HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-12; Planning Commission; Minutes..... v.
Mffting of:
Date of Meetinq:
'1'iae of Meetinci:
Place of Meeting:
I .,
Deoent>er 12, 1984
6:00 p.m.
City Chuncil Chllltlers
'flle Meeting was called to order by Olairman loltx>ti; at
6:04 p.m.
Present: Olair:an Rarbotis, camrl.ssiaiers
Schlehli>er, ani th, L' fleureux, Marcus and
Pk:Fadaen. O:mnissiaier Farrow arrived
6:10 p.m.
Absent: None.
staff Menlbers Present:
Bill Hofman, Principal Planner
Charles Grilml, Principal Planner
Mike Bowes, Assistant Planner
Walter Brown, Civil Engineer
Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager
PLl!DE a, AI.Ll!GIA!CE was led by Olai rman loltx>tis.
Chab:•n ~tis called attentioo to the Planning
Ccmldssioo Prooedm'es being shown oo the screen and
asked the audience to take a few minutes to read them.
1. ZC-~84-11/CP-283 -CARLSBAD BF.1tCR RAQJ()ET
CLtl3. ( to OOean Vista)
Request for a s:ine dulnge, tentative tract map, lll'ld
oondaninillll pemit m 9.4 acres located between
carlabad Boulevard lll'ld AT,SF Railroad at Anacapa !aid.
Bill Hofllan, Principal Plainer, gave the presentatioo
on this it• as oontained in the staff report, using a
location mp transparency n:,wing the site. Be stated
this ita was oontinued sld the IA)liCSlt has now
aitigatec! the ooncerns of the cc.nission. fie used wall
mape lhcwing the revised site plan. Mr. ~f:lllan stated
COuncll hae now <XJnaidered the sale of the property,
and a cxnditioo has been atMed to require the IA)licant
to vaclllte the ptope.cly Jrlor; to final 111111P 81)pro17al.
Another chart was used n:,wing the re--design to apanish-
..Uterranean, replacing the a:intelll)orary style, sld he
■tat:ed staff felt this WIIB a nore interesting design,
aitigating the architectural oonoem.
ttle recreatia\al area was mother oonoem of the
CCW-1utm, • the t98identa '°11.d have been fcroed to
crou the etrNt to tUch the area. '!he ~icant
hM mw piorided IIK>ther <XalOl'l area to eU.111.i.nate the
neceeaity ot. crouing the street.
Mr. Bofan dillC.'U■lled the oongestion of the project,
■tating the I.Bllble acr:uge is 4.25 acres, sld it would
be difficult to ~ign this pa;oject to raove the
oangNt:ion or clutter.
Deceatier 12, 1984 Page 2
In mswer to query about llhat "'°'11.d happen to the q,er1
space, Mr. Hofan said Ml easenent will be dedicated
over that property and will be left in a natural
oonditim. '!be •intenance of this easement would be
the responsibility of the hcaeowners.
Ccaniuiooer Schlehuber mked about the railroad ooise
ancl the absence of a oonditiat for a wall as in the other
projects, and Mr. Flofllan stated the interior sound levels
mat be leBS thSl 45 Im.
Walter Brown stated Oonditim 36 d should reach
•Acoeleratim and deoeleratim lanes m Carlsbad
Boulevard.• 'l1le rest of that sentence is to be deleted.
Olaiman Rollbotis q>erled the public hearing at 6:12 p.m.
ancl issued the invitatim to speak.
Mr. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, stated :he applicant
agreed with staff rea:maendatioos and accepted the
aaended oonditim as stated t:,,, Mr. Brown.
Mr. Ladwig used a wall mp SlOWing the projed, and stated
this 110Ul.d be the first ate of its kind a, Carlsbad
6oulevard, it should be Ml example for future
develqaent. 'ftlis would be a pemanent oorrioor for the
City and future projects should allow for large q>en
spaces. He stated the b.Jildings w.re spread apart to
llllke a oorridor. Mr. Ladwig said the q>en space was to
be kept free of. tral!lh.
An:>ther CDnee~ was the name of the project, and Mr.
Ladwig stated it had been changed to Ocean Vista. He
stated that should mitigate the camdssioo's <DlCem.
Mr. Ladwig discusaed the recreati<Wll facilities and the
dun}e mde there, and the railraod ooise attenuatim.
In ooncluaion, Mr. Ladwig stated the pt"Cl)erty is divided,
but will be a nice project and should be a trend-setter
for the area.
Mr. Nigel Clarke, 7343 Alaaden Lane, a.idressed the
aa..iuion, Mk1ng whether the three-story ruildings hdW!
9araiJIB mdemeath, aid Mr. Ladwig answered that they
did, but ware within the height l:bdtatioo. Mr. aarte
felt the elwationa • lhown were m.llleading and ahould
be dlecbd cloeely ~ staff. Mr. Clarke did oot like the
architecture, etating it showed oo fom.
Robbie Richlln, Selp>El, aaked llhether there is SI
architect to look CJINr the plan• aul:aitted m projects,
or la tber. -,one m this Cmaiaaim WlO is able to read
pl.aw, or cl:> they just rely ai the pictures eubldtted.
Cbait•n RDllbotia stated all pl-cp through a thorough
•t:aff reri• md they are plamers. Aleo, he stated that
....-al of the Ooaiaion l'li!llbtn are able to read
Deoelllber 12, 1984 Page 3
Mr. ll>fnlln stated that except for the redevelcpnent area,
no architectural review is necessary in the City, and
there is no architectural Rview board. Architectural
plane ar.e oot ~ by the City.
Dr. Ridaan, Seaport, stated he wanted to echo the fears
of the people of. the caamity watching the growth of
carlabad. 'lbe past ten years this growth has been
lr-ibus. Be expressed his cpiniat that this
ca.i.ssioo should listen to the citizens ~ watch the
growth viery cloeely.
Mr. &1111 Clel::erg, 7219 Mia:>sa Drive, spake regarding his
CXXleem dioot «lequate parking for this project. Staff
anase'ted the Rd.niaull of me mw'ted parking space is
requi'ted in the comc:.inim oroinance and the rest is
outside. 'ffle visitor parking requires one space for wry
four lftits, and this project has approximately 25 or 26
guest parking spaces, plus the ratio.
