the Planning Co-1.asion
or the City Council in a•nding the zoning ordinance or by any other means to
perait autoaobile dealerships by conditional use pera:it to be established or
operated on Avenida Encinas. We reside iaediately to the Weat of Avenida
Encina• and allovitll autoaobile dealerships to locate on this street will have
a negative and adverse impact, both environmentally and economically, on us.
Our signature• below give weight to our concerns, and we ask the Planning
Coaaiaaim:i and the City Council to disapprove any change in the city zoning
ordinance• th~t would permit autoir.obile agencies to operate on Avenida Encinas.
Signature Address
Signature AddreH
Siguature Address
Sipature Address
Sipature Addreaa
Signature Addres11
Sipature Addr•••
Planniug Coaaia■ion
c/o Planning Director
Land U■e Planning Department
City of Carlsbad
Carlabad, CA 92008
October 17, 1984
Subject: City of Carlsbad Proposed Amendment
to Zoning Ordinance to Perait Auto Dealerships
C!l Avenida Encinas
Aa you ltnov fro■ our meeting with your Planning Department, the re■idencs of
the Terraur Subdivision are opposed to any ••ndMnt to the City of Carlabad
zonin& ordinance that would allow automobile dealerships to be established on
Avenida Encinaa. It is the reaidents living nearby who will be adversely
affected by this propoaed aaendaent, and we are totally oppoaed to any change
in the ■unicipal code• or zoning that would perm.it the introduction of
aut oaotive agencies on the West side of Interstate 5. Allowing such automobile
dealer■hipa to operate on Avenida Encinas vould be extre•ly detrimental and
would have a ujor adverse effect, both environmentally and econo11lically, on ua
aa resident• of the Terraur Subdivision.
We believe that autoaotive dealerships, with the general noise and operational
conp■tion, sale• and maintenance auto road testing, the extreme noise of tire
impact vrenchea, public addreaa systel!l8, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
ahould be kept on the Eaat aide of Interstate 5. We do not want cars being
road teated on our residential streets.
Our concern~ are genuine. The aatter we are addressing is our right to live
our live• in the quiet enjoyaent of our homes undisturbed. We chose to live in
the Te rraur Subdivision in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordinances and
zoning would crea te and aaintain an environ•nt in vhich we could live. We ask
that the City Council and the Carlsbad Planning Collmission stand behind that
coaait-nt to the aeabera of this Carlsbad co11111hlnity.
s-, 13 CA3?:4&,I.\ b BL\/}>
Street Addre••
October 17, 1984
Planning Coaaission
c/o Pl.&nning Director
Land Uee Planning Department
City of Carlsbad
Carlebad, CA 92008
City of Carlsbad Proposed Amendment
to Zoning Ordinance to Permit Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
As you know fro■ our aeeting with your Planning Department, the residents of
the Terraaar Subdivision are oppos~d to any amendment to the City of Carlsbad
zOlling ordinance that would allow automobile dealerships to be established on
Avenida Encinaa. It is the residents living nearby who will be adversely
affected by this propoeed amendment, and we are totally opposed to any change
in the aunicipal code• or zoning that would permit the introduction of
aut0110tive agencies on the West side of Interstate 5. Allowing such automobile
dealerehip• to operate on Avenida Encinas would be extremely detrimental and
would have a ujor adverse effect, both environmentally and economically, on us
a• reaidents of the Terraaar Subdivision.
We believe that auto110tive dealerships, with the general noise and operational
conaeation, sales and uintenance auto road testing, the extre• noise of tire
iapact wrenches, public addre.s systema, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
ehould be kept on the Eaat aid~ of Interatate 5. We do not want cars being
road te■ted on our residential streets.
Our concerua are genuine. The 11&tter we are addressing is our right to live
our live■ in the quiet enjoyaent of our ho•• undisturbed. We chose to live in
the Terraaar Subdivision in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordinances and
zoning would create and aaintain an environment in which we could live. We ask
that the City Council and the Carlsbad Planning Collllission stand behind that
collllitaent to the ••bers of this Carlsbad co11DUDity.
I I I '.,
X Street Addre••
Planning Coali11ion
c/o Planning Director
Land Use Planniug Department
City of Carlsbad
C.rlabad, CA 92008
October 17, 1984
Subject: City of Carlsbad Proposed Amendment
to Zoniug Ordinance to Penait Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
A• you know from our meeting with your Planning Department, the residents of
the Terra .. r Subdivision are oppoaed to any amendment to the City of Carlsbad
zoning ordinance that vould allow automobile dealerships to be established on
Avenida Encinas. It is the residents living nearby who vill be adversely
affe~ted by this proposed aMndaent, and we are totally opposed to any change
in the municipal code• or zoniug that would permit the introduction of
autoaotive agencies on the West side of Interstate 5. Allowing such automobile
dealership• to operate on Avenida Encinas would be extremely detritlll!ntal and
would have a ujor adverse effect, both environmentally and econoaically, on us
a• residents of the Terraaar Subdivision.
We believe that automotive dealerships, vith the general noise and operational
congeation, sale• and maintenance auto ro&d testing, the extreme noise of tire
impact wrenches, public addreH systeu, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
should be kept on the Eaat side of Interstate 5. We do not want cars being
road tested on our residential streets.
Our concern• are genuine. The aatter ve are addressing ie our right to live
our live• in the quiet enjoyaent of our hoae• undisturbed. We chose to live in
the Terra-r Subdiviaion in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordinances and
zonina would create and aaintain an environment in which we could live. We ask
that the City Council and the Carlsbad Planniug Coaaission stand behind that
coaaitMnt to the members of this Carlsbad community.
~~~ u ~w ~
Street AdtlreH
Planning Coaaission
c/o Planning Director
Land Use Planning Depart~ent
City of Carlsbad
Carlsbad, CA 92008
October 17, 1984
Subject: City of Carlsbad Proposed Amendment
to Zoning Ordinance to Perait Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
Aa you know fro• our meeting with your Planning DepartrAent, the residents of
the Terraaar Subdivision are opposed to any amendment to the City of Carlsbad
zoning ordinance that would allow automobile dealerships co be established on
Avenida Encinas. It is the residents living nearby who will be adversely
affected by thia proposed amendment, and we are totally opposed to any change
in the municipal codes or zoning that would permit the introduction of
auto11<>tive agencies on the West side of Interstate 5. Allowing such automobile
dealerships to operat~ on Avenida Encinas would be extremely detri :nental and
would have a major adverse effect, both environmentally and economically, on us
u reeident• of the Terramar Subdivision.
We believe that automotive dealerships, with the general noise and operational
congestion, sales and maintenance auto road testing, the extreme noise of tire
impact vrenches, public address sys ems, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
should be kept on the East side of Interstate 5. We do not want cars being
road teated on our residential streets.
