HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-06-12; Planning Commission; MinutesMEETIN:; OP: DATE Cl' M!ETi l'G: T 11'1.E Cl' ~ 1 I<, I PUCE G' HEETI N,: MINUTES ~Ii.:; <XHi rss I cw June 12, 1985 6:00 P.1'1 . Cit COUnc 1 l 0-..arnber s CALL TO ORDER: 1'le meet 1ng ..as cal led to order by vice-<hilrman Sri :ehuber in 6 :00 p.m. ROLL O.U.: Present: v1c~1r:man Schlehuber, CO'lln1ss1oners l't:'Fadden, Sn 1th, Hall , Ranbot 1 s, Marc us and Schlehuber l\bsent: None. Staff 1-t'mbers Present: Olarles Gr1.1tm, Prln::-lpal Planner Klice ~s, Associate Planner Dan HeOtschke, Ass 1st.ant City Attorney l'tsrk Steyaert, Par k Planner Pinx;E OF A.L.1.,&;!ElCE was la:l by v1ce-Oia1rman Schlehuber. Vi C'e'-O)a 1 cman Sehl ehuber expl a 1 ned that the cha I onansh 1 p was vacant and therefore the me-nberG were required to vote for a new cha i cman for the rena i rder of the year . A mot ion was passed el ecu r.:; V tee-Ola 1 anan Sehl ehuber as Chlticman of the Planning cann1ss1on for the rena1rder of ':he year. A llX>t100 was passed ele::ti03 Ctmniss1oner Marcus as Vlce- Qlaionan of the Planning O;Jrmiss1on for the rema1rder of the year . OloiDDl:ln S:hlehuber ca.I.led ottent100 to the Planning O:mniaaioo Prooedures being show, on the screen and a.sic.er:! the aooienoe to take a ~ minutes to read then. l. REPORT Cl fflE CITIZDl.5 CXH'II'l"I'EE f'OR REVIDI CK fflE LAID OS! PLW -camlttee presentatioo only. Planning o:malulon d illCUSlli on to be cont i nued to spec 1 al meet ing on ~ 19, 1985. PreNnt:at 10011 11ere made by various me:nber s of the Cit i zena O:Jm.ittee, Laro oae Element Aeviev, Olrlsbad General Plan, 1985, regarolng findings made during their di8CUS8ions, as Schlehuber • l't:'F'adden X 9111th X X Ha.ll X Ra:nbot 1S • 1'1'r c-...is • L'Heureux X Schlehtber X It P'adden • 9Dith X Hall ll Ranbotis X ll Marcus ll L'Heureux I: MINUTES l'Uall!I:; ~ISSIOO June 12, 198S Page 2 con ta 1..-:l in the Rep:>rt of the Cit 1 zens Camn t tee for the i:ev 1-of the Lan:! ose Element of the car 1 sbad Oener al Plan, July 198S an::! the Collateral Report. Jeroos Gaiser, Chaicnan of the C1 u z:ens O::mnlttee, di9CUS88:l the backgrourd of the Catm1 ttee Report and indicated that mirority findings were 1rclooed as wel l as majority f1n::!ings. ~. Q11ser allLXled to the s1:re of the group and made several recamedat ions for future ca1111ittees. Clau:hs ~eoelsJo discussed the Col lateral ?.eix>rt and a:aphasiz:ed that citizens input was II key factor If' preparing their report. She 1nd1c11ta:l the report highlighted issues am concerns th.o!t arose during the O::mnittee's discussions that did oot f n into t.he foonat but warranted re-vi-, an:i continued to explain why this was the case . She d I scussed the s 1 x at tachnen t.s to the Collateral Report an:! mentioned the Omulttee' s recaw.edat ions for each of the I te:\s. E:r1c Larson, Vice-Olaicnan of the CXmD1 t t ee, outl 1ned the over all fl nd ing s an:! reconnei id a tl ons .:> t the Ctmn i t tee and stated that the o:mn.i ttee was not presenting a cauplete revision to the Lard use Element but ...as 1Mk1ng spec!f1c suggest ions. He l 1sted the suogestions that the Ccnmi ttee awe an:l stated that the Caw.1ttee was reccmnerrling changes in status quo tor nine spec1f1c areas of the Lan:! IJse El onen t . Anthony Skotnick 1 presented the topics of land classifications, density, buildout flOtU!at1on, timing, in:lpacts of grovth arid env 1 romiental protect ion. He indicated that growth becane a major issue. He explained that certain dens! ty chan.jes were recarmeroed by the Co:lmittee aro that buildup of population was discussed at great length. Joe Gallagher addresoed the issue of open ~ am sumuized the CCl!lllittee's findings on the subject. In .lddition, Hr. Gallagher also discusSErl the issues of agriculture, park.a, camierc ial, industry, redevelopnent an::! explained the Cl:mni ttee' s recamen::!ot ions for each of the itans. 