HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-06-19; Planning Commission; MinutesMINUTES
HEm'I t£ OF:
June 19, 198S
6 :00 P .H.
PU.CE OF HEET1 ~: City Counc1, ~r s
CALL TO ORDER: '!'he ~t 1ng was cal led to order by
diaitrMn Schlehuber a t 6:00 p.m.
Present: °": 1'1'1\lln Schlehuber. CCJmllSSlOnP.rs
McFaoc'~n. 9n1th, Kall , Ratbotis, Marc-us arc
:..• HF.urau.
Absent : NOne.
Suit( Menber s P• esent :
Dan Hentschk••, AsslSt,mt C lty Attorr,ey
Michael Hol:mu lle r, Lan:l use Plaruung !'lanager
PLEDGE OF ALLffi I Da was 1 ed by Cha , rmiln Sch l ehu.ber .
Chairman Schlera.iber e xplained that regardless of what the
Planning Connissioo decided on the 1nd1 v 1dual !tens of the
Citizens Catmittee Report on the Review of the Land Use
Elenent of the General Plan, the Carmi t tee's or 191nal
report would be sutmitted t o City Counci l . The Planning
Conn1ssioo could ad::! sane ccmnents, but r,oth1ng "10Uld be
el imtnated fran the report sul:rn1 t ted co the Counc1 1.
<:h!irman Schlehuber ,·lso explained the schedule to be
followed during the evening: For each group of I terns:
(ll nie Planning Camnss1on would ask quest ions of the
Cmmittee aenbers; (2) Public testi.mony would be heard;
(3) '!be Planning Ccmnlssion would discuss the 1tans,
l . (l>en Space
lv:Jt icul ture
Enviromentai Protection
nie Planning Comliss1on had no quest ions of the Camuttee
reg.srdi ~ this group of topics.
Chairman Schlehuber opened the ~l 1c hearing on this
portion of the R.eport at 6: 10 p.m. ard issued the
invitation to speak.
Barbara Hall, 3610~ Villaqe Drlll'e, Carlsb!id, represented
the League of tibnen's Voters , North Coast, San Diego
County. She disc:u.ssej the l.lI{>leaentat 100 of an oogoi ~
citizen pn-ticipetion on the issue of open spece and urged
members to c:ons!der both the minorit}' and majority
O!',inions. (She han:Jed out a copy of her speech to
IIBl!ber s of the cami i ss ion. J
Mignon Bowen, 2290 Nob Hill Dt'ill'e, Carlsbad, expressed her
be.lief that many of the minority's i:ecawewdbt ions should
hllllve been adopted, particularly with regard to tim1~
growth, oar-rowing the 11'1 density range, a population
cap of not more than 140,000 by the year 2025, and
agriculture. She also made .recaaaeidaticns req.srdiog the
eet~ of a citizens camittee. (She passed out a copy of
ber speecti to l'!lllllben of the Ctmni ssion. l
l'IEE'l'I IC OF:
Pl.ANN I 1-C '-.01'1 l SS I ON ( Spec i a I Meet i ng)
June 19, 198S
6:00 P.11.
City Counc 1 I O"lamber s
CAU.. TO OflDER: 1'-.e meeting was cal lEd to order by
Chairman sehlehuber at 6:00 p.m.
Present; Q-.a1anan Schlehuber, ..:ann1ss1oners
1'\".·F'adden, 9-lith, Hal:, Rcrnbot1s, Harcus an:l
Absent: None.
Staff l'B:lber s Present :
Dan Hentschke, AsS I st.ant C" t y Attorney
Kichae.l HOl zmi l let, Land Use Plan.'l mg Manager
PUllGE Of' AU..EX;IEN:E was !Ed by O\a I nnan Schlehuber.
Ola i anon Schlehuber exp la i ne:l that rega rdless of what the
Plannin:J Ccmnission decided on the 1ncl1v1dual items of the
Citizens Cmmi ttee Report on the Re-.· iew of the Larrl Ose
Elmient of the General Plan, the Camn t tee's orig 1nal
report would be subnitted to C1·y O>unc1l. 1'le Pl,iru,1o;i
Ccmnission could add sane ccmnen ts, but nothln:J would be
elimi nate:! fran the teport sutrnltted :o the D:>unc1l .
Olaicman Schlehuber also explained the schedule to be
followed durin:J the evenin:J: For each group of i t.e,,S:
(1) 1'le Planning Cl:r.nis.sion would ask quest Ions of the
Cmm i t tee members; { 2) Pub l ic test lmooy would be heard ;
(3) 1'"ie Planning Ccmn1ss1on would discuss the items.
1 . Open space
/lqr icul t:ure
Dlv 1 ronneot.a 1 Protect 1 on
'Mle Planning Q:mn1ssion had no questions of the Camlittee
rego.rdiri;i this group of topics.
Olaicnan Schlehuber opened the publ ic hearing on this
portion of the Report at 6: 10 p.m. an:i issue::i the
invitation to speak. ,,,
Barbara Kall"; )d 0A Village Dr 1 ve. car ls.bad, represer.~ed
the League of tibllen's Voters, North ()).ast, San Diego
County. She discussed the :mplementa~ •on of 11r1 ongoing
citizen [\'lrticipetion on the issue of ~en space an:l urgl!JC!
mmbe.rs N consider both the mioor i ty am majority
opinions. (She harxied out a copy of '"ler speech to
mmbera of the 0:.-ission.)
Mignon Bowen, .l290 Nob Hill Drive, <:::arlsbad, expressed her
bel ief that maoy of the mioor i ty' a rec •anneuda ti ons should
have been adopted, pnrticularly with regard to timing
growth, narrowi~ the RN density range, a population
cap of not more than 140,000 by the year 2025, and
agriculture. She alao made <ecazmefidations regarding the
aet-up of a citizens comnittee. (She p,ss.secl out a copy of
her speedl to l!IBllbers of the Q:mnission.)
I @1 I
~It(; a::t'f'IISSION June 19 , 1911S Page 2
Bob Ladwig, 3289 Donna Dr 1ve, Car lsbad, represented thP
Qu-I shad O'iamber of O::mnerce Growth Kma';!<r.ient cam, 1 t tee .
He expressed the O\dmber' s en1orsement of the Ma )Or I ty
Report an:! addressed spec1f1c items 1n category l. HE'
stated that the erw, rocmental area should be ~s1 z.ed; a
def h lt ion of open space should be -,dded; u-.e ccrrrnents
regarding agriculture were self-explanatory; and park
developoent should be accelerated.
J~ O:,.Jc tney, 4914 AVIia Avenue, ··a r lsbad , i,llC:S<!Olts:l h,s
OWi'\ vlewpo · nt s on this sec-tion of tho Report. He
discussed minority vs. ma jouty an:! c ite:! the exm,ple of
open space which -s a probl en. Rl:!g llrdtng the park issue,
he ment I oned that pcopl e need to be educated on the
element Itself because I f the ~lty would do wl-•t -s In
the park elmient , then many o f the problsns would be
resolved . He sumlart ze:! by asking the Plann Ing Catmiss ion
to read the rec:omierdat1ons a.s an overall docunent ard not
ooe of al ternauvcs.
~tno! no one else wished to speak on this pon ion of tne
Report, the ~lie hear ing was closed at 6:2S p .m .
OPOI SPACE !Pages 3, 11, 21 -23)
O:xm11ss1oner 9u1th 1rd1caUld that ne felt open space
should be ident If ted.
