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1985-09-25; Planning Commission; Minutes
~ ,, ,i 11 ,4 t t... MB!Tn«:i OF: MTE OF MEETn«:.: TINE OF MEETU«:; : PLACE OF MEE'l'n«:.: MINUTES PLMWn«:i a:M!ISSICJil September 25, 1985 6 :00 P.M. City Council <llant>ers CALL '00 (Jl)ER: '11le meeting was called to order by aialran Schlehuber at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Preaent: Chainnan Schlehuber, Comnissioners McFadden, Snith, Hol•s, Mareu& and L'Heureux. Abeent I Cbnlnissioner Hall. Staff Mllllbers Present: Charles Gri11111, Principal Planner J .. s Hagaman, Research/Analysis Group Manager Mike 'Iowas, Associate Plarmer Dan tlllntschke, Assistant City Attorney Michael Holailler, Land Use Planning Manager Jim ~ray, fligineering Department Clyde Wickham, Associate Civil &,gineer PL!OOE OF ALI.JX.IM«:E was led by Chairman Schlehuber. Pl.Nfin«i <XJIUSSICJil PAOCEOORm Chainnan Schlehuber called attention to the Planning 0-iasion Procedures being sho"1l on the screen and asked the audience to take a few minutes to read them. Michael tt,lailler, Land use Planning Manager, advised O\airan Schl.ahuber that a request WlllS made by the applicant for a continuance of It• t2. Chairaan Schlehuber ad Coalissioner McFadden expressed oonoern that this it.a had already been continued eeveral u .. , and it ws dee ided to proceed with the item as act.duled. 1) IDJBOO ILININT RIVISICJil -Ra<ptst for approval of rwliict llouilng tiwnt. Revisions inchde new 'state law, text clarification and remval of outdated text and poUclH. 0:Jaluloner Hol.Ma stated that he wold be abstaining on thla lta. J ... Rlgnn, RNNrch/Analyaia Group Mlllnager, gave the pnantatlon on this it.a u contained in the staff niport, n explained that this it.a ws continued to obtain lftfon111tlon r~ted by the PlaMing 0-iasion. aa..t•loner a.1th ~ted that he understood that 9= oould be lllde at a later date, particularly in on of popalatlon growth, and Mr. eag...,-. raid that Qaaiuioner a.1th wa correct. 'a., Q) ,, , "] :MINUTES PLANNIK'i CCMtlSSI~ Septent>er 25, 1985 Ocmmissioner Mci:'adden indicated that she Wlderstood that the Housing Element would go with the old Land Use Plan and Mr. 88gaman replied that the Element was oonsistont with the current Land Use Plan. 0-issioner Mcl"adden questioned the mnbers for existing housing, and Kr. 88gaman explained that the m.llt>ers in the Housing Elenwmt were additional Section 8 housing since th! last report. Mr. Michael McLaughlin, San Diego Association o! Goverrments, discussed the difference in the nllllbers. Omnissioner McFadden stated that she felt the total nllm>ers should be included. O:llllnissiorier L'Heure,ux asked how the anticipated changes to the Land U8e Review would impact the Housing Element, and wandered if it would require revising the Housir13 n-nt. Mr. 88gaman responded that it would require revision. 0-isaioner McFadden wanted to know where the RP zonill:3 wa locatet1 in the City, and Mike Howes, Associate Plarvler, oonfi nned where it was located • ~issioner Mcl"adden asked about the change in the General Plan relationship and suggested changing the word •w111. to •1111y". Din Hentachke, Assistant City Attorney, explained that all of the .i-nta of the General Plan had to be consistent. Since acme policies in the Ho1.1Sing Element were state lllntlated, he stated that in this caae they would have to chanlJe the Land Uae El-.nt to coq>ly with the Housil'l:3 Claent. Ha addec1 that 1.S1t1l the inconsistencies were noted, they did not know what had tx> be changed. 0-.ir-Mn Schlehwer opened the public hearing at 6 12!> p.11. and iuuad the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to apNk o., this i ta, public testilllony was closed. 