11!!.rgaret Brownley discus:sed the last six items which incl wed special treatment areas, parking, architectural reviev, existing master plans, desires and concerns ot the pn9ent citiziens am the time constraints. A motion '1llUi peaaed cont inui ~ the ?Jhl ic hearing on Itm U l.lltil June 19, l98S. l'tilte ftOlmHler, Lam oae Planning i.tnager, adviSErl the au:Hence that oopies of the repot t were available at the front of the Olaaib!rs. 9:hlehuber I l't:Paalen I Snith I Kall I R:lltx>tis I I '11U:CUII I L'Heureux I MINUTES PLA!eilfl; <Dt'USSI~ -........ --June l2, 1985 Page 3 Chai = 9::-hlehuber declared a recess at 6 :40 p..m., and the o:nmi as i on re-convened at 6 : 55 p ..m • 2. CT BS-6/P{D-80 ~ SOO'nlWEST -Request tor a 791 t.nit tentative tract map an:! planned unit developnent on lll acres i n neighborhoods SW-1, 2, 3 and 4 of the La O)sta Master Plan, north of t.he intersection of Rancho santa ~ ~ and 01 iv~in Road 1n the P-C zone. Olllirman 9::-hlehuber referred to a letter tran the Clty Traffic Eng i neer &e1,: to the oaon Corporation am mentioned the posaibi l l ty of continuin, this it.en unti l July 10th. tte suted that r»on had tnd 1cated that they had a project caoin, ~ at that date which would fit wel l with this i t.en. Michael Ryan, Vi~ President, DaOn Corporat100, mentioned that it was his understand i n, that s taff had cane ~ with cooditions of approval am that progress -s made since the staff report was issued. He indicated he would l ilce to 1110'1/e forward, d 1scuss the proj ect that evening, arr:l then have M opportt.nity to talk wlth staff to develop cax!itiona of ~oval to satisfy Courcil Pol icy~-7872 ard traffic concerns. Ovsi rman S::hlehuber stated that the con:litions were not really worlced oot yet and Camiasioner Snith mentioned that he d id not see the point of proceeding at that time. Owlirman a:hlehli>er said that the con:h ticos could probably be worlced out but now they were in l i.nbo and iooicated that one comition cane ~ durin, the recess. Mike Howes, Asaociate Planner, pointed out that staff needed 9011111! ti.me to develop other coa:htiona. tte said it _. really too premoture to diacuaa the item that evenir-&3 ainoe the o:nmiaaion would be covezin, the same comitiona at the later date. Michael Ryan informed the CJmission that in view of staff'• camenta, Dl!lon would yield and cane back in July. OlaiDllllll 8C:hlebuber asked i f there was an}Qle prnent who willbaS to apea)t on thia i tma but could not return on July 10th. e.> cne wi~ to speak. A a:,tioo.,.. i:aued oontinuing Item t2 until July 10, 1.985. 3. er 8►9/UDP 9►1 -VISl'A SMl1'A P'E (AREA •a-) - ..,:,_t for • 103 lot tentative t:nct: map Gld Lo Ooeta dwel.0plmlt s:-mit t'ot Yeighborhood SB-19 of the La ())eta lllater Plan, located at the aouthliest corner of the cal le Bucel.oaa Md Calle 1icervo intersa:ti0r1 in the P-C zone. SChlel'Ulet a Pl::Plddsl a Kall a Saith a a Acllbotia a Mlrcus Jt C.' tteareuz a MINUTES June 12, l 98S COIIIIISSIONERS Chau:man Scl ,let..11:>ez announced that t h is I tan was also affected by the l etter frmi the Erq1neer mg OE,partmt,nt and asked I f t.hey w1 shed to cont I nue the I ta:n unt I l July 10th. Ruasell Pad1a, 3lS2 Redlull Avenue, Cosui Mesa, represented Hanes by Polygon an:l stated that they would accept the Slt~tlon. Lh.,, tman Sc.