HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-12-06; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutesc- Minutes of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Date of Meeting: Monday, December 6, 1971 - 3:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: City Manager's Conference Room Present: Don Johnson, Bill Harkins, Moe Sims, Bob Nelson, Police Chief Laughlin, City Engineer Cook, City Manager Arnold, Pub1 ic Works Director Priday, and Manny Puentes, Automo- bile Club 1. 2. 3. 4. Absent: Colonel Nooncaster Approva 1 of Mi nutes. The minutes fcr the September meeting were approved as submitted, There was no quorum present for the October meeting and no minutes were prepared. No meeting was held in November. Introduction of New Members. Bob Nelson and Moe Sims were introduced to the Commission. Their term of office will be for two years, to expire in December, 1973. Traffic Control at Hol iday' Park, in Connection with Annual Book -- Fair. A letter from the Friends of the Library requesting one-way streets be temporarily establ ished around Hol iday Park for the Book Fair was reviewed. The suggested scheme and various al- ternates were reviewed. The Commission adopted a motion (Cook-Laughlin) approving in concept the establishment of one-way streets as follows on a temporary basis: 1. Pi0 Pico, southbound, Pine to Chestnut. 2. Eureka, northbound, Chestnut to Basswood. 3. Pine and Basswood, eastbound, Pi0 Pic0 to Highland. The City Engineer and Police Chief are to work out the details for presentation to the Friends of the Library, who will be invited to a future Commission meeting. Proposed Boulevard Stop - Jefferson Street at Laquna Drive. By motion (Cook-Simms) the Commission voted to reject the request at this time, due to lack of justification for the stop sign. The intersection does not meet the accident or traffic warrants for a 4-way stop intersection. The staff will advise the appl icant by letter. -- -2- 5. 6. 7. 8. Ocean Avenue Speed Control. A request has been received from Mr. Charles Kendrick, 2855 Carlsbad Boulevard, requesting that bump strips be placed on Ocean Avenue. This matter was discussed and upon motion (Harkins-Nelson); it was recommended that bump strips not be installed at this location. The City's insurance carrier has advised against the use of such bumps, and it presents problems for emergency vehicles which must traverse the street. Stop Siqn Request - Carlsbad Boulevard Northbound Off-Ramp at Ponto Overcrossinq. ,A request has been received from Councilman Jardine, requesting that a stop sign be installed at the subject location. A field investigation was made by the Police Chief and City Engineer, who reported that the site is relatively secluded and that a stop sign could create crime enforcement problems.' It was recommended that a yield sign be installed on the northbound off-ramp. It was felt that this would serve the traffic safety purposes required without creating an additional problem for law enforcement. The Commission adopted the recommendation (Harkins- Sims). Stop Siqns - Hardinq and Chestnut. Stop signs have been installed for east and westbound Chestnut traffic. By motion (Laughlin-Harkins), the request to install stop signs for north and southbound Harding traffic was rejected. The intersection will be studied as traffic stabilizes upon com- pletion of the freeway work and if further consideration of this, matter is necessary, it will be presented again to the Commission. Request for No Parkinq on Carlsbad Boulevard in Vicinity of Tr ck Hue. A request has been received from the Terramar Association, re- , questing certain vehicle parking restrictions. The representa- tive of the Terramar Association was not present at the meeting to make a formal presentation. Therefore, since the matter is not of critical importance until the summer season, the matter was continued until the January meeting to allow the secretary of the Association to be present. p,,,,r, pa. 9. Desiqnation of Roosevelt and Madison as Throuqh Streets. It was recommended by the Commission that Roosevelt and Madison be designated as through streets between Elm and Magnolia, and that the side streets be signed accordingly. The side streets c- -3- 4 will be controlled by yield signs until such time as stop intersection warrants are met. 10. Intersection Control - Highland at Adams. By motion (Harkins-Arnold), it was recommended that westbound traffic on Highland yield to Adams traffic, and that an ap- propriate sign be installed. The staff was further requested to investigate the traffic patterns resulting from the con- struction of additional traffic generators in the vicinity of Adams and Tamarack. 11. Carlsbad Boulevard - Parkinq Problems in the Vicinity of the Entrance to the Campqround. The Police Chief reviewed the law enforcement problems resulting from the parking of automobiles on the unpaved portion of Carlsbad Boulevard south of Lanikai Trailer Park. . Pedestrians are creating a dangerous situation by climbing the fences and crossing Carlsbad Boulevard to the State Beach. Some of these individuals are bel ieved to participate in vandal ism and. thievery within the campground. The Police Chief recommends that parking be prohibited in the unpaved portion. It was recommended by the Commission (Nelson-Cook) that signs be in- stalled at each end of the unpaved portion near the mobile home park on the north and near the end of the paved road to the south warning drivers that the unpaved portion is closed to public use and that vehicles would be towed away. The legal mechanics of such installation will be discussed with the City Attorney and appropriate action will be taken. 12. A1 ley Parkinq. The vehicular movement problems associated with parking in alleys was discussed, particularly the alley between State and Roosevelt, north of Elm. Sight distance becomes a problem at intersections and the movement of emergency vehicles can be obstructed if two vehicles were to park side by side. The ’ Commission recommended (Nelson-Harkins) that the Council adopt an ordinance prohibiting parking in alleys if none now exists. The staff will investigate the existing ordinances and draft an appropriate ordinance for Commission review if none now exists. The status of the Elm Avenue alley will be discussed with the CBDAC. It was suggested by the City Engineer that this particular alley be made one-way, northbound. 13. Carl sbad Bou 1 eva rd R i qht-of-Way . The Commission recommends that the City endeavor to get back ---- -4- from the State Department of Parks and Beaches the excess right-of-way from Carlsbad Boulevard which was previously given to them. The City Engineer briefed the Commission on the traffic signal installation at Carlsbad Boulevard and Tamarack, and indicated that the State had tentatively agreed to return a portion of the right-of-way in connection with this project. 14. State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard Intersection. The Automobile Club is reviewing the traffic conditions at this particular intersection, and will be working with the City Engineer to formulate recommendations to the Commission. Respectfully submitted, Record i ng Secretary HTC:CC -