HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-09; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of:
Hae of Meetin9:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
6:00 P,M,
Apr 11 9, 1986
City Council Chambers
The Meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairperson
Marcus at 6100 p.m.
PLEDCE: Of ALLEGIANCE was led by Vice-Chairperson Marcus.
Present -Vice-Chairperson Marcus, COfflfflissioners,
McFadden, Hall, Mc Bane, and Holmes.
Absent -Chairman Schlehuber and Commissioner
(Chairman Schlehuber arrived at 6:40 p.m.)
Staff Members Present:
Charles Gri11111, Assistant Planning Director
Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney
Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director
Mike Howes, Senior Planner
Mike HolzMlller, Planning Director, made reference to a
handout distributed to the Commissioners entitled "A
Citizen's Gulde to City Planning" and thanked the
individuals who helped in the formulation of the handout.
Vice-Chairperson Harcus commented that the format was
extreinely attractive.
Hike HolZlftiller stated that Jack Koerper, SANDAG, and Rick
Severson, Airport Manager of McClellan-Palomar Airport,
were invited tonight to 11c1ke a presentation to the
C01aisaion regarding the status report on airport studies
which has been conducted by their agencies.
Mr. Holzall ler gave the background leading up to this
aatter tonight and stated that it was staff's feeling that
the inronM1tion that ls being generated fr0111 the airport
studies would provide the C01alssion with a better idea of
whether staff needs to do a further study and if so, the
lnfonutlon would for11 a basis for the study.
Presentation by Jack Koerper, SANDAG.
J.ak Koerper, San Di~o Association of Govern111ents
(SAtt>AC), addressed the C~lssion and stated that SANOAG,
as the designated Airport Land Use Coi.lssion for the San
Diego gion, develops land use plans designed to protect
the airport tr0111 ln00111patlble develop111ent. Further, a
n\llber of ..pecial projects are done looking at the
aviation laaue in general through n annual work progra111
funded b)' the federal Aviation Adnlini stratlon (FM).
PLANNING COMMISSION ,\pr 11 9, 1986 Page 2
Mr. Koerper described S1'ND1'G's LT,\ program, a study whic~
looked at aviation develop,nent and land uses for all the
airports throughout the region; more specificdlly, the
noise contours for those airports and the land uses that
were proposed ln and around the airports. He stated that
the conclusion of this report relative to Palomar ,\lrport
was that there appears to be no land use lncompatlblllty,
However, he cautioned that there could be a problem ln tte
fut11re if the appropriate noise contours and accident
protential criteria are not taken into consideration as
the Planning Connlssion and the City Council review
develop111ent proposals around Palomar ,\irport.
,\nother item thdt S,\NO,\G ls currently working on ls dn
update of the Conference of land Use Plan prepared for
Pal0111ar ,\lrport ln 1974, The activities of the airport
have changed since the adoption of this plan. He stated
that 1t ls hoped that the paper work will be done in dral t
f'onn ready for public review by the 111iddle of ,\ugust. S, n
Diego County has provided S,\NO,\G with new noise contours
for PalOl'ldr Airport which reflects an increase ln the
nunber of jet operations and base aircraft.
Mr, Koerper expldlned one of the features ln the land Ust
Plan, the C01111Unlty Noise Equivalent levels (CNEL), and
the dlffer,t methods that S1'ND1'G e11ploys these noise
levels. ,\nother feature ls the accident potential zones,
which are the areas around the airports that have the
highest concentration of the airplanes. He stated that
the purpose of this feature ls to ensure that the public
ls aware that there 111c1y be potential for an ac~ldent or
parts of aircraft falling off of airplanes as they use tte
airport, which could have an impact on the ground.
Because of this potential, SANO,\G atteinpts to reduce the
densities underneath the arrival and the departure paths
of the airports.
