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1985-03-27; Planning Commission; Minutes
MEl!:l'lllJ Cf': D,\T£ C, HE2:l'IID: TIME CR Ml!E1'll,I;: PU£E CR MEErDG1 MINUTES ~'IN:. Ol+USSICN March 27, 19135 6:00 P.M. City Q:u')cil O\anbers CALL TO ClllER1 1he meeting was called to 01:der by Vice-0\airman Schlehuber at 6:00 p.m. Present., Vice--0-.airnwl Schlehuber, O:mniasi01ers ~-~. 9n.it.h, r-tFaddcn an:i L'Heureux. Staff MEnt:iere Present: wal t.er Brown, Civil f}l(Jineer O\arlee GriJ!m, Principal Planner Mike H::,lzmiller, Land Use Plannin:J Manager Hike lt:Jwes, As8cx:iat.e Planner Dl!n Hent.achke, .-..SSietant Cit.y Attorney Vioe--Oairman Schlehuber called att.ent.i°' to the Plannin:J Q::rrmj esia, Prooedures be.ing shca.n °' the screen an:1 asked the auiience to take a few minut.es to read them. l. OJP-269 -FlltiEY -Request for approval to a.llcw a t.eapXa.ry autaii:tilie sales office t..railer en property located at S445 Paaeo Oel ~. O\arlee GriJlm, Principal Planner, gave the present.atial °' this i t8II aa o::intA.ined in the st.a ff report, using a trarwparency to show the eit.e. He stated that. the <>:nm:isa\<n had requested staff to return with a doc:unent of appr0Yal • ard rec , e «'8d approval and condi t..iona en the project. c:ne of the .:eo..:uuewt..ians w:iuld be to have the ftR)licant sut:mit a plan <ti.thin 90 days after approval of the QP. 0:mnisaialer 911ith asked for tilf' aeximrn t.ime the trailer a:iuld be al the pn11WM1e befDre developnent of the IZ'0P8rtY· Olarlee GrlmD respcu:!..d by saying that the CllP ia iuued foe a year. Within the ale year periai, the aa:,.licant. a:iuld ~t an extenaial frcm the Ccmlliasioo. O':IPniMimer SDith further quest..ialed that aa kn3 as a plan i.a atmitted, oan they go foe a year as lcng as they ant bniJdfng. 0111.rl• Qri.Jla clarified the 1.uue by stating that. ii a per1WIIW1t plan i.a s\Ditted within 90 days, then the time period far the aJP 111CU1.d autamticeJ.ly be c:ne year. If the bo1Jd1ng i.a not o::apleted after a year, the /lffll ioant vil.l tmm to get. an en..iaioo. (!) MINUTES K3rch 27, 1985 Page 2 Cl:Jmlissiooer Snith pointed out that it is possible to go a vhole year without the appl iCllnt start1rg buildiD;J on the property. O\arles Gr um said that the Cam11ssion could open up the aJP if this happens or at the end of one year not grant an e.lCt.ension. o:mnissiooer L' Heureux 1n:i icated that the cond lt ion can be modified to state that within ninety days, the applicant must sut:mit a buildiD;J permit. o:mnisaioner Ranbotis said tha~ 1t would be a satisfactory solution to the land use. Callllissioner 11eFadden mentioned she did not uroerstand condition tl6 and Charles Grimn explained it to the Ocmllission. O::mnissioner L'Heureux pointed out that hP. urderstood that the site developnent plan was always reviewed and O'wlrles Grimn indicated that this condition was probably not necessary since a site developnent plan is necessary. Vioe--Olaiman Schlehuber opened the publ IC hedrlD;j at 6:10 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this iten, the hearing was closed. PlaMiD;J Cl:Jmlission approved t.."le Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use PlanniD;J Omniss1on and adopted the followio;i Resolution: RESCI.OTlO. No. 2418, APPROVIN:; A a:H>ITIOW. USE P~T TO Al.LCM A TRAILER AS A TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE Q-1 PR?PERTY GENERALLY LOCAT!!D AT 5545 PASEO Otl. OORTE. lmen:Sed Cood it ions: Condition t6 was amended by addio:J •Satisfactory progress to be exhibited to the Lard use PlannirxJ Manager. Otherwise the aJP will be reopened.