Cn11111ss1CJOPr l'k:F'adden i,gree:! with Cmln1ss1oner 9111th and
staUld that she would l ilte to see an inventory of open
space put on II aup. She 111 so 1rd 1cated she was i nterested
1n seeing streams included when they t.Alked about spec1f1c
i tens. cam I ss I oner l't:Padden camiented t.hl! t the
def1n1 tlon o f ft open spaceft -.,a,s too broad 11rxl that she
would like to see d oofin1 tinn given to the mini.mu'n a r~
that open sp.,ces could be.
Regarding parks, O:m:rnss1oner i,t:Padjen expressed her
confusion over who would own the neighborhood parks.
Callllissioner L • tteureux sa 1d that he agreed with the
Calllli ttee's ai:proach to defining open space. He also
referred to pi,ge 23, top of the pi,ge, 2n:l tecamendation,
an:l won,ere::1 if It was also ai:propr111te when encouri,g1ng
parkin..J to include lagoon ares1s.
O:::amiaaioner Haxcus asked about areas required for the
rechargt> of -ter base and wanted to )(now i f we have .sny
and -.s told t 'ler e wa.sn' t.
O::nmisaioner Rcmbot is pointed out that the def initton of
open space _,. talten f r(J]I the State• s COde.
A motion was made a.s>t ing s taff to prepare an inventory of
open s.-,e aa outl i ned, using the open sp.,oe de! in 1 ti on
outlined in the cannittee' a Report. 'nlis inventory should
be both aa a chart 11rxl m.!lp and also spelle:l out in a
report and ~l ished Iii thin II l imi t.ed ~t of ti.me.
1'l8 motioo was seconded and opa-ned for d1sorussion.
0:::11111 i aa i oner Rcnbot is i nd 1ca ted that staff was wel l on the
-y to doing it.
Pt.ANNI IC CIH<I SS !O'l June 19, !98S
'nle motion was cKDerded to include "Ask Counc-1! to direct
staff to prepare ar. inventory ... "
Kichael Hol zm1 l ler , Lan:i Use Planning Ma~er , asked for
clarification ot t he Ccnrnission 's motion, and 1t was
explained to hun.
A motion was passed accept ing the Cami1ttee's Report
regan:lil"J3 Open Spa= on pages 21, 22 an::l 23 an::l request-
ing Council to direct stitff to prepare an inventory of
open space as outlined, using the open space det1nit1on
ootl ined 1n the Camilttee' s Report. nus inventory
should be bot.1' as " chart and map arrl .!>lso spelled out
in a report and OC'Ca'llpl 1shEd within a 1 united lmOUtlt of
N:iIU OJL 'ruRI': ( Pages 4 , 12 , 2~ 26)
Catmissioner Marcus stated she d1sac;roed with the
Q:mnittee's recamiencuitions s1~ she did not feel t.hat
the City should get into the a,gr 1cul tural business.
Camussioner Ma.rcus said that she l iked :t Just as it was
-agriculture as an inter un use.
Ci:mnissioner L'Heureux raenuone::l he did oot believe that
it was beneficial for the City in the Ion; teI'.lll to sink
its feet 1 n concrete on any of the 1 ssues. He cont 1 nue:!
on to say that at sax,e point 1n ti.me, agriculture would
probably disappear fran Carlsbad and felt the City should
take a str~ leadership role in preservin;i as !IJJCh as tt
could but could change the use i f it was no I onger
beneficial for agriculture. He ird1cated that the
Le<XltiDeldat ions made by the Com11 t tee were a goc:xi
Q:nmissioner 9nith concurred with most of Ccrrrniss1oner's
l.' Heureux remarks but i rr::licated that he hoped that
Carlsbad could !Mlntdin as ri:uch agriculture as possible.
He explained that he C'Ollld see the City en.>-ia.nc l ng am
maintaining agria.il ture but oot buyln;i property am
mentioned he ...ould 1 ove to see Car 1 shad as a n ower ci • y •
Ormli~slone1 9111th IMde refere~ to page 2S, t2 Cl, and
SUIJ9e8ted that the words •where fe.,:1ible• should be i>ddcd.
He also discussed t 2 El on pege 26 and iooic.ated he felt
that it was a good section and should be prCJ110ted. He
further stat:A.?d that there s."iould be sane C1Xm1.Jnicat100 ~o
help develop the whole agriculture area.
O\lli cman Schlehuber ment i ooed that 1 t was a goc:xi
c:xnpranise and that he could support adding the words
"'where feasible•.
A 1110tion was passed accepting this portion of
referri03 to Agriculture and addin;i the words
feasible• on page 25, t2 C).
the Report
Ranbot :s
l( X
J une 19, i98"> Page 4
PARKS ( Pages 3-4, 12-1 l, B -25)
Cam11ss1ooe: L'Heureux discussed p.39e 23, the firs t ~rt,
am state:l that t.h1s rMy be a l 1ttle misleading because
discussion -s corx-erned .nth once the parks were built
an:! not as they are today.
Co'llnissioner l'tf'adden quest 1oned why they aska::l for an
increase t o three acres an:l Cmm1 ss1oner Rmlbot 1 s
respoo:!ed that 1t was for t."'le money and explained why.
CcmnIssIoner ltP'adden aske:i who wou ld o.in the neighborhood
parks ard Ccmniss1oner Rcmbot 1s told rier thdt lt was an
either/or situauoo -an att0'Tlpt to plac.at.e peoi)le who
wanted neighborhood parks.
Couniss1oner L'~reux stated that ,t was .ippropr1ate to
ampl 1 f)' it -that the method was go Ing to be e I thet by the
hcmeowner's association or assessnent d1str1ct as o::oosro
to c i ty owned ownership.
O:rmnssiooer RCl'l¥X>t is rep! 1ed that was .Jhat t.hey were
trying to do an:! CamussIoner L' Heureux pointoo out that
he wasn' t sure that C:"me t:Jlrough.
Camnssioner l't:Padden expl ained that she thought 1~ was a
good id~ but did rot want to see the City owning the
parlts ard Cam11ss1oner Ranbotis s.aid that the Connlttee
felt that the City should pr ovide leadersh ip.
Camussioner 9nith discussa:l the parks st.an:lards regardll"G
space and acreage and quest 1oned If three acres per
thousan:l was go11'X} too far .
C\air::man Schlehuber pointed out the high cost of land a:-d
stated that he sui:portEd the City's posi tlon on this .
Q::mnissioner L'Heureux said that the three bl l l s being
proposed were ex=l lent an:! well needed.
A IDOt. 1 on was passed adopt Ing the Cami i t tee• s
i.ecarmeu:!ations oo Parks.
f>Nl RCNmn'AL PROm:I' let. { Pages 3 , l 0-ll , 2 7 -28)
O:mnissiooer t.'Heureux suggested that the Cam:11ssion
consider addirr; "ridge lines" to the 4th para,graph on page
o:mni ssiooer ~cus asked if that was a motion that
O::lmissioner t.'Heureux pornted out that it was hard to
tell 1f the reason the mot ion failed was t::iecnuse the
concept was CJ:)t 11CCept.able or because the specif 1c word 1ng
was not acceptable.
Pl.ANNI~ CDfll SS I~ June 19, 198':, Pagi'> "> COMMISSIONERS
Ccmn1ssioner 11arcus stated t.hat the M.lnor 1ty Re!X)rt would
go forward wi th the MaJor1 t y Report ard that s.>ie felt the
COuncil will see that "ridge lines" we re discusse::l.
O'laicnan Schlehuber 1rdicatoo he was satisfied w1tl1 it but
It was the O::mlli ss 1 on' s duty to add the 1r ccrmient-5 1 f they
had any.
Coxmissiooer Snith conc-..irred with CO'!Tn1ss1oner L'Hcurewi:
on the "ridge l 1oes".
