HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-08; Planning Commission; MinutesHl!ZTIII'.. OP:
t».r. OP HEE'l'IN:i:
~IN:. cnflISSION
Kay B, 1985
6:00 P.M.
City Council OIMli,ers
CALL TO ORDER: 1'le meeting was called to order by
diah:man Farrow at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Olaicnan Farrow, Cotmissioners Rarbotis,
Harcus, Sill th, Schlehuber, !1cFadden and
Absent : None.
Staff Hl!lllbers Present:
O'larles Grimn, Principal Planner
Hike ~. Associate Planner
Dan ftentschke, Assistant City Attorney
Brad fl'lerrian, Principal Civil ~i~r
O'lah:man Farrow called attention to the Planning
camussion Procedures being shown on the screen and asked
the au:Hence to take a fe-.i minutes to read then.
l. ClJP-272 -LA CXlSTA LU11iD!AN ~ -Request for a
c:oniitioaal use pemit to allow a church at Onit o, 5731
PallDor Way in t-.he K-0 zone.
Hike Hol,ea, Asaociate Planner, gave the presentatioo on
this it811 aa cont.air-' in the staff report, using a
transparency to show the site. He discussed staff's
coocema regarding the noo-irdustrial uae of a .:lite in an
in!ustrial =ne and added that staff was ,ecameuding
O'laimmi Pattov opened the public hearing at 6 :05 p.m. and
iaued the invitation to speak.
Dan ~. 3471 Denna Drive, Carlab!ld, repxe:aented the
La Costa Lutheran Chlrch, and updated the O::mliuion aa to
llbere they "'81:e at tbia point. He irdicated that they
Wlffe lOOiting for land to build an affordable coorch and
tllplUi-' that this ,.. an interim step. Ni'. JohnaCln
pointe:S cot that they "°'1ld be using the faciliti• only
00 Bun:Say -,rning, which 189 an off time and ;)ff buaioeu
houa for tha uae of thia building. He further stated
they "°'1ld prabably be using the facility for
apprc:11iaately 1-2 year a.
Dan BlcdlJett,, 3016 Garlxl90, Carlsbad, spoke on hazardous
caditiom. ta dac:rii., how the buil:iing was built ar..J
d k CUINd fi~ ratings. He mentiooed that the c:hlrch
rr-111-.tian "°'1ld be f.aailiai: vith the exit.a and that
tlm'9 ll0Uld be no probl• in getting thm e-.-acuated vith1n
• aiaut:e in the event of an ~-
-~ . ;
.. -'
PLNl,lll,lj CXH11SSlal l'l!ly 8, 1985 Page 2
Mr. Blodgett aleo de-"..cr ibed the occupants of the uni ts.
Ht-diacuued the CArlsbad Fair an:3 the large ll:IIOUnt of
people crOldaS In a SM!l area.
Mr. H. J. Pearaon, 2722 Athens, Avenue, carlsb!ld, asxed
for favorable consideration of their request an:3 thanked
the Pla.-:ning staff for the aggressive manner in which they
bandl.8' it. He stated, ho-,ever, he '11115 in basic
disagreaaent vith staff and discussed planning issues (al,
(b), (c), and (dJ raised in the staff report. He
8UlllllltiZll!d by stating that he believed t.i,e planning Issues
111ere aatisfi8', and that they met or exceeded traffic,
114fety and aesthetic concerns, am that the coroitional
uae pemit should be approved.
Jim Hollenb!lck, 13007 Via LatiM, Del ~r, developer of
the project, indicated that he 1olOUld have his corporate
office in thi" cariplex. He stated he ies in favor of
ha1ring the ct.n:ch located in this area based upon his
experience vith a simila.r situation in San l'l!lrcos. Hr.
Holler.b~ said that out of 18 units, only 5 -re left and
that all the occupants -re aware of the fact that the
ct.n'ch 1olOUld be an OWlet in the developnent.
OJmisaioner Slli th asked what types of lease they would
allow the coorcb, and Mr. Hollenback replied that they
were CM'let& of the property.
CDlmiuioner Siu th asked if they would have to sell the
bui11:Ung if they ~e taaporary. Mr. Hollenback replied
that they could hold on to the property as an invest:JDent
if they wanted to •
O:aaiaaioner l't:!P'ld:Sen asked what the legal capK:1 ty for
people w.a inside the building and O\arles Grimm,
Principal Plamer, respoclded by stating that if the
O:amiaaion approved the aJP, then the Fire Marshall would
have to look at the building and make a decision.
Mr. Holled>ack expllira:1 that the tenant iq,covmaent plan
would addJ:ea the issue of the ll\Jllber of people all'--' in
the ~ at a given time.
Q:mlliaa.icner a:abotis asked if there 1olOUld be any mid -k
.-. of the building at all, and if 90, W\at would that be.
