HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-02-19; Planning Commission; Minutes~RKSiOP MEETI~ OF:
February 19, 1986
6:00 P.r1.
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by
Chairman SChlehuber at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Chainnan Schlehuber, C(J'(lllissioners
McFadden, Hall, McBane and Holmes.
1\bsent: Ccmnissioners Marcus and Sllith.
Staff Members Present:
Mike Howes, Senior Planner
Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney
Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director
Clyde Wickham, Associate Civil Engineer
PLEDGE OF ALLEx:iIAOCE was led by Chairman Schlehuber.
Ms. Pat White, 2882 WOOdridge Circle, Carlsbad, addressed
the CO!lllission regarding her concerns with the Hosp Grove
project, including t he amount of fill required, density,
manipul~tion of soil, loss of trees, haza rds to the lagoon
and preniction of failure regarding t he conversion of
apartments to condos.
1) ZCA-187 -CITY OF CARLSBAD -An amendment to the
Zoning Ordinance to modify the City's parking
requirenents and standards.
Mike Howes, Senior Planner, gave the presentation on
this itElll as contained in the staff report. He discussed
sane of the prcblElllS with the parking requirements and
stdff's reccmnended changes to them. Hr. Howes
distributed information regarding a survey he had taken
the prior evening and expl a ined what he had observed. He
indicated that he thought the units in those caq:,lexes
observed were either t otally rented or sold.
Olairman SChlehuber opened the public hearing at 6:10 p.m.
and issued the invitation to speak.
A resident at 935 Laguna Drive , Carlsbad, spoke against
the changes to the parking requirements because it would
affect a project that was being planned and asked for an
allowance for existing projects.
Conniasioner Holmes asked what was being done, and was
advised that two professional offices were being built.
Since no ooe else wished to speak, the public testimony
was concluded at 6:12 p.m.
PLANNI!',l, CXHo\ISS ION February 19, 1986 Page 2
Carrnissioner McBane carmented that as drafted, the Code
proposed to have uniform stamards across the City with
the exception of the redevelopnent area, and he questioned
whether that reflected reality. He suggested looking at
the City on a zone basis.
Chaianan Schlehuber indicated that he was in favor of
looking at the City fran a zone standpoint, P.Specially
since the beach and sane other areas had different
Hr. Howes referred to a study for special criteria in the
beach area.
Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director, pointed out that
staff contacted other cities to see if anyone had
attarpted to use the zone basis. He discusserl what the
consultants could look at in terms of a circulation and
parking study. Hr. Holzmiller reccmnended that the
Carrnission make the parking changes but look at the zone
concept later on.
Ccmnissioner McBane ccmnented that he thought the
Ordinance shoul d be drafted on the zone basis at the
present time.
Chairman Schlehuber said the zone concept was interwoven
am that he thought the Planning Carrnission could go ahead
and look at the changes more carefully.
CCJ11llissioner McFadden mentioned that Exhibit X covered the
beach area at the bottan of the page and that it Jid
specify special requirements for that area. She said that
this should wait until the consultant's study was finished
am then could be added to the Ordinance.
Chairman Schlehuber stated that it had to be broad enough
t o cover other areas, am referred to Pio Pico.
Ccmniss ioner McFaa3en indicated that sane of the things
that they were concerned about were addressed by use, and
gave sane e xalll>les .
Chainren Schlehuber mentioned that the use did govern it
but they should be tighter on sane areas and looser on
Dan Hentschke , Assistant Cit y Attorney, talked about
flexibil ity of staooards in the redevelopnent area, and
pointed out that t he Design Review Board and Housing &
Redevel opnent Camd ssion could do sane of the more
flexible types of parking alterat ions to meet the needs in
the redevelopnent area.
Chairman Schlehuber pointed out that they were talking
about other areas adjacent to the redevelopnent area but
that he thought they s hould go ahead.
Carrnissioner HcBane indicated he did not want to have ~o
reformat the Ordinr.1oe again in June, am Cha irman
Schlehuber stated that they wanted to make sure they were
going beyan the beach area.
\ \ \ \
PLANNING COM-IISSION February 19, 1986 Page 3 0 i,S\ A. ~~~ ~ :,,""" ~ "o
Cam ssioner i"tF'adden ccmnented that the whole area would
be looked at with circulation, and with regard to new
projects. She added that the only time it would affect
existing projects was if they came in for a different kind
of use and the standards were enforced at that time.
Hr. Howes concurred that Ccmnissioner McFadden was correct
and explained it further.