Our concerua are genuine. The matter we are addressing is our right to live
our livea in the quiet enjo~t of our homes undisturbed. We chose to live in
the Terraaar Subdivision in the belief that th~ City of Carlsbad ordinances and
zoning would create and ruintain an environment in which we could live. We ask
tha t th• City Council and the Carlsbad Planning Coaaisaion stand behind that
cowa:i taent to the aembera of this Carlsbad community.
•/. . ;LL)..•'L
\, Name
Street Addreaa
Ck~-.x_ ,(~ ~,1._·h£ ~
Planning Co-.ieaion
c/o Planning Director
Land Oee Planning Oepart~ent
City of Carlsbad
Carlebad, CA 92008
October 17, 1984
Subject: City of Carlsbad Proposed Amendment
Gentle .. n:
to Zoniq Ordinance to Permit Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
Aa you know fro■ our •eting with your Planning Department, the residents of
the Terraaar Subdivieion are oppoeed to any ••nd•nt to tha City of Carlsbad
zoning ordinance that would allow auto110bile dealerships to be established on
Avenida Encinas. It is the resident• living nearby who will be adveraely
affected by thi• propoeed aaendaent, and we are totally opposed to any change
in the municipal cod•• or zoning that would permit the introduction of
autoaotive agencies on the Weat side of Interstate 5. Allowing such automobile
dealerahip• to operate on Avenida Encinas would be extremely detrimental and
would have a aajor adverse effect, both environmentally and economically, on ui
u reaident• of the Terraaar Subdivision.
We believe that automotive dealerships, with the general noise and operational
cougeetion, sales and aaintenance auto road testing, the extreme noise of tire
impact WTenchee, public addreea systeu, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
ehould be kept on the Eaet eide of Interstate 5. We do not want car• being
road teeted on our reeidential streets.
Our concerna are genuine. The aatter we are addressing is our right to live
our lives in the quiet enjoyaent of our ho•• undisturbed. We chose to live in
the Terraaar Subdivieion in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordiMnced and
zoning would create aud aaintain an environment in which we could live. We ask
that the City Council and the Carlabad Planning Collllliasion stand behind that
co-.tt .. nt to the ••bera of thia Carlabad comunity.
£~ 1e E? £lt J.,1 lJ r tY-<..,
Street Addre■a
Planning Co.n11ion
c/o Planning Director
Land U1e Planning Department
City of Carlsbad
Carl1bad, CA 92008
October 17, 1984
Subject: City of Carlsbad Proposed Amendment
to Zoning Ordinance to Pena.it Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
Al you know fro■ our meeting with your Planning Department, the residents of
the Terraaar Subdivision are opposed to any amendment to the City of Carlsbad
zoning ordinance that would allow autoaobile dealerships to be established on
Avenida Encinas. It is the residents living nearby who will be adversely
affected by this proposed amendment, and we are totally opposed to any change
in the aunicipal code• or zoning that would permit the introduction of
auto110tive agencies on the West side of Interstate 5. Allowing such automobile
dealerships to operate on Avenida Encinas would be extremely detrimental ~r.d
would have a aajor adverse effect, both environmentally and econoaically, on us
a1 residents of the Terramar Subdivision.
We believe that auto110tive dealership9, with the general noise and operational
conge1t iou, sales and aaintenance auto road testing, the extreme noise of tire
iapact wrenches, public address systema, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
1hould be kept on the Eaat aide of Interstate 5. We do not want cars being
road tested on our residential streets.
Our concern• are genuin~. The utter we are addressing is our right to live
our live• in the quiet enjoyment of our ho.ea undisturbed. We choae to live in
the Terraaar Subdivision in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordinance• and
zoning would create and aaintain an environment in which we could live. We a1k
that the City Council and the Carlsbad Planning Commission stand behind that
collllit-nt to the members of this Carl1bad co11111UDity.
Street Addre••
PlalUlin, Colllli••ion
c/o PlalUling Director
Land U•• Planning Department
City of Carlabad
Carl•bad, CA 92008
Subject: City of Carlsbad Proposed Amendment
October 17, 19R4
to Zoning Ordinance to Penait Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
A.a you know fro■ our •eting with your Planning Department, the residents of
the Terraaar Subdivisi011 are opposed to any aaend•nt to the City of Carlsbad
zcmina ordinance that vould allow autoaobile dealerships to be established on
Avenida Encinaa. It is the r~aidenta living neorby who will be adversely
affected by thi• propoaed amendaent, and we are totally opposed to any change
in the ■unicipal code• or zoning that would penait the introduction of
auto110tive agencies on the West side of Interstate 5. Allow1ng such automobile
dealerahip• to operate on Avenida Encinas would be extremely detrimental and
would have a major adverse effect, both environmentally and economically, on us
a• resident• of the Terramar Subdivision.
We believe that autoaotive dealerships, with the general noise and operational
congeaticm, sale• and maintenance auto road testing, the extreme noise of tire
impact vrenchea, public address systeu, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
ahould be kept on the East side of Interstate 5. We do not want cars being
road teated on our residential streets.
Our concerua are genuine. The matter we are addressing is our right to live
our lives in the quiet enjoy.ant of our hoaea undisturbed. We chose to live in
the Terraaar Subdivision in the balief that the City of Carlsbad ordinance• anJ
zoning would create and aai,nta4lp environment in which we could live. We aak
th&t the City Council and the Carlabad Planning Co-.tsaion stand behind that
co■-itMnt .to the members of this Carlsbad coaaunity.
)C (IQ ~ I ffrl'L'I Dr
Street Addr•••
I ( '/) c,.;£..·'t'< '-<.)tl"/S h, .._ -
Plannilll Coaaieeion
c/o Plannilll Director
Land Uae Plannilll Department
City of Carlsbad
Carlebad, CA 92008
October 17, 1984
Subject: City of Carlsbad Proposed Amendment
to Zoning Ordinance to Perait Auto Dealerships
011 Avenida Encinas
Aa you know froa our ••ting with your Planning Department, the residents of
the Terraaar Subdivieiou are opposed to any a•nd•nt to the City of Carlsbad
zon.1n1 ordinance that would allow autoaobile dealerships to be established on
Avenida Encinaa. It la the reaidentl living nearby who vill be adversely
affected by this p.opoaed aaendaent, and we are totally opposed to any change
in the aunicipal codes or zoning that would permit the introductiou of
autoaoti ve agencies on the West side of Interstate 5. Allowing such automobile
dealerahipa to operate on Avenida Encinas would be extremely detrimental and
would have a aajor adverse effect, both environMntally and econoaically, on us
as reaident• of the Terramar Subdivision.
We believe that autoaotive dealerships, with the general noise and operational
congestion, sales and saintenance auto road testing, the extreme noise of tire
iapact vrenchee, public addreu systeu, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
should be ke pt on the East side of Interstate 5. We do not want cars being
road teated on our residential streets.
