HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-01; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meetinq: April 1, 1985 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALLI To ORDEB: The meeting was called to order by Chairman wood at 3:06 p.m. mLL CALL: Present: Chairman wood, Conmissioners Melideo, O'Day and Punches. Absent: Comnissioner Harkins. Staff Members Present: Marty Bouman, Traffic Consultant Ron Beckman, City Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the March 4, 1985, meeting were approved as presented. REFORT ON ACTION REQIJESJXD AT PREVIOUS MEETING Marty Bournan, Traffic Consultant reported on actions requested at the March 4, 1985, meeting, as follows: The recmmnded change of the speed limit on Rancho Santa Fe Road to 45 mph will be before the Council April 2, 1985. The signs have been ordered, but not installed. The Cdssion recomnded the unusual stop and yield signs at La Portalada Drive and Milano Court be changed to make a two-way stop, and this action will be before Council April 2, 1985. The informational item to the Cmission last mnth regarding signs at the traffic signals along El Camino Real at the Plaza, Marron and Hosp Way has been carried out with all signs installed except the one at Marron. There is a problem there with the mast arm of the signal. The other informational item to be reported on was the off-ramp from Carlsbad northbound to Palomar Airport Road, where there was a problem with vehicles missing the curve. Mr. Bouman reported additional speed signs and warning signs have been installed, including very large yellow warning signs in a headon position with the speed limit of 20 mph and a right arrow. ACTION ITEMS: Chairman wood announced Item P5 would be taken out of order to allow public input. D-5. Paseo Del Norte near Elder Court Mr. Jerry Lasher, Altamira, stated he had asked the Traffic Cornnittee to look at the situation, but did not request a crosswalk. He felt some signs, or no parking along Paseo Del Norte, or some other solution to the problem could be mrked out. Mr. Lasher asked what future traffic controls were planned for Paseo Del Norte. wood Melideo O'Day Punches MINUTES April 1, 1985 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS ACTION ITEMS: (Continued) Mr. Bouman stated Paseo Del Norte is a secondary arterial and will have four mving lanes of traffic. traffic controls will consist of a signal at Poinsettia Lane and the existing sianal at Palomar Airport Road. There are no other plans for traffic mntrol. Future Mr. Jessie Anderson, 6749 Heath Court, stated signs without enforcement are mrthless, and enforcement is needed along Paseo Del Norte. He said cars and trucks all speed through that area, and he agreed a crosswalk would be dangerous. Mr. George ROdgers, 6749 Russelia Court, stated that 90 percent of the residents live on the west side of Paseo Del Norte, necessitating crossing the street to reach the recreational center and the tennis courts. He said there was to be a traffic signal at Camino De Las Ondas and Paseo Del Norte. any bonds for such a signal, but would check into that. Staff indicated they were not aware of Mr. Joe Kindermann, 921 Fuchsia, suggested building a median strip dawn the middle of Paseo Del Norte to control the traffic as far as passing illegally and to give the pedestrians a chance to get half-way across the street at a time, since it is a wide street and cars cross into the yellow areas without regard for pedestrians. He felt a median strip muld beautify the area and add to the attractiveness. Mr. Truman Clark, 6759 Montia Court, comnted that caning up Elder to Paseo Del Norte presents a sight problem in both directions, and it is very difficult to make a turn onto Paseo Del Norte with safety. Mr. Lasher and the other gentlemen above sugqested that perhaps an overhead crosswalk muld be built, but then felt that would not be practical with elderly people having to climb the steps. In answer to query about developer improvements to Paseo Del Norte, City Engineer Ron Beckman stated the developments on streets are required to be put in as the property is developed. In discussion, the gentlemen from Altamira stated they felt the large developers should be required to put the street improvements in first. Mr. Beckman stated that cannot be &ne, but when approval is asked, it is granted subject to anditions that the improvements must be put in. An alternative way would be to form an assessment district. Mr. Beckman added that those have not been too popular until lately. Mr. Lasher said he was mncerned about the pedestrians crossing the street, and he reiterated his belief that crosswalks are dangerous. Mr. Beckman summarized what had ken suggested by the speakers; a pedestrian bridge-source of funds unknown; median in center of Paseo Del Norte-source of funds unkm; check to see whether a traffic signal at Camino De L,as Ondas was bonded; and look at speed limits on Paseo Del Norte. MINUTES April 1, 1985 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS ACTION ITEMS: (Continued) Mr. Beckman explained the speed surveys and stated mst people would do what was right for the circumstances. However, the 85th percentile is what sets the speed for enforcement as far as radar and ability to ticket legally. The gentlemen fram Altamira restated their concerns for pedestrians crossing Paseo Del Norte, with the speedinq and blind spots. Mr. Beckman assured the gentlemen all the suggestions would be checked and a report made to the Cdssion. Chairman wood added that the Police Department would be asked to enforce whatever laws there are. Codssioner Melideo comnted that Paseo Del Norte is a secondary street and the Cmission can only do so much to restrain the traffic. She added the developer should have put the recreational areas on the other side of the street so the residents would not have to cross Paseo Del Norte to reach them. Conmissioner Punches suggested the City look at this situation and come up with some other solutions. D-1. 