Since no me else vished to speak a, this item, the
pt,lic testia:ny was ooncluded at 6:26 p.m.
ao.d.ssioner McPadaen stated this ~ a difficult site to
dew!lop and viery visible, and although the lll)plicant had
tried to t'NPOlid to the suggestioos, she felt it was oot
adequate. '1be site was too oongested and there was an
unsafe oonditioo in the curve oo Anacapa. She felt there
should be no ID'ltaent-type ooildings oo carlsbad
OMliran lolbotis noted, for the reoord, that a letter
ha! been ROei'V'ed frca Mr. Jack It>t>.insoo of South Shores
De'ftl.qaent Corporatioo.
ca.dsaioner Marcus ~ vith a::.aissioner McPadaen,
and felt the project 'Nlll8 too dense and she lO.l.ld have
diffiatlty in ~ing it.
eo.daaioner Schlehuber ~ he did have a problem
~ thid project, rut lO.l.ld CJ:> ala,g with the
dlnaity since they are CDl()lyinq with the pr:esent law.
Be aMec!I he wnted that ordinance changed in the future.
~ran lolbotis oalled attentioo to Resolution No.
2348, page 2, l'inding ts. 'lbe date l!lhcMl there should be
~ to tleolllbtr 12, 1984.
Ctaldeeioner L'Heureux asked staff how a negative
declaratia, -~ aid Mr. fk>fan IMW9°ted that my
project in the City ... atuctied to datemine "1ether er
not lt ... aubject to a, BIR aid t,hat i.spacts that
pmject. WlUld haft at the tnvlrGwww1t. Became this
project f•t:m.! clustering aid._ not enviroraentally
...ttiw Ind did not extend into the wetlands, it 'Nlll8
felt that a nagative declaration CX>Uld be iaaued.
oa.iaioner L'lleuEeux Mad about Itea t8 oo the Agenda,
with a 0an&lltiCI'\ tts, AgUding noiee attenuatioo, Illich
llelal! to be m <nl!plete than C'.onditia, 20 oo this
ita, Ind he atated ha felt all -..ch oonditiona should be
oaaaiatmt Ind lud the .... Alao, he fel t C'.onditia,
t1,, lbidl mlaud to the au-foot -11, ahould a1ao be
oontalnld ln thie RNolutiai, • -11 • ~ project
lbutt.lng the ~. Bl agr9ed t:hie wa a tti.ffimlt elte and he IDJld alao hllv9 difficulty in accepting the
cllnaity of the project.
Deoellt>er 12, 1984 Page 4
Ccalissioner Schlehuber asked arout Conditioo 136 d, and
Malter Brt1lffl stated the laE.t sentence of that sect.loo
should lead :•Acceleratioo and deceleratioo lanes oo
carlabacl Boulevard.• 'l1le rest of that sentence should
be deleted.
Ccaliuioner Schlehuber agreed with Ccmnissi~r
L'Reureux with regard to the sound attenuatioo
oonditioos in resolutioos.
ca..isaioner Marcus stated she did mt li.Jte this project
and the density.
eo-issioner McFadden questiooed whether this was the
beat use of that site.
Plaming ca.issioo adopted the following Resolutioos:
CRNl;E PK». R-1 -10,1000 'ID m>-M-0 NI> CE Cfi PRlPERTY
ATliSF RAILHW> 1tr NllDtPA R:w>.
'l'!N'l7d'IVE 'mACl' ~ AND CIHXJllNitM Pf!aitIT Cfi PR>PERI'Y
With cha,ges to Finding ts, ooise and wall
attenuatioo ronditioos and deletioo of IIOI'ding oo
Oonditioo 136 d, as discussed.
2. COP-260 -CXWft' K\S'l'E ~ -Request for a
condltfciiai me periiilt to locate a solid waste
operatioo at the County Transfer Statioo ig>roJdJnlltely
1,500 feet north of the intersectioo of PalaMr Airport
a.i and Bl Caino Real in the M-0 7.one.
O\arles Gria, Principal Planner, gave the pcesentatioo
on this ita as contained in the staff report, stating
this wa a~ aJP until a pemanent locatioo is
founi!. 'ff'8R IDll.d be oo storage of trash oo the site.
'Ibis ID1l.d be flor storage and repair of 35 trucks used
by 0>ut 1IUte Managaent. Mr. Gria stated the
lllPlicmt 1188 to increase the lmdsolllping and there
were conditioos to regulate poesible trash spread to
adj-.nt. ftq>m.ties, • wll as anti.time to control
the operatioo of. the facility.
In reap01iee to CJJery, staff stated this t:apcrary site
.auld poaaibl.y be mad far at least two years.
'ftle traffic circulatioo ws questioned. Engineering
staff wnd they felt the stnets wre -'equate to
blnllle the traffic. 'Ibey~ that with the
Cl0ftltrUctim of. the safety Olnter, P'ara&ly will be
aanat:I\ICted IIVi th" IIJPlic::mt will gain access through
tbllt atnet. 'ftle trucb far this applicant will leave
in the mmi.ng and return at nie#\t--tllaking ooly one trip
par day.
a-ait111n ~i• ~ the l,'.dllic heari~ at 1-:45
p.11. and 1--the invitatioo to apeak.
Mr. at aoer-, 7204 Panto Drive, ,epreeenting Coast
WMt:e llll!illg_at., dttNltll the cn.isaion, stating
thay aould now ncate the property oo Panto Drive.
R:llh:>tis X
Farrow X
Schlehuber X X
L'Beureux X
91\ith X
Marcus X
McFacxlen X
Decellber 12, 1984
Mr. Boeraa oalled attention t.o two ronditims,
Ocnditia, 26 d, and 31, stating there ftllst be sane
lliamdersunding, • they are mt developing a new
project, and ally renting the existing building. 'fflis
will not be a trash processing ~atia,, but they are
aillply mri.ng their general offices, trucks and storage
arxl repair facility. Be felt 26 d was unfair, as based
on their traffic, a signal l«>llld mt be required. A
boulevard stq> would be sufficient, and they were
willing to provide that. Mr. Boersma added if they did
create traffic j-, the o:mdssia, oould review the
OJp and ct> acaething about that.