Our concerns are genuine. The satter we are addressing is our right to live
our live• in the quiet enjoyaent of our ho.es undisturbed. qe chose to live in
the Terraaar Subdivision in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordinancem and
zoning would create and aaintain an environment in which we could live. We ask
th.at the City Council and the Carlsbad Planning Collllieaion stand behind that
coaait•nt to the ••bers of this Carlsbad coaaunity.
S"°Ol(o nErlRA DEL ce.o
Street A.ddroas
Planning Co-iasion
c/o Planning Di rector
Land Uee Planniug De partment
City of Carlebad
Carlebad, CA 92008
October 17, 1984
Subject: Ci t y of Carlabad Proposed Amendment
Gentle .. n :
t o Zoning Ordinance to Penait Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
Aa you know fro■ our meeting with your Planning Department, the residents of
the Terraaar Subdivis ion are opposed to any a•ndaent to the City of Carlsbad
100.ing ordinance t hat would a llow automobile dealerships to be established on
Avenida Encina~. It is the residents liviug nearby who will be adversely
affected by t his pr oposed amendment, and we are totally opposed to any chauge
in the aunicipal codes or zoning that would permit the introduct:. on of
autoaotive agencies on the West side of Interstate 5. Allowing such automobile
dealerships t o opera te on Avenida Encinas would be extremely detrimental and
would have a ujor adverse effect, both environmentally and econollically, on us
aa reeidsnts of the Te rramar Subdivision.
We believe t hat auto1DOti ve dealerships, with the general noise and operational
congeetion, sal es and maintenance auto road testing, the extreme noise of tire
iapact wrenches, publi c address systeu, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
should be kept on t he East side of Interstate 5. We do not want cars being
road teated on our resident ial streets.
Our concern• are genui ne. The utter we are addressing is our right to live
our live• in the quie t enj oy■ent of our homes undisturbed. We chose to live in
the Terraaar Subdivision in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordinauces and
zoning would create and aaintain an environment in which we could live. We ask
that the City Council and the Ca rlsbad Planning Coaaission stand behind that
coaait■ent to the ••hers of this Carlsbad community.
, '
October 20, 1984
We, the underaigned, are •mber1 of the Terramar Homeowners
Aaeociation and/or reeide in the Terraur Subdivision at the addresses listed
beaid• our na•s• We are property owners or renters, and registered voters, in
the City of Carlsbad. We hereby protest any action by the Planning co-iasion
or the City Council in a•nding the zoning ordinance or by any other mean• to
perait autoaobile dealerships by conditional use penait to be established or
o~rated on Avenida Encinaa. We reside i._diately to the West of Avenida
lncinaa and allowing autoaobile dealerships to locate on this street will have
a ne1ative and adverse impact, both environ-ntally and economically, on us.
Our •i~turea belov give weight to our concern•, and we ask the Planning
Coaaieaion and the City Council to disapprove any change in the city zoning
ordinance• t hat would penait auto110bile agencies to operate on Avenida Encinas.
c::; ?4-crd Address
Address , > -
Signature Address
. ,
Signature Address
Signature Address
Signature Addreaa
Signature Address
Slp.ature Addreea
Signature A.ddreea
PlanniD.1 Coaaieeion
c/o Planning Director
1.aDd U•• Planning Department
City of Carlsbad
Carlebad, CA 92008
Subject: City of Carlsbad Proposed Amendment
, '\
October 17, 1984
to Zoning Ordinance to Perait Auto Dealerships
on Avenida Encinas
Aa you ltnov fro■ our meeting with your Planning Department, the residents of
the Terraaar Subdivision are oppoeed to any a•ndaent to the City of Carlsbad
zcming ordinance that would allow automobile dealerships to be established on
Avenida Encinaa. It is the reaidents living nearby vho vill be adversely
affected by th11 propoeed aaend■ent, and we are totally opposed to any ch&nge
in the municipal code• or zoning that would permit the introduction of
auto■otive agencies on the West aide of Interstate 5. Allowing such automobile
dealerahips to operate on Avenida Encinas would be extremely detrimental and
would have a aajor adverse effect, both environmentally and econoaically, on u,
aa resident• of the Terraaar Subdivision.
We believe that automotive dealerships, with the gener&l noise and operational
co~p•tion, sales and u.inten&nce auto road testing, the extreme noise of tire
impact wrenches, public address systeu, traffic night floodlighting, etc.,
ahould be kept on the East aide of Interstate 5. We do not want cars being
road teeted on our reeidential st~eets.
Our concern• are genuine. The aatter we are addressing is our right to live
our 11 ve1 in the quiet enjoyment of our ho•• undisturbed. We chose to live in
the Terraaar Subdivision in the belief that the City of Carlsbad ordinance• and
zoning would create and ■aintain an environment in which we could live. We ••k
that the City Council and the Carlsbad Ploniug Co-1ssio~ stand behind that
co-.i.taent to the me■bers of this Carlsbad coa.unity.
lln A/e,; /)_ · • J! mfc ml~
N ...
St 2.o µ jRIJ'-'t. J/f!-
Street Addre••
Noventler 14, 1984
Marty Bcullan, City Traffic Engineer, explained the policy
regarding intersection spacings and accesses as it
pert.alned to this classification of roadway. El CMni.no
Real is a pria arterial, the highest classification of
roadway other than a freeway. A prime arterial is geared,
at ecme future date, to carry a capacity of 40,000
vehicles. El caaino Real is projected at a higher
capacity. Be stated the pr-ime arterial standard spells
out certain reetrictia,s and intersectioo spacing, "'1ich
should be 2,600 feet~ me-half mile apart. A
transparency was used to indicate intersectioos en El
camino Real. Be stated if the standards are rot followed,
the ability to carry the full anDUnt of traffic can be
lost. Also, there is to be oo access, except at the
legal intersectioos with public streets. Mr. Bouman
stated ecmetimes it is diffirult to IIBintain that standard
because there are situations where it is sinply rot
practical. POr instance, in fragmented ownership of
prqierty, if you can't have access, it oould well uean a
parcel oould be<nll! landlocked.
Mr. BomMn stated there was a roadway to the rear of this
project, and when the City Engineering Department wrote
the justification foc the variance for this partirular
aooess, they had another access in mind. Wlerl you try to
carry 50,000 or 60,000 cars oo an arterial, and with
heavy a:noentratioo at that spot: if, without d::>ing any
major hara, you can funnel traffic out with a right turn
in and out, it would be a solutioo. 'lhis justificatioo
foe a variance was written with that in mind. Be stated
this variance was written with a deceleratioo lane of
sufficient length to get the traffic out of the Wll.'J of the
through traffic. However, this was protested by the
applicant, and if Engineering can't have the deceleratioo
lane, staff can rot support the justification for the
variance. Mr. Bculan stated that secondly, they had been
assured, in their minds, that there would be a 8e<Xlndary
aooesa to the oorth to connect ~ with the O'Hara
project. 'lhis access cnto El Camino Real oould rot be
the priary access-only the seoondary access.