4-way stop TR 85-25. Corte Del mal and Corte Del Abeto - request for a Marty Ebuman reported that there is a blind approach at this corner, and perhaps an advance intersection warning sign should be included for the northbound approach. Traffic Safety Conmission agreed with staff's remmendation to deny the request at this time, but will monitor the intersection and install an advance intersection warning sign for the northbound approach. D-2. Camin0 Vida mble between El Camino Real and Palmar Airport mad - request for a reduced speed limit zone TR-85-19. Marty Ebuman referred to the speed survey data, and stated although 45 mph is appropriate, there are unusual circumstances. The road is hilly and has several curves and is through the industrial park, with intersections and driveways that do cause concern. speed limit should be reduced to 40 mph. Staff felt the Traffic Safety Cdssion confirmed staff's recamendation to her the speed limit to 40 mph. D-3. request for a 35 mph speed zone and speed reduction sign for northbound traffic at Hosp Way TF? 85-15. El Camino ea1 between Hosp Way and Highway 78 - Marty Bournan reported that due to the mngested traffic in the vicinity of the Plaza, 55 mph is too high for that area. Oceanside, and the speed limit is 45 mph. At the present time they are unwilling to change that speed limit. He added that at Highway 78, El Camino becomes wood Melideo O'Day Punches wood Melideo O'Day Punches K X K K K K K K MINUTES April 1, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Y ACTION ITmS: (Continued) Mr. Roman stated the 35 mph speed limit would be for both ways on El Camino, with a Reduced Speed Ahead sign on El Camino Real south of Hosp Way for northbound traffic. Traffic Safety Conmission confirmed staff's recmurendation to reduce the speed limit on El Camino Real between Hosp Way and Highway 78 to 35 mph, With Reduced Speed Ahead sign to be installed south of Hosp Way for northbound traffic. D-4. Harding and Oak - pedestrian problem. Marty Bournan reported he requested Council send this back to the Traffic Safety Comnission for ansideration. This was an off-agenda item at Council and he informed Council warrants for a four-way stop have not been met. semnd part of the request was for a crosswalk at the Center and parking lot. and he all spoke against that. remain the same as before on this item, with a request for self-education for the seniors. The Mr. Boman said Council Members His recommendation would Traffic Safety Comission confirmed staff's recommendation to deny this request and direct the seniors to conduct a self-education program for crossing at the corner. D-5. (This item was taken out of order at the start of the Action Items. ) E. INFORMATIOMU; ITEMS: E-1. Rancho Santa Fe mad between La Costa Avenue and Cadencia - Request to widen and stripe a second northbound lane. Officer Kates requested this item, and staff reports the street width between curbs is insufficient for three traffic lanes. An assessment district could be started to try to get improvements before the property is developed, if deemed necessary. E-2. request for guard rail on curve. La Costa Avenue 0.3 miles east of El Camino Real - TR 85-18. Officer Kates is mncerned about this curve. Staff has issued a work order to Utilities/Maintenance to install 750 feet of guard rail in this area. E-3. Memo from Sgt. Mike Shipley of the Police Department was attached to the packet, giving a report on the traffic activity on Rancho Santa Fe Road. Rancho Santa Fe F&d - Traffic Activity. Traffic Safety Cdssion voted to accept Informational Items E-1, E-2 and E-3 as presented. wood Melideo O'Day Punches wood Melideo O'Day Punches wood Meliczo O'Day Punches 6 $ P - X X X X X X X X K K K Y April 1, 1985 MINUTES ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: City Engineer Ron Beckman requested Chairman wood appear at the Council Meeting when the item regarding the crosswalk and four-way stop sign on Harding for the senior center is considered. The Police Department reported two fatalities in Carlsbad this mnth, one on El Camino Real by Von's and a train fatality. Chairman bJood stated for the record that Ron Beckman is leaving the City of Carlsbad to work for the City of Oceanside. On hehalf of the Comnission, he wished Mr. Beckman well and expressed pleasure having worked with him. He asked Mr. Beckman to return to visit with his friends here at City Hall. By proper mtion, the meting of April 1, 1985, was adjourned at 4:24 p.m. Respectfully s7a &> dahiett Babbitt Minutes Clerk