The Crnmission decided to go through the Ordinance l i ne by
Ccmnissioner McFadden referred to page 2 regarding
residential and questioned why it was that the larger
the projects became, the more reduced parking there was
for guests.
Hr. Howes answered that this was in the previous Ordinance
and discussed why ht thought it appeared there.
Ccmnissioner McFadden talked about the statistics and what
they would cane out with, and added that her preference
was .5 for the first 10 and .3 for everything thereafter
regardl ess of size.
Callllissioner McBane irrlicated that he felt that .5 should
be awlied all the way through and stated why.
The Ccmnissioners discussed Mr. Howes' survey, and
01ai rman Schlehuber asked if they were really certain that
there was inadequate parking at the units now. He said
that he was not sure that it was proved, and that the
object was to have adequate parking an::l not huge amounts
of vacant spaces.
Mr . Ho.,es irrlica ted that he believed the idea of requiring
guest puking for apartments was valid.
Cha ianan Schlehuber carm:mted that there was logic to what
Cannissioner McFadden said an::l that he wanted to make sure
that those figures were required.
Mr. Howes pointed out that other crn11J.mi ties on an average
had required guest parking for apartments.
Chainnan Schlehuber asked about changing staff figures,
an::l Hr. Howes replied that he did not think there was much
need to increase guest parking requiranents.
Ccmnissioner McFadden discusserl f2, lines 13 and 14,
regarding credit for visitor parking and suggested that
they should t public street stan::lards. Chaianan
Schlehuber agreed with her.
Ccmnissioner Hal l asked Mr. Holzmiller if staff was going
to iraft different l anguage, an::l Mr. Holzmiller responded
that they were preparerl to l ncrease it t o public street
atandarda if the Carroission wanted i t to be increased. He
suggested adding the words "that meet public s treet
standards" after "frontage on l ocal streets" on line 14.
Pt.ANNI~ CXM-1ISSION February 19, 1986 Page 4
Connissione r McFadden stated t hat i f they d id not increase
the guest parking requirements f or apartments, t hen she
felt it was necessary t o require two parking spaces for
everything in the bui lding. It they decided to increase
parking requiremencs to .3, she indicated she would like
to see two parking spaces f or one bedr oans arrl up since
she was not happy with 1.5 parking spaces.
Carmi ssioner Hall s a i d that they should firrl out what
others have.
Ccmnissioner Holmes concurred wit h Ccmnissioner McFadden
that parking spaces should be based on sleeping roans arrl
that two bedroan unit s should have at least two spaces.
Ol8irman Schlehuber agreed with Ccmnissioner McFadden that
two bedroans should have two spaces. He referred to
c hanging fran 0 .5 for each and up to 10 uni ts, and .25 for
others since they were only t a l k ing about guest parki ng.
Conni ssioner Holmes stated that they should keep in mind
that l-·10 uni ts were ge nerally smaller lots and smaller
developnent s. He i ndicat ed he c ould understand .5 in that
case, but when you get to 100-200 units, i t was easier to
get parking. He sai d he would tend t o go with .25 for the
bigger deve loi;:ments.
Cannissioner McBane indicated tha t he had worked on
pro jects in many cam,,m ities which required the .5 across
the board a nd found 1t wor ked wi t h at least 100 units.
Chairman Schlehuber rei terated tha t he wanted parking as
necess ary and that he did not have any evidence that there
WllS inadequa te parking i n t he informat ion that staff had
provided. He ad:led that he would s tick wi th the .5 for
the fir s t ten units.
Cannissioner McFadden stated t hat she preferred .5 and
then .3, but would go along wi t h .5. She said that she
hoped it wouldn't be change1 so t ha t t hey would lose
parking requirements on the apartment units since Council
coul d go back when it gets to t han.
Chairman Schl ehuber mentioned that they were making
recamiendat ions t o sta ff and that when t hey came bac k with
the changes, C<lmliss ioners &ni th and Marcus would
participate in t he final vote .
Mr. Holzmiller said that since t his needed t o cane back,
staff could look at it again and then make sane
Carmissioner McBane suggested that s taff l ook at Arcadia
and Sierra Madre.
Mr. Holzmiller Blffltlarized t ha t t he Ccmnis s i on wanted s taff
to look at increasing parki ng, and Ccmnissi one r Mc-.Bane
made a specific request for a uni form ratio.
Chairman Schlehuber added t hat he was satisfied wi th .5 i f
there was a need for it.