Mr. ~ pointed out that the only mid week activities
WlUld be cboir rahearaal c:anaiating of about. ten people.
Ill alao .mtiooer5 that the pastor would only be there en a
daily buia, but that there would be aall gnq, uaage
daring the ..-k. He ia:Uceted that the only tiJDe there
wu1d be ■id ,mk arvicea would be durir13 Lent, llhich
wu1d aouDt tD approximately thirty people.
o-iaicmr 8aith ukad if there would be any children's
c! •-'!iuring the ~ and Mr. Jdwlon stated they would
be bald co amay ■orning.
ID ,..... tD a <J,Jary by O:-iaaioner falbotis, Mr. Jdwlon
illlUc:at:ad that there wa 2,040 equare feet in the
S1ace there wa no further public testimony, the IU)lic
bearing_. cloeed at 6:30 p.111.
"'5y 8, l 98S Page 3
Olah:man Farrow expressed that it was his understa.rrling
that if you had hazardous material, it must be mitigated.
Mike~ responded that on a daily basis, it was hard to
know what vu brought in.
Chairman farrow pointed out that if it was brought in, it
would be a violation. He also said that there would be
less hazardous C"Onditions on SUroay than mi dday d1.ui~ the ~-
Olarlea Grillla explained that the kin:! of lll!lterlals that
were flamable were oot alvays hazardous materials. He
further explained that staff was concerned because vi th a
large group vs. a anal! group as in an an attorney's
office, a large rumer of people would be going towards
the door than vith the s:.aller group.
Olaitman Farrow discussed fire walls and encroactment of
an ia:1ustrial area by noo-industrial uses. He reference:!
a maDO from Brian Matson of the Fire Department and
mentioned that he did not think Mr. Matson vas -re of
the fact that the ct.lrch would be meeting only on SUroay
Mike HcMes indicated that a toxic fu:nes release would
affect everyone in the area and O\arles Gr imn stated that
it would be harder on people in a lArger group than in a
-1 ler one.
Olah:man Farrow stated that he would encourage a religious
group to have the opportunity to meet in the facility.
O::maiuioner Rallbotia agreed that there would probably be
1110re people in the area during the 1lll!eJt than on the
wekeod. He further stated that he would like staff to
addrea the iuue of emergency ex i ta.
0:-iaaiooer Marcus mentioned that at first she thought it
wa a good u.e o.f the property. ~r, lC)0rt thinking it
09'81', a indicated that she decided she agreed with lltaff'• report. She felt the uae contradicted the general
plan goal am that ttwy 8hould be protected from non-
industrial anM"oectw..it. A8 a r~t, she expained it
wa not appropriate, eva, on a tmipOrary buia.
o:-iaioner L'Hllureuz la:HCllted he felt that one
diffennoe in this situation: ~ were comos as
OR-.d to reotale, and u a reault, there would be little
turnoYer. He thought that in thia type of environm!nt the
chxtd'i would prdlebly be ccapetible vi th the -11
lul.imaa an:S prof .. iooal buaineaes. Ye expresae:, that
be .. tom bett 11n the pliloeopbical probl• of
introducing this UN an:! the prec.5ent it would Nt, and
bow it aigbt work 1:-. this locatiao. He indicatad hi•
dasiie for staff to prepare c,oaUtiona addressing exiting lUIJe caoc:mtratioae of people f«m this area, pouibly
ad1Hng axe doors for exiting fraa the building. He
....,_b.S that he l«lUld be ccncernaS if this kind of uae
start.5 to dfteloP into biDIJO at night• day ac:bool through
the day, and envicee thr• tir:ia a leek.
Hzly 8, 1985 Page 4
oaamiaaioner M::h&Jeo mentioned that shP. shared the
concerna diacusaa:! about allowing the church use in a
in:h•trial area. She stated that she aSSUlled the church
stu:Sied other alternatives and expressed that she would
consider the CllP for a period no longer than one year am
ceview the situation at that time. She irdicated she .es
ccn:::,erned about the safety factors as -11.
0:111111.iaaioner S:hlehlber explained that he was concerned
about putting the dt.Jrch in an industrial area. He alao
des:ribed the proble11 of churches firding a place for
wruhip, He asked staff for clarification regarding
standorde for fire walls and whethe.r they believed they
1Ere accurate.
Mike ~ irdicated he agreed with the standard ratings.
0:111111.issiooer Schlel'a:ber then asked about toxic fUDeS and
O\arles Gri.lllD stated that he believed the major problan
-. that the funea 1IIOuld spree.:! throu:Jh the vents.