In the update version of the land Use Plan, Hr. Koerper
concluded, SANDAG will be using new noise contours,
reevaluating whether or not SANDAG will stay with the
existing accident potential scheme or whether a different
sche111e 111c1y be approprlate--a question which the City
Attorney and the 1'irport Operdtor will have to advise tht
Coa11ission on. Further, the Palontar Airport Voluntary
Noise 1'batenient Plan by the Palontar Airport Advisory
Coaaittee will be included ln the ldnd Use Plan as
infort11ation to the general public. However, SANDAG will
not have the responsibility with regard to this noise
abatMent1 the airport iaanager will continue to handle
this ,aatt~r. Mr. Koerper pointed out that California La,
does not provide SANDAG with the ..echanis,11 to deal with
transient pilots, and therefore a feature which will not
be in the plan are single-even noise contours.
PLANNING COfifo4ISSION April 9, 1986 Page J
Mr. Koerper informed the C0111111ission that one of the rule
of the Airport Land Use Co11111ission which stated that any
decision regarding land use in and around the airport
could be appealed to the Airport Land Use Connission was
deleted. However, the responsibility ls now placed on t
local land use agency to ensure that all materials relat
to any land use develop111ent within the airport influence
area are referred to the Alrport land Use Connission pri r
to flnal decision by the local public agency.
Presentation by Rick Severson, Airport Manager,
McClellan -Pal011ar Airport
Rick Severson, Manager of the HcClellan-Pal0111ar Airport,
addressed the C0111111isslon and spoke on the reasons why th
1974 Master Plan needed to be updated. Wlth the aid of
map, he pointed out the surrounding land uses and showed
where the second runway was to have been constructed; th s
ls now an lmposslbillty. Hr. Severson gave statistics
regarding the airport itself, I.e., the various uses,
nt1111ber of airplanes, number of take-offs and landings,
Hr. Severson reported that they have an independent
consultant who ls monitoring the single-event noise leve
ln residential areas around the airport. This data, whl
will be ln towards the end of Hay, 1986, will be useful
monitoring future noise levels and to see what impacts t
airport ls creatlng as the operatlons Increase. Hr.
Severson circulated the Palomdr Airport Noise Plan, whic
identifies noise sensitive areas. He also stated that
they are working with FM on the Voluntary Noise Plan as
1 t relates to the single--event noise levels. He stated
that the noise study being conducted by the consultant
will also help to deter~lne the noise impaction upon
changing the departure heading from 245 degrees to 250
degrees (a change that the airport is proposing that FM
adopt for a 111c1jority of the airplanes at the airport).
Further, the consultant will be giving lnfor111ation on
possible locations and equip111ent for a permanent noise
lllonltorlng syste. f'or the airport. This will enable the
airport to target the airplanes which are creating a
single-event proble111 and resolve 11 on an airplane by
airplane basis.
Mr. Severson stated thdt Palomar Airport ls a self-
supporting transportation facll1ty; the user fees pay th
entire operating cost~ or tho airport. He stated that h
has an open-door policy f'or anyone needing any type of'
help regarding the airport. He welc011ed the Con111lsslone
to tour the airport's facilltles.
At this tl111e, Vice-Chairperson Marcus opened the
discussion to the Ca.aisslon f'or questions.
COIMlissioner McFadden inquired of Mr. Koerper regarding
the flight path of' helicopters. Hr. Koerper stated tha
th~ ass1Nptlon ls -..de that there are three to f'ive
percent helicopters operating at PalOllldr Airport in the
new noise contours. He deferred to Hr . Severson.
Mr. Severson stated that the airport dld 1110nltor
helicopter traffic and will publish a preferred routing
for the helicopter transients, which will prlMarlly be
Pala.ar Airport Road to the ocean. He 111entloned that one
c0111pany, fol'ftlerly, Hughes Helicopter will be leaving the
airport towards the end of December which 111c1y decrease the
helicopter traffic.
C«-issioner McFadden inquired of Mr. Koerper regarding
whether the reduction of density which he referred to
earlier in his presentation 111eant people density as
opposed to building density.