0-.l~ sctu~r euggeat.d that they clarify the lloualng 11-.nt to atate that if the .i-nta wre tx> be oonalet.\t, the Cow)cil ~d change one of the elaMtta to lllke t:ha oon.ai■tent If they were inconaiatent. 0aai•1onar L • lllureux deacribed an obaervation he made in _.lnaton Md ~~ regarding t:h'I poating of aigna on YIOa\t property llhich de■cribed the project that would be built on that Pl'Oparty. A •Uon paued approving the Houaing Elaent, and 2. ranting it to the City O>unoil for further ldera lon am approval. .. fS:iN -lWDIM VDl'l\ll!S -~dl!IN,t to a ~y •iii™ alti a...to~t plan for the __ ..::--~1on of bio r._.rch and dewlo~t bull 11'1!18 on the northWNt oorner of ,.loaar Airport and ~lda lnolnaa in the P-11-Q aone. Schlet.Jber NcPlddar\ 9111th Jlr)laa Nlrol.W L'llluNux X X X X X X X ' ' MINUTES September 25, 1985 Page Clll!lnisaloner lt>lmes stated that he would be abStaining on this item. Olai nMn Schlehuber pointed out that the applicant had requested a continuance on this item, but that the Plaming Comnission decided to go ahead with it that evening. Clyde Wickhalll, Associat~ Civil Ehgineer, gave the staff presentation on this i tetn as contained in the staff report, using a transparency to show the proposed project. fie explained that the amendment could not be supported by staff. Dan flentschke, Assistant City Attorney, conmented that in P9bruary the developer had signed a contract with the City to build certain improvements. 'ftley are now requestirq that the condition requiring than to build these baproV9111!nts be eliminated. Mr. Hentschke explained that even though the condition might be revised, they still have a legal oont n,ct to build them. Olai::-mn Schlehuber opened the public hearing at 6 : L7 p.m. and issued an invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, plbllc testimony was closed at that ti•. Olainnan Schlehuber referred to a letter filed by Mr. Gross. '!he Planning Conlission adopted the following Resolution: RISOUn'ICII ti). 2472 Dl!NYn«. AN ~ TO A SITE blvlUINIA'I' MlN NO. 84-4, AI..LOffl«, fflE CCH,'l'RUCTICII OF 'l,i«) ~ AND DEVELCJIMDff BUILDn«.S ~ PIQ>ERTlf GINDW.LY LOCATED CII 'lffl! NClfflMBST CCAIER OF PALCJ4AA AIR'<lff ROM AND AVDIDi\ l!NCDWi. 3) CT 8M¥PUD-77 -AinA HILLS -Request for awroval of• 53 oolt (44 alngle f•ily, 141 duplex, and 352 oonloeinh• reaidenctta) tentative tract aap and pl.-..d unit developaant, located at the eoutheaat corner of Alga Road and Al icante Road. Owarl• Grla, Principal Planner, diacuued an additional qlnNrtnv oondltion outli~ in the -, froa the lhglneerlng Depar~t to the Land u.. Planning Departaent cllltm 8'tptallber 25, 1985, and aho pointed out that a letter .. Aeeived fn. Nra. Brown-Bellaan dated lllpt:arbtr 25, lte5 in ~ich llhe aui;igH ed that lkiditional oondltiona lhou.ld be pl•Old on the project. Ollll'llln 9chlehuber asked about a letter rec.ived from Nr. Maa, and NlchNl lt>l•Uler, Land UN Planning Mllnager, lnt./1 out that the l•t~ from Nr. Adam ws actually letter• alnae anothor hoaeowwr aleo aiqned the letter. (Jo.r ta. record, Ma. BIR1y Syaington, 2251 Alti_. WIiy, C1dlblld, ...S that it be 1ncll.1119d that Iha ... againat aNt~ project, although llhe did not apeak at the Schlehuber X McFadden X Sin-1th X X lt>llles X Marcus X L'Heureux 'I( 1 i MINUTES September 25, 1985 0'8rles Gd• gave the staff presentation on this item as oontained in the staff report, using a transparency to show the site and wall 111111pe to show the proposed project. He described the proposed project in detail and discussed staff's concerns. Cllnllisaioner 11:>lmes asked about the average square footage of the uni ts, and Mr. Gri11111 replied that the average was