Mr. Boerallla teed COnditia, 31, and stated it was oot
pouible for C.oaet Maate Management to grant an
eaa nt-a, land they did mt own-they are just
renting. Be stated the appropdate tiffle to grant an
easaaent would be at sane future time when the entire
acreage is being planned.
An altemative aolutia, was suggested by Mr. Boersma,
oonaiating of a <bcment or permit granting the City
accesa to their pnmises. He asked for approval of the
COP with the ti«> itC!IIIB he discussed deleted or aooified
in the interest of fairness and logic.
Since oo a,e else wished to speak en this ite111, the
ptj>lic testimony we ooncluded at 6:55 p.m.
ca.i88imer L'HeuJ:eux cxmaented, for the reoord, that
he had met with Mr. Boersma to discuss this project.
wal.ter Brown explained COnditim 31, using a
tranaparenc.y to show the area ala,q the westerly
pa:opaty line fran Faraday to the existing exit fmn
the p:operty going to El Camioo Real. 'ffle City and
county have 111 agre_ ent to have the O:>unty grant that
aooeu. Be stated the teaSOn behind this ronditim ..as
to have the IIA)licstt: d>tain and grant an easMent by
f• title holder • lesaee. Mr. Brown stated the
purpoee of the aeooncSary access was for emergency and
the IIC0HII 1188 to n.ain in place, but 11111'\ually closed.
'!be City hlie an d:>ligatim to the water District and to
o--iui.mer L'llem'eux stated he had difficulty with
the lading of the conditims, • the lessee camot
cp:1nt er ca&JN the OOUnty to grant these things. Be
felt tbia type of dnelqaant lhould mt be held l4> by
th1a type of lllnguaga. !he signal was over-reaching,
acaarding to oa..iuioner L'BeureUll, lh!n the applicant
only has a fi....-ywa~ aJP. He l«>llld put l4> a:ney for a •itnDl aw.') poaaibly not benefit fral that, with the
City Ind the Oculty being the a,ea to benefit lltlen they
a..Jq, theit p:q,erty. Cmaiaaimer I, 'Beureux
Rgglllabid the ~t be deleted or put in at less
tha1 half, but alao r.,quire or provide lh!n he vacates,
lf the lli9lal, ia not in, he would get his aw,ey bade.
In ---to~ regarding Ooaatal RNJ., Mr. Brown
•tat.ea thay lalt the axiaa llllllber of. driwwaya to ease
their Internal clroulatia, pa:obl-and there is a
wrltt.n ~ for dri'V'8WJ9 to be left open to than.
Ill .__. he has clifficulty aupporting driVWIIJ8 on
art.arial atneta, and believee the City lhould cxintrol
acc... tor the r,tt,lic good.
' ,
P~ CXMUSSICfi Page 6
ca.ieaimer Schlehuber agn!C.'!d with ca..issimer
L'Reurem, and favored his seoond propoeal. Re felt
C.onditiat 31 was w:,rded wrmg, as they cannot grant an
e• nt at pr.q,erty they oo not CM\.
In aNMtr to a queetiat as to .tty Cooditia1 26 d called
for me half of the signal 008t, staff said there waa a
need for a signal at •A• Street. 'lhe me4\alf S\aI'e was
arrived at a, the basis that the City "'°'1l.d provide me--
half of the ooet at the Mrth side. 'ffle ,c,rding <X>l.lhl be
cha,ged to: •At auch ti.Ille as traffic warrants are 11et or
the City l!ngineer ahall deem necessary that the traffic
signal be installed, and that if the traffic signal is
not installed c:lJring the life of the appl leant 's lease,
he is relieved of l!/lf'j met for it.•
'l1le tille of the CUP was diecuBBed, and it was stated the
IIRlliomtt did not know just how lonq he "'°'1l.d be renti~
that property. It IMS stated the County had propoeed oo
change in the periffleter of the transfer statioo. Staff
stated the location of the driveway is difficult, and any
developnent by the County to the east "'°'1l.d be evaluated
with regard to the cul-de-sac policy. Rowever, County
developient ,oiould not be until next SUll!ler.
Plaming Ccmlission approved the Negative Declaration
issued by the Land Use Planning Manager, and aoopted the
following Ret!lolutioo:
RPS:I.Dl'ICN M'.>. 2388, APPRJV'IN3 A OH>ffiCNAL l6E PfX-lIT
With following a111e1dnents:
Oonditioo 26 d, be rerNOtded to provide that at this
tiae the applicant not be required to either lxlnd for or
insWl traffic signal. At such time as the City
Engineer detemines that a traffic signal is necessary,
that the IA)licant be required to oontribute oo nore than
one-quarter of that r and that if the warrant has not been
called pc'ior to the tune of the tendnatioo of the CUP,
this cml.igation oo the part of this applicant be
teminated. If the applicant has posted bonds or m::iney:
that be refuncled to him at that time.
0ondition 31 be deleted, lmless the t«>rding is ~ to
state the applicant wul.d assist the City in acguiring
•uch m eum nt and "'°'1l.d not object to such an eu nt:
being granted, and not tie into the 0CCUpi!ll'lc.y of the site.
3. ZC-322 -PBA SOOP ~•s -Request fee a SJne
change fmi R-lr-10, 000 to C'l'-0 oo property located juet
eut of I-5 between car Comtry and Pea Sot4) AnderNn's.
Nib llcMa■, Aaista\t Planner, gave the presentatioo a,
th!■ it.a M <Xllltained in the staff report, Ulling a
tr:1111111p•n111c7 lllhowing the pr.opoeed ~ mange. '1his acne
dWnge 110Ul.d pmride CXlNli atency with the General Plan
and PMaO Del Norte, and will serve as a dividing line
bit.JUI\ different aonee.
