HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-08-27; Planning Commission; MinutesMeeting of: Time of Meet Ing: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: MINUTES PLANNJNG COMMISSION 6:00 p.m. August 27, 19f,6 City Counc il Cnambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting was called to order by Chairman Schlehuber at 6:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led b~ Cha! rman Schlehuber. ROLL CALL: Present -Chairman Schlehuber, Commissioners McFadden, Hall, Marcus, Holmes and Schramm. Absent -Commissioner McBane. Staff ~embers Present: Charh· · : Imm, A!;sistant Planning Director Mike H", ~. Senior Planner AGENDA ADDITIONS, DLLETIONS, OR ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED Chairman Schlehuber advised that staff is recommendinq that Item No. 3 be continued to September 3, 1986. The Planning Commission continued Item No. 3 -EIR 83- 2(A)/GPA/LU 85-2/GPA/LU 86-9/HP-177/CT 85-35/CP-323/PUD- 102/PUD-103/PUD-104/PUD-105/SDP 86-2 -PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT to the regular meeting scheduled for September 3, 1986. PLANNING COMMISSION PROCEDURES Chalrrr.JP Schlehuber re"iewed the Planning Co:,mission Procedures followed in public hearinqs for the benefit of the audience. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS: l) GPA/LU 86-8/ZC-347/LCPA 86-1 -CITY OF CARLSBAD - General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes, Local Coastal Plan Amendments to bring the General Plan, Zoning and Local Coastal Plan maps into conformance. (Continued from the August 13, 1986 meeting). Are-,_ "HH" -[eke Property South of Palomar Airport Road Hike Howes, Senior Planner, gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report and described the location of the sites as depleted on the map. He advised that this item was continued because various Conwnissloners had co,cerns as to the exact locat Ion of this proposal. Hr. Howes pointed out that staff received a letter from Hr. Andrew HcReynolds , the adjacent property owner to the west, requesting that staff examine a detailed biological ~tudy of his property during the six-week review period to help define the open space boundaries based on blologlcal resources. (The Clerk has a copy or the letter on rtte). With the aid of a 111ap, Hr. Howes pointed out the recommended General Plan Amendments and Local Coastal Plan Amend111ents being proposed. Schlehuber McFadden Hall Harcus Holmes Schramm (j) X X X X X X X MINUTES August 27, 1986 PLA~NING COMMISSION Page 2COMMISSIONERS CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS: {continued ) Commissioner McFadden Inquired where the stream bed ls now and where lt wlll be ln the future given the proposed ~hanges. Mr. Howes stated that right no• the stream bed ls right in the middle of a mass of pampa~ grass. At SOl'lle future date, when the site ls de~eloped, staff will be able to locate exactly where the stream will be located - when there ls a definite development proposal. It ls within the area currently designated open space. At the request of Commissioner Mcfadden, Mr. Howes pointed out on the map the approximate location of the stream bed. Commissioner McFadden continued express ing h~r concerns that if the Commission does not know where the stream bed will be, she could not see how the open space area could be determined. Mr . Howes explained that the area that staff ls recorm1ending be changed from open space to planned industrial slopes uphill. Therefore, it will be very difficult to get the stream up Into that area. It Is covered with coastal sage, chaparral-type vegetat ion. Eve n though the dike brings the stream over to Palomar Airport Road, future development would hrlng It down to the lower part of the valley. Chairman Schlehuber declared the public hearing opened at 6:09 p.m. and issued the invitation to sµeak. There being no one oresent desiring to speak, Chairman Schlehuber declared the public hearing closed at 6:09 p.m. Commissioner Md adden inquired whether this was prellldture since we do not know where the stream bed Is going to oo and the habitat is in fact dependent on the stredlll bed. She felt that Just leaving it the way it Is for now and amending our General Plan to go along with the Local Coastal Plan is fine. When the project or the applicant comes in with specific requests, when they speak to the drainage and the C011111ission knows where the water will be, then move on to staff's recowrnendations. Chairman Schlehuber inquired whether staff's reconRen- dation could be amended in the future. Mr. Howes stated that yes there is still room to vary it. It is just a Gene.ral Plan designation. Basically, the blolog !cal study would allow staff to make a more accurate Identification than what staff had !n the past. C011111issloner McFadden inquired who paid for the biological study, Mr. Howes s ta• .. 