between 5,000-7,000 aguare feet. a:-issioner Mc:Fa<tlen requested the breakdown of mnber of bedroom for the units and Mr. Gri11111 provided her with the details. °'81 raan Schlehuber opened the public hearing at 6: 40 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Bob Ladwig, Rick n-,g ineering, 3088 Pio Pico, car lsbad, repr ... nted the applicant and indicated they were in agrNaent with the conditions, including the addltioMl oondition presented by the fn;Jlneerlng Department. Mr. Ladwig pointed to a in,togra?l on the board am described the project. He explained how it was compatible with the area, and dlscusaed 1101ne of the amenities of the project, Mr. Ladwig also pointed out that p111rking met the etandards. a:-ise1oner McFadden asked meut the plans regarding phuing of grading, and Mr. Ladwig repl led that the applicant 11«>uld like to construct single family units firat, and then the duplexes. He 11&ntioned that a •jority of the site would be graded in its entirety during the fl rat phaN of the project. a:-iuioner fsith ooaented that he Mt with Mr, Ladwig a,d the archit.ct to discuas the project, and that most of hia (Jleationa wre already anawred. He asked about the ailution flow and how it wuld be corrected. Mr, Ladwig rNPOll,1ed in detail, a,d pointed to the Pl(>tograpi on the bcMlrd. Bl indicated that one of the conditions included that an interi■ deailution basin be provided. o.atuioner Sllith queried lltwther it ws necessary to haul •terials on Al icante Road or oould l t go out on the ... tern road. Mr. Ladwig indicated that Mrs. BrCNl- llllaan Mde that suggestion, and that it ws a reaaonable oondltion. Oaaialoner IID1aea indicated that he aleo •t with the an!Jlneer and the appl l011nt to di8C\.all the project. O..l•lonar Narcua alee, Nid that she •t with the clfteloper Md Mr. Ladwig. h asked about drainage on ttt. Nat aldil a .-.ted to know wt the pcobl• ••· Nr. Lldwl9 pointed out the area on the exhibit and lndto.tad that there woulcl be no grading in that area. ,a.Iman ldlllhuber ocamnted that he aleo Mt with Nr. Lldwl9 bo dlllCUN the p,oject, •• 111r1 ... ,__r.,ta, 7035 Alicante Ad., carlllbad, -,s un■l-4 -.-m that the atreet wa pl..--1 to ooaa dl'::I In front of her hoae. NII. ~r•ta atrongly CJbj to the entire deval~t since there wre I ' I J MINUTES PLNIIIKi CCMUSSI~ Septeri>er 25, 1985 Page expensive holnes on her street and she felt it would devalue those homes. She also was concerned about renters in the area and referred to a letter written by Mr. Mains, her neighbor. Mr. Mike Ryan, Dl!llon Corporation, 5150 Avenida Encinas, carlsbad, stated that he felt it was a good plan and should be approved. He explained that the density was acceptable and that the project was diverse in its product type. Mr. Ryan mentioned that the project was unique since Alga !bad was already widened to acc:amodate the project, and that his COfilPl!lny had worked with the applicant on several joint ventures. Ms. Florence Lucas, 7144 Almaden, carlsbad, comiented that she was against the entire project. Ms. Lucas' major concern was with traffic ard how the cars were going to get out of Alga. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, Chairman Schlehuber closed the public testimony at 7:00 p.m. Olalissioner McFadden asked what the Ar1r would be, and Mr. Wickhml replied that it would 5,000. 0-issioner McFadden pointed out that the developer tried to cope with and be sensitive to the surrounding area, bat her basic question was whether this was appropriate zoning for the area to begin with. 9le explained that she wanted to deny the project and move to downzcne it, ec:-iaioner Marcus asked about the provision requiring no Mdi.