Qaamisaioner Schlehuber stated that the speaker made a
good point about the carlabad ~ir am the problans that
l«>uld have been encountered if there were to:a ic tunes. He
aleo indicated that he wuld hate to see the church use
the property f ir a lengthy pe.r iod of time if it was
0-i uioner 9111 th pointed out that a limited amount of
tiaa llhould be applite, He stated his coooern about
growth in churches am the youth elauent, ard mentioned he
l«>uld like to aee than have the church there but was still
c:once.med about exits.
o:-iaaiODer 9::hleh\iber ulted PU • Johnson "1at 1110Uld
realistically be the 14lllgth of time they l«>uld be staying
in this location, am row long were they looking for a
ctnrd! site.
tt:. Jomson resporwd am said that they anticipate the
clmch IIOUlo grow large enough within 2-3 years to aupport
the purt:hue of land for a building. He imicated they
wre in the CUlllbad 0:maraity Center at tevante Parlt
right now.
CDaiaicner IICllbotis made a moticm for staff to develop
apEific caa:!itiom for a comitiOMl. uae pemit and have
tha addreu the a i ting faci 1 i ties am the aeperationa
thet ll0Wd be RqUired, the hours of operation and the
t:ma of the aJP. '!he CDOtion 1ea aecon:Sed and opened for
a.at .. i<ll'IU MltrC:U8 pointed o-.rt that if they put. IIICIDeY
into the QOOdo, there ¥:>Uld be lea money to loot for a
~ loatioa.
O.ima, Parrc. raopalild the public hearing to allow the
itaa to be coot~ for t1'D ww:i.
' ,.
l'llv 8, 1985 Page 5
O:.,iNioner Rmbe>tis aemm the motion to add that the
it.an lll0Ul.d be contin\85 fot t:lllO -u until '11!1y 22, l985.
A motion __. pasaed continuing It.an fl for t1«> -1a1 until
l'lly 22, 1985 and t«peating staff to develop specific
c;.,c,n! i tions fot a c;.,c,n! it iona.l uae pecm it and addreu the
edtiQ:J faciliti .. and the separations that would be
required, the hours of operation, and the tetm of the aJP.
2. 1.0-330 -Clff f:R ~ -Request for a zone change
fl"CIII C-2 to C-2-0 for 11 4.56 acre site located at the
90Uthwut corner of the La O>sta Avenue .and Ran:::00 Santa
Pe Aoad inter.ct ion.
Olarles Grimm, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on
thi■ itan u contained in the staff report, using a
transparency to show the site. He explained reasons ltiry
the overlay le.I appropriate.
Olaiman P'arrow opened the public hearing at 6:52 p.111. and
ieaued the invitation to speak.
Jotri Stanley, 7682 El Cilmino Real, t204, car J ab8d,
ICeptflWlt.e::l the OWier& of the property and mmt>ers of the
partnership. He asked if the Olahman received letters
fran the OW)8ra of the property and requested a
continuance of the item. Olaiman P'anov irxHcated that
he did not see the letters. HI:. Stanley explained that
the a.airs hlld no knovledge of the requested zx:ne change
!mtH they received a letter in the mall a "89k ago. He
l<ior-1 that plans lllll!te currently being made for
deYel<>s-it of the property and that they hlld already been
pceaented and reviewed by staff and thaL staff' a concerns
WU being met by the developer. He stated they "°'11.d
lilce the 0R)Ottunit:y to dillC\SS these matters over, to
nview spcifically ~t their concerna are vith thllll. He
imicated that the developers hlld a cooaiderable ..:,unt of
t:lae and mooey iave9ted to date on preliminary plane. He
tbarefore ~ted a continuance.
Oclaiu.ioner Rallbotia aalced hov long they "'°'1ld neat, and
tk. Stanley replied a,o weu.
Siooe no oae el• viahm to speak, public testilaly ...
clo.d at 6:56 p.a.
Qllaiaiooc &:hlebll:lu apr;etMd tnat he IOl,ll.d not be
<>Hioeed to • oontinmnoe of he "8l!U.
Oclai .. ioner L'flluiem queotior-1 staff if b10 -.eelm .ea
okay arid lltAff io:Sic.atm it wa all right.
A aot:ioo-.. puN5 oont1ouing Itaa t2 for bl0 -.eelm until
MIiiy 22, 1985.
II :a
s • s
s s
l'llly 8, 1985
3. Slle-85-2 -l'AIINERS I~ -Al/qleat e.pproval of a
Site oiYelos-mt Plan to conatruc-t two offioe building• on
an 8.5 acr. parcel located at the eouthweat r:omer o! f!1
C.ino ANl an! Par.S.y AV9nUa in the roll &Jainea Park
in the C-M mne.