In IUBll}', Mr. Bouman stated the variance oould be
justified provided this Bl Cam.no access point would be a
seoJndary access point, and there is a though road to the
east and to the rear of this prcperty c::xmnect.ing nearby
Mjor streets, together with a deceleration lane to
ac,c,-mte the traffic off of the •jor street.
In mawer to cpt!!r'j, Mr. Brown used a wall 1111P of the
O'llllra project, wii:h an insert shoiring the carlsbad
Gateway project. Be stated Palaer Street would be
ocnlleCl.ing with El Caino. Pal.Ber would oontinue to
College, with a priae interaectia, for southbound and
~. '1be distance fr.an College to the Barbour
COnnectim is 2,200 feet and is 400 feet short of the
required interaection spacing. It is also too close to
the right tum in aid out-only 800 feet.
Mr. Bculan reiterated the right turn in and out would be
all right if it were mt the prt.ary access. 'l'1e primary
acmu should be frat the rear of the project ooto
November 14, 1984 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS
Coallissia, discussioo at this time pointed out the fact
that with the Brq)6 toward El Camino Real, it would seesn
that people IIIOU!d mice that the prilllary access, and thP.re
would be a prd:>lem with the evening traffic a,to El
Caino Real. Mr. lnJman stated there would be conflict,
and the alternative '°-lld be to have traffic i;,:, l4) Palmer
to College. Cclllnissiooer L'Beureux 00,1111,mted that
traffic between future College and the Barro.Jr
Ca,nectia, was a short intersectia, and he felt the
shortening of distances between intersectia,s was poor
planning and he wndered just where it would stq>.
He also asked aoout the J,ilysical median m El Camino
Real and when it would be built. Mr. Bouman answered at
the time of illprovements, a full median is planned m El
Cami.no Real.
Mr. Fred Walters, 2810 Camino Del Rio south, Suite
202, representing Carlsbad Gateway Center, stated they
had worked to solve the drainage problem;; had net with
the neighbors m Sumy Creek to address the inpact to
them, and had answered all questia,s. He stated the
project is reaa,_. to go, the funding is in place, and it
is vital that it i;,:, forward. '!he access is a subject
that 111JSt be answered, and staff has stated a site of
this size nust have a secondary access. He stated that
Palmer way does oot exist and they cannot afford to
build it. Mr. Wlllters felt the standard nust be
caipranised when applied to existing situatioos. Be
felt safety was oot cmpranised by this limited access.
Mr. Wlllters stated Mr. Fipp had told him there was iVl
original driveway m this property at the southwest
comer of the property next to the small parcel of land.
There is a driveway there, and if that acre were aold,
access and easement "IOllld be across their property to
service that sma1:.. parcel. He added that half of their
access to El Cmnino Real had been given up by limiting
the tum; however, they are willing to build the median
and the acoeleratim and deceleratia, lanes, if the City
feels that is necessary.
Mr. Bernie Fipp, Koll Caipany, 7330 Engineer Road, San
Diego, stated he was ooe of the partners and Koll had
purchased the prq,erty four years ago for devel~t.
There was a plan similar to the a,e Mr. Wlllters has, but
due to a oonflict in interest with the founder of the
Ca.pany, they rould mt legally develop and decided to
sell. Mr. Pipp stated when they purchased the property,
it was with a reservatia, of a road along the southern
boundary at the southwest corner and that reservatia,
still exists. There is access to El Camino Real there,
but aiother plan was sumitted to staff noving the
access further north, a,ay frca Faraday, in ceder to
aake a safer tum. 'Ibis would have a deceleratioo and
acoeleratioo lane, with restricted parking. If this
developer ben't buy this prq,erty, it will be aold to
a<meooe else. '!he right to access is there and has not
been given aRJ:i, as it does have an effect m the value
of the (ll:q)erty.
Mrs. BeBe Grosse, 5850 Sunny Creek Ibid, addressed the
ca.dssioo, giving oopies of a letter fran her husband,
Russell Graise, to the canissiooers. She stated they
are in favor of the project and that she was speaking
for: Mr. DeLcnl, who also favors the project.
5850 Avenida E1'tinas, Suite A
November 14, 1984
Planning Conwnission
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Dear Conwnissioners:
Carlsb :l, California 92008 Phone 619/438-3141
Mrs. Grosse and I are 1n full support of the staff recommendations for
STP84-5 and are also in full support of the project. We are also authorized
to speak on behalf of Mr. Oelornl. Mr. Delorl"f1 h~s executed a letter
indicating that he favors a proposal by the developer not to carrv Palmer
Way through the Gateway Project and through OelorB's Project on i nto Mr.
O'Hara's Project. l'i~ is still in accord with that proposal, howe ver, he
wishes to make it clear that should the City dpprove the proposa l Mr.
Oelormcould not be called upon 1n the future to make the connect i on at a
later date. He feels that the imposition upon his property, a very small
parcel of the burden of carrying this street, would be unfair. H further
wishes to nake it clear that the committed access to El Camin0 Re t at
the northerly boundary of his property should remain intact.
It is my understanding from talking to Mr. O'Hara that as a cond i ion of
approving his project he has the obligation of carrying the road ,rough
Mr. Oelorm's property. Mr. Delorm woul~ like to see the same conoition
placed upon the Gateway Project so that he could be assured that whichever
project developed first that that developer would have the respon sib ility
of paying for the cost of carrying the road across Mr. Delorm's property.
Mr. Delorm is prepared to provide the easement to the City without cost
if the road were to be developed by one or the other of the ad joini ng
property owners.
In addition to the foregoing, the developer of the Gateway Proj er• has
proposed a drainage plan, copy of which is attached to this lett . We
believe this to be a fair proposal and that this drainage plan should be
adopted as part of the conditions of the approval of the project.
Sincerely yours,
Co ntractors License No. 378383
. .
5850 Avenid~ Encinas, Suite A
November 14. 1984
Planning Commission
City of Carlsbad
1200 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
Dear COfll111ss1oners:
Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone 619/438-3141
Mrs. Grosse and I are in full support of the staff recommendations for
STP84-5 and are also 1n full support of the project. We are also authorized
to speak on behalf of Mr. Delorn. Mr. Delorn has executed a letter
indicating that he favors a proposal by the developer not to carry Palmer
Way through the Gateway Project and through Delorn's Project on into Mr.
O'Hara's Project. He is still in accord w1th that proposal, however, he
wishes to make it clear that should the City approve the proposal Mr.
