HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-05-04; Traffic and Mobility Commission; MinutesPage 1 of 8 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Monday, May 4, 2020, 3:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gocan called the Meeting to order at 3:09 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Gocan, Johnson, Hunter, Penseyres, Fowler, Linke and Perez. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom due to the stay-at-home order for COVID-19. Motion by Commissioner Linke seconded by Commissioner Hunter, to approve the minutes for April 6, 2020, as amended. Motion carried 7/0 PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: No public comments Transportation and Mobility Manager Schmidt asked the Chair to switch Item 6 – Fiscal Year 2020-21 Pavement Overlay with Item 4 – Traffic Calming on College Boulevard. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 1. POLICE MONTHLY REPORT – (Staff contact: Lieutenant Christie Calderwood, Police Department) Staff Recommendation: Informational only Lieutenant Calderwood reported that the police department continues to enforce a “No Parking” on Carlsbad Boulevard leading to the beach. Due to the COVID-19 the OTS grant program is on pause and is being re-evaluated. The month of May is the National Bicycle and Motorcycle Safety Month. 2. SANDAG RAILROAD TRENCH INFORMATION – (Staff Contact: Hossein Ajideh, Public Works and Linda Culp, SANDAG). Staff Recommendation: Informational only Principal Regional Planner SANDAG Culp and Engineering Manager Ajideh presented the Carlsbad Village Railroad Trench Alternatives Analysis with two trench alternatives. Cost estimates/public outreach/evaluation of the positives and negatives of each alternative were presented. Presentation is on file with the office of the City Clerk. Page 2 of 8 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t ▫ Commissioner Perez inquired about minimizing the railroad operations during construction. ▫ Principal Regional Planner SANDAG Culp answered that the railroad operations will continue during construction with minor alterations. ▫ Commissioner Penseyres inquired about the timeframe to fund the project and start construction. ▫ Principal Regional Planner SANDAG Culp explained that SANDAG has a list of projects and addresses each one based on the phase of development. ▫ Commissioner Linke inquired about the funding of the project for the next phases. ▫ Principal Regional Planner SANDAG Culp explaining that there is no additional funds for this project on SANDAG’s side. ▫ Deputy City Manager Gomez explained that there were funds allocated for this initial phase and used but because of Proposition H requirement (one-million-dollar threshold) the city will have to go to vote for this project. ▫ Commissioner Fowler inquired about the impact of the Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization project on the Railroad Trench Project. ▫ Principal Regional Planner SANDAG Culp said that the Del Mar Bluffs project is at the top five on the priority list, but the Railroad Trench project will continue to be active on their list. Rosita Sisson, a Carlsbad resident, send an email with the following question: Has the City of Carlsbad made a financial commitment to contribute to the trenching project in any of its phases, including the current phase? Principal Regional Planner SANDAG Culp said yes, the first phase feasibility studies the city funded part of it (the economic analysis) and the current phase alternatives analysis was funded 100% by the City of Carlsbad. 3. MELROSE AT PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD IMPROVEMENTS– (Staff Contact: Brandon Miles and Hossein Ajideh, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations Engineering Manager Ajideh and Associate Engineer Miles presented the Melrose Drive Improvements at Palomar Airport Road, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6034 (Project) providing operational improvements consistent with the city’s General Plan Mobility Element. Presentation is on file with the office of the City Clerk. ▫ Commissioner Hunter inquired about the possibility to include a left turn bicycle lane, it would be a pilot program because there are no left turn bike lanes. ▫ Engineering Manager Ajideh said that staff can look at the request with the Traffic Division. ▫ Commissioner Perez asked if for the future presentations if staff could provide a street view, virtual view of the layout. ▫ Associate Engineer Miles said yes. ▫ Commissioner Penseyres inquired about the southbound on Melrose Drive if it is possible to make the bike lane wider and painted green. ▫ Associate Engineer Miles said that staff will work with the Traffic Division to make possible enhancing the bike lane as requested. ▫ Commissioner