HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-07-16; Public Works Commission; MinutesMINUTES OP. REGULAR M8OTING OF PUftJUCC WOUK.S .C
July 16. 1959
Meeting called to order at 7:56 P« M. by Chairman Croau Present be-
sides the Chairman were Commissioners Guevara, Law son, Hedrick} City
Manager Palkowski, City Engineer Jenken* Absent, Commissioners Lull
and Holzenbergo
Minutes of tb» meeting of June 18th were approved as submitted*
There was no written correspondence*
BX%ENSIO,K i)F HOOV ER STRSBT. Comra, Law son reported that he was one of
the members making the field trip over the proposed extension of Hoover
Street to create a public recreational area, and after due considera-
tion was of the opinion that the request should be rejectedo Other mem-
bers agreed, and Comae Lawson moved, Cotma. Guevara seconded that a re-
commend at! on be made to the City Council that the request for extension
of Hoover Street be rejected for reasons of lack of funds, and that the
development would serve no useful purpose as far s.a the general public
is concerned* All ayes, motion carriedo
PUBLIC MSBTING H&l BOKD ELECTION* The City Manager summarized the pro-
gram planned for the public meeting to bo held Tuesday, July 21st, 8:00
P. Mo, at the Pine Avenue School auditorium, stating that explanatory
talks would be made by Engineer Les Clayton, City Engineer Clyde Jenken,
City Attorney Barbara Hayes, and, if available, Warren Beebe of O'Melveny
& Myers, Los Angeles* The meeting would then be turned over to a ques-
tion- and- answer period (written questions only)* There was some discus-
sion among members as to possible questions from the floor, expected to
ctoal mostly with cost increases resulting from the improvement program*
The City Manager reported on a meeting with Mr* Dekema of the State High-
way Bepartmsnt wherein Mr* Dekema informed the City officials of State
plans to widen 101 Freeway through Oceanside and Carlsbad to 6, or possibly
8 lanes, and to raise Highway 78 (Vista Way) to full freeway status by
constructing a clover l«af at the El Camino Real and Jefferson Street in-
ter sect ions «
The City Manager also reported that the Harbor Commission has recommended
that the Council support the formation of a Harbor- District, as public
funds cannot be spent for a harbor on privately-owned property, inasmuch
as the City owns none of the land*
The Chairman announced that the next regular meeting will be held August
20, 1959*
The meeting was declared adjourned at 8150 ?» M*
Respectfully submitted*
V Carlsbad Public Works Commission