HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-09-10; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: September 10, 1984
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman wood at 3:lO p.m.
present: Vice-chairman wood, Comnissioners Melideo and O'Day.
Absent: Chairman Punches and Comnissioner Harkins.
Staff Members present:
Steve Tisdale, Project Manager Marty Bournan, Traffic Consultant
The Minutes of the July 2, 1984, Meeting were approved as amended to show Cbmnissioner O'Day voting "no" on the
request to install a yield sign at the northerly mmer of the right turn island fromwestbund Tamarack to northbound El Cdno Real.
Steve Tisdale reported on the actions taken since the last meting.
Marty Bournan stated the large signs indicating trucks were not alluwed have been placlea on Pas- Del Norte just as you enter Alta Mira. He explained the Signs were placed there to insure the truck drivers' seeing
them the first time they drive through. they will not make the second trip through. Engineering felt placing the signs in that area would get better results than closer to Palomar Airport Road.
Mr. Barman added that Engineering had taken a aunt on
Pas- Del Norte, and there were no trucks.
stop or larger stop signs.
Mr. Bernard Markham, 4748 Invemess Court, had requested to address the Comnission on this item, and he also added another item to speak on at the same time.
Edinburgh 81 Glasgaw - Request for either a four-way
Mr. Markham presented a map to the Cdssioners shaving the Eainburgh and Glasguw intersection and related to the Comnissim the dangers of the intersection as listed on a printed Newsletter of the Colony at Calavera Hills Hameawners Association dated
Septenber 10, 1984. corner is questionable-with a mjority of the people making "California" stops.
will be building a park in that area and that will increase the pedestrian traffic.
He also added the stapping at that
Mr. Markham stated the City
Marty J3ouman stated the recomnendation made by Engineering was the proper solution to the problem at that mmer, with the traffic ants as they are at the
present time.
wood Melideo
September 10, 1984 COMMISSIONERS \;I Page 2
Mr. Bowman reminded Mr. Markham that this would be
setting a precedent, and when the park is hilt and new side streets are opened, you certainly auld not put a stop sign at every street. He added the traffic patterns at this intersection will change again, and as that happens, the problem, if me arises, will be taken up again and studied by Engineering and Traffic Safety.
Codssioner Melideo expressed her preference for a
stop sign rather than a yield sign as reconmended by staff.
Cdssioner 0%~ stated the flow of traffic is inportant and in mder to install a four-way stap at
that mrner, the warrants for that would have to be met. Staff agreed this oorner did not meet the warrants for a four-way stap.
The traffic study mntained in the Cdssioners' packets was referred to, indicating a small flaw of
traffic and, as yet, no accidents at that mrner.
The Traffic Safety Conmission accepted the Traffic Safety Coordinating Cdttee recomnendation of changing the stcp sign on the North leg of the intersection at Edinburgh and Glasgaw to a yield sign, and installing a stop sign m the East leg of the intersection.
Mr. ~ouman stated this was the best recomnendation for safety at this point, but in the future this may change.
Request for inproved safety at Kirkwallqamarack . intersection.
This request was oontained in the Newsletter attached to the Minutes. stating he wld like the Cdssion to take action. Mr. Markham spoke on this matter,
Inasmuch as this item was not on the Agenda and had not
been amsidered by the Traffic Safety Coordinating
Cdttee, the Cdssion referred this matter to staff for study and directed this item be included on next
month's agenda.
Mr. Bouman reminded Mr. Markham that Item #l would mme
before the City Council for Council action.
3. Hibiscus Circle - Request for centerline striping.
Mr. John McCoy, President of the Homeawners Association, spoke on this item, stating the yellow
striping was needed to keep motorists from using the wrong side of the street m this mrve.
stated mtorists are nm cutting through this area to avoid the mrner at Tamarack and Jefferson. He stated
speed is becxxning a danger through this area, but for the present, they would be happy with the yellow line
Mr. McCoy
Steve Tisdale reported this street did not warrant striping, and Marty Bournan stated he did not believe this would benefit the residents as rmch as they think
it will.
w!od Melideo O'Day
September 10, 1984 Page 3
Mr. John Rector, President of Tamarack Shores Homeawners Association, stated in his neighborhood there are 17 children under the age of five.
the traffic in this area should be studied again.
He felt
Mr. George Masin, 525 Anchor Way, addressed the Codssion, stating one of the cars had ended up in his front yard, and he felt the traffic needs to be controlled in that area.
with the speed limit m Hibiscus and Anchor Way. There have been three accidents in the area already.
He suggested signs be posted
The Comnission suggested Mr. Masin bring this before
the Cdttee and the Cdssion as an agenda item.
The Traffic Safety Camnission directed staff to paint a yellow center line on Hibiscus Circle; the length tm be determined by Engineering.
2. enforceable No Parking signs, cx remove existing signs. Parking in Alta Mira - Request to install
Marty Bournan showed the Cdssion a map of Alta Mira and the streets involved in the problem of street
parking enforcement. The streets are posted on me
side "No Parking", because of the narrowness of the streets. private, and the Police Department cannot tell which are the private streets, where they have no j ur isdiction .
Same of the streets are public and some are
Engineering is proposing the Comnission authorize staff to meet with the homeawners associations and have them request the City to enforce the parking prohibition, including the private streets.
The Traffic Safety Cmdssion accepted the recamendation of the Coordinating Codttee to reach a formal agreement with the Alta Mira Homeawners Associations authorizing the City to enforce parking regulations on the private and public streets in
Alta Mira, provided that the private streets have been appropriately posted by the Associations.
1. Seminar on "Haw to be a More Effective Conmissioner or Public Board Menker".
Steve Tisdale announced this meting would be in Irvine, and the City would pay the enrollment fee for anyone interested in attending.
2. Joint Council/Cdssion Workshop.
Marty Bouman mounced that anyone having an item for the Agenda for this meeting should mntact staff, or bring that idea to the October Traffic Safety Meeting.
By proper mtion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Hdiriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
wood Melideo O'Day
Melideo O'Day