Delorn could not be called upon 1n the future to make the connection at a
later date. He feels that the imposition upon his property. a very small
parcel of the burden of carrying this street. would be unfair. He further
wishes to make it clear that the committed access to El Camino Real at
the northerly boundary of his property should remain intact.
It 1s my understanding from talking to Mr. O'Hara that as a condition of
approving his project he has the obligation of carrying the road through
Mr. Oelorn's property. Mr. Delorn would like to see the same condition
placed upon the Gateway Project so that he could be assured that whichever
project developed first that that developer would have the responsib1lity
of paying for the cost of carrying the road across Mr. Oelorn's prop~rty.
Mr. Oelorn is prepared to ~rovide the easement to the City without cost
1f the road were to be developed by one or the other of the adjoini ng
property owners.
In a,Jdition to the foregoing. the developer of the Gateway Project has
proposed a drainage pl an. copy of which 1s attached to this 1 ette1·. We
believe this to be a fair proposal and that this drainage plan should be
adopted !Spart of the conditions of the approval of the project.
Sincerely yours. a:7 //r0 -t-~ f /f/t' ~ ~~
sell W. Grosse
Conir.ictOr\ License No 378383
,, •, I • '
V'i ' . -~'---' CONSU L T I N G
Mrs. Dorothy Ebright
5855 Sunny Creek Road
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Mr. Robert DeLorm
2421 Dunstan
Oceanside, CA 920.54
Mr. Ralph Wrisley
690 Elm Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
\ ~
~ : , ...
~ ~
C I V I l
Dear Affected Property Owners:
-. ,,.... .... ~ l .
' ... _., . " :"" ""t '~ 110 , _ ~-~. _,, ni \,,
November 5, 1984
OUR JOB NO. 84136
At our Tuesday, October 30 meeting in Carlsbad we discussed at length the
different drainage alternatives available to carry runoff from the Gateway
Center development (and from p.-operties to the south) northerly across your
properties to Agua Hedionda C reek. The specific concerns expressed by you
downstream owners were: 1) your concern about surface runoff being discharged
uncontrolled over the north facing slopes; and 2) possible site erosion due to
concentration of flows onto unprotected and undeveloped property, causing
erosion and subsequent siltation downstream.
I believe we mutually decided upon our modified Alternative 1 B, which carries
the unretarded 100year developed peak runoff from the sites to the south
(including all the flows from the Gateway Center site) into an underground storm
drain a?proximately 350 feet northerly across the Delorm site to the northerly
Delorm property line, runs another!.. 120 feet northerly underground across the
Wrisley site, discharges into a natural rock swale extending down the Wrisley
slope to the common Wrisley/Ebright property line some ~ SO feet easterly of
their west property line, is again picked up in an underground storm drain
extending northerly approximately 140 feet to discharge into Agua Hedionda
We also agreed that this system would be sized to pick up the developed flows
from the "upper" portions of the Delorm and Wrisley properties and that a small
berm and ditch would be built along the top of the north facing slopes on the
Delorm property to intercept any sheet flow which has in the past discharged
over the slope. Enclosed is a plan showing this proposed construction. The
affected downstream property owners will bear no costs for these improvements.
Corporate Office • 17782 Sky Par1l Blvd. • lrvlne, Calltornla 82714 • 71.ne1-2222
Inland Empire Office • 1630 E Francis St , Ste B • Ontario, California 91761 • 714/947-0«7
San Diego County Office • 5375 Aven1da Encinas. Ste. C • Carlsbad, California 92008 • 619/~
,~ ••
Affected Property Owners
Our Job No. 141 36
November ,, 1914 / , l .,..:-
Page 2 :~·< ~, " //'-f'< >~,,;/ / .
./ .j / ·''--.../-'• .• ,¢......,,./ ..,.
~-• -,✓ • • ;. ~ /( l f"'{..£ C { -~~ / ., • • -./ ~ ,,.. .J_ • , '-· ~A-~--~<-r....s -,-· .,,,.<-, 7 ,; ... 7 . ,.l,,,.,,,,. ~ -..c--;,~.,,. _r ,,, /
Our consensus was that this would remain a private drain, with each downstream
property owner having the right to relocate it aero" their properties as long as
it did not adversely affect the integrity of the drainage system. We, as
engineers for Davis Developments, will prepare al! the necessary plans and
documents for the construction of this facility and will submit them to each of
you for your final review and approval (after our project has been approved by
the Planning Commission.) In the meantime, we need to show the City that we
have resolved the drainage discharge to the satisfaction of those affected by it.
If you are in agreement with our proposed solution (again subject to your final
approval of our plans) and agree to accept the concentrated discharge onto your
property in the manner delineated above and on the enclosed plan, please sign a
copy of this letter and send it to Fred Walters before November 10, 1934.
If you have any questions, please contact me or Terry Lutz of our office.
Enclosures: Copy of Plan
?.~/J~~ f ~~1R. Schs r1/Jt(
Corporate Office
Copy of letter to be returned
Addressed envelope to Fred Walters
Ms. June Applegate
Mr. Don Schucard
Mr. Fred Walters
Mr. Walter Brown
I am the legal owner of Assessors Parcel No. _____ in the City of Carlsbad,
northeasterly of El Camino Real, and agree to accept the discharge of
concentrated drainage runoff from the Gateway Center in the manner described
to me in the above letter from flilliamson and Schmid, subject to my final
approval of their plans.
Robert DeLorm
Dorothy Ebright
Ralph Wrisley @
P~ CDIUSSICN Nove!mer 14, 1984
Mrs. Grosse had a o::,py of a document Mr. DeLorm had
signed, in favor of renoving the extension of Palner way
through his prq,erty, a."'ld she added they all wanted oo
misunderstanding to guarantee that at eane future date,
the City would not extend Palner way through the DeIDrm
property. She stated if the extension of Palmer were
being rem:>Y'ed at this point, she did oot want that to be
reinstated at eane future date.
Mrs. Grosse stated that it was her understanding that as
part of the O 'Bara conditions, the road was to ~
through the DeIDr1ll property and she wanted the same to
apply to th.: Gateway Project. Tlllichever Wlr:/, !u-s.
Grosse stated the developer woul<" pay the cx:,et of the
road across the DeLorm property. He will give an
easement if the road is to be µJt in by ooe of the
One other statement Mrs. Grosse made, was that Mr.
DeLorm wanted a CDllllitted access at the oortherly part
of the pr:q:,erty at the ro-called Barbour Connection.
Mr. Brown used a wall mp to indicate the Gateway and
DeLonn properties and then showed the DeIDrm property oo
a transparency.
The statement was llll!lde that ooly five acres of the
DeLor:m prq>erty is usable, as the area to the east is
all hillside, with the ooly portion developable to the
west side.