~l• Gri-, Principal Planner, gave the pr.-ntation on
thia ital u cx,ntair-5 in the ataff report, using a
tranaparenc:y tD ahow the •i te and a -11 _.., to ahow the propo..s project. ._ dNc:r iba3 the propoNS co=i,orate
offica and cla.ilu office am indicated that they met all
~i~ta. Ml aut.ed that the only iuue wu the
locaticn of the t110 d.rtvevaya wh.ich violated l!l"lgi.-.erlng
O.iraan Pllrrov indicated that the ~r•• repre.ntattve
we praNnt, an! Harold Gingrich, VP ANl !State, hater•
lnaurm, '680 Willlhir• Boulevard, LOe ~lu, deacribm
hi• oaapmy'• f11eiliti• and heedquuten in L.A. Ml
ducuaNd the history of the project and -phuizad that
l'Ullc2 Inaurm OJmPM)' blc:l11 a■ hNvily involve in
neigtmorhood affaira lhln they oocupy apace in a
~ity. Hit atat.ed they take pride in ownerahip.
Bill tAwia, Architect, 320 Laurel Street, San Diego,
atat.ed that PaaNr'• intatt vu to do a g~ jcb. Hit
aaiticnaS that the prabl .. of acceu vaa originally a
■inor probl• but now wu a major p,:abl-for the project.
Ml •pbui ad that the lalrge of people IIIOYing in am out
of the project would be in the momi03 and afternoon, and
not during the day. tb pointed out that with future
da9elcsa-nt, 600 car• would not be able to go through one
0:-iaiooer L'tteureux indicated that two entrancea and
Gita .,_. r-5ed and that one would not IIUffi<.». te
ulDed Mr. 1:Awia vhat would happen if the far westerly
dri,,._y i:.:-a drive in only and everyone ait.ed out of
the othu.
Kr. tAwi• ap.l.air-5 that there would still be a p,:abl• of
cm driwvav ln am one driveway out.
O..i•i.cner L'Hlturem ulDed if thia would happl!!l even
with two aita and Mr. r..wia abo-1 that with the two
dri~, they 00Wd almost double the capacity.
a..J.aiomr L'lllareux aalced where would Puaday
wtJ.aately be going, and Oarles Grum replied that it
lfOUld eumt.ally be going to cannon.
0-iu.ionn Mc:f'lldt5eu ulDed Mr. Gingrich if hia oompsny
..,. •t-Jl,ced aploya hours and m tetll" o:led and aid
that tD • ntimt there were staggered hour• ainoa there
ws 2t hour ~-
Olairaari rarrov aent.icr.s that 11■ between I-5 am the
a19Dti lights bed 12 d:riwwaya, and alao pointed out that
time wre eeveral driveways at 11 Olllino Al!lal and La
ODeta .av.am. Ba iaUcat.ed be felt that they haS to look
at -de;rae of fairmas to the applicant. tte 000tina:!
on to •Y that it ~ that they __,. an atteapt at a
Hlly 8, l98S F9ge 7
gocld dealgn to put the driv-y .x:rou from an exlatirq
dr::lwwy end that 1-. wu in favor of rejectirq it.a 26 of
the c::mditiana. HI further •tAt«i that he believed thia
WU a 9C)Cld project.
0-iuioner ADaboti■ ■aid U.te would be a prcbl• vhen
s-ople tried to aaa a left turn on El Camino AIN.l.
Ired 'ftlarrian., Principal Civil Plr;i~r, atated there
..owd be a prd:11• vith atackirq u you •!lllroeched El
C.ino illlll. With refer.nee to the dr lveways, he
inUcat:m that the proper·ty wu in a d 1-=retionary mode
ard that tbey wre lnv.tigatirq the pouibil ity of
naoving that dri-y wt.. the ■al• offioe ~ to be • •l• off tee.
O-i•toner ADaboti■ pointed out that the ntlea -r•
cha9ed tn the aiddle or the gaie.
Brad 1harrian auted that they wre tMCtil'¥J to atandarda.
0-1•1oner Nr:hddan apr..-S that there vu no need to
nis-t aiatuaa of the put. b aaid that if you allov a
ckhiewy Ula thia one cloae to a primary arterial lilclt El
<aino ...i, there vould be a lot of problems. She felt
that thi• could be raciNigned to the safety of everyone.
0-lra.i Parr°" Nntioned 1-. dl.Agxeed.
o:-i•iom-r Aaaboti• aakad about. a right out on El Camino
only in the aoceleration lane, a:d Brad 'ftlerr ian replied
that this .,. not conaidered. tn respc:,nae to a query, he
in&Sicat:m that 1f t!wy mid to have tw driveways, they
._. in the optlam location.
0-iuiomr 3111th ~tioned that toe reali-S that the
qpUcant bid a prabl•, but tn:UcatcS that the C:C:-iuion
alao lad • ~ vlth the baildq> of traffic on El
C.ino lllal., putic:ularly whm lookirq at the future. Ye ..,._.blid poalhly putting in an ialand in the middle. He-
felt that --.thing llhould be done about the prcbl81 now.
a,.1......, l'llrrOw •id that vmri the project vu looka:S at
be.fen, the ccn!ition alet:m and had not charqed and
amtioned Ila --.. u an example.
