HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
The of Meeting: 3:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: February 6, 1984 Place of Meeting: Council Ch&rs
The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman wood at
3:04 p.m.
Present: Vice-chairman wood, Comnissioners Pat O'Day and Mary Melideo.
Absent: Comnissioners Punches and Harkins.
Staff Members present:
Steve Tisdale, Project Manager
Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager,
Vince Jimno, Police Chief Developmental Services
The Minutes of the January 9, 1984, Meeting were approved as presented.
Steve Tisdale, Project Manager, reported on the Magnolia
School circulation plan and stated the school has done
its part and a work order will be issued tomorrow to put
up the signs. He added anordinance had been found to
allow the installation of the siqns without having to go
before the Council.
Mr. Tisdale reported the Palomar Airport Road striping
and chip sealing was oorrpleted.
In mnclusion, Mr. Tisdale reprted the Carlsbad Boulevard signing will be started tomorrow.
1. Darkina restriction on the west side of the street.
2900 Carlsbad Boulevard - Request for 10-20 minute
The Traffic Safety Coordinatinq Corrmittee remmnded
denying this request.
In answer to a question from the Comnission, Police Chief Jim stated there is not sufficient manpower to
enforce this kind of restriction. An educational
process has been initiated to insure the employees of the csompanies park in the rear parking lot.
Steve Tisdale had photographs of the area which he gave
to the Conmissioners for their perusal.
3. Pi0 Pic0 and Las Flores - Reauest for a four-wav
Ruena Vista Way - Request for sidewalks.
stop and crosswalks.
There were two requests to speak on Items 2 and 3: Cheryl Emst, Principal, Buena Vista School and Cathy Berry, 1290 Las Flores.
wood Me1 ideo
February 6, 1984 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS
The Principal of Buena Vista School, Cheryl Ernst, spoke to the Cmission, stating she felt there should
be sidewalks to the top of Highland and that on Item
#3, the school would place safety patrol units at the corner, only if assured this would be a safer
The safety of the children in this area, due to the
lack of sidewalks, was discussed by the Commissioners,
with the mnsensus of apinion being that this was a very unsafe situation. building a berm, with Police Chief Jimno stating a berm
would cause mre problems than it wld solve. The suqgestion was made to mnsult with the City Attorney as to the City's liability on that stretch of road.
There was discussion about
The Traffic Comnission voted to put this item on the
CIP list, with a footnote that the Commission feels this should be of a high priority. The Cmission felt this area was not up to the standard of care the City
maintains, particularly since it is near a school, with physical restraints requiring pedestrians to walk in
the street. If feasible, the Traffic Conmission
suggested an assessment district be formed.
Speaking on Item 3, Pi0 Pic0 and Las Flores, Mrs. Ernst stated one child had been hit by a car as he was crossing Las Flores toward the school. Mrs. Berry stated she lives at the mrner and witnesses near misses mnstantly, warning signs, and this wld have to be mrrected before the school would agree to place safety patrols at that mrner. The adult crossing guard does not adequately protect the children crossing in the opposite direction.
It was stated there are not enough
The Principal, Mrs. Ernst, stated the tunnel under the street is closed and will remain closed due to
harassment by older children and the danger to the
Staff stated marked crosswalks are mre dangerous than
unmarked crosswalks, due to a sense of false security. In this instance, when the adult crossing quard is not there, the children muld be careless about crossing at the intersection.
There was a discussion about the crossing guard's duty, with it being noted her main duty was to cross the children across Pi0 Pim,
Comnissioner O'Day stated there should be mre signs reminding mtorists of the intersection; the school
should educate the children to cross only at the corner: and the crossing guard should make mre trips from north to south across Las Flores.
Mrs. Ernst restated that the school district wants a safety patrol at that mrner, but she will not put one there without a crosswalk.
Comnissioner Melideo mved for re-instruction of the crossing guard and the safety patrol to hold the children for crossing wether, with a crosswalk to be painted across Las Flores, and additional signing.
The mtion died for lack of a second.
Me1 ideo
February 6, 1984 Page 3
Ron Beckman stated any intersection is a legal crosswalk, whether striped or not.
The Traffic Comnission voted to instruct the crossing guard and the safety patrol to hold groups of children for crossing both streets at the intersection, with more warning signs to be installed. A crosswalk is to
be painted north to south on Las Flores.
Cdssioner O'Day stated he voted against the mtion as he was not in favor of a painted crosswalk.
4. Entrance - Requ est for a left-turn pocket.
Mr. Jack Buonarati, Hughes Aircraft Company, addressed the Cmission stating the problem in making a left
turn into the front parking lot at Huqhes.
the safety of the employees and mstomers was the main
concern, and the reason for the left-turn pocket
the Comnissioners. Ron Beckman stated there would not be a left-turn pocket there when the median is
installed, and his reanmendation would be for double yellow lines in that area.
Palomar Airport Fbad and Oak Cmunication Systems
He stated
Pictures of the intersection were shown to
Comnissioner O'Day suggested there be a left-turn pocket painted there now with Hughes paying for the striping. Mr. Buonarati agreed that Hughes would pay
for that work and asked the City to mnsider doing the work on a time and material basis.
The Traffic Comnission voted to allow Hughes to design a left-turn pocket to meet City approval and install it at Hughes' expense, subject to removal when the median is installed.
5. Chestnut Avenue - Excessive corranercial traffic, and
Elm and Tamarack Extensions.
Mrs. Mary Cashel, 2015 Chestnut, had requested to speak before the City Council on this matter. Cmission, after hearing her mnplaint, stated she was before the wrong Comnission. to watch for hearings before the Planning Conmission for the changing of the circulation element. Tisdale stated he would give Mrs. Cashel the information she needed.
The Traffic
Mrs. Cashel was advised
By proper mtion, the Meeting of February 6, 1984, was adjourned at 4:51 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk
wood Melideo O'Day
wood Melideo