HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-02-05; Planning Commission; MinutesMEETIK; OF: DATE OF HEETI~: TIME OF HEETI~: PLl\CE OF HEETI~: MINUTES PLANNING OM1ISSION February 5, 1986 6:00 P.M, City Council Clambers CALL TO ORDER: The neeting was calloo to order by Chairman Schlehuber at 6 :00 p.m. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS Present: Olairman Schlehuber, Cannissioners McFadden, Snith, Hal 1 , Harcus, Mc:Bane am Holmes. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Cllarles Grinm, Principal Planner Mike Howes, Associate Planner Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director Nancy Rollman, Assistant Planner Kent Sears, Traffic Engineer PLEDGE OF ALLmINCE was led by Chairman Schlehuber. Pr.ANNI~ CXHils.5ION PROCEDURF.S Olairman Schlehuber calloo attention t o the Planning Camlission Procedures being sho.m on the screen am askoo the audience to take a few minutes to read them. ~ FR01 THE AUDIEOCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGDUl.\ None. ITIONS, DELETIONS OR ITEMS TO BE CONTINUID None. None. <:nll'INUID PUBLIC HF.ARI~ 1) SP--l86iA) -axHJ1Y INNS -An amendment to existing Specif c Plan 186 to allow a freeway oriented, free- standing sign identifying tourist-oriented uses oo prq>erty located at the northeast corner of Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Enc inas in the C-2 zooe. NDi PUBLIC HEARIIGS 2) ~191 -CITY CP CARLSBAD -An amendment to the ZOnng onUnance to ioodlly r lations regarding signing for fraeway service facilities. Itens U am 2 were discussed together. Hike Howes, Aaociate Planner, gave the presentatioo oo this item as contained in the staff report, using a transplrency to MINUTES PLANNING (OM1ISSION February 5, 1986 Page 2 show the site. He discussed the i terns in detail, and ao:3ed that it would include changes recarmended by the City httorney's office. Ccmnissioner Snith asked about the fact that the height pr oposed was 37 1/2 feet, and Hr. Howes responded that the Planning Ccmnissioo had authority t ,1 grant a height greater than 35 feet. Ccmnissioner Snith asked if the 37 1/2 feet was to the tq> of the sign, and Mr. Howes indicated that the top was probably 3-4' higher. Ccmnissioner Snith asked if it was possible to stay within the 35' , and Hr. Howes replied that it was but the applicant felt that the existing landscaping would block the lower portion of the sign. In response to a query by Ccmnissioner McFadden, Mr. Ha.,,es explained what the term "apex" rreant. Chairman Schlehuber opened the public hearing at 6:15 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Hr . Ron Whitney, 2775 Via de la Valle, Del Mar, represented Econany Inns, Travel Lodge (He distributed a letter fran Travel Lodge to the Ccmnission), ard Lexington Hotel Suites. He described the background of the project and added that the Kaiser building was a major concern regardi ng visibility of the sign. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public test imony was concluded at 6:17 p.m. Pictures of the area were distributed to the Cannission. Hr. Grinm clarifit!d that the C(JTll\ission could grant a he ight greater than 35' but they nust make a finding ard explain what that firding was. Ccmnissioner Holmes asked how high the flags in the photographs were, and the applicant replied they were 35' to the top. Ccmnissioner Holmes asked what the color of the plexiglass would be, and Hr. Whitney replied that they would be a cream color. Caniuioner Hc:P~en ccmnented that she d idn't have any objectioo■, that it caiplied with the Ordinance, and that ahe could make that f ird i ng • A 1110tion vu pasaed approving the Notice of Prior Coal)liance iuued by the Planning Director, and directing staff to include the fol lowing modif icatioos to i.olution No. 2532: Include the findings that there was an obstruction fran the view of natural vegetation, an existing build ing, and it wu bel0111 grade. Schlehuber X McFadden X X Stlith X Hall X Marcus X McBane X Holmes X MINUTES PLANNING CXJl'f'tISSION February 5, 1986 Page 3 'ltle Planning cannission recarmerded approval of the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director ard adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 2539 ~ING APPROVAL OF 1\ ZONE O)[)E AMmDHEN'l', AMDIDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.41, SEX::TION 21.41.030 OF THE CARLSBAD f\l.JNICIPAL cmE, BY THE 1\MElIDHENT OF SUBSEX::TION 21.41.030(6) ro l'I.X)IFY RmJLJ\TIONS Ril'il\RDING SI~ING ~ FREEWAY SERVICE FACILITIES. Including the amendments reccmnerded by the City Attorney's office. 