0-iaaiomr Mucua pointed out that t!wy oould not eolve
traffic circulation if they ta.lad about !la fNf!r'J time.
fir. Giagricb bdicat-5 thay wre OV9rlookia;i tvo thin:J•
llldcb ,._. mt lla5e clear. Hit aaitioned that P'araer'a did
not om all of the pa:.oputy-. Ila ala> aplaiDKI that bued
upm .._. thay wr:e in the plaming, Plmlera bad weatled
tbe baildiDJ thay ... eurrantly occupying. He.,,_,
cott ... 1dw1• ftca the City 0:lunc:il going b-=k to 1982.
A IIOtiaa -aa apoo,1.ng the llllgati'Y9 Dlclaration
i...s by tbe (AIJd a. Plaaning llllmgc a:d aciopting
lllmlatlaa a,. 2437 apoo,ing a site cSaYel.~ plan no.
~2, to camtz:uc:t • 82,000 acpare foot am a 6300 ~•
foot bail.ding CID pa:oputy gaw.-Uy located on the
aoutbeut oacmr of brad.ay--.. ard !l <aino a.l,
1ari.ag tbe two dti'NWJII u tbay wre, dal.etlng it.a t26
cf tbe lllmluUoa, ard deleting f.indtng t 4 on 1acJ11 2. e. aotioa wa ._,-,_,-Ind~ for diec:uulon.
f. ·.,~··
lt:ly 8, 1985 Page 8
cr-.i•ioner L'tteureux aaid that in viev of staff'•
~ta. being hl0 aeparate lots, he wanted their
Oarl• Gr iaa stated that he thought that Pamer■
Inauranot Olll-1 the lh)le block; that a ~idiary <MBi
it. tit di~ the iuue and pointed to the road off of
Parac!ay t:0UChing the property, an:, .ntiooed that a aecorxt
accNa OOUld be put in at that point.
Nt. Gingrich stated that one of Fa.ra!r'a holding ~nies
bad purchUed the entire parcel. He explainm that the
-11 building,_. o,w-, by the exchanges.
,,_ aotioa (lhowl on page 7) wt.a voted upon aoo failed due l!'arrov
to lack of a majority. Rclllbotia
A -,uon _. _,. to approve the Negative Declaration
i~ by the Land Dae Planning Mllnllger an:, adopt
Rlaol.ution II>. 2'37 approving a site developnent plan no.
SS-2, to oonatruct an 82,000 9Q\lllre foot and a 6300 square
foot building on property generally located on the
~t c:omer of Faraday Avenue and £1 Olnino Real ,
urging a -=ord accea am eliJllinating the ea.stem
drt,,..y. ,,_ -,tton -■ ~ed and opened for
a-iDlll'I Parrow stated that this v:>ul.d re<Jiire a caaplete
iw:Seaign of tht project.
cr-.iuioner L'Hllureus -,ti~ that at the point ~e
t:bey wna, they -,ul.d twv. to go back am re:1eaign am put
tba tack abolJt: 6-8 aantha.
OWeiaicaer ~r inSic:ated that eY«1 though one is
cloee to a Ca.ino llllal, t:bey ahould give tha that one am ta• out the other mi! give thr.i the aa.11 one.
a-iaionK a:aboU. aid that it l«>Uld not help tba or
tbe City aithar. Ha amti~ that staff l«>Uld rather
baft tll0 dri.,..ya ttmi tht om -11 one.
a-iNiObtl: a:hlohutar clarified llhat he 11B8 diac:uuing.
0,-Jaionar a:abota aid that it wa not approp;tate to
pull tbe othK dri,,_y off the pa:osa:ty. tie furthar
atat8S tbat t:bey could grant taponzy aa::eu to kaes) thaa
CJOia; • lCD.J u t:bay 90 alCDJ the aide atre.t.
a-iNioom: L'lllw:wa aplaina5 t:bey could aalae tht firat
dl:1..-y • tlllprary eoceaa until the rest of the pcosmty
.. dllNlcplS, norimt it later to be off the main
aawt, aad cloea tht ..c ~ly ane later 0D.
a-iutomr hrrow p:>inted out that the •>ti0D on the
floar ma1d nqoire tba to claee the watarly drt,,_y
aaS nilaaign the eutarly am to ataff'• utiat-=tlon.
:I :I
., ,-
May 8, 1985 Page 9
o:amisaiu'lCr L'Heureux ~e.sted making the far westerly
d.riv-y twice the size an:! making it t.he primary access.
Ha stated that the main thing -s exiting rather than
Ola i 01111n P'ano-, pointed out they would st i 11 have to
redesign it baaed on the motion.
'ft-.e motion ~ miended to grant then t-,o dr 1veways on a
tsq,orary ba.ais if they i«>uld develop a secon:iary access,
unt.i l they developed the site plan.