Penseyres inquired about the northbound on Melrose Drive and the possibility of having a left turn lane designated for bicycles. Page 3 of 8 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t ▫ Associate Engineer Miles answered that staff will work with Traffic Division look at the proper design guidelines on the request. ▫ Transportation Director confirmed that staff will look at the proper design guidelines and the current measure is to paint the bike lane green on conflicting areas. Motion by Commissioner Hunter seconded by Commissioner Linke to approve staff recommendation to implement operational improvements on Melrose Drive at Palomar Airport Road CIP Project No. 6034, including the stripping on northbound Melrose Drive. Motion carried: 7/0 4. FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 PAVEMENT OVERLAY– (Staff Contact: Emad Elias, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations Engineering Manager Ajideh and Associate Engineer Elias presented the Pavement Management Program Implementation - Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 Pavement Overlay Project (Project), Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6001-20OL. Presentation is on file with the office of the City Clerk. ▫ Commissioner Hunter inquired about the future project to add a third lane on El Camino Real from Jackspar Drive to Sunny Creek Drive and the overlay pavement getting damaged during construction. ▫ Engineering Manager Ajideh explained that if City Council approves the project to add a third lane on El Camino Real, staff will revise the roads selected for pavement overlay. ▫ Commissioner Penseyres was happy to see dedicated right turn lane because it makes it safer for cyclists but he pointed out that several intersections do not have dedicated right turn lane and it makes unsafe for the cyclists. ▫ Deputy City Manager Gomez shared with the commissioners that Street Maintenance Division is now under Transportation Department. ▫ Commissioner Linke noted that he submitted questions related to this item and he inquired about the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) numbers for the three streets. ▫ Engineering Manager Ajideh answered that he could share the model numbers of the PCI with him but overall the range of PCI in those areas are mid to high 60 based on the model. ▫ Commissioner Linke is in favor of doing pavement overlays when necessary and improving bike lanes whenever possible. However, he sees that large proportion of TransNet funds have been used over the years for these repair projects, which instead could use general funds without generating a Proposition H election requirement. Therefore, he would like to see the TransNet funds re-allocated to street improvement projects, like the extension of College Boulevard, which are more likely to be subject to Proposition H. ▫ Engineering Manager Ajideh said that for the next two years staff will not use the TransNet funds for pavement overlay because of a surplus funds that the city has with Trash Haulers. ▫ Deputy City Manager Gomez mentioned the availability of the SB 1 funds which is relatively new and will give us an opportunity to review the program’s funding holistically. ▫ Chair Gocan observed that the last pavement overlay looked like a paint over the road, over the cracks and weeds that were growing in the asphalt. She inquired about staff inspecting the job and doing a quality control. Page 4 of 8 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Motion by Commissioner Hunter, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres, to approve staff recommendations to implement the Pavement Management Program - Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 Pavement Overlay Project, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6001-20OL Motion carried: 7/0 Motion by vice-Chair Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Perez to take a five minutes break. Chair Gocan observed that all the commissioners agreed and no vote was taken. 5. RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACONS AT THREE LOCATIONS - (Staff Contact: Edd Alberto, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations Associate Engineer Alberto presented the recommendation to install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) at the intersections of Paseo Del Norte/Elder Court, Monroe Street/Magnolia Avenue, and Salk Avenue/Fermi Court. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6070. Presentation is on file with the office of the City Clerk. ▫ Commissioner Hunter inquired about the location on Salk Avenue and the reasoning behind the installation of the RRFB; was it because of the TaylorMade Golf course on one side and the test range on the other side. ▫ City Traffic Engineer Kim said yes and because of TaylorMade Golf course employee’s request. ▫ Commissioner Perez asked if the RRFB is like the ones installed on Tamarack Avenue. ▫ Associate Engineer Alberto said yes. ▫ Commissioner Penseyres inquired about the point system for prioritizing crossing locations that staff developed. He believes that intersections with a reported pedestrian collision should be on the top of the list. ▫ City Traffic Engineer Kim answered that staff uses the point system from the City of San Diego Crosswalk Policy and five points were given if there was a pedestrian-related accident at the intersection. ▫ Vice-chair Johnson inquired about intersection on Salk Avenue/Fermi Court, there are no schools and very segregated location. ▫ City Traffic Engineer Kim said it was related to the speed limit on Salk Avenue and the TaylorMade Golf course employees request. ▫ Chair Gocan explained that the signs are not tall enough and the spacing between the signs should be bigger to make it more visible. ▫ Associate Engineer Alberto said that staff will consider the request and look to the possibility of making changes. ▫ City Traffic Engineer Kim said that the RRFB signs are standardized by the FHWA as an interim approval granted to California. The city is following the guidelines found in the FHWA interim approval. Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Hunter to approve staff recommendations to install Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at the intersections of Paseo Del Norte/Elder Court, Monroe Street/Magnolia Avenue, and Salk Avenue/Fermi Court. CIP No. 6070. Motion carried: 7/0 Page 5 of 8 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t 6. TRAFFIC CALMING ON COLLEGE BOULEVARD - (Staff Contact: John Kim, and Tom Frank, Public Works) – Staff’s Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations City Traffic Engineer Kim and Transportation Director Frank presented the Traffic Calming on College Boulevard requesting T&MC to support staff’s recommendation provided in the staff report as Option 1 – Radar Speed Feedback Signs. Presentation is on file with the office of the City Clerk. Public comments submitted via email prior to the T&MC meeting: Calavera Hills Traffic Safety Group, constituted of 21 Carlsbad residents submitted a letter with a survey results on the Traffic Calming on Carlsbad Boulevard options presented by staff. The survey shows that Calavera Hills Traffic Safety Group chose Option 1, as recommended by staff. Letter is on file with the office of the City Clerk. ▫ Commissioner Perez agreed that Option 1 is a good option but he believes that the speed limit, level of congestion and traffic behavior should be taken in consideration to make an informed decision. College Boulevard is a dynamic road with different speed limits, congestion levels, and traffic behavior throughout the day due to two schools affecting College Boulevard between northern city limits and Cannon Road. ▫ Commissioner Penseyres does not believe that Option 1 will solve the problem, but it might only delay the problem temporarily. He is in favor of the Option 1 because it was supported by the Calavera Hills Traffic Safety Group. ▫ Commissioner Linke thanked staff for providing 5 years of collision data where everyone can see the clusters of collisions close to schools. Commissioner Linke inquired about speed data available for this area. ▫ City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that we have speed survey data on file that was collected to determine speed limits but those are limited to off-peak hours on a given day. Once the speed feedback signs are installed, the city can collect data 24 hours a day. ▫ Commissioner Linke inquired if the city has data on the efficiency of the speed feedback signs installed on other areas. ▫ City Traffic Engineer Kim answered that most of the speed feedback signs in the city are located on residential areas and not arterials like College Boulevard. On residential streets, decreases around 5 mph were observed. ▫ Commissioner Linke inquired about installing a restricted “right turn on red” on the intersection of College Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. ▫ Commissioner Linke showed photos of the southern Tamarack Avenue intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard during the morning rush hour, highlighting a school crossing guard’s concerns about (1) conflicts between pedestrians crossing College and vehicles going eastbound on Tamarack turning left (north) onto College, and (2) conflicts between bicyclists and vehicles traveling northbound on College. ▫ Commissioner Linke expressed concern about the cluster of collisions near the Calavera Hills schools and expressed support for speed feedback signs as an initial step. He questioned whether the signs alone would be sufficient to resolve