OMl1Dlln Rcaboti■ q,es,ed the pj>lic hearing at 7:16 p.111.
lftl! iaa-' the inritatiClll to apeak. Since ro me wiahed
to lpNk a, thi■ it•, the public teetiDJny portioo ._
• i ~-
Dlciiitlec 12, 1984
Planning Ocaiaion atopted the following RNolution1
1111XD.1'1C11 i.>. 2390, l9JC: IBl>DC APPID1AL '10 'ftm CI'l'Y hiW:IL bl .. awm PIO ,....,._10,ooo '1'0 Cl'-0 (If
wt Glll!RIU,Y IDC1d'BD !'ABl' or 1-s Blfflft!:l!N cu "'CDlf .... m"'"'w
_, PD DIP Nlllllll!N' .'3 "'1"!L.
4. CT M-13at282 -BBAIIINI -AequNt fer ~ of a tattat:ift lrisia\ 1111) aid ccrd:lainim pemit to
dwe4 10 unita on the a:>uth ■ide of. Olive Aftftue
bet:IMSl the 1tflBP Railroad aid Garfield Street in the ~
Olarl• Gria, Principal Planner, gave the pn,11nt.ation
u acntained in the lltaff repxt, using a tranllpantllC.Y
to ata, the aite. Be aMec! the project la llid-r_.. aid
the i:mtting is lniergrc:,tm, with a large pool a apa
area overloakirw;i the lagoon.
OW.n.n Ralllx,till opened the public hearing at 7120 p.a.
ant! 1.--1 the invitation to apeak.
Mr. Din BNran, 331 Olive Avenue, the applicatt,
adl!raud the Ocai•ian stating he agreed with the
ocnilltian■• a. reiterated there .,.. a5equate p■rtting
aid no imiting on the cul.1'8 sac.
Sinoe no aw elae wiahed to ape.it on this it•, the
pm,lic t:Ntillany -ocncluited at 7122 p.a.
In ...u to query, NE'. Brown stated Condition t30 was
■t.armid pr00l(lm, fer aonetruction of Ullffl>U-lUJ, aid
that all Ulpl:'.>Pl-ita wre required.
In mfer•a to a noiN attenuatiat .all, Mr. Gria
•tated staff did not require a wall, ISi.noe there is a
bluff •p•uit.L,g thia project ma the railroad tradt,
ant! that 25-foot bluff ll0Uld aolve the noise l)E0bl-.
!be traffic cin:ulation -di■cuued., with Mr. Bron\
using a wll chart to aplain the cul.1'-NC to the
OOWd•t.an. 0anmrn -apceMel! about n!ed traffic, with lltaff ■tatin; ti-..y apect.ed no m than 50 uni.ta
to ba built than. In ..... r to a qusetion about
... ingtm Stnet, NE'. llrcM\ --.e'9d there -no wy
that aou1d be aaampli■hed beoauae of. the terrain n
pmubltlw cmta.
ltaff aplaiMd that there are aeveral differ:ent .w.nge
in that .. , a,d thia is -duignated in the General
0oed•ta.r L'IIIUnulr ■tat.I be could not aJA)Ot't thia
pcojeet. • be felt it wa pnaature.
0oed•iaw: Nc:l'llilltll, atated the traffic circulation ..
a CIIIIICKh 11116 lhe muld not IIUIJP0rt the pi:oject.
Ralllx)tia X
Fana, X
Schlahuber X
L'Beuntm X
8111th X X
Narcua X
~AIMar'I X
Daclall>ec 12, 198'
Plllminq o.d•tcn apptowd the ~ive Declaratia,
i...W by the Lani! ON Plaming N1na1J8r a,d adopted the
following 11Noluticn1
Mlmm'D II). 2319, APPIOIDG A 'l'llft'A'1'IV! SIIDMSI<Jf U a hlLWlM PIIIIIT fOR 10 CIII'l'S <JI .65 M::RBS <JI
P.c»Bkh QI-IJ.Y t.0CM'II> Cit '!RI !IXffll SIDE <I' Cl.IV! AVIiia rm __ Bii lttfBF MILRW> Ml> GARPIBLD S'l'la'I'.
ld)jeet to 8Clftl attenuatlcn mJl!y er a wl.l. Md to
Olnllticn ]O d, ~ing ftal It:a 18, 0:lnditia, 115.
Olaiman Rr::lllb)tia dlcland at nt0N8 at 71 37 p.a. , aid
aa.l•tcn ~ at 1,,3 p.a., with all Nlllt>era
5 • .:-31~8"-35 -PAla»I IIIU8 -Request for a pt'MI■--.._ diinije lrai (A-70 Olunty) to R-1-
8000 aKI R-1-7500 for ti«> parcels aid a 2,e-1ot
tentatiw tract 11111P an aJ«41-ty aouth of the s::iutherly
taainua of P0ntiac Drift.
Nib lbMe, Aaaiatant Planner, gave the preaentatia, at
this ita • aantaimd in the staff report, ming a
trampanncy to IIOf the ■ite. Puture deYelcpm\t will
h..,. to aanf0n with R-1 at.andarda. He stated .,
adl!itialal. cr.n1Uticn -hlncled out tmight.
In_. to query, staff .....rect that 8Cllll9 962,000
cmic yards ol. dirt will be IDV9d m this project.
Another ~ticn imolving the building of P0ntiac waa
... nd by staff, auting that P0ntiac ..au1d be wilt
bet:Alll the acttth line aid Twrac:k to the 8t:.mdMda of
a aollector atrNt, but rot to full width in Pll\flng.
OW.nan Rcllboti■ cipawd the pmlic hearing at 7: ,a
p.a. and 1-.d the imritatlcn to apealt.
Nr. Nib Rider, 9605 Scrantm ~, san Diego, apace to
the oa.d•lcn, stating tMy agree with staff. He
~ the project md stated there will be m lots
fronting an PIClltiac 1111! all the banks aid slopee will
be a1nta1ned by the hcaacMlera auociatlcn. He d!ed
Pontiac IIOUld be ocnnect.ed fna T-.radt to the
aillting point, and the traffic an OM!etnut IOlld be
r.lte..d. llr. Ridar Mid they ..au1d prefer lees
grattng, but that wa clJe to the aligrnent of POntiac,
the grading wa 1WC1NNIY to ab the &tn!et 110rk.