Planning ():amission approved the Neqat 1ve Oeclar<!ltlon
iuued by the :...a.'"l'.! Use Planning Manager ard adopted the
following Resolution:
RESa.OTI<:ti Ill). 2'37 .a.PPRO\Tl~ A SITE OE.V!LOPNENT PI.M ·oo. 8S:2 TO ClHlTROCT AN 82,000 9;;UARE P'OOT A..'<> A 6300 SP.a.RE
With the follovi o; chan;le:
lidding a condition granting them tloiO cir 1veways on a
tallpOrary basis if they would develop a secoooary acce:ss,
until they developed the Slte plan.
Olairman f'arrov pointed out for the appl icant• s
infoDlllltion that it oou.ld be appe<!!lable to City Courci 1.
'. Pa>-81 -LA CXlSTA GIBRM..TER -Request for a Plann1r¥J
o:m:ii u loo 0etemlnatl on to all°" a 24-uni t apartment
project on a location on the east side of Gibra.l t.er
Street, imnediately aout.h of san Marcos canyon.
Olarlu Grimn, Principal Planner, gave t:he pceaent.atton on
thia itaD u oontained in the staff report, using a
traruiparen::y to show the site am a wall map to show the
propoaed project. He di9CUSaed the lllDl!ni ties of the
project and mentioned that a col'ditioo was llddw to change
the turf block to stardard a.sphal t. He indicated that the
appl leant agreed vi th the change.
Nr. P'ranlt Perl, Arctu tec-t, ,,01 '!"'8in Avenue, &m Diego,
0001:Urre:1 that it -a fine project and urge:, the
0::maiaioo to app:ove it.
0:aaiaaioou L • Heureux asked about o::,m it ion t, l and
Chu:la <km repliaj that the tem •dri,,_.y'" -.a
Brad 'lberrian, Principal Civil l!ngineer, point....d out that
the 1ut. llUllber uaSer oomJ 1 tion t 19 should be cha.rJ1ec to
ooaH tion '18.
Pl mming O:wninion apprOYtld the Negative Declaration
iaue:1 by the Land Ole Plainning Manager am adopted the
fol.l owing Aeeolat ion:
W&fii.nCII TO w.a; .· . t-oNIT APAR'M!N'I' PROJB:T Qi
ncn:ztt GDJ'!IQTJ J LCX:ATl!D Qil 'ftlll KA8!' SIDE CR GIBRALTER
S'namT, EUffli fR SIN ~ CAN!'Qil.
Parrow I.
Rartx>tis X X
Marcus X
9nith X
3=hlehuber X
"'= Fl!ldden X
L'Heureux I
Farrow I
a:.botia I
l'llrc:us I
Saith X
9:hlehl:ber I
Pl'.::P'addeo ..
L'ttaareux I I
"'5y 8 1985 Pa:ie 10
With the following change:
l'b:iify condition tl9 to change the last nunber 1n the
corxiitioo to relld •con:Htioo tis•.
5. PCI>-82 -ROOSEVELT 42 -~t for a Planmng
o:nmiuloo oetei:mlnatioo for a 40 un It apartment project
on the west side of Rooi,evel. t Street near the Inter section
of Aooaevel t Street and '1!1gn0li a Street 1 n the RD'1 zone .
Kiite ~. r.asoctat.e Planner, gave the presentat 100 on
this i ten as contained in the staff report, using a
transpareo::y to show the sl t.e and a wall map to show the
prOfX"l(!rl project. He descr Lbed the project and stated
that it would contribute to traffic on Elm and 'l'amarack
&venues "1hich cannot be mitigated and pointed out the
specific areaa. He stated that City Cbuncil recently
~aded Tmlarack Avenue fran II secondary art.er ial to a
collector street in the vicinity of the project. Since
the traffic problan could not be resolvA:l, he explained
that staff could not ct,catmetd llPProval of the project .
Ola.rles F. ~. 3083 o:ean Street, Carlsb!ld , presented
the backgrourrl of the project. He disu ibuted copies of a
report prepared by P'ederhardt • As&o.:: iates re,iarding the
traffic s1 tuat ioo. He described the fi,c 111 t 1es and areas
surrouncHng it, stat Ing that he was against inferior
Ccmnis.aiooer 9::hlehubec stated that he trought thu was a
good project an:: that the overall traffic ~ wras
pre91!1lted truthfully by staff. 9ecause of POl icy NO. 7872
puea! by City O:lurrll, he in:Hcated that he could not
support it at thin time .
Ccmniuioner L'Heureu:x t0d a question for staff "'ith
regam to the iqlact of the surrourrling streets and wanted
tx:> know hov far they loolcej at with re,iard to traffic.
81':ad tberrisn, Civil £n:3ineei:, replim that each proje::t
-.. looked at individually. HI.! further explained that they
loolcl!d u far as there 110uld be a significant impllct.