the problem and supported continued exploration of the feasibility of intersection changes. ▫ City Traffic Engineer Kim said that the city is evaluating if “no right turn on red” could be feasible and if we could restrict the time it would be in operation. Page 6 of 8 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t ▫Commissioner Fowler wanted clarification that College Boulevard was built as a major arterial per standards in the Circulation Element of the previous General Plan. ▫Transportation Director Frank explained that California roads were built primarily for vehicles and the new Mobility Element calls for revising the roads as Complete Streets and that will be costly. ▫City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that College Boulevard was built as an arterial based on the previous General Plan and once the Mobility Element was implemented College Boulevard continued to be labeled as an arterial. ▫Commissioner Hunter inquired about the speed limit survey data when it was done and what was the 85th percentile. ▫City Traffic Engineer Kim said that the survey was collected in October of 2018 and the 85th percentile was 48mph based on 100 vehicles. Motion by Commissioner Hunter, seconded by Commissioner Linke, to approve staff’s recommendations to implement Option 1 – Radar Speed Feedback Signs, adding to re-evaluate the item later and collect speed survey data. Motion carried: 7/0 Motion by Commissioner Hunter, seconded by Commissioner Fowler to take a five minutes break. Motion carried: 7/0 7.VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED THRESHOLDS AND SCREENING CRITERIA – (Staff Contact: Jason Geldert and Jennifer Horodyski, Community and Economic Development) Staff’s Recommendation: Approve staff recommendations Engineering Manager Geldert is asking the T&MC to recommend to City Council the adoption of a resolution to approve citywide the Vehicle Miles Traveled thresholds and screening criteria pursuant to Senate Bill 743. ▫ Commissioner Linke stated that the City of Carlsbad is approaching build-out and asked what proportion of development projects, remain to be done that could be subject to the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) guidelines. ▫Engineering Manager Geldert answered that currently we have 2 or 3 projects that will have to evaluate VMT, but did not have exact numbers. He estimated that quite a few projects are expected to be subject to VMT analysis guidelines. ▫Commissioner Linke asked about the following hypothetical scenario: In the area that is mostly the Village and the Barrio (light blue area shown in the power point), per capita VMT is 85% or less than the city average so, under the 2,400 ADT threshold, does that mean that anyone could build a residential area up to 240 single-family homes, or 400 apartments, or a 600-unit retirement community and not be subject to the VMT analysis? ▫Associate Engineer Horodyski explained that yes, according to the VMT guidelines, if the city average is more than 15%, the area would not be subject to the VMT guidelines. ▫Commissioner Linke is concerned that a developer could build a 600-unit apartment complex in one of the light blue zones and be able to say that we are not generating vehicle miles out of the 600 units as an example. Page 7 of 8 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t ▫Engineer Manager Geldert explained that he understands Commissioner Linke concerns and he agrees that any project based on this example would generate VMT however, the metric that we are using is an efficiency metric which means that is a VMT per person. ▫Project Manager Cole stated the key here is the efficiency metric uses an existing apartment complex that on average is generating 15 VMT per person and if another apartment complex is built nearby the expectation is that it will be like the existing neighbors. ▫Commissioner Linke expressed concern that, with the proposed thresholds, the city would not be able to compel even relatively large developments to fund any mitigation measures like transit or other Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures that could be used to encourage the new residents to not drive their cars. ▫Commissioner Linke asked if there is anything that has been customized or is unique for the City of Carlsbad. ▫Associate Engineer Horodyski explained that City of Carlsbad has a couple of thresholds and screening criteria that are unique, one is the threshold for Office projects and the other is the Industrial projects. ▫Commissioner Linke inquired about harmonizing CEQA rules/TDM rules/ Growth Management Program (GMP) rules/VMT and Level of Service (LOS). ▫Associate Engineer Horodyski explained that staff will continue to require both analysis: one for CEQA one for local Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) and