ClllniSB1oner McFadden discussed determining t he required
parking spa s. @
PLANNING C)M1ISSION February 19, 1986 Page 5
CCJrmissioner McFadden indicated that she felt that if
parking went t o at least .3, then two bedrocms and larger
should have at least two parking spaces required, but if
it did not go through, one bedroan should have two.
CCJTll\issioner Hall said he would accept two bedroans a~ two
spaces, am Chairman Schlehuher said that he thought two
bedroans should have two parking spaces per unit.
Cannissi on McBane felt that studios and one bedroan should
have 1.5 per unit and two bedroans should be raised to two
parking spaces. He wanted to know why they did not
require covered parking in apartments, and Chainnan
Schlehuber replied that this was not in the Parking
Carmissi oner McBane pointed out that the PUD section
mentioned it specifically, and Chairman Schlehuber
clarified that they were not talking about building
structures, but were discussing spaces needed in the
building structure.
Cannissiaier McBane asked why it was addressed in sane
areas cf the Ordinance, and Mr. Holzmiller resporrled that
they did not require covered parking spaces for
apartments, but it should be included in the Ordinance.
Canniss ioner Holmes agreed that there should be two spaces
for two bedroans.
The Canni ssioners discussed carports, and Mr. Howes
expl ained that 75-801 of the projects requested approval
for carports.
Cannissioner Holmes stated that he thought a carport
should be the mininun structure, and that he felt that
garages offered a storage area that people need. He added
that i t would depend on the quality of the developnent and
expl ained what he meant.
Chairman Schlehuber pointed out that they were only
talking about the mininun and asked staff what the other
cannunities required.
Hr. Holzmil ler said that he thought this was an issue
where standards for apartments and ownerships were
different, and was the only way to get af f ordabl e housi ng
in the City. He indicat ed that i f they required covered
parking, it would add t o the cost of the housing and,
discussed other factors involved.
Ccmniss i oner s Hall and McFadden concurroo wi th
Connissioner HcBane.
Chairman Schlehuber Sl.lllnarized that there was unanimous
support for one covered parking space per unit.
Ccmnissioner HcBane suggestoo changing the wording in
12 to include on line 12 after the words "spaces/unit" the
words "l coveroo".
Ccmnissiawr HcBane expressoo concern about 14 since all
projects in the beach area allowed tandem parking. Mr.
Howes xplained it was intendoo to take care of
substandard lots, and CaM1issioner McBane requested
language stating that. (})
February 19, 1986 Page 6
Mobile hanes were next discussed on page 1 in which it was
reccmnemed that they hold them to the parking stamards
described umer planned developnents.
Chaianan Schlehuber raised an objection to this am said
that they were mobile hcme units and had different
Ccmnissioner McFadden asked about the width of the streets
in the mobile hane parks, am Mr. Howes responded that
they were the same as the POD am explained what they
Cannissioner McBane ccmnented that there were illt)ortant
differences in the amount of guest parking req•Jired am
counting of on-street parking. He stated that driveway
credits were not included in mobile heme parks, and Mr.
Howes pointed out that they were usually looked at in the
site develO(l'llent plan.
Ccmnissioner Hall said that the existing Ordinance was for
two per units, 1 guest per 10, but changed in the
Ordinance, am Mr. Hewes replied that it was what staff
was recannending.
Chairman Schlehuber said that he was satisfied with
staff's reccmnendations and that Ccmnissioner McBane would
like it to be with the PUD's.
Carmissioners Holmes, Hall and McFadden also concurred
with staff's recamiemations.
Carmissioner McFadden asked about timeshare going to
1.25, am Cannissioner McBane discussed the greater of
1.25 per unit or 1.25 per bedroan and explained why.
Chainnan Schlehuber stated that he thought they should get
1.25 am asked for staff's reasoning since he felt that
1.25 might be overkill.
Mr. Holzmiller mentioned that they had been told am
studies were submitted which imicated that cne space per
unit was too much. He said the minim\.111 was for one space
per unit am that in certain timeshare projects with a
m.anber of two bedroan units, the ccmnunities required that
it be increased over the minimum. He added that they did
not look at E!llllloyees am had no objection to adding
additional spaces for E!lll>loyees, am did not think they
should be added for people who own the timeshares.
Chairman Schlehuber asked if there was a way that they
could start to look at these surveys on imividual items,
arx1 requested that staff provide the Ccmnission with
selected information.
Mr. Holzmiller referred to a survey done on the Carlsbad
Inn that could be reviewed along with sane others.