>u ehube r asltea I f there was <l!lyone present who wished to speak on this 1 ten but could not re turn on July 10th. No one wished to speak. A motion was p.:issed coou nu1ng i tEm I 3 unll l July 10 , l98S. 4. EIR 8._S/OJP...26S -CITY OF CARLS8AO -Request for cert1fication o( an Envirorrnental Impact RepOrt <snd approval o! a cond 1 t 1onal use perm1 t {01 ~ 28 acre camrun1ty park 1n the southeast poruon or the La Cosu1 Naster Plan area. 1'1i!rk St:eyaert, Park Pla nner, gave the presentation on tl'l1s iten as contained 1n the !lta!f report. He explained t_hat the EIR review addressed the or1g1nal plon an:! that a ~ pl an had been developed s I nee that t IJII('. He l 1 s ted sane 0 f the changes ard al SO Ind lea ted that the Resol ut l on should be changed !ran • ,ecu,menilng ceru ! 1cat 100• to •certifying• the Envirormental ~ct Report. Cha icnan Schlehuber opened the publ 1c hear 1ng at 7: 10 p.Ll. an1 issued the 1 nv I tat ion to speak • S 1nce no one w1 shed to speak on this l tan, the public hearing was closed. O:m111 aai oner Rallbot Is &tJI ted that he thou::J ht the EI R was extrmie.ly -11 done ard thllt he liked the secorrl plan better. O:mmiaa1oner 9111th asked If the ecmn1ss1on was approvu-,:; the IUR only or the ClJP arrl Ola ltman Schlehuber repl led that they were apprOVil'XJ both. n. Planrung cmm1as1on adopted the following Resolutions: RISCLln'I CII I«>. 2 4 5 l CERT! f"i I N:i DIVI IOlmfI'N. I HPAC!' R!POR'I', El R 8'-5, POR A CXH> I Tl CtiW.. USE PEJlH.I T FOR fflE DEVZLOFKDft' OP A CDMJNITY PAR!{. DSam'ICII Y:>. 2452 APPlOTIN::i A CXH>ITI~ USE PERMIT TO CDlffl1JCT A 28 M:RE cntt.lNI TY PAR!{ ~ PIOPERTY G"DIERAILY LOCATID A HM.F ,,UL! SClmi OP LA OlSTA AVDIJE NI'.> IWOI'.) SWl"A FE IDAO. Dlfl:DSSICII 1'!91; 5. SOP 85-4 -8rNCER -~t for approval of a site dlrvel~t plan to develop a dent.al of! ice building on the 80Uth aide of C..U Florea Ori ve on the east a Ide of the 1-5 off rmp in the RP-<) zone. Schlehuber 1-t::f'adden Hall Snith RO'lt>ot IS ~[CUS I.' Heureux 9:hletalber ~Fadden 911.ith 11411 Rmbotia 111lrc:ua L'Heurewi ll X X I ll ll X X Jt I • X X • I • MINUTES June t2, 1985 Page S Hlke Howes, Assoc late Planner, gave th<e presentat 100 on this Item as C?Otall'led Ln the staff report , using a transparen:y to shOlt the s1 te and wall lllaps to show tht, proposed proJect. He stated that tho, pro)ect was ccmpatible with other uses 1n the a rea dn:l discussed tile revision of COndltlOO t 32 wtuch would oot go into effect until offices are developed at a future date. Cmm i ss i onet 9nl th stated that he was cont used dbout da::eSS on Pio Pico and Mlke HOwes e xplained, pointing to the traMparerry, that the appl 1cant needEd to work w1 u, other propertie s for access to La5 F lor es. Don Golanan, 3604 4th Avenue, San Diego, displayed a model of the project and requested a change fran a six foot masooary wall to a su foot redwocx:l fence s1~ this was to be a tanpOr.sry structure . Mlke Howes in::l icate:l that d redwood fence would be agreeable to stat f. Camnss1oner 9111th mentioned h1s concerns about parking, and asked ho-., many Employees would be working there. MI. Golanan replied that there would be f ive elll>loya-s. Q::moissiooer Marcus aske:l for clar If 1ait1on regard 1ng the model and the elevation on tne board since they appeared to be different . Hr . Golanan repl 1ed that the model was more accurate. Comnissioner !'l:Faaien askad about busi ness hours s1~ there were residences across the street, and Kr. Goleman replied that hours were 8-6 four days a "'8ek, and 8-3 on Friday. Comnisa1oner Rallbotls expressed tus correrns regarding CXlllp,ltibil i ty of the architecture 1n the a.tea, pornting out that he felt it was a camierc1al building tor a residential a..rea. l'lr. Golanan