Mrs. Grosse cxmnented that now the Palmer extension is
being questiooed. She referred to a letter fran her
meeting with Mr. Walters and Mr. Fipp regarding the
Palmer extension.
Mr. Joe Sandy, 2956 Rcx:lRevelt, representing O'Hara
properties, stated they were basically oot q,posed to
the project, but the access was the problem. His client
felt if the Palmer access was required, this developer
should have the responsibility to llll!lke that connect.ion.
Otherwise, he felt the Palmer Way connect.ion to O'Bara's
prq,erty should be deleted. He was asking for fair
treatment for the O'Hara developnent and 1{()11 Coq>any.
flle Koll Conpany access is tenporary, and at the tine a
52-ft. wide street is dedicated, that ~ld be
eliminated. In answer to Camrl.ssion query, Mr. Sandy
answered the southerly access to El Camino was the
teq,cx-ary access.
Mr. Frank Finney, Helix Engineering, gave oopies of the
right of access to El C811lino imp to the Camrl.ssiooers
(Minutes Clerk did not get oopy) and explained the IIIIP•
flle right of access point had not been relirquished and
the nap was reoorded May 22, 1980.
ec.rl.ssioo discussion followed this presentation with
the final answer by Mr. Brown being that the Barbour
Connectioo is the very best location as far as spacing
is oonoerned.
Callaissiooer L'Heureux stated he had net with Mr.
Walters today and had a o::,py of the letter of Nollelllber
8, 1984, the former City Engineer and the letter of
Novelber 4, 1984 frcn Bel ix Engineering signed by Mr.
Finney. (No ~ies supplied to the Minutes Clerk)
November 14, 1984 Page 6
ca.issiooer Schlehuber and Chairman Rari:x>tis stated
they had 111et with Mr. walters.
Camdssiooer Farrow added he had rret with Mr. Walters
and received the letters referred to by the other
Ccmnissiooers. He stated that all the problE!SIS had been
addressed, other than the access, and the access a, El
Cmni.no was the basis for the denial reoonmendation. He
added he aJreed with Engineering that allowing ingress
and egress can Ba1Etimes help the traffic flow. If
there is a deceleration lane, the traffic flow is not
hindered, but if there is a two-lane road and no right
turn lane, the two lanes can stack up. In June of
1984, Mr. Beckman approved this, and with all other
proble!IE addressed, Carrnissioner Farrow stated he felt
the Palmer extension should be addressed at a later
time, He CD'lcluded, stating he was in favor of the
right turn in and out.
Ccmnissioner Marcus stated she was in favor of the right
turn in and out as long as it was oot the primary
Mr. lb.Iman reiterated the primary access should be off
of Palmer, but if they oon • t have that access, then the
primary access 1'0.lld be the access off of El Camino
Real, lilhich would not be desirable.
Coamissioner Sd-J.ehuber stated he had a problem with the
anount of driveways, but if Mr. Pipp has the access that
he says he has, he is entitled to it. He stated he was
in favor of allowing no aco?ss with a barrier-type of
access for emergency vehicles crily, and felt the City
Attorney would have to make the determination abrut the
Ccmnissioner Smith asked if Palmer were extended to
College, it would be the primary access; if extended to
the Barbour Connectioo, l"Oii did Engineering feel about
that, and Mr. Botmian answered that 11«>Uld not be
Ca!imissioo discussioo followed about Palmer extensioo
and whether er not it would~ through, with Chairman
Raltx>tis asking staff whether the Safety Center access
met the wl-<le-sac policy.
Ron Bedcman, City Engineer, A/CM, stated that it did, as
the City has a se<Xl'ldary access out the other way south
of the Costa Real property.
Camisaicner L'Reureux stated he was concerned with the
physical design of the project and the access. He felt
the traffic policy should be adhered to and minimize the
nlai>er of driveways mto El Camino Real.
CCllll.issicner Farrow n:,yec1 the Planning Cannission eal(>t
a Reeolutioo drawn~ to approve SDP 84-5, based a, the
Comissioo findings and the Land Use Office letter,
oonditiooed with ingress and egress with deoeleratioo
and acoeleratioo lanes with a right turn in and out off
of El Camino Real. o:maissiooer Sllitl aeo:nded the
Mot.ion failed.
Eomotis X
Farrow X X
Schlehuber X
L'Heureux X
Smith X
Marcus X
McFadden X
Novent>er 14, 1984 Page 7
Planning Camri.ssioo ar:k:Jpted the following Resolutioo:
RBSOEOrICll t«:>. 2364, DmYIN3 A SITE DEVEIDPMmr PLAN t«:>.
Camdssiooer L'Reureux stated he would abstain frall the
discussioo oo this item.
Walter Brown gave the staff report oo this item as
contained in the ftelm'andum fran the City Engineer.
Planning Ccmnission ~ the Pea Soup Andersen
request for standard variance as presented.
4. This item was taken out of oroer and heard first.
This item was oontinued for two weeks.
5. CUP-247 -MARTIN -Request for approval of a
residential care facility located oo the south side of
Palm Avenue be~ Harding Streeet and the I-5
Charles Gri.mn, Principal Planner, gave the presentation
on this item as oontained in the staff repol·t, using a
transparency to show the site.
Chairman Rcatlotis opened the public hearing at 7:29
p.m. and issued the invitatioo to speak.
Mr. ~ard Martin, the applicant, spc.»te for his wife
and hiaelf, as owners and managers of the facility.
Be stated if he put in the parking lot the City was
asking, it would take ant'/ recreatioo area fran the
senior: ladies and would also take OYer cne-third of
their garden area. Mr. Martin stated there is a o.ll--de-
sac to the east where two Cl1I"S can park. Re stated
visitors ck> not stay long at the facility and there is
never a parking problem.
Mr. Mllrtin put a map a, the wall showing the garden and
driveway and the changes needed.
Charles Gri.na stated the map provided by the applicant
was not to scale and the problem was that another
adjacent parcel was under Mr. Martin's ownership and
that parcel frmts m Harding Stret. Both paroels
would have non-<Dlforming uses and to be CDnforming
they wou1d have to alter the garage and pave part of
the garden.
problem was that another paroel was under Mr. Martin's
ownership and that parcel frmts oo Harding street.
Both parcel.a cb not oonform, and they would have to
alter the garage and part of the garden.
Novelllber 14, 1984 Page 8
Ccnniasioo discussioo followed with the ~e of the
residents being established at 76 to 100 and ocne of
thelll driving cars. nte suggestioo was made to oot
accept residents owning autarobiles ar.d Mr. Martin
stated that they oo oot take any residents with
Mr. walt Lessing, hcn!owner, ai:iressed the caanission,
stating his Mother is at that heme and is 87 years old.
He stated he dlose the Martins because he did oot find
any other place with ao nuch loving. He added there
was oo need for additiooal parking and there was very
little activity there. 'ftle rose garden was certainly
preferred to a parking lot.
