HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-01; Senior Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meetlng of: SENIOR COMMISSION Tlme of Meetlng: 1:15 p.m. Date of Meet1 ng: June 1, 1989 Place of Meetlng: Hardlng Commnlty Center COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chalrman Van called the Meetlng to order at 1:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: A. Present - Chairman Van, Commlssloners Heard and Savary. Absent - Commlssloners Magglo and Rltchle. Others Present: Sue Splckard, Senlor Cltlzen Coordlnator Josle McCloud, League of Women Voters Observer MATTERS FROM THE PUBL IC: ' There were no requests to address the Comnlsslon. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meetlng held May 4, 1989, were approved as presented. NEWSLETTER. Commlssloner Savary reported that the new Edltors are on board and are worklng to upgrade the Assoclatlon Newsletter. A formal contract has been signed between the Editors and the Assoclatlon, and can be terminated wlth two-weeks' notlce. Mrs. Savary recommended that thls item be continued until the new Assoclatlon Board 1s In place and then make a flnal determlnatlon on the newsletter. Sue Splckard stated that the newsletter 1s a functlon of the Senior Cltlzens Assoclatlon and the Senlor Commlsslon has no authorlty. If there is a need at some time in the future, this Comnlsslon could re-consider thls matter. VETERANS' MEMORIAL. Commissloner Heard reported that most of the Conwnlttee's tlme has been spent In planning and conducting two meetlngs for publlc input. As of today, the Committee wlil begin to concentrate on speclflcs. Mr. Heard sald the planned approach Is to honor all people who have served honorably In the Armed Forces of the United States. In reply to Ms. Splckard's query, Commlssloner Heard answered that he dld not feel this Item should be carried on each month's agenda. make, he wlll let Ms. Splckard know. When he has a report to MEMORIAL CARDS. Sue Splckard stated that the artlst's rendering for memorlal cards Is belng done at thls tlme, and WII I be a renderlng of the new Senlor Center. The Commissioners vlewed a design for the card and Ms. Spickard added that they are waltlng to get the new address to use on the cards. Van Heard Savary \ \ 1 \ ,/' /' MINUTES June 1, 1989 SENIOR COMMISSION Page 2 1 COMMISSIONERS SCHOOL VOLUNTEER PROGRAM. Sue Splckard reported that Canmlssloner Savary and she had spoken wlth the Prlnclpal of Plne School regarding the Senlor Volunteer Program. The lnstructors at the school are canpletlng the volunteer Job descrlptlon at thls tlme. program ready to go at the start af school ln the fa1 1. Ms. Splckard concluded, stating that thls program could serve as a model for slmllar programs In other schools. She sald It Is the hope',of staff to have thls CARLSBAD FOUNDERS' DAY. Chalrmman Van reported he had received a letter fran Mayor Lewls asklng for Canmlsslon lnput on the development of a Carlsbad Founders' Day. Chalrman Van sald Canlssloner Rltchle felt the Idea was worthwhl le. Cunmfssloner Savary felt the senlors could help ldentlfy people who should be Intervlewed and could help wlth the Intervlews. Chalrman Van stated he felt the Hlstorlc Preservatlon Canmlsslon should be the lead agency for thls project. By consensus, the Senlor Canmlsslon endorsed the concept of a Carlsbad Founders' Day and would support such a concept by gettlng Involved In asslsting In gettlng the lnformatlon needed for creatlng the Founders Day. SENIOR CENTER UPDATE. Chalrman Van reported the tile Is being lnstalled on the roof of the new Senlor Center and the courtyard Is belng framed. Sue Splckard contlnued the update, stating that the furnlture bld wIlI be before Council for authorlzatlon sanetlme in June. Several Items were ellrninated from the budget, as the blds were several thousand dollars over the mount budgeted. Ms. Splckard stated the reasons the contractor Is behlnd schedule at thls tlme, and sald the target date for canpletlon Is mld-October. SENIOR COORDINATOR'S REPORT. Sue Splckard reported that the lnltlal plannlng for the dedlcatlon of the Senlor Center Is being done, wlth the lnvltatlons belng deslgned. Work 1s also being done on the volunteers' handbook, which wl I1 have a job descrlptlon for each speclflc job and wlll give the rules and regulatlons. A pln Is belng deslgned for the volunteers and that wlll be brought before thls Ccinmlsslon for approval. \ '\ _...- .. . . MINUTES June 1, 1989 SENIOR COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS ' Ms. Splckard sald that work Is belng done on an operatlons manual for the Center Center, wlth a Job descrlptlon for all staff Jobs. Faclllty rental ragulatlons wlll be Included In that manual. The end of the flscal year report Is belng worked on at thls tlme by Ms. Splckard. Actlvltles have Included Ral ly Day, the 55-AIIve Mature Orlvlng Course, and upcmlng events are a deep-sea flshlng trlp and the Del Mar Falr. Ms. Splckard reported that In July there wIll be a cholesterol screening, and there wIlI be a fee charged for that. Also In July, the second annual Ice cream soclal wlll be held. Ms. Splckard wlll meet w1th Chlef West tomorrow for an update on the Clty flag and look at the flag the Flre Department uses w1th the Honor Guard. be brought before the Commlsslon at the next meetlng. .. Thls matter wl I I Ms. Splckard stated the next meetlng wl HI I Is Park. ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA. Report on the Flag Chalrman Van announced If there Is poor meetlng at Calavera Hllls, no more meet planned at the parks. I be at Calavera response to the ngs wlII be ADJOURNMENT: By proper notton, the MeetIng of June 1, 1989, was adJourned at 2:03 p.m. ResDectful Iv submltted. Harrlett Babbltt Minutes Clerk c