-i break, and Mr. Wickham discussed the entrances. 0.-iuicmer Marcus expcesaed her pceference to leave the aadi.-i break there but that she could go along with the l!nginHring Departaent's condition. She ~tcd on her ooncerna about landacaping and drainag. and irdicated that llhe felt l t .,.. too late to dc:Mlmne this piece of pcoperty. O..iuiorwr 9aith ~ted that he felt renters wre not nKuaarlly '-Wldairllble, since he.,.. one, and that he 1!9lt the pcoject hed a gooJ product mix. He mentioned he .. not 1n favor of opening the Mdian and that he hed ... fMllnga about the llnd UN 00111patibUity and topo- 9ra)ll\ic oonatr•inta. ec:-iaioner Saith stated that he &IJIINCi•ted the developer trying to lower density and that he felt it .. • UtUe late on this and diacusaed why. O..iuioner L'Haureux diecuued condition 129 regarding 1W at:orlll)e and MUJd for clarification regarding the NOolw:t antence. Olarl• Gria talked About the condition placed on the »-kr«l.aldll project, and ec:-iuioner L'Hllureux indicated tbat it wa hard to underatand the intent fro111 the laft9\1119e of the c:ioncUtion. 0:lla1 lorwr L'Bauceux uked if there wa any criteria for the oode that lndloated how 11111)' RV •pace• this project wu1d be rNpOnaible for, and Mr, Gri• replied that the ta 0Nta Muter Plan at.at.ea thee• ahould be 209 aquare t!eet par unit. MINUTES Septent>er 25, 1985 O-isaioner L'Heureux recomnended including requirements for thein to pat"ticipate in the fun:Hng of the RV storage area. Qmaissioner 9D1 th wanted to know who the owner 11«>uld be and 'Who wuld operate it. Mr. ftentschke explained what the nonnal procedure was for sharing in the operation and fWlding of the RV storage area. Chairman Schlehuber asked Mr. Hentschke for his input regarding condition 129, and Mr. Hentschke suggested changing the condition and asking the staff to bring it back for approval at the next meeting. Charles Gril'illl pointed out that D!ton Corporation had set up a meeting with staff regarding the permanent RV storage areas in La Costa • C01anlssioner L' Heureux was concerned that since this project was not part of the La Costa Master Plan, could the City still enfot"C.-e them to participate in it, and Mr. Hentschke replied that they could enforce it, and continued to er.t>laln how it could be done. Mr. Ryan of D!ton Cl>rporation indicated that they 11«>uld be in agreement to having this project join under the l.llbrella Master Plan program for RV storage. ea-issloner L'Heureux a!Sked for clarification of condition 156, and Mr. Grian explained that there were both private driveways and private streets in this project. - ea-iaaioner L'tteureux requested an update on condition 161, and Gene Donovan, Cl ty &tglneer, responded that a atudy lllOUld ooanence 1-edlately and should be coq,leted within 90 days. In 11\IIWr to cperlea by OmnlS!:lioner L'Heureux and ~inaan Schleh.lber, Mr. Wickhat stated that the traffic count at .Uga and Allcante ws 8,200 cars, and that the d•lCJn wa for a Mjor arterial with an ultimate capacity of 40,000 cara. ~lean Schlehuber said that he could support the project, but that he wa concerned about traffic in pneral ant referred to an article on traffic th.!it he incllded with the .. ting packet. 'Sbe Punning ea-iaalon approved the Negative Declaration ant adopt.t the following Rlt80lution: ~ II>. 2492 RIDINlll'.)D«; M1l1ROVAl. OF A 537 ~ --'ftiM.i' ND NI> PLNH!D UNIT DIYBla9l!NT C.. JIDDii GINIRALLY LOCATID C.. TH! soortmAST aRIER OF ALGA R0N) MID ALICNft'I IOU). Wlth the following changea1 Adil tbe oond 1 tion outlined in the -,rand la froa the lnginNrln!i Departant to the Land UN Planning Office dated Slptillllber 25, 1985 partaining to the aedia, on Alga Road. Schlehuber X Nchdden X Qaith X X HDlaa X Marcua X L'llllureux X @ MINUTES Septalber 25 , 1985 Nod1fy oondlt1on 156 tx> include •all private streets and drl \....