HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-05-04; Senior Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meetlno of: SENIOR COMMISSION \\\.\\ Tlme o'i Meetlng: 1:15 p.m.
Date of Meetlng: May 4, 1989
P I ace of Meet I ng: Hard I ng Commun I ty Center \
Chalrman Van called the Meetlng to order at 1 :15 p.m.
Present - Chalrman Van, Commlssloners Heard,
Magglo, Rltchle and Savary.
Absent - None.
Others Present:
Sue Splckard, Senlor Cltlzen Coordlnator
Josle McCloud, League of Women Voters Observer
Dave Bradstreet, Dlrector, Parks d Recreatlon
Rosemary Eshelman, Management Asslstant
Robert Col let, Nutrltlon Councl I Representatlve, asked
for an update on the Senlor Bulldlng for Dlstrlct #5.
The Mlnutes of the Regular Meeting held March 2, 1989,
were approved as presented.
Sue Splckard reported there Is a total of $12,479.90 In
the trust fund. Some of those funds are speclflcally
labeled for certaln ftems; such as flags, washer and
dryer and the large screen TV and VCR. Ms. Splckard
stated that the undeslgnated funds will be used for
pool tables, as well as augment the funds for the large
screen TV and VCR. Several corporatlons have been sent
"wlsh I Ists" upon thelr request.
Commlssloner Rltchle stated that as an appotnted Member
of the Senlor Commlsslon to the Art Selectlon
Commlttee, she had one f lnal word.
The butterf lles are a wlnner, and the CIty of Carlsbad,
by taklng thls glant step backward Is, Indeed, the
loser on many levels. Because of the negatlve envlranment surroundfng the Senlor Center at thls tlme,
the premlse of a substantlal donatlon has been
wlthdrawn--and thls would have purchased a number of
large Items.
Commlssloner Rltchle stated that she was the only
Member of thls Senlor Commlsslon who had sollclted and
ralsed funds In the communlty (wlth George Heard belng
a newcomer). She sald she had cancelled future
engagements and would decllne any lnvltatlons to speak to ralse funds In the future, and assumed that all
fundralslng on the part of thls Senlor Commlsslon was
now concluded.
R Itch le
Commlsslonsr Iisard stated tie felt tho record should
lndlcote that, on behalf of the Commlsslon, Commlssloner Rltchle should be complimented for the
outstanding effort she has put into ralslng funds for
the various :Items for the Senlor Center. He sald the
Commlsslon owed her a deep debt of gratitude for all
her efforts.
Chalrman Van sald he certainly appreciated Commlssloner
Rltchle's efforts In golng out and ralslng funds and
expressed concern about the hard feellngs caused by the
controversy surrounding the selected artwork for the
Center. He volunteered to go out and talk wlth any
groups that were Interested In donating funds for the
new Center.
Commlssloner Heard reported on the flrst meetlng of
thls Commlttee, statlng that Wayne Blschoff was
selected Chalrman of the Commlttee. The flrst meeting
conslsted of a dlscusslon on the obJectlves and
potentlal tlme frames for the work of the Commlttee. He said that the cost, types of memrlals, locatlon and
what would be approprlate were all dlscussed by the
Members. The next meetlng wl II be May 8, 1989, In the
Councl I Chambers.
Chalrman Van reported on the meetlng held April 27,
1989, at the Safety Center, statlng the Mayor wanted to
get Input from the varlous Commissions on the problems
that he might not be aware of. He commented that not
all Commissions were represented at the meetlng.
Chairman ,Van sald he had lndlcated to those at the
meetlng that thls Commlsslon was concerned about the
graffltl In thls area of the City; lncludlng the block
wall on the west end of the property where the new
Senlor Center Is belng built. Supervlsor MacDonald Is
researching a graff It1 eradlflcatlon program, and Mayor
Lewis wlII check Into thls.
Chalrman Van sald the maln concern of the chalrpersons
was absenteelsm, and the declslon was made that the
different Commlsslons cannot set condftlons for
removing a person, but the Mayor would be notlfled and
probab ly three unexcused absences wou Id be
Justlflcatlon for removal of a member. He concluded
hls report, asklng the Commlssloners to give hlm any
Items that need to be passed on to the Mayor.