3) CT 85-23/CP-320 -HOSP GROI/E -Request for awroval of a 2-lot tentative map ard 216-uni t cordanini l.l1l permit to be built in Area E of the Hosp Grove Master Plan, located south of Marron Road, on both the east arrl west sides of Monroe Street. Nancy Rollman, Assistant Planner, gave the presentation on this iten as contained in the staff report, using a transp:1rency to show the proposed site. She indicated that t he staff reccmneooed three changes to cord i tions t 43, 4 9 and 51, as outlined in the memor aool.Jll fran the Planning Department to the Planning Cannission dated February 4, 1986. Ms. Rollman discussed the Hosp Grove Master Pli-;s ard described the project in detail. She also mentioned that the main issue was the eucalyptus trees. Chai rman Schlehuber asked about the siltation issue, aoo Clyde Wickhan, Associate Civil Engineer, indicated that four supplenent desiltation basins were required. This was discussed in detail. Olairman Schlehuber asked about the impact of the project on traffic, ard Ms. Rollman stated that she spoke with Marty Bounan who irdicated that there would not be a significant increa se in traffic to require mitigation. Connissioner Sui th camiented that he was concerned about traffic on Monroe Street during coos truct ion s i nee there would be a many trucks bringing in materials, aoo asked staff if conditioo 149 applied before construction began. Hr . Wickham replied that the borrls would be required before construction started, ard that the applicant was also required to sul::mit a haul route f or the trucks • .::cmnissione.r Snith repeated that he was concerned about Monroe Street pr i or t o coostructioo arrl warde red i f the atr•t would be car()leted before coostruction of the site. Hr. Wickann informed him that there was no coodition with that requiranent inc luded in the Resolution. Conniaaioner l'k:'Fa&,en asked about the permane nt siltation basin and the t:.eq>orary siltation basin, a rd ~t'. Wickham pointed out that they were not in the master drainage conoept plan. In response to another question by OcmniSllioner Hc!'l!ldden , Hr. Wickham explained sane additional points regardiB;J drainage. Conniaaioner Mchdden added that at the site imiediately to the south, th e aeemed to be sane erosion ,,rd xpr Ned c oncern about how well the Ci ty was enforciB;J the drainage iaaue. Schlehuber X r-t:Fadden X Snith X Hall X Marcus X r-tBane X Holmes X X ® MINUTES PLANNING CXJl't1ISSION February 4, 1986 Page 4 <llairman Schlehuber questioned the whole traffic P3ttern am asked speci fically about El Camino Real arx3 Marron Road, am Mr. Wickham imicated what Mr. Bouman's beliefs were in this regard. He mentioned that the level of service would be C or better for the intersection of Monroe arx3 Marron. Canmissioner McFadden asked if there would be phasing on the grading, am Mr. Wickham answered that he believed it would all be graded at once. Commissioner McFadden brought up the fact there there wasn't a fiming that this project conformed with the Master Plan, arx3 <llarles Grimm, Princi(Bl Planner, pointed out that it should be incltrled. Commissioner McFadden asked about Parcel D, and Ms. Rollman stated that it was designated RMH on the General Pl an. Canmissioner McFadden questioned where in the Master Plan it i mica ted how much ~n Space there would be, arx3 Ms. Rollman respcnjed that the Master Plan was limmited in addressing Open Space but the old EIR preP3red for the project imicated that 37% of the entire Hosp Grove area would be for ~n Space. Canmi ssioner McBane asked about calculation of density relative to new policies am Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director, pointed out that they wouldn't ar:ply. Canmissioner McBane asked if a sttrly was done to improve the int er section at 78 am El Camino Real, am Ms. Rollman confirmed that she spoke with Mr. Bouman who said that a couple of things would be hai;pening which would affect the traffic at that i ntersection, arx3 explained what they were. Canmissioner McBane referred to several potential soil problems mentioned in the report am asked if the grading maps accounted for all the structural remedial problems that might have to be done. Mr. Wickham responded that they had not gone through the f inal design yet. Commissioner McBane asked i f they might have to grade a greater area, aoo Hr. Wickham stated that would have to be decided. Canmissioner HcBane won:Jered i f the Fire De(l'lrtrnent felt ther"! was a fire hazard, am Ms. Rollman ioo icated that the Fire Department added one ao:3i tional coooition to their staooard ones, and deecr~bed it to the Canmission. Canmia ioner HcBane wanted to know about the existing structures at the top, and Hr. Wickham di scussed what