-P ll'here appl lcable•. NDdify oondtt1on 129 tx> 1ncl\.d1ng fWlding, subject to ~lng broulJht beck for final approval. 0-luloner L'Hllurewc suggested that it was appropriate for ataff tX> do ac,re traffic analY9is at El camlno and Alga Aoeda. 0-isaioner Marcus asked if there were any other areas that should be looked at in ter1111 of appropriate ct..iptlon, and Mr. Gr1-replied that it was scheduled t.o be done 1n r•pon• to the General Plan Review 0-lttae's reoo•andatlons. O\airan Schlehuber aak for an estlute of the timefr .. and NlchNl lblal ller, Land UM P &Ming Manager, ana.r.-! that it ehould ~ prior to January 1st. 4) CT 8S-10/IU>-81 -RICE ~ERTY -~t for approval of • 196 lot tintatlve tract raap and 189- unit planned unit developaant, located east of Rancho Santa ,. Ibid an1 ~lda La Poata in the southern end of the City. ,...,_ra of the 0-iuion arn,'-R»d that they met with var low people to d1acuu the project. O\arl• Grla, Pl'lncipal P:i.av.r, gave the preeentatlon on thla lta • oontained in the• ff rep>rt, using a tranapanncy to llhow the al te and a wll ..ap t.o show the prop,ead project. 119 dlacuwd varloua aapecta of the project lncl\.ding 001111l9tlbU 1 ty wl th the sur romdlng area, traffic end -,1t1 ... 0-iNlorwr a.1th uked if the cul-de-eacs would be bniua:·tt up t.o atanllard prior t.o granting building per-alts, and lllr. Wlokhaa indi~t.ed that they would. 01:adaaloner Nchdl:ten r~t.ed 1nforaatlon about the en,elon dleUtatlon bealn1 . Nr. Wickhaa replied that the lh9i1Werlng Dl~rtant WDUld be .. ung with the farar n that the bN1ii::! ahould be 1n by the following wek. lnan lcttl..._r ~ the pml1c hearing at 7125 p.a. n 1--invitation to ■..ak. L.adwl9, 3cae Pio Pioo, C.rlabad , repreeent.ed the ow,er edllNINlld hi• oonaema about oonditiona 133, 34 aid • la IIIIOJ..IIUICI t.o tbl .... a,d diacuNed the hlat.ory of pn,ject, of the property, and open areu. ll:llldl,-. .-tat to know about the phu.lng of tlll snjeot. n Mr. Lldwic., repl led that tht f t lota would be bu11 t fl rat. Ill ■tat.ad of the project WDUld be graded 1n the hn, 1085 Allnaho Santa ,_ Aoilld, Ollv.lhain, • lettar f lllr . --1 Nra. A9illy and their jeot, particularly-with regard to , t, --1 future property dal9e. HI tu -of the ..... and ~ted they be © MINUTES Septed:>er 25, 1985 ~issioner 8111th asked if the ren>val of the road would eol ve the problein, and he was told that it would. ~ r neighbor indicated that he would like to see the area deYeloped as 900n as possible since he was getting pestic ide fllD8s fr0111 the toll\ato fields. He also expressed objection to the lot sizes since he felt they should be larger. Dr . Ray Jenkins, 1151 Avenida Esteban, Encinitas, descrtbed his conctrrns about the project, including agricultural grading, aa:U tional traffic, and graded banks. Be explained he felt this area should be kept the wy it was. Mr. <lluc\ Du Vivier, 1182 Rancho Encinas Drive, Encinitas, 0Clal8nted that he approved of the project. Mr. Floyd Sheets, 1350 Desert Rose Way, Olivenhain, discuaaed his concerns about abutting the 10,000 square feet lots next tx> the 1/2 acre properties, and drainage proble!IIS. Mr. Frank Esparza, 1330 Desert Rose Way, Olivenhain, indicated that he was worried about the water coming from th.., hills rl.ll'Vling on to his proper ty. Mr. Ladwig respo~ to the various speakers and discussed thfl 1rection of the natural drainage and access to the project. Oonduioner Snith asked where the water would naturally run, and Mr. Ladwig pointed to the area on the map. i uioner Mchdden won:1ered about the