HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-12-02; Traffic and Mobility Commission; MinutesTRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION Minutes Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Ca rlsbad, CA 92008 Monday, Dec. 2, 2019, 5:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chair Johnson called the Meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Johnson, Hunter, Penseyres, Fowler, Linke and Perez. Absent: Gocan APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Commissioner Hunter, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to a_pprove the minutes for Nov. 4, 2019, with the request to include the letter that Commissioner Linke prepared to go to the City Council. Motion carried 4/0/2/1 (Abstained: Hunter and Johnson, Absent: Gocan) PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There was no public comment. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 1. POLICE MONTHLY REPORT-(Staff contact: Lieutenant Christie Calderwood, Police Department) -Informational only Lieutenant Cald·erwood re·ported on October and November Events on the Traffic Division. Lieutenant Calderwood reported on a fatal, solo vehicle collision at the 7100 block of Corintia Street. Last month during the T&MC meeting the commissioners inquired about a crossing guard collision next to Calavera Hills Elementary School and Lieutenant Calderwood reported that the crossing guard did not want to press charges. 2. FISCAL VEAR 2017-18 ANNUAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT MONITORING REPORT UPDATE - {Staff Contact: Paz Gomez, Hossein Ajideh, Public Works). Deputy City Manager Gomez presented an informational report on transportation systems and demand management programs. Engineering Manager Ajideh is asking the Traffic & Mobility Commission to support staff's recommendation on proposed actions on four deficient street facilities to the City Council. ~Commissioner Linke stressed the need to implement comprehensive Transportation Demand Management (TOM) and Transportation System Management (TSM) programs to avoid a piecemeal approach. He noted that the TOM program only applied to non-residential projects of a certain size, therefore residential projects and smaller projects would not be part of the TOM Public Works 1 Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t mitigation measures. He recommended staff monitor all roads including those not subject to the auto Level Of Service (LOS) standard. ~Commissioner Linke asked what the ridership was for the Carlsbad Connector program and if there was a target ridership established. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that early results report an average of 500 riders use the service per week and that no ridership target was established for the program. It is a pilot project. ~Commissioner Linke correspondence related to Fiscal Year 2017-18 Annual Growth Management Monitoring Report Update is on file with the office ofthe City Clerk. Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Hunter to support staff's recommendation on four deficient street facilities and to expedite Capital Improvement Program {CIP) Project No. 6028 and CIP Project No. 6034. · Motion carried: 6/1 (Absent: Gocan) Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to recommend the City Council to prioritize Transportation Demand Management and Transportation System Management programs to mitigate congestion on the exemption roads. Motion carried: 6/1 (Absent: Gocan) 3. POINSETTIA LANE TRAFFIC ANALYSIS -{Staff Contact: John Kim, Public Works) - Informational item City Traffic Engineer presented the findings of the Poinsettia Lane Traffic Analysis performed by LSA. 0 Acting Chair Johnson noted that multimodal level of service changed from LOS A to LOS F apparently due to inconsistent LOS methodologies being applied. She recommended staff standardize the LOS methodology to produce consistent results. 0 Acting Chair Johnson asked if the monitoring of exempt streets and non-exempt streets are evaluated with a consistent LOS methodology. Senior Engineer Bilse explained that the same LOS methodology is used to evaluate both exempt and non-exempt streets. ~Commissioner Penseyres recommended that staff evaluate alternatives to the proposed traffic signals on Poinsettia Lane and consider installing roundabouts. This alternative would reflect a · single lane in each direction, lower speeds and result in a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly environment. The Multimodal Level of Service (MM LOS) was reported as "A" for Poinsettia Lane, and he did not feel that adequately reflected the proposed four lane signalized high-speed roadway . . ° Commissioner Hunter commented that the proposed roadway configuration and traffic signals are consistent with current Circulation Element documents that call for Poinsettia Lane to be a four-lane high-speed arterial road. ° Commissioner Perez asked if traffic calming was proposed on Cassia Road. City Traffic Engineer Kim noted that formal traffic calming measures were not recommended in the report, but four speed feedback signs have been installed along Cassia Road and will be linked to the traffic management center to provide time-of-day speed data to enable the police departr:nent to provide focused enforcement. ° Commissioner Linke commented that roundabouts seem to be a viable option that staff should have considered based on the relatively low traffic volumes reported for Poinsettia Lane. He also agreed with Commissioner Hunter that is too late to make changes to the Circulation Page 2 of 4 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t Element for Poinsettia Lane, and that the proposed traffic signals are appropriate for the current roadway plans. He commented that there were numerous errors identified in the report. He noted that the T&MC should have been asked to provide input at an earlier stage. ~Commissioner Fowler fully supports the Poinsettia Lane as currently designed: He disagrees with roundabouts. Commissioner Linke correspondence related to Poinsettia Lane Traffic Analysis is on file with the office of the City Clerk. Motion by Commissioner Linke to follow the protocol in the future and that T&MC will have a chance to review the project before it goes forward. Motion failed. 4. REGIONAL TRAFFIC CALMING PRACTICES-(Staff Contact: John Kim, Lindy Pham, Public Works) Staff Recommendation: Informational item Associate Engineer Pham presented an overview of the City of Carlsbad traffic calming program and how it compares with other cities in San Diego County. ~Commissioner Linke requested that the questions he submitted about this item with the Associate Engineer Pham answers to be attached to the staff report and available to the public. ~Commissioner Linke reminded the commissioners that the City Council asked the T&MC to write a memorandum on Residential Traffic Calming Practices. The T&MC decided to have commissioner Linke work on a proposed memorandum and bring back to the T&MC for review and approval. 