was required and what would be checked out. Canmiaaioner Hall aeked when the traffic sttrly was done, and Ha. Rollman replied that it was done on Januarv 24, 1986. Commissioner Smith expressed concern about erosion and asked about adding retaining walls, am Mr. Wickham explained ~y retaining walls were frowned on. MINUTES February 5, 1986 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS Canmissioner Snith discussed the fact that the developer was going to rent out the units for the first five years, aro Hs. Rollman iroicated that they were being approved as a coniominium project. Conmissioner McFadden asked if the 177,000 cubic yards would be hauled in for grading, and Hr. Wickham iroicated that she was correct. Chainnan Schlehuber opened the public hearing at 6:59 p.m. aro issued the invitation to speak. Mr. John Thellan, 530 B Street, San Diego, represented the applicant aro iroicated that they were making sure that all the requirements of the City of Carlsbad were met, and stated that the Master Plan provided for a multifamily project in this area. He discussed the density of the project aro the amount of Open Space. Hr. Ted n:lmark, 1747 Hancock Street, San Diego, pointed out that they tried to be as imaginative and creative as possible in terms of meeting the requiranents of the City. Hr. Steve Astrada, 533 F Street, San Diego, pointed to the drawings on the board and discussed in detail the goals of the project aro :,ow the project met these goals. Hr. Astrada also discussed the mooel in detail and highlighted major ferts of the project aro indicated they would be ranoving 408 trees and planting 520 trees. Commissioner Holmes asked about the size of the 520 trees that they would be putting in, aro Hr. Astrada replied that they would be 1 to 5 gallon trees. camnissioner Holmes expressed concern that a large majority of those trees would not make it aoo asked what type of guarantee they had that the trees were going to grow. Hr. Astrada explained that the slopes would also be hydroseeded with eucalyptus seeds. Commissioner McFadden asked Hr. Astrada to point out the outlook points which he did. Conmissioner HcBane discusse:3 another project .,:-iere the slopes were graded eight years ago, then hydr:oset.""~~1 and they were not doing very well. Hr. Astrada pointsc out that the slope was a cut slope, aoo he did not kno~, how they were maintained. Olairman Schlehuber asked staff if it was possible to include a requirement that there be a booo to cover the trees, aro Hr. Wickham replied that it could be done. Nr. Pat O'Day, 7750 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, addressed the siltation issue aro construction on Monroe Street. He explained what the pr~rty would be doing with regard to erosion, Olairman Schlehuber asked about the number of truckloads required to haJl materials aoo where they would be brought in, arrl Hr. O'Day stated that they did not know where the BOUrce of the dirt would be fran. '\ MINUTES PLANNlt«."i CXH1ISSION February 5, 1986 Page 6 cannissioner Smith talked about phasing an:l asked what Mr. O' Day meant. Mr. O' Day respon::1ed that the side of Mcnroe where they would bring the dirt in would probably have to be dooe first. Cannissioner Smith asked when Monroe would be built to its final width, and Mr. ()jmark answered that it would be built in conjunction with the first phase of developrent. carmissioner ~~en cannented that she could not figure out ha., the siltation basins would be in place, and Mr. O'Day responded that the desiltation basins and erosion control plans have to be n-et and discussed this in detail. Ccmnissioner ~e asked if the grading plans included the need to do remedial grading, and Mr. O'Day respon::led that this would be looked at when they did the tentative map. Mr. San Cab, 4540 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, discussed the average daily traffic amounts, other calculations and the report which concluded that all traffic effects could be mitigated by conditions of the project. Cannissioner Smith asked if a signal was required at Monroe and Elm Avenue, and Mr. Cab replied that it was not a requirement of the project. Mr. Cab explained in detail a transparency which showed the average daily traffic generated fran the project. Ca'llnissioner ~e asked if traffic problems at 78 and El Canino Real would be mitigated, and Mr. Cab indicated it was not nec-essary for this project. Cannissioner Marcus asked for clarification on the nunDers used in the study, and Mr. Wickhan stated that they were based on older figures. Mr. Royce Riggan of Royce Riggan & Assoc., 233 A Street, San Diego, discussed the environmental