HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-21; Public Works Commission; MinutesMINUTES U REGyLAR MEETING OF PUBLIC ./OKKS COMMISSION
May 21. 1959
Meeting called to order at 7*33 P* Mo by Chairman Cronu Present besides
the Chairman were Commissioners Holzenberg, Lull, Lawson, Kelleyj City
Manager Palkowski, City Engineer Jenkene Absent, Commissioner Guevarao
Comm« Lawson moved that minutes of the meeting of May 7* 1959$ be approved
as writteno Seconded by Comm. Lull* All ayes, motion carriedo
Memorandums from City Council:
(1) REi Sewage dJJPffSiil for property on Vista Wav* Chairman Crom read
exchange of correspondence between the City of Carlsbad and Rildan, Inc0,
relating to sewage disposal for proposed shopping center on Vista Way and
the Steiger property lying north of Vista Way0 City Manager Palkowski re-
ported that at the last Council meeting, the City Attorney was instructed
to attempt negotiations with Oceanside to terminate the litigation now
pending in connection with annexation of this lando It was agreed that
letters should be written both Rildan and Steiger assuring them thatftheir
problem will receive every consideration*
(2) ijEl Acqu4.3iJ.tiQn of r^gfat'-of-wag for Washjtnffton, Street. as recommended
by the Planning Commission* The Commission was informed by the City Manag-
er and City Engineer th«t the Santa Fe Railway will probably negotiate for
the right-of-way but would not participate in any costso After consider-
able discussion, during which it was brought out that the right-of-way nar-
rows to 100 feet, south from Tamarack* Cornm* Lawson moved, Comm0 Lull
seconded „ that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the proper
officials be instructed to begin negotiations with the Atchison, Topeka &
Santa Pe Railroad for acquisition of right-of-way for Washington Street
from the northerly end as far south as possible^ including the area from
Tamarack Avenue south tc Olive Avenue 0 All ayes, motion carriedo
(3) RE; - Ac.fliij^jij.fe^ift1^ of i P**0001* ^v £9 QOflfittPM0^ fl street^ from State toMadis&n Streets, between Grand Avenue and Laguna Drive o The City Manager
stated he had received a phone call from Robert Nelson advising that Andrade^
one of the affected property owners, is proceeding with new construction in
the path of the proposed street o After discussion, Comm0 Lull moved, Commo
Holsonberg seconded , that a recommendation be made to the City Council that
they proceed with all possible haste to acquire property for a street ap-
proximately midway between Grand Avenue and Laguna Drive, extending from
State Street to Madison Streeto All ayes, motion carriedo
(4) KE^ u Prj^poaed road fxffffl PflJLffIBiair Airoprt to HJ^fhwav 101^ Chairman Crom
read a letter from Paul Bcke, property owner in South Carlsbad9 urging the
City to take a strong position with the Board of Supervisors in favor of
the most northerly of the two proposed routes,, which would originate with
an interchange at Las Encinas Overhead, within Carlsbad city limit So The
other route under consideration would connect with the Freeway in the Ponto
area and lie wholly outside the City of Carlsbado Arnie Stringer, Planning
Commissioner 9 was present and spoke strongly in favor of the northern
route, recommending that the City Council exert all possible pressure with
the State Highway CoEmission to secure the interchange within the City lim-
itso During discussion it was pointed out that any portion of the road
constructed within the City of Carlsbad would have to be paid for and main-
tained by the City of Carlsbado By common consent, the City Manager was
asked to arrange an early conference between the County Engineer1 s office
and membors of the Public Works and Carlsbad Planning Commissions, as well
as the City Manager and City Engineer, to discuss this matter and gather
all possible information0
The present cost and rate on agricultural water wa.s briefly discussed,
and a motion was made by Conm« Law son, seconded by Conuite Lull, that a
recommendation be made to the City Council that th«j rate on water for ag-
ricultural use be increased to a point where the City breaks even on its
distribution All ayes, motion carriedo
City Manager Palkowski urged that all members who possibly can, attend
an adjourned meeting of the City Council to be held on Tuesday, May 26th sat 6:00 Po M«, for the purpose of discussing the proposed bond issue0
Chairman Crom announced that the next regular meeting of the Commission
will be held June 18th; that if necessary to call a special meeting on
June 4th, all members will be personally contacted»
City Engineer Jenken suggested that thought be givsn to ways and means of
raising money by popular subscription to put over tie bond issue 0 He stated
the publicity will be printed up and ready very soon0
Comm. Lull asked about the weed abatement program, suggesting that instead
of disc-ing, the weeds be mowed, raked and burned for nore complete dispos-
al o The City Manager stated that the City Council is studying the matter
with a view to arriving at a less cumbersome method of abatement«
By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9s25 P° Mo
ROY CROM, Chairman, Public
Works Commission, City of Carlsbad