1 that the app 1 i cant submitted 1 t . No EI R has been done. The Planning Co.nisslon approved the following Resolutions for the reasons as contained in the staff report: RESOLUTION NO. 2584 RECOHH[.t()ING APPROVAL CT AN ""'4EHOHOH TO fflE LOO US£ Ei..EHENT CT THE G£NERAL PLAN TO !JUNG THE OESIGHA TIONS ON THE GE.NERAL PLAN W.P, ZONING HAP ANO LOCAL COASTAL PLAN HAP INTO CONFORMANCE ON PROPERTY LOCATED lN THE CITY CF CARLSBAD. RESOLUTION HO. 2585 RECOHHENOING AWROVAL CT A ZONE OiANCE TO !JUNG fflt DESI CHA TI ON ON THE GENERAL PLAN HAP, ZONING HAP AHO LOCAL COASTAL PLAN HAP INTO CONFORHACY Ctl PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE CITY CT CARLSBAD. Schlehuber Mcfadden Hall Harcus Holmes Schraia X X X X X X X MINUTES l\ugust 27 , 1986 PL ANNING COMMISSION Page \~ ~~ '0 cJI A. ~ ,,~ :A 'o tOMMISSIONERS "\~ ~ ~ ~ CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Commissioner McFadden pointed out that the "No" vote relates to the "MM" Property, not all the other items listed ln the Resolutions. Coff,nlssioner McFadden inqui red when the Q-Overlay on the property along Buena Vista Lagcon would be in. Hr . Howes replied after the six-week review ls completed for the Local Costa[ Plan Amendments. 2) GPA/LU 86-7/ZC-197 -CITY OF CARLSBAD -Amendments to the General Plan ard Zoning Ordinance to create a land use designation and zone for the AT&Sf Railroad Right-Of-Way and the 1-5 Freewa). Chairman Schlehuber reported that a le tter was sent by W.D. Bentley, Manager, Real Estate and Contracts, the Atchison, Topeka and Sant a Fe Railway Company, objecting to the proposed amendments in its present form and suggesting that the transportation corridor zoning only apply to a 55-foot wide strip c<!nterline ad .lacPnt to the existing track. (The Clerk has a cop)' on file.) Mike Howes, Senior Planner, gave the presentation on this item as contained in the staff report. Referring to the letter submitted by AT&SF Railway Company, Hr. Howes stated that staff feels that 55 feet may be a little Inadequate to provide enough space for a future light rail system. In addition, it may oe tough to get a station in t hat n~rrow of an area. Another concern ls the location o~ residential, corm,ercial or other type uses inrnediatel)' adjacent to the railroad track. At the present time, there are approximately 50 to 100 and sometimes 150-font setback from the tracks themselves to the nearby residential uses. Another concern staff has would be the loss of the open space adjacent to the railroad corridor if only a 55-foot wide strip was preserved centered on the railroad tracks. C011111issloner McFadden referred to the Ordinance attached to the staff report; in particular, Section 21.100.030. She requested that the definition of public recreation areas be defined. Mr. Howes informed that there ls no definition in the Parks and Recreatio~ element. He stated that it ls his opinion that public recreation will be recreational facilities owned by the City or a public agency opP.ned to the general public. C011111issioner Harcus inquired whether the tennis courts proposed by Carlsbad Inn would qualify under this Ordinance. Hr. Howes suggested that additional wording be added and classify those as possibly a semi-public facility. A facility that ls privately owned, but opened to the general public for a fee. Charles Gri11111, Assistant Planning Director, stated that another possible wording could be, "recreational uses for the publlc". Following further discusslon, it was agreed that the wording: "recreat lonal uses opened to the publ le" would be inserted under t hat section in place of "public recreation areas." Chairman Schlehuber declarrd the public hear ing opened at 6120 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Ml~~UTES August 27, 1986 PLANNING COMMISSION CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Archie Hi cks, 1831 Valencia Avenue, Co-Chairman of the Carlsbad Village Merchants Association , addressed the Commission on behalf of the Association In support of the proposed amendments. He stated th1t the village merchants are very anxious that the Commission approve the amendment s. Bob Neilson, 525 Elm ,venue, addressed the Commission and spoke in support of the proposed amendments. He stated tt,at this is the next step in brinainq the downtown into a nicer situation. There being no other person in the audience desiring to address the Commission on this matter, Chairman Schlehuber declared the public hearing closed at 6:22 p.m. Commissioner McFadden referred to Section 21. 100.20 of the ordinance and suggested that "public streets" be added to the list. As the Ordinance present!} reads, nowhere in there does it say that if this Cit) should need to utilize any of that space to complete streets, such as Washington, that they would then have a right to qo ahead and do so. It was agreed that staff would add "No. 7 -Publ le Streets" to the ordinance. Commissioner Schramm inquired whether I\T&Sf received notice of the public hearing. Mr. Howes stated that they did receive notice for the previous Pla,ning Commission meet ing. Stdff does have a telegram back from them acknowledging that they did receive notic~ from the previous meeting. If they had come to that, there was a proper continuance made at that meeting. Mr. Howes added that the Negative Declaration was sent up to the State Clearlnq House for a 30-day review. Tht> Planning Commission recomme··ti'!d approval of the Nega- tive D~laration and adopted the following Resolutions recOffllllending approval to the City Council of GPA/LU 86-7/ ZC-349 and ZCA-197, based on the findings contained therein with the addition to the Ordinance (Exhibit "X") Chapter 21 .100 to Item No. 7 under Section 21. 