Qlarles Grm stated that it -a basically a jwc:JDOOt
call, and ~ Item U as an exmiple.
o-iulODer L' Hl!r\ll!UX ea)taj if proja=U west of the
tr-.y ll0Ul.d have Cl impact on -r-cack and !lm, and
Qlarles Gr:1-replied that they would bet:llll!en the Lagoons.
a-iuioner: l't:PaMm expceuea that she ex>uld not -bow
to mitigate the illpDct. She stated that this area llfOllld
IX>t be inclu:Sed in a special treatment aree since it tlU
just mat of the railroad tradt. Qle irxiicated that she
ll0ald app;<T,-c the project.
o.aiaiooer Aalllbotia aua:S bow to get aroo.n:S the City
Olmcil policy. lla a!l'ltiooe:1 that be al90 lilted the
projec1. em a.w-at:m an alte=ative solution of taking
off 8 unita, appr'O'li.CXJ it at 32 1mita, and then the
applicant could ocne back for 8 more at a l.ater date.
K?ly 8 , l98S Page 11 COIHIISSlONERS
Dan Heotschke, A.sslSUlnt City Attorney, st.atEd that If
there was evidence that there lol:>uld not be a tr a ff 1c uupact
or that they were miti9ated based on any evidence, the
Ccmnisaion could mate t.""lat t 100 ing.
CXnm.issioner Ra!b>tls polntEd out that the stu:Sy bddressed
traffic in the l.raDErl 1ate area and d 1d not go as tar as
Fltaff did.
Kr. ~ returned tXl the pcd 1un an::l e xplained that they
would be takirq awey 20\ of the density of the proJect.
A IOOt.ioo -s pas.sed asking staff to bttng bacl( a
resolution approv1n:i a 40 unit apartmen1. pro)ect on
property generally located on the west side of Roosevel•
Street near the intersection of Roo9eVelt Street aro
1'1!1gnol i11 Street, consider ir,g the traffic safety
consultant's report provided for at t_he ne<•t :ng.
6. FU>-22 (A) -Bllm:HER -PACIFIC -Req,_-st for II minor
IIIDl!rolllll!n t to P{D-22 l oca te1 in the Pal cmar 0a lcs/Bi r tcher
Business Center on the 900th side of Pal<IMr .t.Hport ROad.
11.ilte Howes, ASSOch t_e Planner, 9ave the present.at 100 on
this it.an as containe::! in the staff report, usir¥3 a
transparency to shot,/ the site an::! a wall map to show t he
proposed project. tte di8C'US8ed the three alternatives an:I
deecribed staff's concerns. He indicated that staff felt
the proposed developnent was inappropr late for the sl te
am referred to a redsion recelvEd that day by staff. He
mentioned that this was the fourth revision subnltted by
the applicant• s eng l.neer, that it -s better than the
others, but staff still had concerns.
Ccmnisaioner !tFadden asked how many parli:1.ng spaces were
n!qlired , an:l 11.i ke ~ resporded , ind ica ti r,g ::hat there
111Bte 100re than required.
OIIDiaaioner !tl"adden aalted about the soil stabi 11 ty
repor:..& and Kike ..,_. respoo::1e1 by sayif)'.J that t.'u-y -re
p['epired for the original grading. He further lmicated
that if the project-. approved, they would require
additional st\diea.
1111abers of the o:-iaaion ioo icate:l they had met w1 th Mr .
C'.mplell an:Vor staff to dia::u.aa the pr-oject.
Hr. Bob C'.mplel \, 27611 La Paz 9:>ad, t.aguru Niguel, stllted
that he had tal.kld vi th var ioua members to get their view
W queationa vi th regard to the project. He pointed to
the landaalpe and erigir.er in:, plans on the board and
d i ~ gradings IIDd lllllla. Hr . Owa{'bell indicated that
other 1p911ke.-. "°'1ld addrt":&s spac:itic areas of the
Hr. 8lnry L. ttn:l ey, President, Henry l«>rley Aasociates,
lac., 7875 OXNoy O:>urt, San Diego, pointed to the
original drawings ~ uaiD;l an ovetlay, shcNed how they
re90l~ 74.riOUII pt()blmia.
OcmaisaiODer M:1"lldde0 asked about l'IICNing the bu .•. ding to ~ e,ut and Hr. ll>rley explained 'tiry It would be ..oree to
m:JYe i t ... terly.
L' lleur eu,,:
~IN:. CXM'IISSJON K!ly 8 , l 98S Page 12
Q:mniss1oner l't~en stated that she was p.izzled lo'hy the
facility needed so much parking an:l felt that a row of
parking could be eliminated.
f'tr. Camft,ell said that they looked at 1 t but prefened not
to do It. He stated t.hat since there were high tech
canpanies using lt, they ..ould require the parking spaces.