• Coodition tl6 deleted. NEW PUBLIC K&\RltCS 2. aJP-243 -BCE &\JG:R ~ -Request for a coaditional U9e pemit to allow l1«> freestardio; dealership pole s.igns vi thin 5 feet of each other on property located at 5500 Paaeo Del Norte in car 0:>untry. Kike ltolles, As&ociate Planner, gave the presentation on thia itaD a.a contained in the staff report, usio; a transparency and a wall 111ap to show the site. He stated that the prop0tled sites confom v ith the sign ordinalx:e and car country regulations and therefore t ecam,en:ied approval. Qaaiuioaer l'larcU8 asked about the additiooa.l condition r:equirin9 that the height of the pole signs shall not exceed balty feet. Schlehuber X Rmt>otis X Marcus X Snith X l'tFadden X ll L'Heureux X MINUTES K:ireh 27. 1985 p;,,q,, J COMMISSIONERS Kil<e tt:,wc,; res p ,-.J~,J by bl,~t:ny t.h.,t tr,is ..ould he <JLided a.'3 cond1t101 ts arrl trlilt the "PPl 1cant wM :nad,;, ,,ware o f the ,xx! l t lcnll) <;Cl'¥i l tl01 . V!C€-0-.al='1 Schlehuber opened U1<' p<Jt>l 1c· h<.•dnnq ,t 6: 14 p.11'. arc i ssued the 1nv1 U\tlcr\ :o s peak. Stnc.'<' rr) -.. rw ••nshed t,.") spec,k en tius 1tern, tlw he,u1nq was c losed . R.ESOU.TrlOI ~-2424, A.PPRJVIN.; A o:tilllTICNM. USE ~ 'IO Al1JJ,/ n,o F"REESt'A.'IDU-C Dl'"J\l..£RSHlP POLE S l~ HVE FEET APARI' QI PROPERn' Gl..'lERAU..Y UXATU> AT SSOO PASF.n DEL !ORrE lN CAR a;u.."rnY . u .,ndlttcn tS -'!he hc19h t o f the jOle s igns sh ,"\: i ro t exceed twenty f~. 3. CT 84-3.2/ PUD-7 3/ SP-l 9S -Ou i sl>.,d L.ard lnvest.Ot s .. Rc<.i--uest for approval o f ll t.ent.-itive sul::divisi= map for a planned developne,t for Jl3 a ttached rcs1de nt1d l ,in1ts . 'n-.e s ite is loca ted en a nclqet.op, sout.h of Paluma.r Al.rp:,rt !bad N'<.i Just edSt o f the future a ; ig,=t ,")f College lb..lleva n:l. Q-.arles Grunm, Pr>..nClpul Planner, q<>v e u,e r c p:,rt c,, vus i t.cro as ccnU!. l.fled Ln the SUI ff rep::,n . us lng ., wa l l map t o show V..J prq:oscd proJect drd a uansparcncy sh<.:,.,1ng :.J'w si t.e. Ue summan z.ed the gco:l poinLS o f :.he prop:>scd proJect Arc p:31.nt.ed out that s t a ff could rot supp::,n U>e project as proposed beo'\use 1 t is a t tJ--.e high end of dens i t y an:l 'oQU.ld i.ncr ease u a f fl c problems U'l I he are,a. O:xnm1ss1onez l<xnbous quesucried a.tout the entry s t.reet and open a.reas for prop:)S<!d uses. 0-.U-l es Gr 1 mm url 1 C.:l t cd th.lt they loO.ild probably be for recreauonal use a.n:i recatt'rended llSlung the deve loper 1 f t.h;\t ...as the case . COlnmi.ssicner l<lmbotls asked 1 f sta ff would SUfP:ln J.2S per acre. °'4r les Gn.mm s.:nd thl. t 1.n.1 ual l y t.hey ..