Mr. Koerper stated that the Airport Land Use Comn1ission
would like to see both. He explained that tr lt ls ln the
view of either the airport operator or the City that ls
involved that the reduction of building density •lght lie a
desirable feature of a land use plan, that could be
included as long as there ls concurrence fr0111 the City
Attorney and the attorney for the Airport Land Use
C011111lssion on whether that can be enforced.
C011111lssioner McFadden lnqulred who deals with c0111plaints
about problem helicopt er noise and whether this
lnfontation ls publicized. Mr. Severson stated thdt the
lndivldual would call hl•, and lf lt ls during the evP.ning
or weekends, a recorder takes the message. A log ls kept
on all c0111plaints. He stated that lf he can pin do~n the
particular flight, he contacts the pilot to find out the
problet11 . If it ls a serious problem, then he will pursue
it through the FM. Mr. Severson stated that although
there is not a noise e011plaint line ldentlfled, the public
can just look up the airport ln the phone book.
Mike Holmlller, Planning Director. ,tated that Mr.
Severson provides the City with a 1110nthly report which
indicates the activities at the airport together with a
c0111plaint report which shows the areas that COlllplaints
oOMe fr0111 and how they were handled.
Coiaissioner Holmes inquired regarding a stateiaent Hr.
Severson 111ade in his presentation where he 111entloned that
the li•it on the size of aircraft at the airport ls the
30-passenger size. Mr. Severson explained that this ls an
FM ■axiMUM llMit. They are exclusively turboprop
Vice-Chairperson Marcus opened the discussion at this ti111e
for questions froia the public .
Barbara Donavan, 2630 Abedul Street, Carlsbad, Vlce-
Chalrperson of the Pala.ar Airport Advisory COlllfflittee,
expressed her concern on the rnnber of flights (180,000)
leaving Pal0111ar Airport. She stated that thls C011111ittee
has requested to be included ln the planning around the
airport, because of the t.pacts that they reel are
ooouring. She cited various ex.-ples which they have
protested, She requested that when the Planning
C°""'isslon considers new developiaent around the airport,
that it ls not only the developiaent itself which will
receive the !Jlpaot, but that the ai rport will also be
PLAHHIHC COMMISSION April 9, 1986 Page 5
Chaln11an Schlehuber arrived at 6:40 p.m.
Ms. Donavan also stated that although there ls a Voluntary
Noise Abate111ent Program, there ls no way to enforce this
for single-event noise problems.
C011111issloner l'icfadden inquired on the background of the
C011111lttee. Ms. Donavan stated the Co11111ittee consists of a
varied group appointed in an advisory capacity by the
County Board of Supervisors.
M,·. George Brissey, Solamar Mobile Home Park, a member of
the Pal0111ar Airport Advisory C011111lttee, co11111ented about
the noise study that ls being conducted by the consultant
for Pal011ar Airport and stated that during the course of
these studies, hardly any of the planes that went over his
property had less than 65 decibles.
Vice-Chairperson Marcus thanked Messrs, Koerper and
Severson for their presentations this evening.
A. Developmental and C011111Unlty Facilities Management
Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, stated that the above-
mentioned progra111 was approved in concept by the City
Council on March 12, 1986, and will be going back to the
City Council for formal adoption on April 22, 1986. He
emphasized that this ls one program which ls part of a
much larger package of different prograffls that staff is
working on. The progra11 ls divided into four major
(1) Division of Cltl into 25 Develofl'iental and
C«-unlty Facll ties Management ones.
~lke Howes, Senior Planner, made the presentation as
contained in the staff report, and with the aid of maps
explained in detail the reason for dividing the City into
three developaental status categorle, and the further
breakdown of these categories into 25 develop111ental and
c~nity facilities 111anage111ent zones.
Mr. Howes also pointed out the different factors used in
detert11ining the boundaries of the 25 zones. He added that
zones 1-6 are in the urbanized category, zones 7-12 are in
the urb~nizlng category, and zones 13-25 are in the future
urbanizing category.