O::mni.ss1oner McFadden ment 1~ it should be s1gn1 f1cam
r 1dge l i nes. She also d i scusse:i the I t an at the top of
the paqe and pointed out that it fitted 1n with tllE'
r~ation ot inventory of open space.
Comliss1oner Ranlx:>tis st ated t.'la t he thought it ~equdtely
addresse.1 1 t ard that he could not vote for It ..-1 t.'1 r 1dge
lines because the CCJm11ttee did not vot e for 1t.
Ccmnissioner Snith suggesta:l not press1f"X3 the point s1rx:e
1t would be picked up.
Carmi ssioner L' Heurew: requested t."lat t./'le m1 nutes re! lect
that it was an area of discussion ard needa:l to be
d iscuss....d,
a:mn1ssiooer Rart:>ot 1s 531d that :t was rovered ard that
the ca .,.>r'CJllise was finally drafted.
A mot ion was passed accept Ing the cam, 1 t tee's
recam.etdat ions regarding Dwirorment.al Protect 1 on.
2. CDmiercial
Olail:man SChlehuber announced that papers were f1 led by
the Ch5nber of Cmmerce arx3 Lightfoot 1, Associates.
Q:Jmli.s.siooer Hcf"a,ajen head a question regarding industrial
on page 26, wondering how they arrivoo at the stat.anent in
the &ecOnd paragraph pertaining to impact on residential
Tall l"lanagan answered the question and eipla1ned that it
-a the general feelio;) of the CCJmittee that they should
stay within the existing industri,!ll con:1dor, an:l that
there was SQDe diSC\l.SSion coosiderio;) exparoio;) it.
Jmies Cburtney explained that the Camiitt.ee felt that the
statmlerlt that exist.in;) boun::iaries of Palanar Airport
reflected the illlpact of the airpox-t as it related to
residential use uourrl it. He mentioos:! they felt that
i rdustr ial tx>umar ies were used and ex-pans ion of the
airport should not be al lowed or else they would get
cl09er to the residential use.
Hal 1
PLANNI!«:i a:Mi!SSl()ol June 19, 1985
He statl;ld that the Col lateral Report addresse:l the
nuisances created by the a I rport .
CXmniss1oner Snith s.a1d that in vie,.· of the fact they .iere
not the flnal decision maker with regard to expansion of
the airport, no expansion of the non-residential areas
should be cons 1&:!red .
Mr. Cburtney pol nted that 1 t was al so a minor It y pos1 t 100.
Chairman Schlehuber opene:j the p.lbl IC hear I~ on th IS
portion of the Report at 6:57 p.m. and issued the
i nv i t.ati on to speak.
Bob Ladwig Hv:I icated the 0\5nber of Cmmerce totally
supporte:! the Carmi t tee's recxmn.,n:!ations ard s., 1d that
any changes to the airporc w'OUld go to the vote of the
people. He eroorsu:l t_he reo:mnen:lations of r he .:amntteE.>
for caanerc1al, industrial an:l redevelopnt?nt aro sugqested
consider i~ park i~ in the redevelopnent areas
Don H1cketh ier , 3701 Haymar Dr 1 ve, Qlr l sbad, represented
Scxlth Coast l\sphalt an:l gave the backqrourrl of his
caupany. He referred to the statanent ~ by Mr. Ladw1q
arrl asked the Ccmnission to pay attent Ion to ccmnents fran
the Clamber s1rice i t affected til81l presently. He stated
his concerns, outl 1ne:j 1n a letter, am 1rrlicata:l that the
Q:mnitt.ee's Report essentially told South Coast "-Sphalt to
go away. He mentioned he tel t the COll)an)' should be
buffered by an appropriate 1ndustr1al or camiercial
developnent ard liste:l statistics reqard1~ the O:xnpany's
effects on the City of Carlsbad with reqard to taxes, etc.
Since no one else wis."led to speaJ< on this sect 100, p.lbl 1c
testilllony was closed at 7 :02 p.m.
<XM'iERIOL (Pages 4, 13-14, 26-27)
Q:mnissioner l'iarcus said that she saw a confl 1ct be~n
paragra?Ui 2) and 3) at the top of page 27 and aslted 1f
other ocmnissioners had the SIKne problen w1 th 1 t. She
mentioned she presuned it was referr1~ to over-
camiercial i zat ion.
Don Dewhurst clarified t.~t the teem overcannerc1al-
iz.ation primarily related to caimercial users all:l that the
concerns were in uroerdeveloped areas.
CO!missioner Ka.rcus aslta:l 1 t overc:amercial 1 zat 100 meant
that in the foture a transfer may be made of too many
residential bui ldin:Js to caimercial, and !'Ir. Dewhurst
indicatl!d that was the case.
Jllllel!I Gaiser clarified that there was considerable
diSOJBsion on this topic to avoid strip camiercializat1on.
Cmmissiooer Snith discussed the top of page 27 regardi~
orienting t.rave.1 service and expressed his belief that
Highway 78 should be inclooed since there were
possibilities for hotels am motels on t.'lis road.
Claim.an Sdtlehuber statE!d that he bel 1eved they had
already approved &a11e travel service on 78 and
OXlmiaaioner Raabotis Indicated that he was correct.
P'LANN I IC cn+I l SS l a-i June 19, 198S Page 7
Olaill!lal1 Schlehuber concurred that Highway 1 8 should be
included at the t.op of poqc 27.
A mot ion w.ss ;:,assed accepting the reccmnerrla uons of the
Q:mnittee on Ccxrmercial and addtng "route 78" to section
2 on top of p11ge 27.
lNl'.XJSTRIAL (Paqes 4, 14, 26)
Q:mnisswner 1"£:F'adden stated that she ·.11shed t.o add a
request for a stu:Jy to refine the a irpon u~ct area.
a:mniss1oner Karcus concurred wi th :arin1ss1oner !".:Fadden
and said the/ should also incll.rle a , roJect 100 of increase
in flights in five or ten year s .
camiissioner Raobot 1s ment 1oned that w-as the r eason for a
portion of the Minority Report arrl the Col:ateral Report .
O::mn.iss1oner L'HeUJ:ew: s~ested adding another
rec<:mnen:lat 1on. He st.ated that as the City develops,
there were potent 1al l y other areas In town that were
probably large enough areas that could be viable as an
industrial are.a. He further st.atErl that because of
traffic or ncnse, there could be sane other areas ':."lat
should be looked at and agreed that where 1 t was now was
proper . He suggested Incl oo 1 ng spec 1 a 1 r~ t Ions
t.hat the industrial uea be expandable in other a reas so
long as the area was l arge enough to st.and on I t.s own . He
also agree:, that the area south of the ex I sting I rrjustr ial
C'OH idor needed to be redefined but he believed that 1 t
does not hav~ to go irdustr ial.
Olaicman Schlehuber explained that he supported
Ocmni ssioner 11::Fadden that there should be a st.u::!y.
Cmmissiooer 9nit.h expressED his reservations about the
industrial area. He stated that they could develop more
industrial here than the City needed or wanted as the
years wot by. He pointed out that the size of the
icrlustrial aree could have a definite e f!ect on the
popll.ation arrl that they should tread l 1ghtly on this
issue at thia time. He stated that he would prefer to
confine it to where it was today an:l look at It again five
year down the rOcld.
C'amlissioner 9nit.h ~ a ax:>tion to accept the RepOrt as
subni t ted by the Cami t tee. 1'l is motion was w i t.h::ir awn.