5. UPDATE ON CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND TAMARACK AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING ENHANCEMENT -(Staff Contact: John Kim, Public Works) Motion by Commission Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Hunter to move Agenda Item 5 to the January 6, 2020, T&MC meeting. Motion carried: 4/2/1 (No: Hunter, Penseyres / Absent: Gocan) Acting Chair Johnson requested a five minutes break. CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER COMMENTS: City Traffic Engineer Report -Attachment A TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Linke requested a discussion on the merits of Intersection Level of Service Methodology. Senior Engineer Bilse recommended to tie together the General Plan Monitoring and Intersection Level of Service. It will be a discussion to be implemented for the next fiscal year. Commissioner Penseyres requested a presentation on how we developed a multi-modal level of service. He also inquired on Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) that will be implemented by July 1, 2020, and asked if the T&MC will have an input on the subject before it goes to City Council. Page 3 of 4 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t Senior Engineer Bilse explained that Community Economic Development is taking the lead on the VMT and that it will come to the T&MC before going to City Council. ADJOURNMENT: Vice-Chair Johnson adjourned the Traffic & Mobility Commission Meeting on Dec. 2, 2019, at 8:20 p.m. Eliane Paiva, M inutes Clerk Page 4 of 4 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-434-2730 t Attachment A Meeting Date: December 2, 2019 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 Subject: City Traffic Engineer Report Past City Council Actions on Traffic and Mobility Items July 9, 2019 5. Award contract for 2018 Pavement Overlay Project (CIP 6001-18OL) 6. Advertise for bids for 2019-20 Slurry Seal Project (CIP 6001-19SS) 8. Award of contract for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Project (CIP 6070) 14. Informational report on Traffic Impact Methodologies July 16, 2019 4. Growth Management Plan – determination of deficient street segments July 23, 2019 3. Award of contract for Palomar Airport Road widening project at Paseo Del Norte (CIP 6043 and 6044) 9. Presentation from Caltrans regarding I-5 North Coast Corridor Program Phase 1 August 20, 2019 2. Award of consultant contract for Transportation Demand Management services 8. Introduce Ordinance to amend Carlsbad Municipal Code to update the Traffic Safety Commission name and duties 9. Introduce Ordinance to accept California Coastal Commission modifications to Village and Barrio Master Plan August 27, 2019 4. Adopt Ordinance to amend Carlsbad Municipal Code to update the Traffic Safety Commission name and duties 5. Adopt Ordinance to accept California Coastal Commission modifications to Village and Barrio Master Plan 8. Adopt Resolution approving General Plan amendment for Trails Master Plan and adopting the Trails Master Plan City Traffic Engineer Report September 10, 2019 10. Presentation from SANDAG regarding the Carlsbad Village Drive railroad crossing trench alternatives September 17, 2019 3. Award of contract for 2019-20 Slurry Seal Project (CIP 6001-19SS) 5. Adopt resolution opposing D-III modified standards compliance alternative and support for the B-II enhanced alternative McClellan-Palomar Airport Master Plan design classification 6. Introduce ordinance to authorize enforcement of designated electric vehicle charging stations located in public parking areas 10. Informational update on Barrio street lighting and Village and Barrio Traffic Circles Projects (CIP 4013 and 4015) September 24, 2019 4. Advertise for traffic signals at Poinsettia Lane/Cassia Road and Poinsettia Lane/Oriole Court/Skimmer Court (CIP 6329 and 6330) 7. Adopt ordinance to authorize enforcement of designated electric vehicle charging stations located in public parking areas 9. Information presentation on traffic calming enhancements on Carlsbad Boulevard, College Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue October 8, 2019 4. Introduce ordinance amending Carlsbad Municipal Code regarding review and approval of plans and specifications for traffic control devices and construction projects October 15, 2019 8. Adopt ordinance amending Carlsbad Municipal Code regarding review and approval of plans and specifications for traffic control devices and construction projects 11. Informational presentation by Caltrans and SANDAG on proposed enhancements to I-5 under-crossings at Carlsbad Village Drive and Chestnut Avenue October 22, 2019 No Traffic & Mobility items November 12, 2019 11. Presentation from California Strategies & Advocacy on 2020 California housing laws including Senate Bill 330. 15. Adopt resolution to approve the Traffic and Mobility Commission work plan and draft communication plan for FY 2019-20 November 19, 2019 8. Adopt resolution approving appropriation of additional funds for Palomar Airport Road widening project (CIP 6043 and 6044) 9. Adopt resolution authorizing execution of consultant agreement for engineering design of Village and Barrio Traffic Circles project (CIP 4015) 10. Adopt resolution approving plans and authorize to advertise for bids the traffic signals at Poinsettia Lane/Cassia and Poinsettia Lane/Oriole Courte/Skimmer Court (CIP 6329 and 6330) 13. Adopt resolution to accept FY 2019 Office of Traffic Safety Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) 18. Presentation providing an overview of traffic calming in the region including best practices, standards and programs Upcoming City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility December 10, 2019 15. Recommendations on work plan and timeline for amendments to the Village & Barrio Master Plan 18. Informational report on TDM/TSM 22. Informational report on Poinsettia Lane Traffic Analysis December 17, 2019 20. Determination of four deficient street facilities according to Growth Management Plan and adoption of measures to address deficiencies Other Items Recently completed project – public works project to install speed feedback signs on the following streets: • Jefferson Street (1) • State Street (2) • Tamarack Avenue (2) • Alicante Road (3) • El Fuerte Street (3) Currently under construction – Minor public works project to install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) at the following intersections: • Batiquitos Drive & Golden Star Lane • Batiquitos Drive & Aviara Drive • Batiquitos Drive & Spoonbill Lane • Armada Drive & Fleet Street (North) • Armada Drive & Fleet Street (South) • Armada Drive & Grand Pacific Driveway • State Street & Laguna Drive • Gateway Road & Innovation Way