Olalmm\ Rcllboti• stated there is al.ready a Paloort
Billa in the City of CElabad, and Mr. Rider IIUIWered
he t:hau!itlt the IJJPlieatt had mother nae in aind.
Nr. 'lawy Gamin, 2715 1'Xk lbat'I, apoke to the ca.issioo
en tbe l!a1la,ing an:mmu traffic circulatioo aid
vtlc!llife. Ill atated he had a probl• with traffic to the
~ and wat ol. tbe develqalnt, • thia project ..au1d
adlt to the aangaticn. Re felt POntiac to Twradt
llhou1d a. flall width. 8ch:Jol.a in the area are at the
...... ~ty IDf and dlildnn .. being t:ak9\ by bua
or car to Pio Piao or lkama Viata. a. felt the echool
'11ietrict lloald hllN a plll\ to -are the children
-1d 91> \:a acbaal. Another oonoem-■ the eagle
~ in the .....
luff atated Olnlltlcn 120 oalled for preeervatiat of
the t:.-....
Aclltloti■ X
l'anow X
Sc:hlehuber X X
L'Reuret.ar X
8111th X
Nllrcua X
Nct'adc!ln X
~; .
PIMaDG CDIIISSICN Deoellber 12, 1984 Page 9
Mr. bl Bolt.a\, 3802 Sierra 11:m!na, spoke oo the
c!raina}9 prabl•, ancl a11J9Nted the ca.nissioo look
into th6 1,tq..A&d wt:er Ibid. He stated there ia a lot
of wter there now, ancl this project will qenerate mre
Mr. K_, Mllgrini, 2713 York lt>ed, aJdressed the
cloNI 111 ot the agriculture area, and the spraying of
that ... , and Mlted how that llight affect the people
living adjacent:. Staff eaid this project '°1ld
elilliMte the agriculture.
Mr. ~ Brown, 271 t Athens Avenue, spoke Cl'\ the
traffic prob!• that eiriate in that area at the i:cesent
tiae, with the a:inatructioo going oo there and the
trucu going through. He stated the dlildren play in
the ■tr9eta, ancl he felt people '°1ld start using
l'altiac and create a prob!•. staff an&Nered that
Pointiac IOlld relieve traffic oo Olestnut ancl Sierra
Norma. It will be a a>llectol" with rx> parking for my
~ that fialt m it. Staff stated that Cmditim
29 requires a haul route for the dirt.
Mr. Laurena <;randy, 2738 Victoria Avenue, spoke oo the
traffic m P0ntiac, atating that people will speed oo
that auwt. He alao lpOke m the school problem, and
uJmd lllhether the jogging trails and park area '°1ld be
staff atated there wre rx> trails in this project.
Jogging trail■ in the early calavera Hills were
eliainaud • there ti-' baen a problem as to liability
and mo IOll.d aintain audl trails.
Mr. Bl:alll atated the traffic atl.dy by SNIW'; indicated
PICntiac ..auld have 5,000 werage daily trips, ~idl is
near mpacity fer a •toot wide rurb to rurb street
with~ Cira and drivwaya. '1tle speed limit ..auld
be 25 • and IOll.d be enforced mtil the drivers
lMDm that.
Staff indicated there is a echool site iaediately to
the nar:th ot. .._. they se gra:llng now in the calavera
Bill& lllftar Pl.In Ina. Taaradt goes to within 100
ylrdl ot. the echool aite.
Nr. IIDflllll atated a atl.dy-. cble recently m school
J.ocatian plawd.ng and the land is J:Wrved fer a
adlool. '!be adlool. diatrict -..t. ate applicaticn to
the City urying echoola.,. wailable.
<2lalaan ll0lbotia auggeeted the r:eaidlnte go to the
acboQl l:mld aetinlJa and punue the acquiring of
oa.daimer L'lllunull atat:ed the General Plln
nqghw the City, in c:xn.«lon with the edl00l.
diatrict, to idlntify pountia.l el-,tary rm high
Khaol altee. ~ a 1,COject a... to the City, the
State Jar nquina the City to •iJwure• there ar.
ec:hoola 111d ab an:e then la land or lAftl designated
llbidl ...id CJ0 to the lldlool diatrict fer & echool •
.. a1eo all!NMt:rlC! the rNidlnta need to go to the
acboQl cUatrict.
Deoellber 12 , 1984 Page 10
Mr. 11111 a.berg, 7219 MbDaa Drive, a:lted about the
opm apace requinaent for this tract. Mr. HofJlan
uplained the City's policy now to build regia\&l parks
irwt:MI! of. neighborhood parks, due to the CX>St of.
Hintenance. In planned mit developlents, private
facilities are proridec.'l for the residents only.
O\ai.Eal'I Rolllx>tis explained that the developers have
to eign a pu1t agnwnt with the City and provide fees
to build CDIIUl'U.ty parlta for each quadrant. 'ftley JaJSt
either give laid or pay fees, s.d in this instance,
they will P11Y feee.
Mr. Bolt.a\ stated the speeding issue was being mioided
and the traffic proble111.
Mr. Jia Quim, 2717 York lt>ad, spoke regarding the
traffic probl-, echool and park shortages, and felt
develqllent lhould be slowed cbffl ta'ttil these shortages
are taken care of.
Mr. Rider, in .-.-er to CClllllissioo query, stated they
had wmted to cluster ta'tits, but oould not due to the
lot sbe.
Since no one else wished to speak en this item, the
pmlic teatia:lny W!l8 ooncluded at 8:37 p.m.
ca.iuiaier McPaMen expressed oonoem that the
Negative Declaratioo had not oonsidered the circulatioo
and traffic.
Ocalliuioner L'Beureux expressed CXll'loem with the
Negative Declaratioo and the grading oo the project.
Pla'W'li.nl;t Ocalliuioo ll)Pt'OV'ed the Negative Declaratioo
i■--! by the La'ld Uae Planning Manager and adopted the
following Reeolutioos:
RISCIDl'1'CII M). 239,, 8DN!H)DG ~ CF A
PUllilllll maw. DI! OIMD!l PIOI ~70 (CDlfff) ro ~1-
8000 Ml> IH-7500 <If PiGJIBRh <DBRALLY IOCA'l'ID DJm
OP TB! DlitlliCLl. !ll'l'IINSI<lf C. PCJft'IAC ImIVE.