PLANNING COMMISSION Apr 11 9, 1986 Page 6
(2) A Connunity Facilities Management Program to be
done for each zone.
Charles Gri-, Assistant Planning Director, made the
presentation as contained in the staff report, and with
the aid of a transparency map, he explained how this plan
fits lnto the entire Clty process. He listed the factors
that will be considered upon looking at an application
from a developer.
Hr. Grll'IIII explained how it could be possible that the
Council would not fund a project if there are more
priority areas which needs those same funds. He also
explained how the annual monitoring program which provides
continual update in data into the system would assist in
deter•inlng the needs and the funding costs for each
public facility on a yearly basis.
Speaking specifically to the contents of the proqram
itself, Hr. Gr!-stated basically the management plan is
to make sure that public facilities are on line prior to
develop111ent. With the aid of several transparency maps,
Hr. Gri11111 continued his presentatlonn listing the various
fdcllties and describing three aspects that staff will be
considering upon reviewing these facilities.
(3) Adequacy Standards
Hike Hol .t111iller, Planning Director, stated that there were
two purposes in attempting to establish adequacy
standards: ( 1) In order to prepare the "what" and the
"when" aspect of the program, the owner would need to know
s0111e standard that they would be shooting for; and (2) to
provide for a perfor■ance standard that would be used to
111easure development activity and deter111ine whether a
certain level of servic•? or facllity ls being maintained
at all times as the City grows. He stated that these
standards are basically a refinement of the "benchlllark"
standards that were part of the Public Facilities
Hanage111ent Progra• adopted by the City in 1982.
Hr. Holzmiller stated that in trying to analyze how to
create a standard, they found that the services and
facilties fall into three categories: (1) Things that
need to be done before any develop111ent occurs in an area,
i.e., sewer, water; (2) Types of services and facllltles
that need to be provided with de■and, i.e., roads,
drainage, fire, police; and (3) Things that affect the
quality of life In an area, i.e., schools, city
governaental facilities, etc. These services need to be
c«-itted to within a specified period of time.
PLANNII-K: COMMISSION Apr 11 9, 1986 Paqe 7
(4) How to use the standards and all the Information that
will be enerated b these r o rams ln terms of makln
t e prov sons
Mi ke Hol zmiller, Planning Director, advised that ,herP
wil l be a lot of Informat ion that will be gen~ratei by
this program . Staff ls recommending that for each zone
t hat has an adopted c011111unlty f acll 1 ties program that.
t here be an annual monitorlnq report. He listed the types
o:' Information t ·,at will be provided In the report. Staff
will be able to Incorporate the Information from this
report to analyze where l he City l s In terms of public
facilties and the a111ount of development when an lndlvldual
project comes In. Staff ls recommending that this annual
monitoring report be given at the same time that the
annual report of the ongoing Citizens Committee on the
I mpacts of Growth ls given.
Mr . Holzmiller advised that the City has hired a
consultant, Fay Round, to see how al l this Information can
come together and what the City needs to do to put it i n a
format that will enable staff to go forward with the
Mr. Holzmiller inquired If t hP Planning Commission wanted
t o be Involved in rev iewing the C011111unlty facilities
proqram for each zone prlo1· to ado..,tlon by the City
Council . Commissioners McFadden and Harcus Indicated that
tl,ey would.
C01M lssloner Marcus made Inquiries regarding the breakdown
of the City Into 25 zones. Hr . Howes expl<llned the
criteria used stating that certain zones represent one
propert y owner, others represent one master plan area, and
so forth . There will be overlapping review of the zones
on certain of these services.
Mr. Ho lzmi l ler added that it ls Important to show a
relati onship between the development In a particular zone
and the standards that are required. By breaking It down
into enough zones , you Cdn deflnJtely show a relationship
that woul d va lidate this pc1rtlcular program.