-ert• wi 11 l.r)3 to support. it unt.1 l the new Cl t y ::n . .inc l l p::>.l.icy ~ approved. Sux:e the medium dPJ'\Slty lS 3.). they cou.ld rot fnlRX)rt. the proJect bec3use of t.he tra ffic si t.uatia1. Vice-0\!H '7TlaJ1 Schlehuber l.n::llC<'lted \.Nit the ;:ol icy Wl 11 expire when the general plan comes back. Vice-01ainnan Schlehuber opened the f'lbl lC he.:u-1ng ,)I 6: 25 p.lll, an:! issued the 1JWl t.aLI.cr, t~ speak. Mr. W.cholrui lmnche, 810 M.l.ssicn Avenue, Occ.ans1de. preaent.ed U-.e bockgroun:I f= t.he property an:i r<>q\ll rement...3 of a 2X:l'le ~-Uc indicated that at t."iat t1.1ne, suff indicated they -..ou.ld Bupp:)n 3. 25 den.si l y. Be al 90 menticncd thA t he di f fenxl w 1 t.h the opin.101 of st.a ff regarding the existence of an adverse impact. causcrl by the project. en a uaffic problem rot cape.bl of mi t.iqauon. He reit.erat.ed that the project. was ..,ell des1gned and that it u, in a go:xl loca ucn, and cxint l nued er. LO e xpl a.in the Schlehuber ~t l S ~c-u~ 9nlth ~}crl:ien L · tit•,u eux X X X X X X X MINUTES ~tl.rch 27, 1985 P..-.ge 4 gcx:x! point.s of t.he property. lie furt..her SUlted U'l.1t it lll&.:A.lld be approved at the 3.6 dP.nSity ard requested LMt the Cbmmi.ssicr, a pprove the projt:.'<'..'t. tona.ld /\gat.t..-p, 2956 lb:>sevel t , Carl sOOl.l , .u:.iressoo t.hc t ""° sources of dc:ual: u-afflc, dnd t.ht, re la t.en to t.he design of the proJOC"t. proximity a.s lt re:at.es t.D the ai.rp:)rt.. He discussed the enviroomem ... , i.mpact o f u-afflc- and the addi t.ic:nal street unprovcrncnt.s needed tn t.he immediate future t.D ool ve the short t.erm problen-.s. ;., proposed to get t.he ne1ghbo1 tng propcn y o,,.'!'lers to part.iclpat.e i.n an assessment d1stnct 1n order to make the necesSdr)' unprovement.s. He referred to a lett,~ by lo::he which was prev1~ly suhnltttd thot st.ated they lol'ere willing to a::operate an:l prov 1de a seo:rrlary access out of this pt"OJect.. !:le fur...her st..at_.,d ~t wh1 l e Cbunc ll pol icy refers to mean derunty, the dcvelnpc.r 1s proposu'lg m.itigat.ion tc these circ-ulat1cn o:::n:ilt1ons, put icularly 0, l l eqe to Poin~t t. ia load. By de l et 1.11g CO'l1me re 1 al developnent which was addressed by the £IR. he 1n::hc-.at.ed that the present property 18 cx:irundered a super wr alt.ernaLive because it l essens t.n1ffic-~nd wk.es development cut of an env1ronment.al sens1t1ve a r e;. of the a.u-p:,n . Cbmmiss1mer ionbotls asked about the t~ areAs to t})oe left. Mr. Agat.ep indicated they were flat lots and the envi.ranenuu unpact rep:::,rt dtd not ~ ...,hat to -..lo w1 t.h t.hem. Mr. Agat.ep s~st.w t:.hat the City Parlui Oepa.rtJnent use the land for recroo tlc;na l yout.h act i V l t H ~S . O:::mm.i.se icner L'Heureux quest.1coed t.he dens 1 t y an:l nuniber of units. Jerry l:iart, 1~26 Sunset lxlve, VlSUI sp::ike en behalf of t.he Palomar ci 1ot.s Asscx::1at.ion and t.he Cal 1 fonua Av1at icrl Council. HP. expressed hJ.s concern for t.he no1sc and safety impacts in the area. He askoo for a deru.al without pre j uilce basoo upcn t.he unsa fet y fact.or . Vi~ Schlehuber askoo 1£ the dangers weren't al.ready there and Kr. l:lart replied by saylNJ that t.",ere hiss to be a balance. Vice--0\air= Schlehuber a leo ""anted to lC1XM if there isn't a point where the airp::,n 1s lJ1 excess use ar¥3 Mr. Hart. answered that lt. is the t.h.i.rd or fourth busiest. in the area and 1s pcot.ect..ed by lan1 use. He funher st.-Ated that there are other alt.ernat.e uses which would be better: commerc1a.l, tndust.r ial, and parlt.s. Q::mrnlssicner L'Heureux asked how close could resident.141 UBC be near the airport and cx:>--ex.ist.. Mr. !