RBXlJl'ltll M). 2395, ISXINHJDG ~<PA 248-WI'
l&iiLM iiicr iilKP CM PKMRn ~ IOCATm CM
!'Ill DnB SIDB C. 'DIB S001illRLY 'l'IRmlJS <P PCJft'IAC
Wldld to wad: Pontiac be cloeed to north <lldng
OCMb:'uction mtil the City Engineer deeae it to be
opawdJ trucb to UN Taareck access, lh!n it is paved.
,. er M-15~84 -SM11CRr cxxa; -Aequwtt for ..,pcoti1 of ~Eitlve u:idlvlalon 1111P and cad:ainim
pa:llit 6x 100 unite a, the aouthweet: oomer of El
Cal.no bal 1111! Alga lblld in the ll>-fll acne.
Bill Baflllln, Principal Plamer, gave the pneentatioo M
oanta1nec! in the staff Nport, uaing a tranaparency to
Ihm tM ...,.,,._-t aite. '!hie project wa ~i~
with the ... cllnaity, and staff f90. __ rnded denial.
lalbotis X
Farrow X X
Schlehuber X
L'Beureux X
911dth X
Marcus X
McPadaen X
llea!lllber 12, 1984 Page 11
Mr. flofaan med a wll uhibit ahowing the project and
et:ated the lamer pl.an had a recreatioo ar:ea in the
•• 1t and this wa a CXJnOem of the hcaeownera
adjoining that area. 'lhe ~ign provided a larger
~oo area and added cne recreatioo area.
llcMever, Ml". lbfaar\ stated it does not aeet design
criteria, it ie cluttered, craped and staff cbes not
lib the locations of the nicreetian areas. P'Of'
exaple, the apa 1a located too cloae to Alga laid.
In aNNer to caaiuian query, staff stated the
project mat aet criteria atm&m:!8 in order to justify
density above the llinilul.
Chaiman IDiwotis q>erled the public hearing at 8:52 p.m.
and iaued the invitatia'I to apeak.
Mr. Don Aqatep, ,repreaenting Seapos:t, 2956 IoleeYelt,
aMreu.ed the ca.iuian, stating staff had said the
site wa auib!bl.e in Jint and wmted the recreatia'lal
aenitiee internal. to the site. Mr. Agatep used m
overlay m the site pl.an to ahow the changes mde in the
t"eCnNltional facllitiee • indicated by staff and the
neighbon. 'lhe eum nit has been left ftt landacaping
at this tiae. All to density, Mr. ttqatep atat.ed the
applic:mtt had tried to oontact the nei~ to find out
their CXJIIOH'n8. Be d!ed thie IX'OP!rty had originally
been acned ~rcial, and the Cmaisaioo felt it l«lUl.d
be better • mlti-f•ily rather than cx.aercial. '1he
traffic will be lN8 the way it ie planned now. Mr.
A,gaup aadl the ca.iaioo to amounce its intentioo to
return thie •tter to etaff to be returned to the
IIFPlic:mtt tor oonditime tor awrovai.
Mr. John Burat, 7204 Manunita Street, addressed the
ca-1.uian, stating that density and traffic c.t:> not cp
hand in han.!, and thie 1011.d result in mre can al
lllnanita. Be stated there ie no pl.ace for dlildren to
play, and there ie alrea!y a wter llhortage, and by
bdlding m hmn, that will an that ahortal}e l«lnt.
'lhia pmjed. IIDul.d result in a drq> in value cf the
pcqaty a!jaomt to this and IIDul.d change the entire
Mr. 'lhcllae St:1'\Dle, 1705 Cannu Court, epoke in
OllP)llitim to thie project, stating the nei~
rlNllld to ba pnaenoed.
IIDtlble Ri ~--, Beaplil t Mitioo, l8ked about the ~ity
of t!M. p.q.awd j11"oject. Mr. Agatep atatec! it IIDul.d be
of equal er better cpality with t:hoN alreac!y thele.
llr. &,gin, 1156 'l\ale Oourt, pointed out llhere bis hale
--loaated cm t:ba wll chart, and ■u1ted there IIDul.d be ■Ingle t.ily --• leaking at three-etory t:w.ldinga • .. flalt t:be project .. too dlrllN.
Mr. IDbert Beya-, 1154 'l\lle Court, 81:ated the Jlllll8 left
bia ■trNt off, and he ~ the locatian al the -11
...,. 11111 r.bjec.-till! to the putting indicated oo the new dlai9n 11111 the location of the truh bin■•
® I;.
Decellber 12, 1984
llr. lllll Ollberg, 7219 Nia>A Drive, l!lpdte againat thie
pm~, Rating the density was to be re&oed aid it
• 1
bad not been in the new plan. 'ftlere ism prorisicn fot-
children, md they play in the streets at the preaent tble.
Mr. tt,gan agreed that the mp was deceiving, md a
buffer a:x1e was needed, with gradual transition into the
llllti-f•ily mits, a,ay frca the single family hcaes.
Mr. Rigel Clark, 7343 Aladen Lane, spoke in qipositiat
to this project, stating it affects a large regiai of. La
Caeta. He objected to the visual inpact aid felt it was
not appu:.,pd•te fat-this area.
Mr. Bolton added that ru me would buy his bane with a
thl:ee etoey building behind it.
Mr. Agatep l!lpdte in reapcnee, stating traffic in that
nei~ would be the 8dllle regardless of the type of
~lqant at this cmner. 'fflis would be a quality
~ md he asked fat' approyal. He felt outricjlt
danial .a not wrranted, md the applicant would rather
n: liOdc: the project to wt the aJnOems of the
neiC]hbon with regard to the heicjlt of the buildings aid
the e• nt.
Since m one else wished to speak m this item, the
pmlic teetia:ny was ccncluded at 9: 19 p • .ra.