A motion was llla(ie to adopt the camiittee' s Report
regardirY;J Iroustr!al, arr:! tD r:eq1est a stu:ly to refine the
airport impact area, especially as it related to
residential use, ard to define both current arx! future use
an1 effect therefore. It was also moved th.at they
consider a proposal reg.uding the possible expansion of
iooust.rial usage into other areas where there were large
enough eites to handle it. 1'le motion was seconded and
opened up for discussion.
June '.9 , 1985 Pdge 8 ~ ~ o..-. :v ~ ~ -.,;! ~ 0
O::mn1 ss1oner Snith mentlone::l that he could vote on the
mot ion with the except ion of t.'1<> possible expansion of
irrlust.r lal usage.
Chairman Schlehuber st11ted that he d id not i19ree 1o11th the
potential expansion at this tune but could IIC'Cept the rest
of the rrot 10n.
Q::mniss1ooer Marcus askro for clanf1cat1or. of t l'\a:
portion of the motion an:! Co:mi1ss1oner L' Heureux e xplairm
that add1t1onal 1rdustt1al areas may not be neeo,u at this
tlllle txlt they should havP. t.hP mP<:-hAn1cs to add 1t ,n th<?
future .
Cam11 ss1ooer Sr.1th sa 1d that he d idn · i want to g Ive the
mes~e to the Counc-1 I pranot 1ng expans ion of the
irdustnal a rea .
A motion was µ3ssed adopt 1ng the Ccmn1 t tee's Report, arc!
requesting a stu:ly to refine t.he airport uripact uea,
especially as it relatoo to restdent1<'II use, ard tc-
d{!f i ne both current ard future use ard effect therefore.
This would also include consider 1ng a proposal rega rding
the possible expansion of 1ooustr1al usage into o~~er
areas where there wet • large enough sites to hdndle It.
RIDEVELO?.QN'l' (Pa<;es 14, 271
carmissioner Snith 1njicated t./'lat h(> could see exp,,ns1on
of the redevelopnent area only if the City could support
it f inancially.
Ol<lirman Schlehuber pointed out that the Report ddjresse:l
this, an:l tnat It loOUld be only 1f econcrnical ly feasible.
A motion was P3Ssed adopting the reccmnerdat ions o f the
O:mri l t tee regarding Rledeve 1 opnent.
3. ~ use c1,ui .. c;1 f 1ca t1ons
special Treatment Area
Architectu ral Review
O:mnissiooer McFadden aslcoo about the last i=B' agraph on
pege 32 and mentioned she thought that the sutement was
i naccura t.e an, that the term • acreage• should be used
rather than "housing" .
Michael It;)]. zmi ller. Land Use Planmng K.mage r, conf I aned
it referred to acreage.
O:mnisaiooer Marcus asked for: clar 1 f 1cat ion of the secon:l
paragrai:ti on top of page 33, ctSk i ng spec if 1call y how they
cane up with i.hi s.
Claudia Stebels.lti irrlicated that this 9E!Ctlor, was taken
vertlatim fr<Jl'I the existi~ land use t.eit.
Cmmissiooer l1CPacxlen asked about the f8rk1ng
,ecam•,u:u1tions and wanted to ltnow where It was covered.
9!11 th
June 19, 1985 Page 9
catmiss1oner Rmt>otis pointed out that 1t was covered
urrler three areeis: beach parking, aparonents and
C'Olmissioner MCFadden ment 1oned that the whole town should
be looked at and Hr. Ga Iser -::on! i cmed there was not a
specific iteu for parking.
Qmniss1oner 9111th stated that there was sane ment 100 of
parking on p11ge 15.
Eric Larson also confirmed that there "'as no spec1f1c
motion on parking in the City clS a -whole but that there
were three areas that cane up over and over again.
Camussioner Snith discussed mult1f5111ly a partment use
raised on pi.,ge 15 and wanted to lmo-.i about condan1n1lJ'll
units and whether or not they were including condaniniun
units ln this paragraph.
Hr. Lat:son said they looked at the C1~y•s position and
that it was coverEd in the ordinance for· condaninnrns but
-s oot covered for apartments, and 1n answer to a query
by Ca:lmissioner L'Hel.Jreux, l'lr. Larson re iterated they
discussed apartments only.
Ola i r:m,• , Sehl ehuber opened the f'Jb I l c he.a r Ing on th I s
port 100 of the Report at 7: 25 p.m. and Issued the
invitation to speak.
Hr. Ladwig erdorsed the Camuttee' s reccmnendat ions and
agreed the ~sis should be placed on predaninant ly
sing le tarn il y acreage in Car l sb.xl . He d I scussed the
railroad right of ·.my in the bead) area an::! ment ioned that
parking pi:iorities and special treatment areas should have
Sinoe no one else wished to speak on this portion of the
Report, the i:u>lic hear i ng was cone 11.XiEd at 7 : 27 p .m.
IAtl> ClSE CIASSIF!O.TIC».S {Pages 7,32)
A motion was passed adopt 1ng the o:mn i t tee' s t ecam:e da-
ti ons oo ~ Ose Classifications.
SPD:lAL TRFATMfN'l' (Pages 4, 14, Bl
0:lml.iss ioner !1Cf"adden suggested ad:! i ng to tho next to the
lut sentence on p;,ge 33 •as ID.rll of beach area should be
w:der the special treatment plan•.
Ola l mian Schlehuber stated that the spec lal treattnent area
should include the port ioo of the Redeve'1opnent Area which
would be fran Elm south an::! west of the railroad troc::11;~.
June 19, 1985 Page 10
-' 1110tioo ..as passed adoptio:J the Catm1ttee's
reccmnendat ions on this i tern but rev is i o:J this sec-ti on
foltowirq the sem1-<:0lon in line 5, page 33 to read
•excloo ing the present Rooevelopnent .l\rea nor th of E:lm
ard east of the railroad traclts an:! open space :i:ones
they coincide.•
Q::mniss1oner L'Heureux 1nd1cate:i t.h.!!t he felt ve ry
strongly about this itsn since it ..ould ensure the
caupatibil i ty of lard u~, an:! the balance of proJects.
He suggested that it might be appropnate for Council to
implanent it like they have done with the Design Review
Board in the redevelopnent area.
caani~iooer Marcus concurred with Catmiss1oner L'Heureui
and SU:19ested tooning this board out of other groups.
She i ndicated th3t she did not like the wording •principle
charge of the Ccmnittee was to ensure qual 1ty ard
integrity of design" since she felt the wording should be
•c:aiipatibility of the design arrl ccmpatibi lity of usage"
rather than qJality an:l 1nteqr1ty.
o:mn1ss1oner 9nith cxpresse:l his concerns ab<.:ut
interpretation five years fran now an:l stated thfa-y should
have a better definition of architectural review and what
was meant by It .
Chairman Schlehuber pointed out that the ordinance would
have to provide that ard ():Jmi iss1oner Ranbotis stated that
it would cane uroer ilq)lementat ion.
Chaicnan Schlehuber also mentioned that they were just
talking about the concept of architectural review uroer
this i tan.
A IOOt i 00 -S passed adopt i ng the Catm it tee' S
tmrlat io.ns on Architectural Rev ie,,,,.
PA.RKiN:; (Pages 15, 27, 33)
Cmmi saioner Mcl"adden said that they need to review all
the parlti03 requireDent.S for all are.es, inclooing
irdustrial, and that a 1110tion was already sent to COUnc i l
Oil awtifaaiily residential u:.es.
O:mnissioner 9:nith asked about reviewing industrial aro
O:mnissio.'ler 1'1:Fadderi pointed out a recent issue brought
before the Planning Omnissioo where a project was
inclooing a parking lot larger than required s ince the
requirements were not realistic.