C~issioner McBane inquired why certaJ n areas were not
broken down further to separate all special treatment
areas and ex i s ting master plan areas. Hr. H0wes
explained t he reason why staff dld not want to divide the
areas i nto too 111c1ny zones .
C~isslon,~r ~ane inqui red if staff had any comments on
a letter r~cei ved from Mr. Ladwig regarding a zone. Mr.
HolZ111 l ller stated that approximately f lve letters have
been recelved on specific boundaries of the zones, and
staff has not had an opportunJty to respond. Staff
i ntends to s~arlze and respond to written requests wh en
this matter goes back to the Citv Counc il for formal
adoptJon. After the out line I s ctdopted by Council, staff
wi ll begin working on a permanent ordinance t.hat wlll put
this progra111 into pl ace. Th at ordinance will have public
he•rinqs at the Planning Connlss lon and City Councll
levels, at whi ch time, there wi ll be opportunities for
public i nput .
PLANNING COMMISSION Apr 11 9, 191'16 Page 8
Chairman Schlehuber suggested that there be further
clarification on the fact that the developer "'1st present
a plan for "urbanizing" and "future urbanizing" areas, as
this ls in essence no difference from when the Commission
requires a developer to follow certain standards before
approving a project.
Comrni ssioner McFadden raised the following questions on
various sections of the Growth Management Program -Draft
Outline and Overview.
Objective No. 1 -clarification on the phrase "concurrent
wJth need". Mr. Holzmiller explained that there needs to
be " -:::;;;.,iltment that a cert ain facility will be provided
within a certain period of time.
Objective No. 7 -why adjacent cities and the Junty ls
not included. Mr. Holzmiller explained that although
staff will not attempt to manaqe/control growth in any
out~ide agency, they will be looking into coordinating
with these outside agencies.
Objective No. 10(0) -the word "exceeded" is confusing.
Mr. HolLmiller stated that this ls an oversiqht and wiil
be c¥nended to "rev i st:d".
At t achment No. 6 -will the parks include senior citizens
facilities. Mr. Holzmiller stated that this question will
be included as a comment to the City Council. Chairman
Schlehuber stated he concurred with Cormtissloner McFadden
on this.
Comrnissioner McFadden requested that open space be
included in this list also.
Attachment No. 7 -although the assumption is made that
the individual will provide for gas and eiectrJcity, it
should be included in this list.
Corrmissioner Hall stated that he felt that the sanitation
service should also be included in the list of
Attachment No. 8 (Ill) -taxes that are generated for the
general fund from any of the various projects should be
Included in this section.
Mr. Holzmiller responded to a question raised by
C0111111issloner McBane regarding traffic impact in the zone
areas. He explained In detail how staff determined that
the percentage of impact would be 20,,.
C011W11isslc1er HcBane expressed his concern that existinq
residents in an area 111ay end up paying to solve problems
created by growth because there ls no Incremental
contribution. Mr. Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney,
clar If led that there wl 11 be lncret11e11tal con tr ibutlons
from other program.
MINUTES ',t~~~\ PLANNING COMMISSION "'prll 9, 1986 Page 9 O~ :,,...,_ ~\i
________________________ c_c_M-M_IS_SIONERS q,. ~~~\
Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, advised that the Clt
Council reappointed C0111111issioner Mc~a"e at its meeting
last night, April 8. The Council :ontinued the
appointment or the other vacant position to give them an
opportunity to interview nl l the applicants.
Mr. Holzmiller added that t he Council has approved the
PUD, Daycare, and Hillside Committees, and requested tha~
the chairman or these committees contact him as soon as
possible ~o select a date ror the first meetinQ.
Planning COffll'llisslon
Ch~irman Schlehuber stated thdt pldns need to be made to
honor outgoing COPAissioner Smith. Commissioner McFadde
welcomed the Ca.nissioners to hold the party at her home
Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, was directed to
coordinate a date ror this event.
By proper mot ion, the Meeting or April 9, 1986 was
adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
lf''Ptanning Director
Elizabeth Caraballo
Minutes Clerk