survey he prepared and said that there were no rare and endangered species in the area. He discussed the eucalyptus groves and the detaile3 archeological survey performed on the site. A gentleman fran GIDCAN talke3 about the geology of the site and described it in detail. He indicated that sane of the trees prevented them fran reaching all the areas they ""°'1ld have liked to investigated and described the two phases of investigation, the problem areas, and what could be done to mitigate the problems. Mr. Nick Banche, 810 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, discussed the history of the project an:l in:l icated that the applicant had no problem with a bond on the trees. He also addressed the density and desiltatioo issues. Olllirman Schlehuber declared a recess at 7 :55 p.m. and the Ccnatisaion re-convened at 8:10 p.m. © MINUTES PLANNitia:. <X>PfotISSION February 5, 1986 Page 7 Cam1issioner smith asked about the cx:&R' s and how they would apply since the uni ts were being rented out for the first five years. Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney, explained that while it was an apartment building, the prq,erty owner would be responsible for taking care of the project as one owner. Mr. Jim Clausoo, 2002 Avenue of the Trees , Car ls bad, askt:rl what the mix of the bedrocms would be, and Ms. Rollman replied that there would be 40 one bejroars and 176 two bedrocms. Mr. C.lausoo continued to say that he was taking a pcsition in qiposition to Hr. Astrada regarding carports, and suggested that the project not be approved until the carports were conditioned to be a mininun of one covered carport per unit. Mr. Gene White, 2882 WOOdridge Avenue, Carlsbad, represented the Carlsbad-WOOdridge Haneowners Association and discussed the petition he sul:lllittoo with 91 signatures with strong objections to the units. He indicatej that there were enough rentals in the area, and that the major concern was traffic density and the flow of traffic. Mr. White discussed other issues including the quantity aro quality of develq:rnent in the area, density, carports, aro the siltation problen. Hr. Cau:ad DeFlon, 1835 Forest Avenue, Carlsbad, d1scusst:rl traffic on El Camino Real and other projects in the area. He was concerned about several intersections in the area and discussed the overcrowded school, fire hazards, lack of sidewalks to handle the children, and lack of water lines or hoses at the top of the hill. Mr. Hike Griffin, 2521 Crest Drive, Carlsbad, asked if there would be fireplaces in the condos, and Hs. Rollman indicated there wouldn't be any. Mr. Griffin expressed concern about Crest Drive and was informed by staff that since the City had a maintenance program, the street was prooably scheduled for repair. MB. Leslie Williaai, 2691 CreGt Drive, Carlsbad, discussoo the environnental issue and fire hazards. She expressed cax:ern about a lack of supervisoo areas for children, and uked how a site would be considered an historical site. She alao mentiooed that she felt there was a dispropor- tionate share of rental housing in the area. The resident at 1898 Porest, Carlsbad, challenged the environnental report and stressed the fire problems in the area. He added that the low density appeared to be muking a lot of other pr oblems. Ma. Joan Suffredini, 263', Crest Drive, carlsbad, addressed the environnental stut!y and expressed concern about the birda in the woods. She asked questima about Open Space, aD:! Hr. Grilllll anawered them for her. Hs. SUffredini added that the mod 1 was misleading and explained why. Ma. Diane Lantz, 28'4 Wilson, carlsbad, tblked about her conoerna regarding traffic am asked about left hand turns into and out of the project. She wanted lo know if this wu the beet they could do with the Hosp area. (j) MINUTES P~IOO <Dl'MISSION Februarv 5. 1986 Paae 8 Ms. Julie Fish, 1866 Fl'.lrest, Carlsbad, addressed the issues of historic val~e, traffic, noise pollution drainage back-up, am erosion. She asked questions regarding erosioo on the hills am foot patterns through the forest, aoo was given the apprq,riate answers by staff an:i Chairman Schlehuber. Mr. Banche returned to the podiun aoo addressed the issues raised by the speakers. He talked specifically about the General Plan, effect of urbanization, traffic, am fire issues. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public testimony was concluded at 8:40 p.m. Ccnmissioner Marcus asked about a con3ition regarding RV parking, aoo asked that it be inclooed. She also stated that she was concerned with what was going on aoo felt that it was a good design. She added that she might go along with garages aoo thought that engineering had addressed the siltatioo problems. Carmissioner Marcus ccmnented that she was concerned about the traffic but pointed out that it was an inf i 11 area aoo public facilities were in place. She in:Hcated that the ircpact of the traffic went in line with the original plan, aoo that the Open Sp:ice seemed to be an accurate figure. She felt that requiring a booo to replace the trees was fair, am thought that overall this was a good project. Carmissioner Holmes concurred with Carmissioner Harcus aoo agreed that the day of the carport was over with since they needed storage and security. He iooicated he had a problan with the entr y off of Mooroe since it was too narrow, and even though the code did not require it, he wanted to see haooicapped parking on the lower levels. Callllissioner Holmes also stated that he would like conditioo tlS to be rewritten to include a five year bond on the trees, aoo that he liked the project. Cannissioner HcP'adden agreed that the applicant had tried valiantly, but that sometimes the density could not be squeezed on a site adequately. She agreed about the garages but added that she felt the entire plan should be reviewed with an eye to project type, am total Open Spece. She iooicated she would like the whole thing reconsidered with an eye to traffic, because they were not looking at the total picture. CClamissioner HcP'adden stated that she would like to contiooe the it.an, with an eye to traffic but to include the Blm Street and Mooroe intersectioo. She added that she IHl9 in agreement with planting the amall eucalyptus tr-, and that regarding traffic, she wanted them to look at padeatrimia. She iooicated she had a problem with the -i:iplicant w.'lting to rent instead of selling the units as candcainilaa and wanted the Master Plan reviewed first. In rtNlpONle to a questioo by Camiissioner McFadden, Mr. Holailler iooicated that it really didn't matter whether a project was rented out if it was built to coooaniniun atankrda, aoo explained that staff had been asking pplicanta recently what their plans were so that the int.ntiana ware cl r at the time of public hearing. r \ r ) MINUTES PLANNI1'3 <nttlSSION February 5, 1986 Page 9 Ccmnissioner Snith c~limented the applicant for the thoroughness in their presentation aro added that he liked the project. He iroicated that he felt that this type of installatioo fitted the bill and that he could make all the findings. He caimented that the Fire Chief would aairess the fire issues, and that he was concerned about children that woold be living in the units and the possibility of their getting into the grove area and suggested the possibility of preventing them fran using the grove. Ccmnissiooer Snith also said that he could go along with garages, but that if they were installed as carports, they should have lighting. He added that Elm Avenue and Monroe Street should have been included in the traffic study am that maybe the applicant should be responsible for signaling at that intersection. Ccmnissioner HcBane concurred with Ccmnissioner McFadden and expressed concern about not receiving the EIR and traffic study with the application. He rrentioned there were other traffic problems in the area and referred to the recent La C06ta projects that were turned down due to traffic problEIIIS. He indicated that the project did not have acceptable design staroards for the area am that the Master Plan deserved a review. Carmissioner HcBane stated that he wanted condition 178 to include offsite coroitions aroum the perimeter of the grove and that a specific conditioo should be included banning fireplaces. Ccmnissioner Hall discussed the traffic circulation problan and the inport of a large amount of soil s i nce he was not sure how they were going to get it in. He indic ated that he felt the project as a whole was well designed, and that i f the carports were enclosed, they would becane junk collectors and cars would park on the outside. Mr. Grimn ccmnented that staf f gave considerable thought about r equi ring garages am due to the a:nstra.ining of building and parking areas necessary to save a large ruii>er of trees, the applicant woul d have to provide row type garages. They decided that the carports would be more attract! ve than the row garages, and that to have garages any other way would requir e a major r edesi gn. Chairman Schleblber stated that the develq>er met all the rules set out for the project, and that i t met the Master Plan. He indicated that he was not set on the garage vs. carport iasue and felt there should be a wider entr y on Monroe and acne handicapped parking. He added he was concernecl about RV parki ng, and thought that i t should be ccndi tioned 1 ike it was oo the other pr ojects. Regarding a bead on treu, Chairman Schlehuber said th<..