0:Jmlsaiooer Rcmbotis mentioned this was a 14bor intensive
i.-and that they did oot need to loolt at single family
residential (Rll uses.
June 19, i98 5 Page-l l
Chl!1onan Schlehuber agree:! that t h t s was reasonable.
Colmiss1ooer L'Heureux asked 1f t!-.e t.-oncei:-ns being
expressed lolC'uld be better llddressed 1n the COl lat-e ral
Report a rd o:mnissioner McFadden re.pl 1ed that she d1dn':
Cdre where 1t was addressed as long as it was inclooecl.
A mot ion was passed apptov i ng two spec i f ic references on
pages 27 ard 33 deal iog with Parlu ng.
O vnr.nan Schlehuber decla red a recess a t 7:40 p.m., end
t he Carrniss1on r~nvened at 7:50 p.m.
4. Impacts of Growth
Aui ldout Populat Ion
Timing of Publ !C f'acllities
Desires ard concerns of Present Citi zens
TUiie Constra ints
Exist ing Master Plans
Cl:moiss1oner L • Heureu:x aske:l if the dens 1ty , 1s ted un:ler
the last clas:.ific.ation on page 30 should he RH instead of
RM. He also wanted to kno,., i f an actu.'11 motion was made
on 12 on the S5De page with or without the word ftonl y".
J5l'le!I Gaiser oaid that the minutes of Ka; 6th which
i ncluded the word -on1y• was correct.
Cmmissiooer HcFac):je, had a question on pa,ge 29 under
grOW""..n am sutoo she vas puzzled as to the canpos! tion of
the Citizens Cmmittee. She wanted to know if this was
to be a staroing caimi ttee.
l'brgaret Brownley replied that her intent when maki. '9 the
motion was for it to be a t.Erq)Orary camittee to assist
the City.
cazm t ss 1 oner lt::P'ack:ler asked e;r ic Larson 5PP.C 1 !i c quest 1 oos
about paragraph 1 • on page 33 ard Mr • La.r son expl a i ne:l the
bacltgrOUID of the motion and stated that they were oot
excluded fra11 chan;es.
O:m11Jaaiooer L' Heureux asked if the other <ec.OIIJleldations
would apply to the existing master plan and Ptt. L4rson
respooded that the basic integrity of the entire master
plan stayed as it was but they would oot be excluded frm
the changes mentiOOE:,d including the new dens1 ty ranges.
Commissioner L • Hauran clar it io:i that they would not be
changing the designs even though the dens i t y ranges may
have chan;,ed.
O::.maissiooer L • Heurewt referro:i to the top of P'l9e 31 arrl
asked about tho lC acre exception. Joe Gallagher
reispaded to his q.>eStion arrl noted that the purpose of
the 10 acre er~tion --as beca1.1a1 the 0:mlli ttee felt that
a 10 acre site was insignificant in relation to an overall
slope category and that the 10 acre size was a significant
L' Heureux
June 19, 1985 Page 12
Ola i tman Sc'l1 ehu.ber Opel"lEC t.he pub l 1c hear l n::; 0<1 th 1 s
portion of the Report at 6:0') p.m. ard 1ssuec tht>
invit.atlon to spealt.
Bob [.ad,,.,1g recoimended truit the Ccnrn1ss1on approve t.'us
section of the Report as presented. He expressed his
aqreenent with the revised density ranges arrl agreed that
there was a a:mcern with fX>pulat1on proj-ections of the
City but only w1t.h regard to p.iblic fac111t1es plann ing.
He recom,en.led a f 1scal u~ct report be made before a.,y
changes were i'Mde to the plann1nc;; gu1del ines and
€11lphas 1 zed t.hP. nee:i for present c 1 ti zens to lteEp 1 n m 1 rd
the concerns and desires of future c i t izens.
Other carments Kr • La&., 1g made per u11 oed to the ex i st Ing
master plan and turllnq of public !ac1l1t1es. He
specifically recarmende:i that the City hire a proJect
manager for all p.ibl ic and cap! tal !.mpt<Wenent pro)ect s
and explained what the proJect. manager would do.
OlaHman Schlehuber had a question concerning de nsity and
a~ed it the pur{X>se of bringing t.hmi down was because of
concern about high densities . Janes Ga : ser 1 rx:! 1cated that
was the c:ase.
liank Litten discus~ the concerns regard1r.;i density.
StP.Ve Bier 1, 17704 l't'.>oero Road, San D1eqo, tallcoo about
the issue of oot count 1ng dens1 t y on a 401 slopo 1n the R-
L General Plan areas.
A. J . Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, carlsbad, spc,j(e as
an iooividu.s..l am elaborated oo the issue of growth e ,·
{X>i nted out why grow--..h hadn' t been man.iqed properly in
North O:lunty. He stated he felt th 1 s was because of -,
choice between maxi.mun profit rm maximur: quality of lite
arrl that it vas inp:lrtant to !iri:l an equ1libri1.Jll point
where botl. can be maJt illlized.
'!beresa Mr.:Tighe, 438 camino del Rio South, San Diego
represented the Construct l on I rdus try Feder a ti on and
iooicatd.3 she bel ieva:i that the Pederat ion represented
future residents and stated a balance must be given to
both interests. She Elll(lhasizm that developers had to be
sensitive to the camunlty and discussed the cost of
housin:;i and the need to provide for a variety of housing
types. She urgoo the Cmmissioo to carefully consider the
OJlnittee' s Lecuw:.e,rlat ions aoo cane up w1 th a balance.
Dale Schreiber, 1'S7 <:rest Drive, En:initas, addressed the
high density i saue aoo the need to al 1 ow hotels aoo motels
i:i the City.
'1':lm Slrlth expressed his disagreenent with the previous
speakers and talked alxxlt the mi nor i ty posi tion arrl his
ax>tioc thlst failed duril);J the O:mn1t·tee's discussions on
the issue. He ill:!icated that it vas iq,oruint for the
Comliasioo' s mplASis to get baclt to protecting the
ordinary cl t izen.
James Cburtney reiterated that they were losing sight of
an Ull)Ort.ant point all:! discussed the tellD •profit•. He
stated that the problED of quality of growth was an
11l:!ividual thing. He pointed out that a major problem was
that not too many people in the City really know what was
PLAYiI!«:: CXMUSSION June 19 , 1985 PaQe l J -------
in the General Plan an:! that t.he City should implement the
programs alreMy in the General Plan. He n-.ent toned that
he didn't think the current e lement would prcmote growth
if the City would follow the gutdel 1~ ard execute the
pol ic 1es contained therei n.
Since no one else wished to speak on this port ton of the
Report, the PJblk testi.rnooy was concluded at 8:J0 p.m.
GRJiini (Pages 2-3, 9-10, 291
Ccmniss ioner 91li th expressoo his apPreci at ion for the
cament.s made by the Ow:l:nber aro stated that hE> hoped the
cam i ss ion would cecouneuJ to the C 1 ty Counc 1 l that the
Citizens O::mnittee be an adjunct of the Planning
Cmmiss 1oner McFadden inchcated that the Ct t 1 zer..s
Ct1mtittee recannenr::lation was very badly neEded in the •:"tty
and that she would like to see the word "tffl{.)Orary"
included. She discussed roanag1r~ grnwth and quest toned 1 f
the four quadrant concept: was included rn the lard use
element since the O::muittee had not mentioned it .
