HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-05; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMinutes of: TRAFF IC SAFETY COMM I SS I ON
Date of Meeting: Monday, June 5, 1972- 3:OO P.M.
Place of Meeting: City Manager's Conference Room
Present: Bob Nelson, Moe Sims, City Manager Arnold, City Engineer Cook, Acting Police Chief Rossall, Manny
Puentes, Bill Allen, Engineering Dept.
Absent: Chai rman Don Johnson, Bi 11 Har kins
Guests: Colonel Southwell, Nick Banche, Father Diesel, St. Patrick's School.
1. Approval of Minutes.
The minutes for the May meeting were approved as submitted.
2. Election of Officers.
Don Johnson was reelected Chairman and Bill Harkins, Vice-
Cha i rman.
3. Report by Traffic Enqineer on Traffic Safety Policies and
Wa r rant s .
The City Council has approved the draft policies and warrants
as recommended by the Commission, for a six month trial period.
The commission is to observe the operation of the warrants
during this period and to prepare a recommendation regarding
adoption or adoption with modifications for council action at
the end of the trial period.
4. Request for Stop Siqn- Roosevelt and Laquna.
A request from the citizens in the area has been received requesting a stop sign at this intersection. Colonel South-
we1 1 presented the driver's viewpoint regarding conditions
at this corner. After discussion, the committee agreed that
a stop sign will not solve the problem. The principal hazard
at the intersection is the lack of visibility between the
north bound traffic on Roosevelt and the west bound traffic
on Laguna. The City Engineer explained how the sight distance
can be corrected by removal of an existing fence at the south-
east corner of the intersection. He reported that the City
staff has contacted the property owner and requested voluntary
relocation of the fence with the City forces doing the work.
The property owner does not wish to give permission.
By motion (Arnold-Sims) the Commission adopted a recommend- ation that the City Council acquire an additional 7 feet of
right-of-way on the southerly side of Laguna east of Roose-
velt St. for safety purposes and future sidewalk, and that
Traffic Safety Ct .ission Minutes
June 5, 1972
Page 2
such acquisition be by condemnation if necessary.
5. Pedestrian Traffic Control on Tamarack at Pi0 Pico.
Mr. Nick Banchi and Father Diesel, representing St. Patrick's
School, were present to discuss the need for a crossing
guard. Approximately 220 children attend St. Patrick's
during regular session. An additional 300 attend special
classes terminating at 4 o'clock on Monday and Tuesday. The
Auto Club has been requested to study the situation and to
make recommendations regarding specific action to the Commiss- ion. The matter was tabled pending completion of their study.
It was also pointed out that the City is currently completing
an analysis of existing traffic control devices. We will soon
be in contact with representatives from St. Patrick's to work
with them to determine safe routes to school for each of the children. Mr. Allen will be in charge of this effort.
6. Traffic Flow Pattern West of Carlsbad Blvd.
The City Engineer presented a proposed scheme for making Ocean Ave. a one-way street. This is necessary to avoid massive condemnation of existing properties to improve the
street to handle anticipated traffic. The one-way concept
on Ocean Ave. was approved by the Commission (Nelson Rossall).
7. Traffic Conditions Carlsbad Blvd. G State St.
The City Engineer reported that a recent traffic count, on
Carlsbad Blvd. during a 15 minute interval on a sunny Sunday,
revealed 150 cars stopping at the stop sign (north bound),
and approximately 40 cars travelling south bound, and turning
left onto State St. with no traffic control. He reported
that it is obvious that the wrong flow of traffic is being
stopped; traffic backs up on the Blvd. past Mountain View at
times. He suggested that the control be reversed. After
discussion the City Engineer advised he will investigate
various alternatives to minimize delay to persons wishing to
use State St. and report back to the commission at the next
8. Set Date for Next Meetinq
The next meeting was set for Monday, July 10, 1972 at 3:OO P.M.
Respectfully submitted,