Chairman Schlehuber coomented that his gut reaction was
that it should be 1.25 but that it did not cover the
en-ployee parking. He added that on the Design Review
Board it was shown that the E!llllloyees were parking out on
the street.
Pl.ANNI~ OJM'1ISSIOO February 19, 1986 Page 7
Hr. Holzmiller stated that staff agreed with it but could
not support requiring as much parking in a timeshare as a
Cha irman Schlehuber asked staff to cane back with
additional information.
~irman Schlehuber declared a recess at 7:10 p.m. The
Carmission re-convened at 7:16 p.m.
The next topic discussed was t7 regarding residential
care, arrl Chainnan Schlehuber talked about whether or not
the proposed parking requirements were adequate. Mr.
Holzmiller irrlicated that they could firrl that out easily,
and Chainnan Schlehuber requested information as to how
many E!ll1)loyees were needed.
Ccmnissioner McBane pointed out that the ~loyee-to-
resident ratio was defined by law.
Mr. Hentschke clarified t-h:>t-mar.y uses required laoo use
permits aoo that these were the minimun standards where no
other permits were required.
Chairman Schlehuber stated that he felt it was necessary
to fioo out how many E!ll1)loyees were needed for a
parti cular use in order to cane up with minimum parking
Ccmnissioner Holmes volunteered to suani t the appropriate
inf ormation to staff .
Ccmnis sioner McFadden carmented that they could raise
spaces for 18 to 1.25, and Ccmnissioner Helmes agreed that
one was too light. Mr. Howes concurred with the
C<Jl-:niasion arrl added that many fraternities had two
residents per roan. Chairman Schlehuber suggested that
r oaning houses differed fran fraterni ties in that roaning
houses nonnally had one person per roan, aoo Ccmnissioner
McFadden suggested splitting and rem.rrbering the i tern.
The Ccmniss1oners discussed 110, and Chairman Schlehuber
expressed concern about bank parking aoo discussed sane of
the banks i n the area aoo problems with parking.
Callnissioner HcBane mentioned problems with La Jolla Bank,
ard Ccmnissioner Hall carmented that he thought they had
waived the parking rights. Carmissioner ~e said that
il: was not an adequate staooard, and Chairman Schlehuber
reiterated that he had probleiM getting i nt.o sane of the
area banks, due to a lack of available parking spaces.
Ccmnissioner HcBane suggested that staff look at t he
situation, and Ccmnissioner Hall pointal out that it would
make a difference whether the bank was i n the
redevelopnent area or not.
Cannissioner Holmes statal that with the current
philoeq>hy of banking aoo the use of drive-up wiooows,
parking was adequate.
Chair:man Schlehuber stated that the La Jolla Bank was the
moot obviwa problem, and Carmissioner HcBane suggested
changing the word "banks" to "financial institutions." 0)
PLANNING ~SSION February 19, 1986 Page 8
Chairman Schlehuber brought up the subject of office space
and said that l for 250 was probably fair but that he was
concernoo about the whol0 area under study. He said that
he c ould not necessarily agree with l for 300 since sane
should be a t l for 400 and others should be at l for 200,
and d iscussoo why.
Cannissi oners Holmes and Mc:Bane concurroo with him.
Chairman Schlehuber stated that hopefully they would be
l ooking a t t he zone concept and woold be reviewi~ it
again .
Canniss i ooer McBane asked why they only discussed the
Village Redevelop-nent Area here, and Mr. Howes explained
that it was the only area that had standards that were
d ifferent fran the rest of the City.
Camiissioner McBane talked about the joint use of parking,
d i s cussed what the Village Design Milnual encouraged, and
mentioned that he thought it shoold be addressed here.
Mr. Hentschke stated that to the extent that the Design
Manual dealt with such issues, the Design Manual should
prevail. He pointed out that in this case they were
d ifferentiating between the standard that woold be set
which was not addressed in the Design Manual.
It was agreed that d. should be a subsection of c.
Olairman Schlehuber i ndicated that he had a problem with
it and t hat there s hould be a tighter standard.
Hr. Holzmiller said that the Planning Conmissioo made the
recannerrlation about two years ago when this was revisoo,
and explai ned that the Ccmnission felt that they wanted to
encourage off ice de velopnent and that a lesser starrlard
would do it. He addoo that staff had no problem with
requiring t he same standard.
Cam,issioner Schlehuber addressed the zone concept arrl
explained what he meant. He irrlicoterl that they could
leave it for now.
Ccmnissioner McFadden request oo t hat they change the word
"and" in the second line of Ill t o read "plus".