In reS{X)CISe to Camu ss i oner Mcf"adden' s QJery reqard Ing the
four quadrants, O::muissiooer Rcmbot1s replied that thts t s
presently covered in the Land Use Element an:l went al~
with the thinkin;l that "if 1t is not broken, do not fix
O::mniss:ioner L'Heureux -,greed t.hat the last area was
interrelated and that there was a problem with t imi~ ard
l oca t i oo of growth an:l how the City manages I t. He
indicated that he thought it was ~rt.ant to have a
statmlel:lt in the General Plan as far as lllhere the Cl ty was
goio;i with r:e:Jard to population -that it 1'IOU.ld be better
to beef up the language to iooicate that they were lookio;J
for the City t.:> establish programs ard policies to manage
the location and tim~ of gro-fth for a pcpJlation of
140,000 to 150,000 people at buildout in 2025. He
contin~ ori to say that the mechanics the City act-ua.lly
choee to illlplEl!lellt would be subject to further debate and
further .-ork. He asked how the O::mui ttee came up with the
l'Ulbera am state:, that they llllSt recognize that growth
will occur. He a.190 mentiooad that it ~ ~tal to
have 8C:ae kim of eooncaic analysis to determine if once
the City gets to buildout, can it afford 1t? If not, then
thay ~ to badt off or modify thin:;s. He Eaphaaizm the
illportaooe of baving some kind of econaoic review and
«:OOClllic control.
OllliilllllD Schlehuber aalted if CCIIIDisai oner L' Heurew:
thought the Plamtin:J 0::mlliasiori should be involved in the
subeeqJent Cit i zena 0::mll1 t tee and c:aimiss ioner L' He!·• "!'\D
suggested havin:J a nine lllmlber ca..ittee ca:apoeed of four
plamting a::um1saionera ae.lected by City Ccunc:i l and ti ve
cltimna Nlected by the City Council. He explained i t
l«JUl.d be beneficial to use 9Cme of the ezistlr,; resources.
Oc1Diaai008t PlilrcUII expressed her agreaent with
O:.Uaaioner L' tteureux, pan icular l y with the econcmic
feaaibi 11 ty •b.Jdy an:l al ao ind teated she corcurred vi th
the lllllkleup of the Citizens O:miiitt.ee.
Pl.ANNI!«; <nf1ISSION June 19, 1985 Paoc 14
Ocmmissioner Rl:Dbotis 11100 concurred .,it.h Q:mnissloner
L' Heu:-eux that the Plllnning Cam11ss1on should be involved
in the Citizens O:nmlttee.
II. mot ion was passed adopting the recamiendat 1on of the
Oclllmitt:ee on !lSSeSSing the impacts of gr~...h wit.h the
modification that the Planning C'a!mission be involved
the yearly review to the Council in sane fashion.
TIKll«i CF PUBLK FN::ILITIES (Pages ), 8-9, 28-291
POPOLAT l Oi ( Pages 8 , 29)
Calmissioner L'Heureux referred to p.,ge 29, sec-ood
paragra(il, and in:Hcated that the paragra(il should be
r-ENOrded to reed "'ftle City should establish proa:rlures an:!
mecnanics to manage the 1c:x=auon am timing of growth to
ensure timely availability o! services am facilities
based upoo a poptlation of 150,000 at buildO\Jt. • He
sta tecl he was ccn::erned about the issues am ideas of
policies in relation to managenent aro timing of gro.tth
and felt that sane type of proce:lures should be
establishfd so they can know where the City was going ard
plan for provision of these services.
Ola i rman Sehl ehlJber agreed w 1 th the bas IC conoept but
stated he vae oot hung up on ~ation but would want the
public facilities available.
O::mlliuioner Rali)otis pointed out that there were other
1tatanents relating to plbl ic facilities in the Report am
mentioned he thought that regula t i ng the timing am
location of grO\ilth was a problem.
0:lllmiuioner L'Heureux said that in order to make it work,
it was 1.mporunt to know what can be expected i n time
CX-iaai oner Hcl"!d:Sen asked for clar if lea ti on and 0141 onan
9c:hlehuber explained that they were di8CUSSing both the
tiaing of public facilities and ~ation issues since
they .are interrelated.
O:maiaaioner l1cFadden indicated the 150,000 figure was
accept.able a.s a planning figure.
O.Uaicner SD!th di8C'\1S8ed the issue of ~ation and
ia:Sicat:a:! that it wu cloeely related to growth am
darmi ty, md poi ntad out that 2/3 of the population
potmntial _. alreec!y camitted to with tentative projects
md -..tar plana. He said that the master plans should be
looted at.
Olaiman Schlehuber clarified that the figures di8CUSSed
are from the density and ~ation reports.
A aotioo Wtl -S. to adopt the cami ttee' a rec1101er\ations
on Ttaiag of Public Faciliti• and Growth. n,e 1110tion was
NOOtded lllld vu ~ for diSCIJSI ion.
Schlehuber X
l't::Fadden X
Rl:J!t>otis • lilll l X
9ni ~h X
Marcus X
L'Heqreux • X
~It«. CIH11SSION June 19, 1985 Page 15
cami i sa i oner L' Heurewt aslta:l a.bout Including Hr • l..adwl 9 ' s
tecam,e:n:iation for a project manager, and that was i,greed
to by the motion maker. Q:mnlssioner L' Heureux also aslc·ecl
Cl.::nmisaioner Rcmbotis, the niotion mak.er, if he would
consider including II f iscal i.llp!llct report as suggested by
Kr. L.advig ard C011missioner Rallbot is repl led that it was
required in master plans a.rd that he would leave that for
the City Coun::11.
°'8 i cnan Schlehuber asked about the suggest ions made
earlier by Q:nmiasioner L'Heureux in which he felt certain
things should be included, and Onnissioner L' Heurew
clarifia:l that he felt the recu1uend11tion nee:led to be
beefed up ard did not really address the problen of timing
a.rd location.
A 1110t ion was passed adopting the C'.amli t tee' s
re,, etdatiooe on Timing of Public Paci lit ies and Growth,
w-ith the addition of appoin';ing a project manager to
oversee public ard capita.\ improvenent projects.
OEHSITY (Pages 7-8, 30-32)
0:Jlmissiooer ~en stated she would like to see the
densities chati,gecl since odd n~rs -re diffi-:ult to
calculate ard it also tended to inct'ease density in lower
r&03•. She suggesta:S the r&03es 0-1.5, 0-4. 4-8, 8-15,
and 14-22 an:! agrea1 that special housing needs should be
Caimiaaioner Rmbotis presented the backgrourd of the
0:-i t~ • s d lscuss iona regarding density and explained
that the .1 would entitle scne developnent right.
0:-.iuioner L' Heurem irxHcat:82 that Mr. Beir i had a
poi.nt wrth OX1Sidering regarding RL properties and
Olmaiuioner lollboti.a said that this -talterl into
OOIWideration in the land UN design.
O.Uaaioner Sllith agrflld with COzl!lissioner !t::Paddal on
the darwity ~-
O'laimwi Sc:hlehuber pointed out that he -a 11101'.e
caafortable w1 th the even OUllbars and quest iooed "1y
the pllragrap] referring to the pol icy regarding -n
dimities ha! to be incllded.
o:..1 .. 100er llmbotis said that the ~t on page 34
wa a.rely to ake the person am his 118)' ~ the ladder.
O'laimao Schleblber atat:82 tw felt it 1111118 redWISant and 11
diacauioo ~ regarding llbether or not the meari..,,. to
be left in er oat.
o-1 .. 1cxm: a.1th aeotlooed that if they talte the wn,
t:bay wza dropping 11mN01.e ~ 00Uld 1110t:k wi th a muiaD.
0.1mm 9cblebuber indicat:e:S that the-, 118a only there
• • conaidentioo aa2 that there 118a 00 reuon to 1111y
thet the aan 1-8 no consideratioo in thla.