-an. said that it deperm cn the loc:auon of the flight patterns. lie funher stated that this project 1s t.oo close t.o the ua.ffic pette.rn and the noisest in the area far lift-off. In answer to a query oy Cl:lmml.ssia'lcr Harcus, Hr. Hart indicated that the.re are 40-45 members in the Palomar Pilot.a Assocl.aLi.on ard 4,000 members in the C'.al.1forn1a Aviaticri Cbunci 1 . Cbnmunicner ~en asked ilhout hel 1p.'.lds for commuter fl ight.s and Mr . Han said he did not 1ao,,, the spec1 fies. © MINUTES PV.NNI~ ~•SS!ON ~rch ~ , 198', Page S COMMISSIONERS Mr. Banche approached the pod1Lll?l a~a1n and said that with reqard to the airport, It was st xhed arx:l restudied ard that this particular proJect 1s consistent wi th all stu:Hes ever made. Regarding tl•1 open space, he swted that a requ I rement could be l nc l uded request i ng tne applicant to sut:rn 1 t a spec 1 f 1c F'• an for approval, arrl tMt It 1s ava1:ul;lc for park ~rpoS('S. He continued on ~o say that nothing much has changed s ,ce 1984 when it was unanimous! y approved by the eo._.,,c 1 l and Planning Canmission arrl that the use wai-·~1ken care of at that tune. O::xrun1ss1oner Smith read the , .. uaqraph regarding traffic tmpact an:l asked MI. Banche f ur '\IS op:n1on . Kr. Bar..:he rep! 1ed by saying u it ts trllE.' that the traffic is at service level O b .;l that 1t 1s not an unacceptable level :n srme arPaS . Since no one else wished to speal(, publ 1c testimony -·as closed at 6 :42 p.m. Comm1ss1ooer Rccnbot 1s asked stat f 11bout the comp.1t 1b1 l 1 ty of the proJect with the ;.1 ·port . O\nrles Grimm responded aa1 said that t he general plan 1rrlicates residential use fo• t r,1s "lte arcl the airport plan does not exten:l to this area. Staff felt 1t was compatible ba5€d on tll1s rntormat ion an:l t-he ta<::t c_hat there w-ere no negative C'O!l\men.s from the Ai rpor t CAN' Us,- CQmiittee. Walter Brown addressed the issue '.)f leve:s of service of the EIR for commercial or residentia l use. He specifically cited what would happen at the 1ntcrsect1on of Palanar Air-port Road and Coll~e and Point.Settla where more cars ·,rould approa-:h the intersect ion t.han the intersection could handle. Cntun1ssioner Rcxnbotis asked how does staff ,er .y to Kr. Banche's arqunent with mit1gat.cq trafl1c unpac •. Walter Brown st.4ted that i t is ttue that tl1is pro;ect would provide for interim benefit 5, t,-.it it would al so contribute 580 trips over end a!:x>ve if the proJect is at a density of 3.0. COlmnissioner McPadden asked about flrt.-protection in the area. O'larles Grimm answered that thP future City Safety Center lfOuld take are of this area. hr.: ment 1oned that right now it would be a toss-up between the fire st.at ion in t.a Costa and thE. Elm Street one. S: x-,, st.4ft was recommending denial of the n,solut ion due to traffic con:l It ions, suit! had not p.u:sued the fire issue. Canmissioner 9nith 1nd1cated that he goes alc.