In ackiressing itElll tl2 , Cannissi oner Holmes e xplained why
he did not think t hat six per alley was too 111Jch, and
Chainnan Schlehuber irrlicated he could accept s taf f's
recatmendation a lthough he thought it might be t oo steep.
Carmissioner McBane asked staff to define "asserooly ar ea"
u set out in tU, arrl Hr. Howes replied that they were
referring to ar, exercise roan or a Jazzercise roan.
Comniaaioner Mc:Bane questiooed if it incl uded all the
public spaces in terms of locker rOCJM, and Mr. Howes
replied that this was sanething new added t o the
Ord i nanc;e •
Caxmissioner Md\ane irrlicated it uniformly applied for
total squar footage.
PIJ'INNil«i COl'NISSION February 19, 1986 Page 9
T11e Cormissioners discussed using the total footage of the
building instead of just the size of the asseri:>ly roan.
Cannissioner Holmes addressed 115 am imicated that he
researched this item with the Tri City Adninistrator who
thought that three cars per bed was satisfactory.
Cannissioner McFad:ien also agreed with three spaces, am
asked Mr. Hentschke about Exhibit v.
Catmissioner McBane discussed using the greater of 1 per
200 square feet or 1 per bed, am Cannissioners Holmes
and Hall concurred.
Chairman Schlehuber said that he had a problen with the
errployees for 116, am Carmissioner Hall raised the issue
of sleeping roan basis or unit basis.
Chaianan Schlehuber mentioned that even with a suite,
there would just be one, am others agreed.
It was pointed out that there was typos for 117, am "250"
should be changed to "150", am "500" should be changed to
N250" •
Regarding 119, Caimissioner McBane asked if the display
area included the closed space, and Mr. Ha.,es imicated
that it was included.
Catmissioner Hall asked if this was calculated, arrl Mr.
Howes respoooed that it hadn't but it was ill{)ossible to
get parking spaces at a car dealership.
Chairman Schlehuber added that they needed sane kind of
Catmissioner Hc:Bane requested a designated area for
custaner perking.
Chairman Schlehuber stated that they could usually park
out on the street.
Ccmnissioner Holmes addressed 120 am ccmnente:l that he
thought it was too light am that there should be twice as
much parking.
Chairman Schlehuber irrlicated that they wanted to
encourage a llllSeun and asked what staff had foum in other
Cannissioner Hc:Bane agreed with Chairman Schlehuber, and
Callnissioner McFadden stated that she agreed with 1 for
Regarding 121, Mr. HCMeS irrlicated that the words
"whichever is greater" should ht! added, arrl that they were
talking in lines of a church.
CcmniHioner HcBane womered if they would hold the same
s .. wards for an aq>hitheatre, and Mr. Howes replied that
they could be interpreted as both.
cannissioner 11(;:Bane stated that he did not understam what
was meant umer RV, arrl Chaianan Schlehuber explained it
to him.
PLANNING cntt1ISSION February 19, 1986 Page 10
C<lllllissioner McBane asked why it was dictated in PUD's
that there be a storage area, am Chairman Schlehubt-ir
replied that this was for visitor parking to cane up to
that lot. Mr. HCMes clarified that this was taken out of
the existing Ordinance.
Regarding 123, Chairman Schlehuber said he woold defer
this to staff's knowledge, arrl Camlissioner McBane asked
if any consideration was given to drive-up queing. Mr.
H<:Mes responded that this was basically the starrlard for
restaurants am that the Ccmnission might want to aciJ
special requirements for fast food restaurants.
Cannissioner McBane stated that he would like to encourage
that am Jle other C<llllliss ioners agreed.
Ccmnissioner McFacijen addressed shopping centers urrler 124
arrl irrlicated that she didn't have any problems with it as
long as the restaurants were not freestaming.
C<nrnissioner Hol.Jres concurred, arrl Chainnan Schlehuber
irrlicated that staff could probably amerrl it.
Regardi ng 125, C<nrnissioner Mc:Bane asked about ot~gr kirrls
of schools such as pre-schools, am Mr. Howes replied that
all pre-schools required corrlitional use permits.
Ccmnissioner McFacijen added that there was a higher rate
of erployees in a pre-school.
Cannissioner Holmes mentioned that he thooght 1.5 spaces
was too low am explained why. Mr. Hentschke suggested
that the Ccmnission direct staff to talk with the State
architect to see what the standard was for schools arrl
make the requirements consistent with the State's minimum
Ccmn jssioner McFacijen addressed 124 again, arrl asked about
autanated tellers arrl Fotanat stores, arrl Mr. H<:Mes
replied that they were calculated as 1 for 200. Chairman
Schlehuber added that they would have to cane for permits.