Sue Splckard reported that one of the goals of thls Commlsslon was to get cut Into the community to see the
sltes and make the Commlsslon vlslble to people llvlng
In dlfferent areas. The declslon was made to meet at
Stagecoach Park twlce a year, and now that Calavera
Park Is on line, Ms. Splckard asked whether the
Commlsslon would llke to schedule a meotlng there.
Commlyilonars Ilcard, Hngqlo and Savory felt thls was a good Idon. Commlssloner Rltchle asked how many attend-d tho Stag-coach wetlng In Jarnrory--and b.
Splckord onawored thnt no one ntlrndcd Ilrot mnetlng. Chalrman Van added thnt the flrst nnotlng there hod a
few cltlrens In attendance, but the second tlme there
wwe none. Comml~~lonrr Rltchle sold 5hc felt that
mlght dlscourrnn tho** who mlqht attnnd tha mntlngs
Chnlrmnn Van qugge3Icd that a box-type announcement be
placed In the nruqpapcr-r to glve evcryone notlce that
tho mt-tlng would ho held nt the pnrk; also, the mertln should bo announced In the Senlor Newsletter. If that
does not result In attendance at the meetlng, he felt
there should not be any more neetlngs held at the parks
By consensug, the Commlsslon aoreed to tentatively try
fo hold thr July mrtlnp st Calavora l1111s Park.
Chalrrnsn Van reported that drywall Is belng Installed
currently and the heatlng and alr condltlonlng systems
are befng Installed. He sold the root paper Is on and the tlle wlll be lnstatlled the end of thls week.
Chalrmen Van sold that ho had attended the
dedlcatlon ceremonies tor the Vtsla Senlor Center, and
he dlstrlbuted brochures and descrlbed the Center there.
He concluded, statlng tho Comnlrslon took o tour of tho
new Center hare and hope to take another one In a month.
Cmlssloner Heard suggested that folk artwork be placed
on the walls where the graffltl appears1 that thli seems to work In other places.
Oave Bradstreet sold Utllltles/Halntenence has a program for rcmovlng graffltl, and In the parks they palnt over
the gaffltl as soon as posslble.
Sue Splckard sold the School Dlstrlct dld not have thlg problem when they had thclr off lcns there, and pcrhops
when they mve back Into the new bulldlng, the graffltl wlll stop.
SUA Splckard reported that the heolth screenlngs have
been llllcd to capaclty, and when the new Center Ir completed, thcre wlII be mre schcdulcd, wlth a
dlfferent type scheduled ench month, along wlth the
blood pressure progrnm two times a mnth.
Ms. Splcknrd sold tlie trlp program 1s very simxsstul,
wlfh a, trlp to Lawrence )/elk's and one to Coronado.
There wlll be a trlp to Senlor Rally Day In San Dlego at
a cost of JJ.00.
Ms. Splckard snld they nre saarchlng for r nnme f9r thn
trlp group. There Is a ballot In the Senlor Newsletter.
Hs. Splcknrd iald sha has worked on nnd,suhmltted the
budget to fhe Area Agency on Aglng and the Clty for the comlng flscal year.
May 4, 1989 SENIOR COMMISSION Page 4
Ms. Sp lckard said work Is being done on the pol icies and
procedures manual and this wlll cane before thls
Commfssfon for approval. Also, there is a volunteer who Is working on a volunteer program. The grandparent
program Is in the hands of the school at thls time, but
Ms. Splckard sald they want to be ready when school open to have the volunteers there.
Commissioner Heard asked for an Item on the agenda
regardlng the newsletter. . Sue Spickard sald the Senlor
Cftlzens Association hs gotten an Editor and they wfll
keep the newsletter for the time being.
Chafrman Van asked the Commlssloners to go back through
the Minutes of previous meetlngs to flnd any matters tha.
need to be updated.
The memorials and envelopes and certificates for
fundraising--status report.
Memorlaf for former Cornmissloner Hosklns--Chairman Van
asked the Commissioners to thlnk about the idea of
designing a flag for the Clty to be a glft from thls Commlssfon In honor of Judge Hoskins. Mrs. Hosklns wlll
be contacted to come to the next meetlng to glve a preview of the history she was writing for the
Comm I s s i on.
By proper mtlon, the Meeting of May 4, 1989, was
adJourned at 2:05 p.m.
Respectfully submltted,
-- Harr lett Babbitt
M 1 nutes C I erk