'l'he CXlNllft8U8 of the ac-1.ssiai was that this was mt a
good pmject • preeented, too dense, md needed a
viaual. buffer for the single f•ily residents.
Oallliuloner MaroJe recmaeooed this project be sent
badt to atafr. tile felt it re9911bled a row of barracks
and muld be broken 'I> m. !lie aleo felt m
lamalping -needed and the density needed to be
t'dJald. It -felt the density ooul.d be increued
gralaally frca the eouth to the north.
a..1.-in llclmotia ~ the chlinant driveway situatiai
needlld to be mn:e..."ted, and the project opened 14> m.
!he applicmtt .. aated mat his preference was with
ngmd to dlnial er retum for re wed ••
llr. ~ nquaated the ca.isaiai return the •tter to
■taff 11111! allow the IIIJPlicmtt to re-design per
ltaff -dlnctect to lldlh:w ooncema regarding -.tty, 11111! padwp ncb» it to bin er twlw mi.ta
SIS ... Alao, the eet:bacb llbould be incna111! m Bl
calnD and Alga a.1, with a tnnaiticn ma ■ingle
fal.q ---Alga lml!. 'lhe n-de■i~ -t incllda
...... tbtUty with the ■ingle f•ily boi.1ae, by lOIMring
the w-.t o1. the tuilding■ a tr.king 11> the tmracu
--in the building■, 1nclui!ing the tblinaticn of the drl.-.. !tie 100-foot. •• at mat be apt and atep
the aftlt■ chm flal that H■ n•.
PINfiING CDIIISSICJif Deoellber 12, 1984 Page 13
7. !CA-17~9!:J -CITf CF CARlSW> -Alllenllw!nt to the
IOning ~ Specific Plml 19 (car Cn.m:y) to
allow the Plmning COlllissim to oonsider 1Binor
IIIOdifioations to Sectim 21.41.07S(b) of the Sign
O\arlee Gria, Principal Planner, gave the repxt m this
ita • CDttained in the staff report, stating this was
the final draft setting a liai t m the nmber of
dlitional freeeunding signs allowed.
Chaiman Amllx>tis q,enec:'I the public hearing at 9:37 p.m.
~ iaaued the invitatim to speak. Since ro one wished
to apeak en this it•, the public hearing was closed.
Pllnling Cmllliaim adopted the following Resolutim:
REEQDl'I(llf R>. 2339, R!JCDNH)IR; ~ CF A 7DiE CIDE
Aiiliiaifti, Wni; TI'lU: 21, OIAPl'ER 21.41, SF.C'l'I(llf
075(b), CF '111B CUUSW> KJNICIPAL CXDB, '10 ~ '1BE
tlDinCATICNS '10 'l1IB SPN:IN:; HQJIRl!M!Nl'S ot 'fflIS SECl'ICN,
AR> m LIMIT '111B !IM3ER OF src:a; J.1Et411I i'tw m mrs
o:.ai.aioner Schlehttier stated he had a oonflict of
interest en Itel! 18, and left the dais.
8 • ™W" -N:N:.U.. APARlMl!Nl'S -Request foc a Plaming aim Detei:iiilnatim to c:tpptove
conatructim of an 1fHaut !partfflent project and a
variance to ndJoe the h:cntyard setbadt m these tnits
011 p:operty located en the oorth side of Acacia street
between Garfield Street and washingtm Street in the R-3
Mike Howee, Asaistmt Planner, gave the presentatim m
this ita • CDttained in the staff report, using a
location 11111P to show the site.
ChaiZNn Rcah>tis opened the public hearing at 9:41
p.■• Ind iaued the invitation to speak.
Nr. John Lamy, 2921 R:Joaevelt, addressed the
oc.i•ion -the Architect fer the project. Be stated
the illPllcmt mncurred with the <Xllditions and
~ of staff.
Since no one elee villhed to apeak on this itm, the
pd>].lc t1Ntiaany -ooncllded at 9143 p.■•
cc-.t-akntr llcl'adllll, stated lhe had the eae 00n0em11
M Ille hllll on the 8Mr■M project. She said llhe CX>Uld
not llgart this project.
Planning cc-.tutm ~ the Negative Declaratim
i...t by the Lind ON Pllnling Manager and n,pted the
foUowlng Rllaolutlaru .w II>. 2392, APlllO'IDG .NI IR::REASB IN IJRlI'l'f
tJl)lal '10 25.4 m•s,tM:B PC»t Ml 1IH:IUT
\IIJ IJ. ! JIIOllD' <II .iiOPfm'I Q!NIRLLT UOffl!lD <II 'DIB
-11111 OP IIDCIA 9'l'ID'I' lm1ISl!N <aRl"IBW 9l'la'l' NI> n •Nd■IIIB!'I'.
amt •tam-Sml.m\i>er returned to the dais at thia
P[Rem«; CDIIISSI<Ji Decellt>er 12, 1984 Page 14
DISCXl3810i l'l'lllS:
9. PCl>-67 -&\RDIH; S'nEET APARDll!N'I'S -Request for a
Plaming Ccailaalm Deterilnatlm for a tl«Hlnit
apartaent project generally located oo the east side of
eaming Sueet between PalJn Avenue and Magnolia Avenue
in the R-3 a:,ne.
Bill HOflmn, Principal Planner, gave the n!pOrt oo this
ita -CJOntained in the staff report.
Pl.an\ing ca..issioo appt<>ved the Negative Declaratim
iaauec! by the Lind use Planning Manager and aoopted the
following Reaolutioo:
RBU1l'IOf ti>. 2396, APPIOTDG 1iN Dr:::REA',E IN DmSI'IY
PIOI 4 m•s)Mx m 7 .32 m's/ACRE m AU.OIi 'DIE
~c.f C, A 'nD-tliIT APARl'Ml!Nl' <Ji PIOP8Rrt
Gl!NBlW.LY ux:M'l!D Qi 'DIE F.AS'l' SIDE OF HARDIH; Sl'REf!'l'
At this point, Olaitlllllll Acllbotis thanked Bill Hofman,
Principal Plamer, for the fine job he has <kine while a
staff IBllber in the Lind use Planning office.