Cannissioner McFadden discussed aisle widths, page 5, line
12 , arrl stated that she was not sure that they were
adequate, especially for covered parking. Mr. Howes
addressed t he Planned Unit Developnent Ordinance arrl
discussed the requirements, arrl Mr. Holzmiller added that
with encl osed parking, there would be more than 24'.
Clyde Wickham, Associate Civil Eng ineer , discussed
uncovered parki ng arrl gave sane exarl1)1 •,s. He explained
that covered parking produces posts arrl described the
probl81113 associated with it.
Cannissioner McFadden asked about the mininun requir€m:!!lt
on each side, arrl Hr. Holzmiller answered her question.
Ccmnissioner Hceane asked about a specified turning
radius, and Ccmniasioner HcFadden asked whe re it would be
put in. Hr. Hentschke said that it woold be put in the
moat apprq>r iate place.
Cannisaioner McBane aciJressed line 21, page 5 arrl
augg ted adding that parking should be within 100 feet
frCln the unit it served. Mr. Holzmi ller stated t hat it
waa required for 150 feet, arrl C<lllllissi oner Mc::Bane irrlicated that it was okay.
PI.ANN IM'.; (X)ff,11 SS I 00 February 19, 1986 Page 11
Mr. Holzmiller added that it was a pol icy that was always
used on every project arrl explained why it was a pol icy.
Carmissioner McBane asked if wheelstq:.; were required, and
Mr. Howes pointed out that they might not want it in a
tight spot.
Caanissioner McBaue talked about lines 13, 14, aoo 15 on
page 7 aoo suggested that they should require saoo minimal
landscaping buffers in front of the masonary walls.
Chalrman Schlehuber didn't agree with him aoo explained
Cannissioner McFadden stated that she ass\Illed they needed
the space for the zero setbad,. , and Hr. Hol=i ller indicate
that she was correct. He added that if they required the
laoo.scaped area, this requirement should bP ~:llcen out and
d i scussed when this was added to the Ordinance and why.
Carmissioner McBane indicated he had a problem with lines
22 and 23 and asked why they were required to be screened
in the back yard. Hr. Holzmiller pointc-d out that they
d id not regulate things going on in people's backyards.
Carmissioner McFadden stated that 15 on page 9 regarding
Multipl e Fanily Projects was meaningless, and Mr.
Hentschke explained that if they did not have this section
in the code, the coce would be much longer.
Carmissioner McBane suggested including the r~~irf'!llent on
line 11 for additional signs marking visitor parking and
directions on how to get there.
Cannissioner McBane asked how staff came up with the 55%
figure on page 11, 12, 1 ine 10, and Mr. Howes answered his
question. Caanissioner McBane iooicated he would like to
see CCJ11)1!1ct spaces marked in a different color paint.
Chai rman Schlehuber agreed th3t the different color paint
was a good idea, and Carmissioner Hall asked what the
stardard was for CCJ11)1!1cts. He iooicated he would like to
see it brought back to 451, e.nd Mr. Hentschlte pointed out
that the Ordinance did not regulate the use of space fran
a violation of law standpoint.
Chaicman Schlehuber expressed a need for sane study to
detemine whether it should be at 451 or 551 aoo indicated
there was agreement to go back to 45%.
Ccmlliaaioner Hcl'adden asked about parking standards for
parks, golf co-..1rses , and publ ic places that were not
included i n the Ordinance, arx'I Chairman Schlehuber asked
if they were different fra:n off ice spaces. Mr. Howes
imlcated that i n the past they always calculated public
plaou the smne as off ice , ·paces, and i t could be added to
the Ordinance. Chai rman Schlehuber s aid that this was
covered urder office spaces and should not be
CClmliaa i oner Holmes asked about gol f courses, Mr. Howes
indioated that moat c i ties do not have a ny. Cha irman
Sc::hlehuber wanted to know if this was working i n ot her
citie.a, and Callniaaioner McFadden pointed out that staff
should look at 1 t.
PL.ANNI?«:. CDl'f1ISS ION February 19, 986 Page 12
Olairman Schlehuber reopened the public hearing so that
the public could make their cannents n the changes.
By proper motion, the meeting of February 19, 1986 was
adjourned at 8 :20 p.m.
Respectfully sul:mitted,
Planning Director
Ruth Stark
Minutes Clerk