concerns of the people and Mr. Ladwig replied that the water would drain awy from the hoaH. Slnc. no one elae wished tx> speak, the publ le hearing was ooncl\ded at 8:00 P••· ~l•loner Nllrcua referred tx> condition 168 am stated b dld not UR!eratand the probl• with the condition. NichMl Hohaill•r, Lam uee PlalVling Manager, suggested that lt •• a condition that cae from the City Cooocil and that lf chllngN wr• tx> be lllllde, the City Cooocll lhould Mke tha change• to it. CDalNloner L • lllureux uked about the .Jdequacy of Rancho lilnu b Road, and Clyde Wlckhla, Auociate Civil lnilneer, ed that he 110uld gueea about 10 ,ooo cars tnw.led on l . •loner l 'llllureux ~tloned if there were atudi•• per rad ~rdlng traffic in this area, and Mr. lllc1MMa repU that y were looking at the situation "IY oloNly. MINUTES PLANND(; O:NUSSIOi Septeri>er 25, 1985 Page 0-iaioner L'Heureux ~nted that he was uncomfortable wt th the situation. Din lllntachke, Allsistant City .a.ttomey, explained that the 0-iulon aight IMnt to say they could not 11111ke adequate findings that this IMS consistent with the General Plan. RI augguted that l.D'\less the City l!ngi™Mr could provide inforatlon to the Ocalission that evening, they would not haw sufficient infort11111tlon to make the findings. O..iuioner 81111 th addressed the issue of fire protection •rvice, and asked if staff had any idea as to the reaponae ti• for a fire engine. Olarles Grini pointed out that the project -.s close to the fire station in the 0,unty , and that the cloaest one from carlsbad was in La 0:,ata. lie further indicated that the fire Department did not indicate that the project was outside of adequate responae ti•. eo.dsaioner McFadden pointed out that she felt there should be s idelMlks on one side, and connented that she alao agreed with Ccanissioner L'Heureux regarding traffic. Olait"Nn Schlehuber said that he could not support the project becauae of his ooncems regarding traffic. O..luioner Marcus BU:Jg.isLed sending it back for more lnforMtlon. .a. a.,Lior ws passed oontinuing Item t4 lD"ltil October 23, 1985, and Nnding it back to staff for specifications or atatlatica that it 1110uld OOIIPlY with the General Plan and that there IIIOUl.d be an adequate traffic plan to support it. 5) 10-325 -P!DL!r -Rllquest for a zone change fr0111 R-1-7500 to ti on property located on the north side of Date Avenue aidway between Garfield Street and the ATISP 11 road Nike lll:Nle, Aaoc:late Plamer, gave the preaentation on tbla lta H contained in the s taff report, using a trll\85)1rency to ahow the s ite. He explained that the • leant wa not proposing develo 1t on the site at thla tiaa. Owlne Schlehuber opened the publ 1c hear 1 ng at 8 110 p.■ • .-ad l--1 the lnvi tatlon to spNk • .., • 8111 fl■ln, 2521 1/2 South Vista WIiy, car lsbed, rer&"ll■ntm the appl le.it and exprNNd agrewnt wt th f'• report .-.d oondition• of approval . He explained t they wre cleaninlJ up a spot acne of Rl on the --Potc:y tnd that it oonalatalt wi th the General Plan aGOPlcad bMotl overlay of the area. -R:.aClllta, Aaalatant City Attornay, uked Mr . Hot.an oll• _. voluntarily agreeing with the ,..,.,.. .. ,1 oani:Utlan, and Mr . Hor.an replied that thay MC-1tir1ly ln agr-,t with the oonditlon. Mr . llllteahlta lned ln detail llhy he uked the ~tion. to •PM", the public hHrlng -■ Schlehuber X McFadden X 81111 th X fblllles X Marcus X X L'Heureux X r ) MINUTES Septent>er 25, 1985 Page a.missioner L'Reureux asked about conditi on 12 regarding the facility fee, and Mr. llllntschke answered that it was appropriate to r ndi tion it at the time of the permit approval. Mr . Hentachke explained how it was similar to dlacretionary approval of the project, and that it was conaiatent with the practices of the Colllnission for the last five years. O\alraan Schlehuber suggested including the words •power to enter into a public facilitl!!IB agreement •, but Mr. Hentachke stated that it did not have to be modified. 