r esponded and said that he urderstood the camtsa1oner • s co~rna but felt the area wa in a transitional stage. He also in:Hcated hia client did oot wish the building to look like a house. o:-iuioner Rallbotis explained that they vill not l08e houaea OD Lu Florea since they are in a residential zone and therefore be hoped to -aamethi03 more compatible. He ~tioned that he "°'1ld have no problem with the building if it w.re on a ccm.u-c1ally Z00ed street . o-.iuioou ~ IIBlti ODed that she d idn't tlunlt thi s wa in the purvi-of the camuaaion. o-.iuioner L'lteureux ooa:urred vith Ccmniast oner a:abotu anJ stated that while the neighborhood -.s in tranait.ioo, it "10Uld t4lte a l°":J ti.me. He pointed out that the ar• wa rredan!!lAMJ.y a single fa:Dily migbborbood and that he wa al.a coooerned about traff 1c c:in::ulati011 ao cloa to the fr-y 41'li the bridge. tte ODOCluded that he could not make the finding that the develcs-it WU o:apetible to the neighborhood. @ MINUTES June 12, l 98~ Page 6 CQlmiss1oner MMcus mentioned she l 1lced the proJect and had oo problEl!l ..,1th the fact that the area was not going to stay single f-ily. She expressed her belief that oot.hing would ever change if a:npstibility was applied a t this point, ard that ln long range plannhg the project wa.s expected to be ccmpat1ble with otoor businesses. caim1ss1oner Ral:t>otls referred to staff's f1nd1ngs and stated that he could not agree ..,1th then. CXmniss1oner McFadden said that she didn't se.: .t oemg different fran other proJects that were approved. She suted that she telt It was not within the purv1e.. of the O;mniss1on and mentloned that tile concerns with t.raff1c see:ued to have been m1t1gated. Chaionan Schlehuber ment 1oned he ...ould vote for 1 t but indicated 1t was a good ex511ple .,t-,ere an Arch1tectural Rev l -Board would f i t . 'Ihe Planning Camuss1on approved the Nega tive Declaration is.suoo by the L,an:i Use Planning Manager and adopted the following ReSOlution: RES:UJTIOO IIO. 2450 APP!Vv'IIG A SITE Df.VELOPt1DIT PLAN IO. as-,, ro ~ A DDITAL OFFICE EIJILDI~ 00 PR.)f'ERT( GDiERAU.Y LOCATW 00 nil: ~ SIDE Of LAS FU:lRE.5 DRIVE 00 fflB EASI' SrDE: Of' ffl!: 1-5 OPY-AAK'. With the following chan;1es: l'tldify oon:Ht1on t32 tn accordance with the me:notan:!I.Jll of June 12 , 198 5 fran the Lan:i Use Planning Kanager to the Planning camiission. Modify condition H3 to change "6 foot high masonary wall" to "6 foot high redwood fence•. 6. CUP-255 -VILLAS DE CARLSBAD -A professional care facility, located beti.leerl LaquM Drive and !Cnowles Avenue, .est of 1-5. Owlrles Grillln., Principal Planner, gave the presentation on thia intot111at.ion i t.u a.a contained in the staff report, ~ing a trana:parenc-1 to show the site and a wall map to llhow the propoaed project. He explained that this project wa approved by the Planning Cmmisaion in l'ebruary and that the a'9licant visha:l to make four 111inor changee. tte stated that staff -ooncerned about change nuiber three in lllhich the appl ic::ant '8Dted to e.l imi na ti! the balconies 00 9IICh building elevation that taced the freeway and uplaioed hia e:occerns in detail. 