-.g with the recommendatiOO£ of staff reqaroing traffic an:! Commissioner McFadden expressed aqreement with him. She also indicatm that she sees ~antaqes of the proJect and recommended wa i t i ng tor the general land use group to m.l.ke rec:a:amen:fatioos am requested that the project oe .e- e:xa:nined at that ti.me. MINUTES ,'LANNll'(; ~!SSION K-lrch 27, 1985 P.:,qe 6 COMMISSIONERS canm 1ssioner l.'HeureW< asked sta t f l f t.hcy would recomm.---.d approval 1 f the dens 1 t y was 3.0 am Ir approved at 3.0, with the off-site improvements, could the traffic impacts stil l be m1t1gate:l . Walter Brevo repl 1ed am 1rdicated that t hP l evels o: 5"t'V ice d 1scussed were for a 3.0 dens It y . Commissioner L'HeureW< cla, 1f1ed :he s1~uat1on by saying that at 3.0, the traffic problem was onl y ma.rginally alleviated. Walter Brown concurred :n.,: d(>Ve loµnent 1n tha, area would be highly impacted frcxn travel from vehicles not from that ar&'l. Comm issioner Rombotls askPd why the c ircul at:on did not 1dent1fy the are., as level 7 and Walter e xplained how the traff le pltte rn da t " was c!P 1 the SMDAG stooy. element Brown E>'.l from Comm1ss1oner Marcus asked about t.he t hird puagrdph on page 4 and questioned tr.at even with these improvement s , wasn 't it prenature. She expressE'd her op1n1on that t his is a nice proJect. Olar les Gr 1mm rest.ate:! the 0-.g 1 neer 1ng C'O~r ns th<11 there wil l be problems whether the pro)ect goes 1n or not. nie higher 3.68 density would c r eate more increment a l problems, but there would also be problems at the J.0 density. canmissioner iiarcus referr ed to last fa ll wr.en there was sane question about soun::l contours be1r.:i old ard Olarles Grirm, discussed the backqroun:l of the souoo contours. Comm1ss1oner Ranbot1s po1nte:l out the history of the proJect and expressed his bel ief that it :s unfa ir to bounce the a ppl icant back ard for th. Vice--C\.!11nnan Schlehuber e xplained that Council wanted th:s project to be approved by the Comm 1ss1on. Commissioner McFadden recommended denying without prejooice ard wa it for the lan:I use e lement people to come back . Commissioners Snith and Marcus i ndicated they agreed that it can be accepted at a 3.0 density. Q:immissioner L'Heuruex said that he doesn't l tkP it a t 3.0. He told the canm1ss100 he 1s really concerne::! in planning context where staff says that even at a 3.0 there viil be horrenjous problems in this area. Vice-0\ai nnan Schlehuber concurred that he had the same type of feeling, similar to the Gateway Center proJect where directioo was quite strof):J regardless of whether or not the Commissioo was comfortable. He fur ,~r suited that i t is unfair at some point to ~he developer when he does whot he was told. Camniss1oner Marcus brought up Coaun,ssiooer Mcf'lrl:ien's suggestion to wait until t.he lard use element decisions are l!lllde. @ MINUTES Pl..MtJ r ti:; O::,.,..J SS I ON March 27, l98< Page 1 1b ~\ ~~}~~ COMMISSIONERS ~ $~ ~\ A mot i oo was passed for st.a ff to see l f they can wor w. oot con:litions of approval for the proJec-t not to exceed a density ot 3.0. 