<Ue was sane aiaun!erstanding that could be sol ved. He fel t there were good auggeetiooa on fire conditions and that no barbecues wu an excellent idea. Regarding the signal at Monroe am Elm, he said that the applicant could contribute h is proper share. He added that the inpacts of traffic on El Cmlino Reill were ■trongly mentioned and that he could not urw:leratand why t.hey couldn't get synchronization of traffic lights. He also askai about Rancho del Oro q,aning up on Marron Road and Elm and College. Mr. Wickham indicatai that the Elm area was currently \mCSer d•ign and that they were still working on the Ra\cho del Oro situation. MINUTES PLANNIOO <Dt1ISSION February S, 1986 Page 10 Olairman Schlehuber said that he could approve the project but it should be sent back to staff to develop the conditioos as discussed. Cannissioner McFadden reiterated that she would still like to see the Master Plan re-evaluated, but since it appeared that the majority was going to approve the project, she would like to see inclusion of adequate internal recreation, particularly for small children and a condition requiring that all grading and earth moving be done between April and October. A motion was made to continue the item until the Hosp Grove Master Plan could be re-evaluated. The motion failed due to lack of a majority. camrlssioner Harcus said that she did not want any RV parking aoo that they would have to solve it offsi te. Ccmnissioner Snith asked staff to respond to the requirenent that grading take place between April and October, and Mr. Wickham responded that those requirements we.re constantly used by the Coastal Cannission, it was feasible and staff would concur with it. A motion passed directing staff to include the following modificatioos to Resolution No. 2538: All grading should be between April and October. Monroe Street be done in the first phase as pranised the developer. by Staff should make a further study and bring to the Cannissioo a comition on carports and garages as alternatives (including adequate lighting in carports). Staff should make a further report on the issue that there be a wider entry at Monroe going to the west. Staff should put a limited nl.ll'ber of handicawed parkiog on the lower level. There should be no RV parking or.flit~. Staff should put a five year bond on the trees, and that if there was any<me to enforce this, that staff should charge that the site should be reviewed yearly to see if the trees were taking hold. No barbeques or fireplaces should be allowed. Fire conditions must meet the Fire Marshal's recaamn:Satioos for both offsite and onsite ill'provements and include tile pc:Bllibility of fire hydrants at the top of the grade, ■ubject to the Fire Hauhal. CcnHtiona t'3, 49 and 51 should be changed as set out in the .-norandum fran the Planning Department to the Planning Cannissioo dated February 4, 1986. Schlehuber Hc::Fadden Smith Hall Harcus McBane Holmes Schlehuber McFadden Snith Hall Harcus McBane Holmes @ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MINUTES Pt.ANNI.«; (l)MitISSION February 5, 1986 Page 11 Staff should suggest alternatives that they might feel was relevant to children's tot lots on both the west aoo easterly side of the project. Staff should ensure that the Cannission has the strongest information possible regarding haul routes. 4) 1.CA-189 -CITY OF CARLSBAD -An crneooment to the Zoning Ordinance to (l) define bed aoo breakfast uses, (2) to create bed aoo breakfast use regulations through the aJP and (3) to revise hotel and motel use regulations for all applicable zones within the City of Carlsbad. Charles Grimn, Principal Planner, gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report, using a transparency to explain the amendment. He discussed a transparency showing a chart aoo explained it in detail. Carmissioner Smith asked about Section 14 (e) regarding part.ing Spaa!S and wanted to know why sc many were required. Mr. Grimn explained that they were including spaces for the owner. Carm1ssioner McFadden cannented that she liked it very 111Jch and liked the way they were trying to get motels and hotels gradually put into the other zones. On the bread aoo breakfast, she would like to see no ki tchen.s in these roam. She also questioned what they meant by an "historical or architecturally interesting structure" aoo Hr. Grinm explained what staff meant by that. carmissioner McFadden indicated she would like to limit the stays to seven days. Hr. Holmes suggested that on page 3, line