Mr. Bob Holmes, 810 Caminita Rosa, stated his l'bther is
also at this facility, and is 96 years old. He stated
this is a class operatioo and parking is never a
problem there. He asked the Coomission to give
consideration to the Martins.
Mr. Virginia Boyes. 6717 Clover Court, stated her
Mother also lives at the Martin facility, and is 100-
years old, but is oot senile. ntis facility gives good
love, good food and is a good, clean facility. She
stated there is never a parking problem, and she, too,
felt a rose garden was better than a parking lot that
would oot be used.
Since no cne else wished to speak oo this item, the
public testiloony was ca1cluded at 7:45 p.m.
Planning Camdssioo approved CUP-247, subject to a
,,ariance, and the suanittal of a traffic plan sh<Ming
the reduoed parking and the interrelatiooship of this
unit with the existing unit.
Planning cau.J.ssion asked staff to expedite this
6. ZCA-178 -CITY OF CARLSlW> -A proposed mnerdnent
to the zooing c:rdinance to establish an over.lay zone to
provide for the developnent of mjor hospital
Charles Gdnn, Principal Planner, gave the presentaticn
on t-.his ite1111 as oontained in the staff report, stating
there was an amendment that the applicant <'lid oot have
koowledge of at this time, and based upon the
aamclnent, staff re<Xlllllellded a(JPl"OVal.
Chai rman Ralt>otis opened the public hearing at 7:53
p.11. and issued the invitation to speak.
Mr. Ben Clay, Scripps Hospital, 7979 Ivanhoe, spak:e
regarding proposed changes in the Ordinance. Re stated
he felt Item 1 in 21.23 '11 0 should be deleted. Also he
felt ItcaJ 1 and 7 in Section 21.23.030 oould cause
-. ...
lc:latlotis )I
Farrow )I
Schlehuber )I
L'Beureux )I )
Smith )I
Marcus )I
McFadden )
Novent>er 14, 1984 Page 9 COMMISSIONERS
Mr. Clay felt Section 21.23.040 was unclear as to
permitted uses. He did oot find skilled nursing
facilities, resident care facilities, restaurant
facilities; medical research facility to suwc,rt the
hospital: aoother area to to treat alcohol and
chemical dependency and a facility such 86 the McDonald
House. He asked for these to be added to sub-paragr3J?h
( f).
Mr. Clay referred to Section 21.23.050, Site Oevelopnent
Plan, and stated they would like to suanit the entire
plan showing the master plan and explaining the
Mr. Clay referred to page 3, 1 ine 3, and read the rest of
the paragraph. Re stated it lll!!lde sense to build the
doctcx and dentist facilities along with the hospital,
and oot later-both have to go together. His ooncern was
with the word "After• in line 3 of page 3.
Assistant City Attorney Dan Hentschke explained that
staff had anticipated that it would all be done at cne
time, Md that if llfff other c!dditions were needed, such
as a larger lab, it IIIOllld not be necessary to go through
the process again, with the City Council and Planning
Ccmaissio,, having the power t.o a!A)rove any c!dditions. He
added that staff was really trying to aC<XllllOOdate the
hospital without asking how the City wanted it done.
Mr. Clay referred to 21.23.140, Parking -Mini.num, page
4 , 1 ine 26, where there is me space for each 200 square
feet of gross floor area. Re suggested that be changed
to 250 square feet.
Mr. Clay read Section 21.23.200, and stated he felt it
should read "two years• instead of "one year", with a cr,e
year extension.
'ftle letter dated Noveat>er 14, 1984, was discussed, with
Mr. Clay stating they had no oojection to that. A change
was rede to that IEllV fran Dan Rentschke, in the last
paragraph, the Section nunt>er should be 21.23.050.
Mr. Clay did ask permission to have his ~el check
through the Noveat>er 14, 1984, menorandum.
Since no cr,e else wished to speak er, this matter, the
public teetino,y was ooncluded at 8 :03 p.m.
Mr. Griml reepcnded i;:oint to i;:oint to Mr. Clay's
ooaient.8: In Section 21.23.020, N\mt>er 7 is the State
Code and Nlllt>er 1 is what the City feels is needed. Re
stated staff had oo problem with the added uses
perllitted, and felt they all fell under Sectioo (f).
Any reaeon.ab.le use rould be added.
lllr. Gria stated the parking section, 21.23.140, does
call for 200 aquare feet, which is the same for all
adioal offices in the City.
Mr. Clay had tallted with Mr. Grimn about the site
dewlopaent plan being au.t:aitted at the same time of the
saw change. Re agreed the two years would allow nore
flexibility, with acne year extension, eo staff would
have no problan with the two year site developnent plan
up front. In answer to query, he added that this would be
a 6o-acre site.
Noveffber 14, 1984 Page 10
flle parldng requirement was discussed, and Mr. Cley 's
request to change the 200 square feet to 250 square
feet, and staff stated that even if they left it at 200,
a 151 reducticn oould be utilized if the project was
done urder cne develcpnent plan.
The discussion CP.ntered around hoopitals in residential
zale8, and staff stated that nost of the hospitals in
~ Diego are adjacent to retiidential areas. 'nle ooly
problem that oould cause ooncern '-Olld be a life flight
helia:,pter. Mike Holzmiller indicated that another
reasa, for permitting the H--0 zone over residential
zones, was that if a property was rezoned camnercial,
but the hospital didn't go in, the City would then be
stuck with a ronmercial zone.
Planning Camlission lldopted the following Resolution:
ml! ~, AMEN)IN:; TITLE 21 , OiAPI'ER 21 , OF 'ffiE
21 • 23 REX;ARDIN:; 'IRE lnSPITAL--0/ERU\Y ( H--0) zcm:.
With the following changes:
Section 040. Permitted Uses. 'nlat the following
specific uses be included: residential care
facilities; &killed nursing facilities;
restaurant facilities as an auxiliary use: medical
research facility to euwort the hospital· al<X>hol and
chemical dependency care and a facility such as McDcnald
That there be oo mange to the parking requirement.
That the ronditions as recnrmended by the City Attorney
be included, 21.23.030, 21.23.040 and 21.23.050.
Under the 200 Section, the Section be re-worded to
permit subnittal of site develcpnent plan at the time of
the mte change, with a two-year time period and a cne-
year extension.
7. ZCA -177 -CITY <F CARI.SIW) -An amendment to the
Zoning Ordinance restricting re-application after
project denial.
Charles Grim gave the staff report on this item,
stating staff Mllr\ted this in the Ordinance.