0-issloner S.llith was concerned about circulation patterns and rewnlng at a future date. He talked about cansidering the possibility of downzoning the area until after the traffic study was made, and waiting until then to change the zoning. eai..issioner McFadden agreed with O:mnissioner Soi th. 0-issioner Marcus stated that she had no problems with it and would lilt to make it consistent with the way they re now. O\ainnan Schlehuber mentioned that he could support it a'ld would agree with a.missioner Marcus' connents. 0.-isaioner Holmes indicated he had no problem with parking. 'ftle Planning Ccalisaion adopted the following Resolution: RISOWl'I~ NO. 2494 RfXXMll!NDIMJ APPRCWAL OF A ZCNE aw«:iE MIi ~l-7500 TO~ C11 PROPERTY G~~y LOCATED AT 314 DM"! AVIN.IE MII».Y BETW!:~ GARFIELD SmEET ANO 'l1tE ATS.SF MI~(W). 6) Z0-3~8S-10 -CITY OF CARLSBAD -Ra<ptst for a .,.. froa ~1 to RP(O) and approval of a site dewlopaent plan to allow the City Library to expand the exiating parking lot to the east. Nike Howa, "8ac>ciate Planner, gave the presentation on thia itea !I oontalned in the staff report, using ,1 tranaperency to llhov the site. He discussed the p.-operti•• in the u4.Mdiate area and explained how it -,uld lllll)C'<Mt circulation of the library parking lot. Be nt.rred to the --,randm f roa the Land uae Plannin;i Of flee to the Plaming 0:-isaion dated Septellber 25, 1985 reocurdlng that lighting to the area would not spill over onto adjacent ruidential properties. QJaluloner alith asked if the block IRlll would be erect.d 1-diately, and Mr. lbillas explained that it -,uldn't . ~tu loner 9111 th aleo uked if there would be any draina9e probl , and Mr. How• repl led that he dldn • t think IIO. QJalu101 r Ne en Hked if the aidewlka would be oonwcud, and Clyde WictdlM, Auociate Civil lhgineer, --rad that he . ught they ahould be but there wea\' t a oonUtlon incl Schlehuber X Mcl"adden X Snith X Holmes X Marcus X X L'Heureux X . ) MINUTES PLMIUN:. CXJIIIISSIC>I Septent>er 25, 1985 O:-issioner Marcus suggested including a 10 minute :zone. Ollli~ Schlehuber opened the public hearing at 8:25 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Ms. carolyn Schindler, 3M! Highland Avenue, carlsbad, a neighbor of the library, agreed with the expansion of the parking lot. Since no one else wisht..'<3 to speak, the public hearing was concluded at 8:29 p.m. 0:-issioner L'Haureux expressed concern with condition 19 since he felt the wall should be constructed now. Cmaissioner Marcus concurred with Clllmlissioner L'Heureux. Cl:lnldssioner 111::Padden suggested leaving it to the discretion of the City Qlgineer and the Land Use Planning Manager. 0-issioner llolm s added that he thought the wall would look terrible and would prefer tc see some landscaping instead. Be also suggested adding a drop box at the entrance of the parking lot. Mr. Howes explained that the reason the condition was included vu because the City was contemplating adding property north of the property. He ~xplained, in answer to a query by O:mnissioner L' Haureux, that the the wall ws a buffer against any residential areas i n the future. 'l1le Planning Cl:>aftission approved the Negative Declaration iuu«! by the t...i Uae Planning Manager and adopted the following Alteolutions: Rl80Wl'ICII I«). 2490 RBCCMUN>n«i APPRCWAL 01' A ZOIE CIWCE Mui R-l TO A!SID!N'l'Wr~I~ (QUALIFIED) (RP-0) C11 JIIUIIR'l'r GINIIRALLY LOCATl!D CII 'l1IE NClffli SIDE 01' ![}II AVIINI, AnJACINT TO THE CITY OF CARUBAD LIBAARY. Rl80Wl'ICII l«J. 2'93 APl'ROln«i A SITE DEVEiaiMl!NT Pl.Mi I«). 