Schlehuher I[
l't:P'adden I[
Rmt>otis JI JI
Hall JI
9nith I[
Marcus JI
June 19, 1985 P!t<Je 16
Camissiooer 9111 th pointed out that the on1 y except ion to
the mean was with cirC\llation.
o:mnisaiooer Rx:rabot 1s stated that lt specifically referred
to an existing O)unc-1 l pol icy restructuring it to the
COmlissioner L'Heureux expressai concern that five years
frCJII now, saneone reading it may fio::I it doesn't make
carmissioner 1'1arcus a::mnented on the st.atenent made by
Oc:mniasioner ~en reo:mnerx:iing the charqe in t."le
density figures and st.a ted she had no problen:, with it .
Oamiasioner Marc.us mentional she would 1 ilce to see how it
impected other areas such as reduction in dwelling units
since there may not be money for things projected.
o:mnissioner McFadden pointe:I out that that was the reason
why it was i.lqx>rtant for an econanic feasibility study.
Omllisaioner Rallbotis btou:]ht ~ the proposed reduction 1n
the ranges aro explainai that the C':amli t tee had already
substantially reduced then and continuoo to explain why
the nuzt>ers were changed. He stated that he could not
support the changes recamietrl,ed by Cl:mnissioner McFadden.
carmiasionez Marcus was coocerned about people not wanti ng
to cane in and build and aske:I how mud'l they were cutting
it oo-,n.
Ctmlliasione:r L' Heureux stated he would be can-for table with
dropping the fractions but leaving the nud:>ers as they
Claim.an Schlehuber pointed out the wide division in the
Oamit~ vote regarding density ranges aoo felt that 22
11:15 o reuooa.ble figure,
Oamiaione:r L'Heureux said that the General Plan states
that circulation 500 parks were best at mediLJD density,
and thct it IIOUl.d create a probl811 if they took it out.
A motion -. passed reo ePdi~ that density ranges be
reviaed 500 incorporated into the Lard ose Element a11
RL 0-1.S
RUI 0-,
114 '-9
INi 9-15
Ill 15-23
BOPPIIUH:i Nil> flWISITIONAL ( Page 30 l
A mctioo .,.. aade adopting the 0:-ittee' a reo -etrlat IOl"I&
en thia It:a am iocluding the wold •on1y-as refl~ in
the ec-ittee'• minutes of May 61 1985, arx! adopting the
ec-ittee'• r.c, datiana in the parag,:apha ref.ening to
..uar clti--arx! curnnt policy \nSer Itaa fl.
Jt Jt
ll • Jt
PLANNIY:; a:H4!SSION June 19, L985
SLOPES ( Pages l(}-31,
Ctmnissioner : • Heureu:x st, ...eJ there should be an except ion
for 40\ slope being . ncl trled 1:-i density c.1lculat ion for RL
properties but not being built on, He mentioned he agreed
with 40\ but was uncotlfor utile with the r arqe 25-40\ am
suggested modify i -, tne .ecuanetdat ion to provide that for
slopes betwieeu h\ arx! 40\, there be a rraximu:n SO\ credit
for dens! ty sinoe it needed flex i bility. He added that he
woul d like to see leas than 100\ crErlit in that area,
A motion ~ pessec al lowing slopes in excess o! 25\
less than 40\ to receive a maxi.mun cre::!it of 50\.
Calm i ssi oner ltFld:len stated she would l i kf' t o see 30\ be
the cutoff for not bei ng used to calculate density.
Ct:mni ss i oner Mcf'ao:len ment t or-3 that she would l i ke to
see Except ion l deleted .
O\ail::man Schlehuber expres.se::! coooern that there could be
a lot of parcels created with 10 acres of larx!.
O::Jmi in i oner Snith indicat ed his agreenent arx! stated that
he felt all parcels of lard should be treated equa.lly.
A motion -a passed adopt Ing Except 1 ans 2 ard 3 on page
31, deleting Exc:epticx, l, an:! adding an exception that in
the RL zooe, they wi 11 get a credit for slopes of 40\ but
there will be no building on I•.
A motion waa passed adopt 1 ng the cmmi ttee' s
recxumeu:latiOll!I in paragra.ph A.. on page 31 .
C0am1uionm: M:Padden diacusaed paragraph B. on pnge 31
and stated that the sign if icnnt ~ am sign if leant
riparian habitat llhould be excluded fran density
O'laiman Schlehdler questiooed staff if it -. possible to
define -Uanda a.n:S r i parian habitats by 801118 type of map,
and Kichael Holmiller irdicated they could be defined.
0:aaiuioaer L'ffattewl suggested incllding significant
wtlanrh and riparian habitat:a 80 that after they are
idmtifitd am maw-s they 1ll0Uld be e,;clooed, am thoee
not idmti fitd 1ll0Uld be included .
Schlehuber X
ltf'adden X
Rcmbotis X
Hall X
9nith X
"'3rcus X
L'He\Jreu:x X JI
Schlehuber X
p,tf'addert I I
Rarbotis I
Hall I
S:111 th • Harcus ll
L'Heurewt I
Schlel i>er I
lt::hdden I
Rmbotia I I
Hall I
9111th I
Harcus ll
C.'Heurl!\Jll I
@ I;
JWle 19, 1985 Page 18
cmmiaaloner RaDbotia exploined the logic behioo the
paragraphs and .eca1m1cnied keeping the three peraqnphs
ot1 proposed by the O:mnittee.
Oiaicnan Schlehuber stated that it they could be
identified, t-a fe.l t they st-.ould be e,r.cll.X\ed frcm density.
OCmaia.siooer McPadden mentioned that there was a lot of
public in~t that clearly statoo they .mnted open space
and they wanted natural habitats preservoo, am tnerefore
it waa only logical to consider than as open ~.
Cmmisaicnn Hall explained the Omni ttee' s feel Ing that
what would happen i11 if the property owner had anything
aignHicantly identified, they would clean it of! ard
nothing would be out there in the meant :iJne.
Oiaiman Schlehuber stated he thought the wetlards an:1
riparian hobi tat ~e to be by a st re.am ard Michael
Holmil \er responded that i t was correcc
A mot ion '88 pa.saed adopting the Caimi t ~ • &
ce::am1e11:S.stiona for paragrapi B. on p!lge 31.
A motion was passed adopting the Comii ttee • s
reonnetddtion on pi,ge 32, &ecotrl paragraph.
EXISrUC ~ PLANS (Page 16)
0:aniuioner L'tteureux stated that he fouro the language
confuaing and indicated he urneratood the intent but fe.l t
the -,rd ing did not a::mm through.
A a:>tion wa Mde adding after the first sentence on Its
118 on page 16 the worda "but thot the aoiified or new
definitiOOI of opa, S(,aOe, calculation of density,
calculation of pulta, acreage and public focilltiea wul.d
IIRUY•• flu.a aotioo ...slater vithirwn.
Irie lAr90D point-' out that lbl!n diSCU111Sing the iuue,
tbey amticx-5 that dmai ty c:alculaticns were not
lncll&1a5. fta gave the bacltgroal! o.f a:>tione made
mpminq thu Itaa aiDOe there was ecJm C00fuaion OYer
~ dlrwi ty they wul.d be 1JSing on new 111Uter plans.
N1cbNl H0laillm: imicata:S that he did not think the
aoticn ..S. by the o:.ai ttee ... clear arid 11U1J39Sted the
0-fMiCD aaD a specific .:ecxwwmtion to clear up the
o-t•ioaer NllrCU9 stated that \ftSer any reviaiona,
c5awity WII just one revision and wnted to know llbat
.ould b1AJm to the wt:er pi-already in the procw.