4. GPI\/ A 8 5--1 -C'I TY Of CARLSBAD -P1 oposed AI ts Element to the Ge "t'll Plan. O)arles Grimm, Pr1nc1pal Planner, gave the present at 10n on this item as contained 1n the staff r e,-on. He 1ro1cate:l that the document 1s a s."K>rc doc-u1H;,.rn wn1ch counc-1 I !"las already looked at an:! d1rected for it t o qo t.o publ 1c hearing at the Planning CommlSSIOO. Hi stated that lt IS designed to show what the City 1s do1n;; to develop the arts in t.he City of carts.bad and recon ,eroed approval of the docunent. Comm1ss1oner Mc:Fadden wanted to know whdt .:in means 1n the context aro staff 1ndicate:l that the de f1n1t1on was not \nclu:led in the document. Comm1ss1oner McFadden a lso asked sane questions rega:d 1ng the worldrq on ooJect 1ve 2. She requested clan f 1c.a: ion of the third pol icy as to whether they meant private furds 1n or frcn a ll are-as of the arts. Comm1ss1ooer Snith asked if the City can aCC"€'pt turds from private sources and Dan Hent.nchke, Assistant C1:y Attorney, anslolered that 1t can. Vice-Cha 1 rman Schlehuber opened the pub! 1c hear 1rq at , : 12 p.m. arid issued the invitation to speck. Mayor Mary casler, 38 43 Highl and Drive, carlsbad, answered Cmmissioner Mcf'addffi's questions r<>ga rd1ng the wording on objective 2. She discussed the backqrourd regarding the proposal of the arts element and expla med how the City Council exam 1ned other cl ties tha• supported the arts. She expressed her enthusiasm for ·he arts e lement which she irrlicated was wr itten by the Committee. She told the Connission that a chapter has been --rltten for the municipe.l code settirq out the guidelines for a permanent commission arrl funchng for the arts. 0:lmmissior-,,r L'tteureux aske:l why this was going to be inclu::ied in tho general plan mt.her than Just being passed as an ordinance. 11ayor Casler expl.sined !:hat the arts are a part of the overall environment of the City arx:! that it is an alternate fo.r111 of recreation, closelv associated with the works of the library rather than the Parks and Recreation Department. She s~..ated that they are recommending it be separate from the 1 ibrary board of trustees but under the direction of tne library director. Katie Jean Capps, 1175 Hoover Street, Carlsbad, menuonoo that she felt the arts element would reflect i n the people an:i used SeatUe as an example. She pointed out that there would be an imp.,ct on tourism arrl the people living in Carlsbad. Schle.",uber X Ranbot is X X K!rcus X 9nith X l't:"P'adden X L'Heureux X G) MINUTES i"tsrch 27, 1985 Paae 8 Geoffrey ~r, 3255 Monroe Street, carlsbad, c!efined art as being made up of three categories: visual, perfomnng and l 1terary. He Emphasized that In looking arourd at cities with a cam,itment to the arts, there are both aesthetic an:l econan1ca l benefits to the c 1t1es. He felt that 1• is important to ccmnlt to the arts due to the influx of rnan;,qerial technocrats moving into the area . Since there was no further testunony, the public hearing ~s closed at 7;23 p .m. O:mn1ssioner Karcus stated that no one could deny t hat it 1s desirable an:l also appropr 1ate for the arts to be a part of the 1 ibrary to beqin with and eventually have a arts dei:artment later on. O::mniss10,er l'tfc,dden concurred that she could support this but was concerned about the open endedness of what art actually is. ~ a l so reccmnended replacing :he word "citizens" with the word "residents". 