HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-02-19; Public Works Commission; MinutesMINUTESm OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLS BAD ^PUBLIC WOKKS COMMISSION
February 19f 1959
Meeting called to order by Chairman Crom at ?«3S P« M0 in Carlsbad
City Council Chambers0 Present besides the Chairman were Commission-
ers Holzenberg, Lull, Guevara^ Hedrick,, Kelley, and Lawsonf City
Manager Palkowski, City Engineer Jenken, and Councilwoman Sonnemano
Chairman Crom announced that minutes of the last meeting will be dis~>
pensed with at this time, but that certain noted corrections will be
made and action taken at the next meeting0 He informed the Commis-
sion that this meeting is to be given over entirely to study and dis=>
cussion of possible methods of financing public improvements, after
presentation and explanation of the various proceedings by Mr» Bruce
Smith, City Attorney^
Commissioners were furnished by the City Manager with copies of a com-
parative table of taxes in Carlsbad and Vista for the fiscal year
1957-580 by code areas, and a statement of approximate existing bonded
indebtedness and bonding capacity of the City of Carlsbad»
A letter from Carl Le Lough addressed to the City Council and referred
to the Commission because of its subject matter and suggestions relat-
ing to financing of public improvements, was reado
Prior to arrival of f!re Smithf City Engineer Jenken answered questions
res improved functioning of the present sewage disposal plant, and
possibilities and cost estimates of expansion of the present unit and/or
construction of additional facilities to provide for future population
City Attorney Smith arrived at 8:10 P» M« and presented a detailed ex~
planation of appropriate and most commonly used methods of financing
public improvements:
(1) Assessment proceedings (1911 Improvement Act);
(2) General obligation bonds;
(3) Revenue bonds;
and the particular circumstances under which each is applicable,.
After a short question and answer period9 the meeting was declared ad**
journed at 9*55 P» M0
Respectfully submitted,