Calmissioner Snith expressed his concern reqardin;i parkirq
at lot 17 ard MI. ~11 pointed out that there was a190
pa.rking on t.he other erd.
Dave Clos.son, 134 S. Gla"ssel l, City of Orarqe, expla1na:l
the planting in the d 1 f ferent 11reas am descr I bed the
problEIIIS of the OVclall slope ma1ntenao-.--e . He also
di8C'US8ed t.he issue of ocreening the wal I, ard p:>inted to
rerderirqs on the board for clan ftcauon.
O:m111ssioner Snith asked 1 f top soil tak:en off the s lope
..ould be replaced when the new vegetation was 1n an:l MI.
Closson repl led thet it probably ..ould oot .
Omnia.aiooer Sn.th stated he was concerned about the rainy
seasoo with vegetation oo t.he slope am Hr. Closson
ind lea too that once 1 t W'lS rooted an:l peoetr a ted In the
90 il, there should be no problen.
Mr. Oepbell showed the sl 1de present.a ti on, an:l another
gentlemen de«:"r ibed the sl ides showing the property ard
the two year growth .
o:nmissioner Marcus asked about the er 1b -.ell am how it
lorq it i«>uld actu.all y be use:l.
Olria Killunzi, Retaining walls Q:Jqlany, P.O. Box 2129,
Eacon:lido, provided specific infoonatioo concerning crib
wall a, incl u1 i ng a descr i pt ion o ! the pa.rt ~cular cr ih
syatan thet C"Ould be used in this projec-"t.
Hc¥ard 'Ihaapecri, 16520 ASton Street, Irvine, discussed
parkiOJ an:! replied to a questioo by CXllmiaaiooer 11::Plldden
that there llll?re 66 spaces behi oo the build i OJ.
A:lrl Budin, VP Operations, Eaton-Leonard, 6305 El amino
lilBal, Carlabad, explaiom that the OClllp&ny wantecl to stay
in Carlabad. He mentiooe::2 that if the proposal did not go
in, they would have to look at other areas in North
OJaiuioner laltlotia a.alted staff if their initial
reaction to the reviem plan -.a that it w.a superior to
the others, Hikll Holle& aniNered that it appeared to be
t:.ettez:, but that they were still corx:enmj about
intruaions into opeo space.
0:maiui<.aa 9:u.1 th inHcatecl that staff should have an
opportunity to analyze the rovised plan.
Om!calooer l't::hdderl agreed vith him Md iniicatecl they
ahould naaioe the option of rflllOViu, the parltiOJ apaoes behim the building am see tow it would reduce intruaiona
ca the slq:.. Qle ~tioned that sho lilted the project,
anJ would like to eee it work:ed out. 9l8 expressed
0000e.m about the narrow •tr-t that they -were on.
Hay 8, 198':, Page l ) COMMISStONERS
o:mni ss i oner L' Heure= e,g reed ard st.! ta:! that the
intrusion could be minunized as much as possible. He
indicated that st.!ff ard t.he appl 1cant could see how t.hey
could minimize the intrusions ard ensure that there was a
good watch on t.he 11111inten.ance of the slope. He stated
they rould probably woe le "'1th staff to des 1qn cer u11:
conj it ions to ensure proper ma I ntenance. v 1 sua l an:!
Oiaicman f'arrow explained the intent to allow a good
project and corporation to go in, and suggested that sane
i tens needed better focus.
o:mnisaiooer L'Heureux suggested going back for a rev1e...
ard a little fine tuning.
Oxrmissioner 9n1th in:l 1cated he had two concerns, one
regard i~ topsoil and the other regard Ing par lei ng •
Omniss1on.,r lbntx>tl s pointed out that l t was hard to qet
llllllly speces close to the build1n;i ..tier, d1scuss1ng a
build~ of this sue.
A motion was passed ask1og suff to prepare a resolution
of approval a.la-q the lines discussed and to return It co
the Omnission at the next meet1n;i on l'lay 22, 198':>.
():amiss !oner L' tteureux expresse::! c1 ppre.:-i at ion to the group
for their presentation.
'The Hinutes of Plarch 27, 1985 were approve:l a.s presented.
The Kinutee of April 10, 1985 were approved as corrected.
I !
I l
r--N ,.. ""1SSION .. y 8, 1985
By pcos--a:,t:ion, the -ting of Pllly 8, 1985 wa adjournai
at !hOO p.a.
R1spe,:~tully amitted,
l ~ 'I~ .i' 1.~ .. ,... . . ~~,
I 1 . • · t p • • MID
Lam U. Pt.ming l'llnager
aith Stan
Ninut:N Cltttk
Mllft'IIDI All AU/0 TM»l!D Ml> Kl.Pf ON l'LU CMTIL 1'tl! "Ill7ff.S