95-10, TO mMiS TH! CITY LIBAARY PARP:n«i LOl' C>I PIQIBRTY IJW'1 !Y LOCATl!D CJil TH! NCRl'H SIDE OF E[}ll AVENUE AnJACDrl' TO 'fflE CI'l'Y OP CMU1W> LIBRARr. With the following additions: Adli the oondition outlinad in tM Mla>rand1.111 fr0a1 the Land U.. Planning Office to the Planning O:mnission dated llllt..,.r 25 , 198S regardi ng no light spill over to the lldjaoeut realdent ial pcoperties. Adi! the oondition that the sidewalks IIIOuld be connected on llaAwnue. DI8C'USSICII I'l'DI 7) S'l'NIWUJ VMlANCE -LA COSTA IXJHl -MlllK> dated Aaijuit lO, l985, ind _, dated S.ptaber 11, 198S. JS. llarray, llnginNring Departalnt, pointed to the loaa lon on the transparency and uplained that Mr. -. atUllll)ad to pull the building pendt. Olllin111n lahltbuber Mk.t about •rgera, and Dan Banuc:hke, SchlehlDer X 111::Fadden X Sftith X X Holmes X *rcus X L'Heureux X @ MINUTES ~ CXMUSSIOI Sept.ed>er 25, 1985 Aaist:ant Cl ty Attorney, replied that l t appeared there were ,... •rgers in the area. He loo icated that the ~t ws prt111111ture at this time and that they needtld to t"NNrch lllhlch lots were merged prior to the City ordinance. Mr. flentschke reconnended denial or to continue it until the Collnission received adequate lnfor.atlon. Owllraan Schlehuber asked why the request was from the City and not the property m,ner, and Mr. llllrray explained. A 110tlon was passed denying Item 17 without prejudice until l!hgineering brings it back again with all the infor.ation and disclosure fonns. APPIVIALOFMn«m:S Schlehuber flk:P'adden 91111th lt>l1118S Marcus L'Heureux '!be Minutes of August 28, 1985 were approved as presented. Schlehuber OwlirMn Schlehuber advised that the Leucadia connection WU dead, and Michael lt>lzmiller, Land Use PlaMing Mllnager, explained what it was. O\alraan Schlehuber di8CU888d the traffic problems in the area, aid <lllaiaaloner Sllli th mentioned that Ann Kulchin lndicaud to hla that a study was being done on La Costa Awnue and should bl.I 00111pleted within two weeks. O\alraan Schlehuber ~nted that the plaMing wrkshop 1«>uld be held in Noved>er. O\alran Schlehuber told the 0:-ission Mlllbers that lobble Hoder and Michael lt>lmiller wuld assist them with 111rtloular probl-. 0.ln.'l 8chlehuber auggeated to staff that all reeo1'Jtlona "-r• c:hangee ware Mde be cl rculated to the a-J.•lonar■ before the Owliran signed the reaolutlon. 81 added that if • probl• we found, they could mve to noonalder it in order to correct it or to uke it cl•rer. Din lllrluchke, Aalat.ant City Attorney, suggested that lf they ~ to Mlut changes, they could direct staff to re doc\atr'lta doir)9 whatever they wanted and inclooe a routtrw lta at the next .. ung appcovlng the doc\aents. flk:Fadden Snith lt>lmes Marcus L'Heureux ® X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MINUTES SeptNber 25, 1985 A a,tlon wa puNd including a routine item approving doc~nta •nt to •taff for changes. ,. l O\airmn Schlehuber discuseed the possibility of having a foraal party for Mr. Rollbotis, or including his farewell party with the annual O\ristmu party. O\lliraan Schlehuber adviaed the .... rs of the Qaliuion that they l«>Uld be di9CWl8ing appointees to the Citians O:aaittN at the next Meting and would need input froai thea. AnJOUIIIIIDl'I' By proper aotion, the ... ung of Septetlber 25, 1985 was adjourn.! at 8r55 P••• ANpectfully 11\Jbai tt911, NICBNll. ....,.....,.,~ ... _, r.a.! U. Planning Manager ~th Startt Minute• Clerk falTDIJS AIBO 'IN>ID AND KBPT ~ FILE lln'IL 'ntE MINl11'ES APPIOl!D. Schlehuber X flt:hdden X 5111th X ltolMe X Marcus X X L' tlaureux X ®