'n'le last 1ten She mentioned was :n connection with obJect1ve 3 ard who would make the art select ions. O::mn1 ssioner L' Heureux ind teated ::.hat he supper ted the arts elenent wholeheartedly since he bel 1eved it 1s a good positive step. He also ment1one::l that he felt it was too broad aro Ofle!'l en::!ed ard that he ;.,,as uncanfortablP. w1 th 1 t for that reason and ..ould feel more canfoitable with additional fn!ormauon regard1rq hQ,.. lt will work, who will govern i t, and where the funding 1,Quld be caning fra:n. O:mnis.,ioner Snith stated that he was convinced 1t 1s necessary an:l will t.> ~cod for the City, especially the retired citizens who live 1n the area. 1'le Planning O:mn1ss1on approved t.he following Resolution: RF.SOLUTION No. 2427 APPROI/I!G AN ~ TO fflE GD-lERAL PLAN TO &S"l'ABLI Sll AN ARTS EUXFNr. S. P0>-73 -BEST BUIWE:RS -Request for a Planning Cl::mllission Detemination for a three-unit apartment project generally located on walnut Avenue between Lincoln Street arxl Washington Street in the R-3 :z::ooe. Kilte Howes, Associate Planner, gave the presentation on this itan as contaiOErl in the staff report arxl explained that this was continued fran the last Cl:mnission hearing since the project ex~d the mean density for this area established by City OJunc:-i 1 Pol icy 7872 and staff was recamen:ling denial. He in:licated staff vas directed to return vith a resolution and recan.aeodat ion of approval. Ccmrlissiooer ltf'adden asked a question regarding condition fl 7 -what ws it an:l what was the landscaping for . walter Brown, Civil ~ineer, answered the question for her. Schlehuber R:cmbotis Marcus Snlt.h l"tf'adden L'fieureux X X X X X X X MINUTES ~l IN:; cn-til SS IOO March 2', l 98S Page 9 COMMISSIONERS can:n1ss1oner Snith asked about conditions f28-29, stat1ro:_i that he did not underst.ind why it was necessary to 1ncll.de that the final lardscape plan be approved by the Parlcs and Recreation Director since It was aheys ~pproved by the Planning Manaqer. Planning Catm1ss1on approved the foi lowing Resolut 100: RESOu.rrroo 00. 2414 APPBOI/Itc Pl.ANNI!-(; cn-tilSSIOO DETERMINATIOO 73 f"OR CCNSI'RI.C"t!OO OF A TiiREE-UNIT AP>.Jm<P.Nr PROJB:"I' 00 PROPERTY GEN'ERALLY LO.:ATID 00 fflE tl)R'rn SIDE OF ~ ,Wll<UE BE."l"ft'U,, L!!O:ll.N STREET AfCJ WASH I~ STREE'l'. APPROVAL OF MI t.'U'TES The minutes of the January 23 , l98S ~,1ng were approved as presented. The minutes of the F'ebruary 14, 1985 meeting -..ere approved as presented. OFF-1\GENlA ITIX.5 Discussion ensued as to whether or not to go back to starting O:mnission meetings at 7 :00 p.rr., and lt was decided to continue w1t.h the 6:00 p.m. st.art tune since the meetings will probably last for a lon:;er period of time in the near future . Omnissioner 9n1th requested that the minutes be sul:m1 tted for approval to the OXrmission within two meetings. waiter Brown, c1v1l Engineer, introduced Dan Clark, Developm!nt Eng i neer, who "'ill be taking over wa.lter Brown's Job. By l)l'oper motion, the me-etlng of ..Urch 27, l 98S, was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully subn it ted , Ruth Stark Kinut-es Oerk KEETHGS ARE MS) TAPED Am KEPT 00 !'ILE um'IL fflE MINtTI'ES ARE APPRJVID. Schlehuber Ra!lbotlS Marcus 9nlth ltF/Jdden L' Heurew, Schlehuber Ranbotis Marc-us Snith M::P.xlrden L • Heure,J.X Schlehuber Ral\bot IS Marc-us Snith l"cf'adden L ' Heureux X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X