Schlehuber l[
l'tFodden l[
Ralix>tis l[ l
Hall X
9'Di th ll
MarcUB lt
L'Heurewt I
Schlehuber l[
l'Cf'adden l[
Aallbotis l[ lt
Hall :t
91lith lt
Marcus lt
L'Heureu:t I
. '\
June 19, 198S Page 1 'I
O\airman SChlehuber repl led that for those master p:ans
that were there, but the tent.at i ve maps hlld not come
throu;Jh, they would apply to the density standards -
whatever ranges were adopted.
C0mm laa loner L 'Heureux sa ld that the turrlamenta l i ssu,;, was
what vould be done vith existing master plans.
Owlill!W' Schlehuber stated that nothing would be done.
Commissioner L'Heureux aslted about the master plans in
which they br lng ln new tent.at i ve maps arrl inquired
whether the nev denait:y ranges, open speces, etc., would
apply to those maps or not.
Dan Hent.schke, MS lstant Cl ty Attorney, adv ised that they
do not have to worry About vest i ng the right.a an::! a.s>ted i f
all the new changes were going to apply to the master plan
0-.airman Schlehuber brought up Commissioner t'Heureux's
auggation that all the new c~es shall apply to the
previous 11148ter plan areas as long as they d 1d not lose
their larrl use designat Iona.
Oomnisaioner Ka..rC\111 asked llhether or not there was going
to be a grandfather clawte for the ex isting ones and
pointed out that if they d id c;rarrlfather them in, then
there would not be much of the Cit:y covered urder this
Camusaioner L'tteurewi withdrew his original motion.
A motion was pa-«1 that the revised atamards adopted on
density, new definitions of open spaoe, calculation of
para, arrl public facil ities would awly to exlstill:1
master plans.
A 11otion vu made to strike the tetm "meat,-frcn It:em U.
on page :W. '!!le motioo falled due to lacit of a second.
A 11otloo vu made to adopt I ten 12. on page 34 ard opened
for dixuaaicn.
0alli.uianer l"CP'adden mentioned she would like to delete
A aotioo -voted OD to adopt I t:em • 2. on page :w.
flle aotloo fail.S due t:D lack of 11111jority.
ll JI •
June 19. 1985 Page 20
A motion WIIIS paaae:j to disregard I tan t2 oo the top of
p!lqe ),.
A motion was paaaed to approve everything else in the
camittee Report except for the Collateral Report and
incorporate all chan:]es, additions anj suggestions
am <ec.<liiililiided by the PlaMing CXmnission.
In answer to a query made by a Clmnissioner regarding
attachDent 1, page 2, as to why they suggested
establishing ll-15 mmibers on the review coami ttee,
Claooia Stebelalti replied that it -.s a ~ller n\Jllbet
than the Citizens Cmmittee for the Lard Use Element
Review but it still would be awropriate.
O\&lman SChletrubet opened the public hearing on the
collateral Report at 10:00 p.m. Since no one vished to
~ or: this the COllat&al Report, public testimony was
A motion was ~ to pess the Collateral Report on to City
Council u propose:! flle motion was sec:oa1ed am opened
~or di9Cllllsion.
CDmiaaiooer L'Heureux SJggested a review of parking in
all z:or-. except for Rl.
CDlaiuioner ~en asked about an ecooca.ic analysis aoo
llhether that lll0Ul.d be incl wed, am o:m.iaaioner L' Heurewt
lmicated it IIIOUld.
O-iuiooer Marcus aalttd about an EIR on redoing the
lao:S ua eleaeot along vi th an econcnic study •inoe she
felt both wre very illlportant, and H.ichael ltOlmiller
pointed out that 1 t wuld have to 90 through an
eavircxaattai r.vi-.
Oraaiaianar L'ltlurwux dlacuased taking othel: areas and
doing a muter !IR am auggested that 11111ybe it could be
done at ~ or c:padranta of the City. Fie pointed out
that it ... aaaeth.ing that should be looked at or thought
A aot:100 ws puam adopting the Collateral Report and
inco..potating wta -S. about an ecoa:aic niport and
a pukiag 111:ui!y tX> include all but the Rl areas.
OM1rwe, Jichl9b.Jbar ~ted on tti. aoe.lleot wort that
the Cit!--0:aaitt:ee dld 0D the Allport.
SCh.lehubex I[
r,t::P'adden lt It
Ra!t>ot ia I[
Kall I
Snlth I[
1'1arcus It
L'Heureux JI
Schlehube.r It
~en JI
Ralt>otis JI I[
Hall I[
Slli tll I[
Marcus JI
L'Heureux I[
SC:blehuber • ~ • Aaltlotia • • Ball • 911th • Plllrcm Jl
L'ltlurau I
June 19, 1985 Page 21
By proper motion, the special meeting of June 19, 1985 was
adjourned at 10:05 p.111.
Respectfully -.mi t t.ed,
KIOiA!I. tTJ..:a'1lll.ol~
Lard Oae Planning Manager
Ruth Stark
l'tinutee Clerk
M!Z!'IICS ARE MS) TAP!D All) ICEP'!' ~ PILE U!n'IL TffE Kil«l'l"ES
r •✓ . ,> . y Statement to the Cnrlsbad Plann1ng Comm1ss1on Megard1np; the
Report or the Land Use Element Review Comm1ttee 6 /19/85
I com!!!end the Land Use Elenent Review Co~mittee for 1ts
d111p;ence 1n prepar1nr, 1 ts report. ! appre ciate the time and
errort spent by the committee.
The uae or Carlsbad's l~nd wi ll do much to determine the
ruture qual1ty or 11re 1n our city. That's why 1t ,,as so import-
ant that mel!lbers or the Comr.iittee re~resent to the ~,reatest ex-
tent possible the th1nk1ng and concerns or most of the c1t1zens
rea1ding in Carlsbad today. I seriously quest1on 1r the Cor.unittee
did that. Although I concur with ~uch or the report. l believe
the 1ntereats or most of our c1t1zens would be promoted by adop-
tion or ~Y or the committee m1nor1ty's recommendations.
I atrongl_v endorse the m1nority's recommendations or rour
goala to be added to the Land Use F.lement for tim1ng growth
(those are on page 5 or the report ) and the two polic1es to be
added to aupport tim1n6 or those goals.
Further, I strongly support the rr.1nor1ty's contention th~t
the existing Land Use Element 1s inadequate as to open space.
prol'IIOt1ng protection or the natural environment. ~ensity ranges
(many or ua continue to be appalled at the present density of some
housing developments). agriculture, and concem ror pre~ent c1tizens.
I auppcrt many or the committee minority's recommendations to
strengthen all or those areas of the LAnd Use Element.
In particular, I support further narrowine toe RM density
range by reducing toe maximur.i density rroo 9 to 8 dwelling units
per acre. I think the idea or8 more objective ratlnp, ayatem for
detenlL1.n1ng <1ena1ty la a eood one.
I ravor a derinite population
mended l-0,000 by t~e year 2025.
oar or no,,,.. than the re@
-· Planning Comm1ss1o'°);;tatement page 2
maJ ori ty' 11
I strongly agree that the committee recommended
measures to preserve ag~1culture fall short and endorse the ll\1n -
or1ty'a recommendat1ona,
Finally, I ur~e the Clty to appoint a representative c1t1zens
col!llllttee to rev1ew the Land Use Element a t least every f1ve
years and, prererably , p:1ven Carlsbad's rapid growth , every three
,:).._;,. 7 o Al~ t !✓ell ~-
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