100.020 to add "pu.:ilic streets" and to reword Item No. 1 under Section 2~.100.030 to "recreational uses opened to the publ!c": RESOLUTION NO. 2590 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL <J' AN AMENDMENT TO THE i.A>i.i USE JIW>S IN THE LAtl> USE ELEMENT <J' THE GENERAL PLAN FROM NO DESIGNATION TO TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR (TC) Atl> AHEltHNC THE LAOO USE ELEMENT TEXT FOR PROPERTY GEHERALLY LOCATED WITHIN THE ATCHISON TOPEKA & SANT A FE RAILROAD RltHT-Of-WAY AND THE 1-5 FREEWAY. RESOLUTION NO. 2591 RECOHME.'«>ING APPROVAL <J' A ZONE CODE AMtFIMtAf, AA001NG TITLE 21, <J' THI: CARLSBAD IIJNICIPAL COO[, BY ADDING OtAPTER 21 . 100 CREATING THE TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR (TC) ZONE. RESOLUTION HO. 260~ RECOHMEtl>HIG APPROVAL CJ" A ZONE CHANGE rRoA Ao btstt:AATtOtl TO TRANSPORTATION CORkIDOR (TC) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED WITHIN THE AT(HISON TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILROAD RIGHT-Of-WAY AND THE 1-5 FREEWAY. Schlehuber X McFadden X X Hall X Marcus X Holmes X Schramm X {J) MINUTES August 27, 1986 PLANNING COMMISSION Page tOMMISSIONERS 3) EIR 83-2(A)/GPA/LU 85-2/GPA/LU 86-9/HP-177/CT 85- J5/CP-32J/P00-102/PU0-10J/P00-104/p{)o_105/SOP 86-2 -PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB ANO RESORT This item was continued to the regular meeting of September 3, 1986. 4) CUP-291/V-,.77 -HAL£ -Request for approval of a conditional use permit for a three-room bed and breakfast inn and a varl~~ce to allow parking in the front yard setback located dl 320 Walnut Street In the beach area. Hike Howes, Senior Planner, gave the staff presentation on this Item as contained in the staff report. He gave the backoround of the project when it was discussed at the Hay 28th-Planning Co11111isslon hearing. Hr. Howes pointed out that staff is recornner,dino approval of the project with a minor change to Condition No 15. Staff is reconnending that th~ condition be reworded to state: "that no meals wtll be served other than for managers living at the facility and breakfast for quests staying at the f aci 11 ty." The purpose for that is to keep it as a bed and breakfast inn, and not allow it to become a boarding house. Chairman Schlehuber declared the public hearing opened ~t 6:27 p.m. and issued the invitation to sp~ak. In response to Chair111an Schlehuber, Mr. Hale, the applicant, addressed the C011111isslon from the audience indicating his agreement with staff's reconnendations and conditions. There being no other person in the audience desiring to speak, Chairlftan Schlehuber declared the public hearing closed at 6:28 p.m. The Planning C011111ission adopted Resolution No. 2560 as revised and Resolution No. 2598 approving CUP-291 and a varian~~ to allow parking in the front yard setback located at ~20 Walnut Street in the beach area, and that Condition No. ;~ be revised as proposed by staff: RESOLUTION NO. 2'..o60 APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A BED APDlJREAKFAST INN AT PROPERTY LOCATED AT 320 WALNUT STRl=TT. RESOL.UrION NO. 2598 APPROVING A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A PXRffiG SPACE to B£ LOCATED WITHIN THE FRONTYARO SETBACK OH PROPrRTY LOCATED AT 320 WALNUT STREE:T. Hr. Robert Hale, 5051 Caviotta, Encino, addressed the C01aission and inquired what the position of tl,e City ls on the Coastal C~ission applications. Chairlftan Schl~huber pointed out that this was not relevant to what is before t~e Cotalssion at this tiine and referred Hr. Hale to speak to staff after the 111eetlng. Schlehuber Mcfadden Hall Marcus Holaes Schra- @ MINUTES August 2 , 1986 PLANNING COMMISSION Page fbOMMISSIONERS ADOED IT£ •~S ANO REPOOTS Planning ommlssion Chair111-~chlehuber suggested that the South Coast Asphalt matter ~eduled for September 3, 1986 meeting be schedu!Prl on the agenda prior to the Pacific Rim lengthy pu blic , iring. Co11111i s~ioner McFadden inquired whether there was a current map of t t · whole area on the HPI project aval !able for the CUlllll i ss ion. In the Gri11111 reQ u r ev ls , ,cussion that ensued regarding the map, Charles ,istant Planning Director , advised that he will ~I to run off some of the conceptual maps and any ,ps to submit to the Conrnisslon. ADJOURNMt rH By proper motion, the Meeting of August 27, 1986 was adjournec at 6:42 p.m. RespectfLl ly submitted, MICHAEL ZMILLER Planning !rector Elizabet , Caraballo Minutes Ci erk EC :tb MEETINGS ARE A.... ARE ~ROVED TAPED ANO KEPT OH FILE UNTIL THE MINUTES @