Chairman Ralbotis q>efled the public hean.ng at 8: 17 p.m.
and isaued the invitation to speak. Since oo ooe wished
to speak en this item, the public teetinaty portion was
Planning ca.issioo l':R>roved the Negative Declaratioo
iuued by the! Land use Planning Manager and aoopted the
following Resolution:
RBSOlDl'IQf ti). 2378, REO'.M4IH)n«; APPJV.1AL OF A ~
~n«; TITLE 21, CBAPreR 21.54,
Sl!C'l'IQf 21. S4. 130, OF 'l'!IB CARI.SlW> JIIJNICIPAL CIDE, BY
'ftlB AOOITIClf C, SUBS8C'l'I~ 21.54.130 'ID RBS'mICT R!:-
"' . . .
Novent>er 14, 1984 Page 11
Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, stated this project was
approyed a couple of years ago and using a transparency
to show the site, he ~lained the 3PPlicant has
requested to change the wilding lcyouts of two of the
uni ts. '1bere are sane owners 1i ving in the developnent
who cppoae this change.
'ftle Comni.ssioo is to determine whether oc oot this is a
minot' er mjor revisioo to the tentative map as
approved. Since there are people living there who
0R)06e this change, staff ~ this a:me back as
an anieudnent. '1'he width of the wilding would be
decreased, with a deo.--ease in square footage of 200
square feet. '1'he plan as c!R)roved was 1 , 750 square foot
am these would be 1,500. However, the wilding oould
be lengthened.
Chairman Raltx>tis asked for the consensus of cpinioo of
the Caanissioo, and the carmissiooers felt this was a
major change and people should be ooticed and the
camdssia, sho.lld look at the size.
Bill Hofman stated there was a representative of the
applicant pr-esent to speak in 11Dre detail about the
changes, if the camdssioo desired.
Planning Canaissioo oonfirned staff ~atioo for
this item to be a:nsidered a major revision. '!he
applicant is to proc@ed with all the necessary paperwork
for a full hearing.
'11le Minutes of the October 1 O, 1 984, meeting were
approved as amended to show the date of the
oontinuatioo of the Gateway Center item as Noventler 14,
The Minutes of the October 24, 1984, meeting were
approved aa amended oo page 8, paragraph 6, to dlange
what Wlllter Brawn said to: "The situatioo was less
safe than if there was oo transitioo at all.•
COl'aiss ialer Schlehuber stated he would like a revi ew
of the P{I) Crdinance as he is ooncerned with the
densitiee of projects being presented to the Callllissioo.
loltlotis X
Farro.,, X
Schlehuber X X
L'Reureux X
Smith X
Marcus X
McFadden X
~tis X
Farrow X
Schlehuber X
L'Beureux X X
Smith X
Marcus X
McFadden X
loltlotis X
Farrow X
Schlehuber X
L'Beureux X X
Slllith X
Marcus X
McFadden X
Novent>er 14, 1984 Page 12
O:.U.ssiooer Schlehuber mde a notion to ask staff to
give the Planning Camdssion to review the POD
Ordinance and ronsider any changes that lllight be mde.
Mike Bolzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, suggested
that perhaps the caanission would like to aoopt a policy
that 1!fff infoniation subnitted at the meeting, where the
COR!rl.ssimers do rot have tiR to review it, would
autaMtically result in that item being oontinued.
Assistant City Attorney stated if this was to be in the
Planning Camdssion procedures, it oould be presented at
the next JEeting. 'fflis was to apply to information
given by the applicants oc by staff, and uaver all
points, and to be discussed by the CoRdssion at the
next 111eeting.
By p:-oper irotion, the meeting of Noveftt>er 14, 1984, was
adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully autaitted,
MID IIJl.aD:m.l~
Land Use Planning Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
ta'l'DG; ARE Alm 'Il\PED JN> KEPT ~ FILE IB.l'IL 'lBE
lblt>otis X
Farrow X
Schlehuber X X
L'Beureux X
Smith X
Marcus X
McFadden X
Traffic generated by t he 70,000 square feet of offices would be 1,400 vehicular
tripe• daily. Traffic generated by the 104,000 square feet of Mini Warehouse
~ould be J12 vehiclea daily . Thus, the combined loading of the project on Paseo
del Norte would be about 1,700 vehicles daily.
Typically, peak hour office traffic generation occurs from 4:JO to ~:JO P.M.+
and constitutes 10!. of daily traffic. There is no definable peak hour from minT
warehouses. Traffic is generated evenly over a 12 hour day, thus the peak hour
(or any hour ) constitutes about 8~ of daily traffic.
Using the above percentages, the office peak hour generation is 140 trips mid
mini warehouse generation is 25 tri ps for a total of 165 peak hour trips.
Based on the proximity of the project location to Palomar Airport Road and its
connection to 1-5 , as opposed to the more distant and slower route to Poinsettia
Lane , it can be assumed that the project traffic distribution will be about 80!.
to the north m,d 20~ to the south.
Accordingly, the daily project traffic impact would be 1,J60 to and from the
north mid J40 to and from the south. The peak hour impact would be 132 trips to
and from the north and 33 trips to and from the south.
In view of the secondary arterial classification of Paseo del Norte, the above
daily and peak hour traffic iinpact is inconsequential. The street will have a
capacity of 20,000 vehicles daily, and carries only 11,000 today at its heaviest
l ocation (just south of Palomar Airport Road ). There is no capacity problem.
• A "trip" ie the single direction movement of a ~ehicle from an origin to a
destination. Thus an employee of an office building makes one trip to work in
t he l'IOl'ning and another trip home in the evening, for a total of two tripe.
from a traffic engineering standpoint there would be great benefit to having two
driveway entrances to the office building project; one off of Paseo del Norte
and one off of Camino del Perque. With the latter entrance and exit, the right
and left turni ng movements to and from the site would be better distributed,
with some of them occurring at the intersection of Paseo del Norte and C•ino
del Perque. Intersections are the places whrre turning movements are generally
expected by motorists, and art thus safer than mid-block locations.
The two mid-block driveways off of Paseo del Norte can best be served with a
striped two-way left turn lane in the street. Tnat can be accomplished by
proh.~biting parking on both sides of Paseo del Norte.
~hf" street traffic situation, and the project, can also benefit by a street
widening flare on the east ~ide of Pasel dPl Norte, beginning at the end of the
present curb and gutter, and tapering to meet the existing pavement edge at a
point about 300 feet to the south. The widening should be bordered with an
asphalt berm on the east side, end surfaced with asphaltic concrete. Such a
taper would provide a smoother transition from narrow to wide, and allow the
painting of a left turn lane for northbound traffic on Paoeo del Norte turning
west on Camino del Perque.
About the only traffic impact that will be felt from this project will be during
the morning and late afternoon peek hour. In the morning practically all
traffic will be arriving, making right and left tu~ns into the project. In the
late afternoon it will be reversed. But -.hen it is considered that total peak
hour generation is 165 vehicles, that averages less than three cars per minute.
With the s uggestions made above , such traffic can readily be accommodated.