INPCRIM'I<Ji 1'1'111:
Bill eomn, Principal Planner, reported this material
had l»erl distributed t.o the cannissioners for their
Planing OW-1 ssia'l ~, er.ded the Council take this
ita Inter CJOnSideratim, if they feel it is of
BLll.'ntll c, -OIADIWI:
O'lW1 atoner Sc::hlehuber ncainated ca-1.ssioner Parrow
for Olalman. OW-iuioner Saith eeoouded the nomnation. O'lW1 nioner Parrow was elected Chait1111n
by ~ vote.
Cbwiata.r Saith mai.nated ow-issioner Sc::hlehuber
fer Vi~. oa..iuimer Parrow aeoonded the
nomnatia'l. O'lW1 Ni.oner Schlehuber ws elected Vioe-
Olainlln by~ vote.
,._ ldnutN ot tilt< Ne.: cer 14, 1984, Meeting wge
4JilkOM .. pn1■1ted.
Nllral8 ~,
Decellber 12, 1984 Page 15
Mike Bolmiller, lald Use Pl ann 1nq Manager, reported m
COUncil actia, taken wt ni<1ht. llP stated the
prelillinuy IIDrk is bei.ncl cbne ~ r , ~art the Land Use
Blaent redev. In the int eri.JTI , Council detet'lllined no
projects IOlld be reccaaerx1ed for l!IR>roval above the
llid1l()int of density range, ml.ess it <X>Ul.d be sham it
IOlld not have a traffic or circulatia, i.npact.
Mr. Holmiller stated COUncil Me!Der Lewis r,::aw11ded
this actim, md had included not appro-.ring anything,
anywhere, over aid-range mtil the General Plan had
been reviwed, but Council narra,,ed this down.
In answer to query, Mr. HolZllliller stated any projects
already written'-" IOlld not be affected, but any other
projects IOlld be affected.
Mr. Holmiller reported that Council also decided not
to accept: any GPA aA)licatioos during the General Plan
Review. 'lbe anmdllents alreMy scheduled will~
fcxvard. However, any GPA that would oot affect
the review, <X>Ul.d be rea::mnended to the Counc-i 1 for
special cxinsideratim.
In ooncl.usim, Mr. Holzmiller rep:,rted Council directed
staff to tring bad. a report m growth-related policies
to be l!IR>lied during the General Plan Review.
Ccalissiooer McFadden stated that every Calmissiooer
ahoul.d be invited to the Land use Review meetings and
ahould receive minutes of all those Aeetings.
Mr. Hol.zailler stated the Planning camdssim
reocaaendatim to have staff prepare a report m how
density is calculated and whether \Bldevelopable land is
to be included, ws agreed~ also by City Council,
and staff has been directed to prepare that report.
By proper mtim, the meeting of Deoemer 12, 1984, was
adjoumed at 10:09 p.■•
Paarectfully u:ait~,
Land ON PlaminQ Manager
Bariett BlltJbitt
N1rmta Clerk
December 10, 19811
Paul Klukas
Planning Department
City of Carlsbad
Carlsbad City Hall
1 200 E Im A venue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Re: Carlsbad Beach Racquet Club
ZC-308/CT 84-1 t /CP 283
Public Hearing-Wednesday, December 12, 1984
Dear Mr. Klukas:
I received a notice of public hearing that you sent to me relative the above matter
and I apprecate your follow through on this issue. I am extremely disappointed
that the matter falls on the same night in which I have previously committed my-
self in another city which would preclude me from appearing publicly at the hear-
inq. Accordingly I am requesting that you carry my sentiments to the commission
for their consideration while deliberating this particular issue.
As I have stated in the past, I am not opposed to the orderly development of any
of the property along the coast line for the City of Carlsbad. However I am
strongly opposed to a deep density development which would not give considera-
tion to the needed open space of the eventual occupants of any such development
as well as impact the open space of adjacent properties. You will note that this
property Is surrounded or I should say nearly adjacent to two mobile home parks.
Solamar Mobilehome park is located on the north while just south of the proposed
development is my park, Lanikal Lane Mobilehome park. Under present laws of
the City of Carlsbad, it is highly unlikely that either of these mobllehome parks
wl 11 be redeveloped Into any other useage than that of which they now maintain.
There Is on the bc>,0ks of the City of Car·lsbad a mobilehome law which protects
the residents of sald park at a time of redevelopment and with the terms of that
law so in favor of the resident, the redevelopanent is made unlikely. I point this
out to you as both of these developments are low profile properties which blend
quite nicely with the overall coast line. To inject between them a high density
high rise development would destroy the general contour of the coast line as well
as Interfere with the o!)en space now provided by the nearly ~00 plus residents
of the community of Carlsbad who reside ln these two mobilehome parks. It Is
my pe,..sonal and professional opinion that any density of this property greater
than ten units to the aero would be excessive and would not provide for the future
level of acceptable living conditions for either the eventual residents of the created
Paul Klukas
O.C■mber 10. 191,
•~g■ 2
project or the neighboring residents of the project.
I flnnly believe that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad should under
the professional eye of the Planning Dt:,partment give special and detailed con-
slmratlon to his entire remaining coast llne of our community. It ls cl•rly the
responsiblllty of the Planning Commission to not only study density of this par-
tlallar profect but as well its design, facade, color and texture.
All of us that are Interested In the on-going development of Carlsbad and in parti-
cular Its Planning Commissioners and elected councilmen should r•llze and recog-
nize t t this open piece of coast line is a very pr ecious cormnodlty and as such
Its development should be strongly scrutlnh:ed and highly controlled.
While It may not be germane to the points that I set forth, I feel it is somewhat
Interesting to note that this position is taken by me after having spent 35 years
In the real estate de•.-elopment business, I field in which I still practice. 1 am
eminently famlllar with the demands placed upon developers by other communities
and thus I recognize and know the responsibilities that should be yours In this
particular instance.
I would greatly appreciate this letter being distributed to the members of the
Planning Commission prior to their public nearing and I have enclosed copies ofr
that purpose.
Very truly yours,
cc : Mary Casler, Mayor
Frank Aleshire, City Manager-