0:JDisaiooer 9111th asked if the Planning CODiss1on could add a 00Cldition oo this project and O\aiDIWI SChletllber reapomed tbey could not. cx:-iuioner Pl:::Faddeo asked if the Fire Oep,srtlllent appcove:S the ramoval of the walway and Olarles Grum arwwred that they had. Larry Sillman, 10671 RDae.l le St. , San Diego, architect , uplau.:S that a 00Cldition of approval (t ll) reqlired the Schlehuber X lt:;Fl,dden X 9111th X X Hall X RallbotlS X K3rcus X L'Heur<CWI II MINUTES June 12, 1985 Page 7 appl icant to have an acoust 1cal survey done on the 111 te. lte refezrai to the handouts ..tlich irdicated the var ,ous decibel levels ancl p:iin,_ed out that a legal re-qui renent existed limiting it to a 60 decibel level. Hr. Sill.can stated that changes were made as a result of the survey and in:licated that they wanted to lteep the recreational areas quiet. He referroo to discussions he had w1 th the COunty regarding this issue, w. Kajor Chance, 8 & c , San Diego, represented rncane Property Group and spoke on the operation.al s ide of the developnent as 1t rela ted to the balconies. Hr, Chance explained the r-e.ason tor the fac i l i ty and who ..,;)uld be occupying it. He irrl icated that tn other projects, the balconies were seldan used, an:! therefore did not think 1 t would affect the integrity of the building 1! the balconies were el imi natoo . Cmmissiooer Snith stated that he felt the balconies were an amenity to people living there errl that he ..,;)uld 1 i lte to see glass put on the face of the balconies. He in:Hcated that he fel t people ..,;)uld ~it out on the balconies. Cmmissioner Marcus concurred w1 th O::mnis.sioner 9ni th an:! said t.hat they needed to 1 eave the balconies with soun:i attenuation to make them usable. Ooamisaioner ttl'adden ,dBO a,gre,;,i:J with Onmissioners Harcus am 9ni th. Oxrmissioner Pl:lmbotis pointed out that there were other UlM!9 than recreational ones for the balconies and that he agreed wi t.'1 staff. Oxrmissiooer Hall aslted if sou.~ was given constderat ion when the project -. previously approvai and Charles Gr um, replied that it was, an:! that there was more than one way to aolve the problan. A 11110tion was passed approving ctian;es l, 2 am 4 on lnfOllllolltion tun regarding ClJP-255 -Villas De Carlsbad as out1 ined in the roanorard\111 of June 12, 1985 fran the L.!rrl ON Plamiri:; 11!1.nager to the PlAIYling Camisaion. O\arl-GriJmi stated that there would be minutes at the nnt ._.tiri:; for the camliaaion to review, Olnniasloner L•tteureux asked about guidelines for the ...-=1a1 11Ntir,:; on June 1.9, 1985 am the tentative follllllt .... dJ 9Cll88ecL O:misaiODeJ: L' Heureux llll!Dt ioned that he foua:1 it difficult to talk about each item in!ividually since ao many itau were interrelated. O::aaiuiooer tt::Paddai suggesta:S not votirg on thEID imividually but having the 0:lmittee pre9!1lt then imividually. Scitlehuber II l't:!"adden I Snith I Hall II Rarbotia II Jl llt!lrCu8 ll L'Heureu::11 ll MINUTES June 12, l 98S Chainnan Scitlet.Jber pointed out that the a::rm1ss100 has UDt.U July to f inish vi th the General Plan since the ():)urx:i l won• t be reviewing It until July. Hike HOlmiiller pointed out that the Camuttee fouoo that each item h!ld to be di9CUB8ed individually; othen.nse a deciaion couldn't be made. Both CXmDissiooers Marcus arrl L' tteureux st.ated t:hat they felt the i tall& could be grouped together . O:-isaioner 911..ith a.sited about the Col lateral Aepo.rt and Chairman 9::hleh.i>er replied tNt 1t should be taJcen as a aepa.rate itaD. Chaiiman Scitlehuber mentioned that staff would be available to meet with cnmt>ers of the camrission on the Oeneral Plan next l'l:lnday at 1: 30 p.m. arrl that members should oont.act staff to make a spec if 1c 5 ppo int:ment . He al80 stated that staff ~uld be available at 11 :00 a.m. on 1'Ue9day as l~ as no 1110re than three people were pcesent. By proper 1110tion, the meeting of June 12, l98S was adjourned at 7 :50 p.m. Respectfully sul:mi t ted , ' J~.tL.nffil ID ., OOn -~ s,J_I_ ,v• ?Y -' KIJCE ID.ZMILLER Land U. Planning ""-Mger Ruth Stark Minutes Clerk ME!Tiy;;s ARE ALSO TAPP.D >.M:l KEPT ~ FILE UNTIL ffiE 11IWTES ARE APPIIN!D. @