will combine into one document. ▫Engineering Manager Geldert stated that as a result of harmonizing the documents staff will develop TIA guidelines, addressing the rules and regulations cited above. ▫Commissioner Perez inquired if the development of Robertson’s Ranch will affect VMT. ▫Director of Traffic Engineering Ruehr answered that for the analysis of this specific commercial project, Robertson’s Ranch, it is assumed that this development would decrease VMT. ▫Commissioner Penseyres pointed out that one of the areas in the city under development is around Sage Creek High School and how the VMT would impact the residential development in the area. ▫Engineering Manager Geldert answered that when analyzing VMT and it is found above the threshold there are mitigation measures that would be put in place. Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Hunter to recommend to the City Council the adoption of a resolution approving citywide Vehicle Miles Traveled Thresholds and Screening Criteria pursuant to Senate Bill 743. Motion carried: 7/0 CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER COMMENTS: City Traffic Engineer Comments: Attachment A Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt introduced the new Assistant City Attorney, Robby Contreras. City Traffic Engineer Kim informed the commissioners that the Work Plan 20-2021 will be included in the Agenda for June 1, 2020. Deputy City Manager Gomez asked the commissioners if they would like to have the Chief Innovation Officer, David Graham facilitating the Work Plan 20-2021 as he did for the Work Plan 19-2020. Page 8 of 8 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Traffic and Mobility Commissioners agreed with Deputy City Manager Gomez suggestion. TRAFFIC & MOBILITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Linke mentioned that the first ad-hoc meeting on the Sustainable Mobility Plan went well and he is cautiously optimist that they can make it better. Commissioners Penseyres inquired about having an information on the Multimodal Level of Service, to better understand how it works. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt said that it is staff intention to bring it to the T&MC and give a quick primer on how MMLOS is calculated for bicyclists and pedestrians. Commissioner Penseyres explained his reasoning behind asking for more frequent street sweeping on a wider bicycle lane is to address the debris that accumulates on the bicycle lane. Transportation Director Frank answered that staff will consider his request. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic & Mobility Commission Meeting on May 4, 2020, at 8:01 p.m. ___________________________ Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk Eliane Paiva Attachment A Meeting Date: May 4, 2020 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 Subject: City Traffic Engineer Report Past City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility April 7, 2020 • Urgency Ordinance establishing NO PARKING on Carlsbad Boulevard between Pine Avenue and La Costa Avenue Upcoming City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility May 5, 2020 • Growth Management Plan LFMZ 15 Road Segments May 19, 2020 • Carlsbad Connector Update • Approve Traffic Calming on Segovia Way and Harwich Drive Other Items • COVID-19 – Staff has recently implemented hands-free pedestrian operation at twelve traffic signals with high pedestrian activity. Locations include Carlsbad Boulevard/Grand Avenue, Carlsbad Boulevard/Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad Boulevard/Pine Avenue, Carlsbad Boulevard/Tamarack Avenue, Carlsbad Village Drive/State Street, Carlsbad Village Drive/Roosevelt Street, Carlsbad Village Drive/Madison Street, Carlsbad Village Drive/Jefferson Street, Carlsbad Village Drive/Harding Street, Grand Avenue/State Street, Grand Avenue/Roosevelt Street, and Grand Avenue/Jefferson Street. • We are planning on adding the FY21 Work Plan to the June agenda. We will be providing a copy of the FY20 Work Plan for the commissioners to review so that comments and suggestions can be discussed at the June 2020 meeting. City Traffic Engineer Report Previous Items brought up by Traffic and Mobility Commission Item Action Striping changes on Melrose at PAR Will be addressed by CIP Project No. 6034 Speed limit primer Can be incorporated into next speed limit item brought to the Commission Grand Promenade per Village and Barrio Master Plan None at this time Annual Safety Report per Carlsbad Municipal Code Police Department responsibility Striping modifications on PAR at Costco driveway Work order issued in May 2019 Traffic volume trends Can be incorporated into proposed Annual Traffic Collision Report using LRSP funding Roundabout striping guidelines None at this time