lSA, under setbacks, that he would like to see them in line with what was there. Chairman Schlehuber opened the public hearing at 9:25 p.m. Since no one wished to gpeak on this item, the public testimony was concluded at that time. camdssioner Marcus stated that she didn't have any probla111 with it, and asked how staff came up with no more than sh. Hr. Grimn replied that they looked at other ordinances and felt that helpej differentiate the use fran a motel. Ccmnissioner HcBane wanted to know why they were so reetrictive on the zones, and Hr. Holzmiller, Planning Director, reepcn:1ed to his question and explained what ataff looked at. The CCIIIDisaion disrusse:i the C-1 and C-T zones. C'amliuioner Holmes indicated that there might be ten roan hOUIIM with potential bed and breakfast uses and that it ahculd not be ao r trictive on the n\Di>ers. CCllllliaaioner Harcus agreed with him. Cllllirman Sdllehuber expreaaed his concerns about too many roam and concurred that they could get a motel by adding rOCIIW on it. MINUTES PLMNit«; <nt4ISSION February 5, 1986 Page 12 Mr. Grimn elaborated more on the issue, and Oiairman Schlehuber pointed out that seven days may be hard to enforce. However, C<Jllnissioner McFadden responded that she felt seven days was plenty. A motion was passed directing staff to include the following modifications to Resolution 2537: Include conditions requiring no kitchens, a seven day limit, and that setbacks are specifically stated. Na1e. MINtn'ES NCX1E!. AIDED ITEMS AND REPORTS Staff Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director, indicated that Council made decisioos oo the frur projects in La Costa and that they were being continued until the traffic study was c<lll)leted. He indicated that the applicants who requested denial of their projects asked that they be continued instead and referred back to the Planning Cannission. Planni~ Ccmnission Chairman Schlehuber discussed the State Planning meeting in san Diego, a1lll requested that tllelli>ers of the Planning Camiisaion notify ?'lbbie Hoder, Mninistrative Assistant, if they were planuing to attend. Olairman Schlehuber discussed the following appointments to the C<Jllni ttees: Hillside Oroinanoe -Ccmnissiooers smith (Chairperson), Holmes and Hlill l • Child Care -Calmissiooers P't:Fadden (Chairpersoo), Harcus and Ebith. P1:D Ordinance -cannissioners ~e (Chairperson), Hall and O\llirman Schelhuber. Theae were subject to approval by City Coone il. O\llirman Schleoober also discussed a possible workshq, with neighboring conmunities. Cl\airan Schleoober rtqieated that the City Attorney provide the Canission with an outline on handling sane of the reaolutiona that were being IIIOdified and voted on at a later meeting. Schlehuber X McFadden X Sllli th X Hall X X Marcus X Mc:Bane X Holmes X @ MINUTES PI.ANNIN:; ~SSION February 5, 1986 Page 13 COMMISSIONERS Carrniss ioner McFa·xlen suggested that the Canniss ion consider moving or cancelling the March 12th meeting since it conflicted with the State Planning meeting in San Diego. Mr. Grimn iroicated that staff had no problen with cancelling that meeting. A motion was passed cancel 1 ing the meeting of March 12, 1986. Cannissioner McFadden asked about the brochure they were developing for the public aoo wanted to know why it didn't say that the Planning Cannission would receive input fran residents of the City, and suggested adding that the Planning Cannissioners would receive written aoo direct input regarding planning matters. After discussion among the members of the Carlnission, it was decided not to include this in the brochure. By proper motion, the meeting of February 5, 1986 was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully sul::mitted, HIOiAEL HOLZMILLER Planning Director Ruth Stark Minutes Clerk MEETINGS ARE ALOO TAPED AND KEPT ON FILE UNTIL THE MI~ES ARE APPRCNID. Schlehuber McFadden Snith Hall Marcus r-t:Bane Holmes X X X X X X X X -- (~nP, GAS< se,o , COS,' ~~~/ 760 MACA()AMIA DRIVE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA 92008 1619) 438-2828 Cit_v of Carlsbad Planning Commission 1200 Elm Avenue Car lsbad, CA 92008 Gentlemen: February 05, 1986 By these presents please know that the ~earer, Mr. Ron Whitney, of Economy lnns of America, represents and may speak on behalf of the Carlsbad/La Costa Trave lodge regardi ng the common sign permit appl ication pending before your corrm ission this date. Please accept his statements on behalf of this app l icat~on, this date, as articulation of a corrrnonly held position in this matter . Thank you for your cons ideration. Regards, 2~~~) General Manager A Membe• Company ol T, usthouse Forte Group ~