HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-09-09; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES A Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY (DlPIISSIoN Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: September 9, 1985 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL m ORDER: The meetins was called to order by Chairman wood at 3:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Wood, Comnissioners Fuller, Erwin and Melideo. Cdssioner O'Day arrived at 3:05 p.m. Absent: None. Staff Menhers Present: Steve Tisdale, Project Manager Kent Sears, Traffic Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the July 1, 1985, meeting were approved as presented. REPORT ON ACI'ION REOUESTED AT PRmTIOUS MEETING Steve Tisdale reported the Westhaven and SkylineDark stop sign will be before Council September 17, 1985. Kelly Drive is axrpleted and staff will check on the re- installation of the school signs. the signal priority report. Jefferson at Magnolia have been installed, and the street repairs requested have been conpleted. striping machine will be received by the end of the month. Poinsettia should be apen and the signal in operation by the 21st of September. Staff is working on The rumble strips an A new In response to query about the removal of the two trees, Mr. Tisdale reported those are still in the Engineer's office. ACTION ITEMS: Item #2 was taken out of order to allow public input. 2. Avenue - Request for a two (2) hour parking zone. Carlsbad Boulevard between Elm Avenue and Grand Kent Sears gave the staff report an this item as contained in the memorandum stating the occupancy rate and average duration did not justify a *hour parking limit. George Roberts, 2967 Carlsbad Boulevard, addressed the Comnission, stating the problem is with enployees of Neiman's Restaurant (Twin Inns), and he suggested Neiman's tell the employees to park somewhere else, and not block the parking spaces in front of the merchants on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard. Witt Rawlett, 2975 "A" Carlsbad Boulevard, owner of Carlsbad Pipelines (a surf shop), addressed the Cdssion, stating Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the busy days for their shops and that was when the problem was the wrst. He felt the Engineering staff should take a survey durinq that time. wood Fuller Melideo Erwin MINUTES Septenm-kr 9, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Page 2 ACTION ITEMS: (Continued) Steve Densham, 2978 Carlsbad Boulevard, representing the Twin Inns and Neiman's Restaurant, stated they had directed their esnployees not to park in the prime parking spaces in front of their building, but there was parking to the rear of the building. He added that NCI'D would be moving their loading areas, and that would provide mre on-street parking. query frm Cdssioner Melideo as to whether they were directing their employees to park elsewhere, Mr. Densham answered that was true. However, he reiterated they are parking in the rear of the building, along Washington and along Grand. expressed her belief that employee parking should be provided . In answer to Cdssioner Melideo Charles Gamer stated the merchants were asking for a change in the parking limit to eliminate the all day parking. Several merchants who were present spoke briefly, stating the problem is increasing constantly, and they feel two-hour parking is needed along Carlsbad Boulevard to allow their customers to get to their shops. Traffic Safety Ccnnnission confirmed staff recormendation to deny the request for two-hour parking on Carlsbad Boulevard at this the. continue to mnitor the area for any changes in the parking usage. during the peak days and report back to the Traffic Safety camnission at the next meeting. Staff will Staff will also make a parking survey 1. SANDAG. Kent Sears gave the report on this item. Oversize Imd Highway System Draft Resolution fran The amsensus of the Cdssion was to return this item to staff for more information, particularly with regard to the City's liability. until the updated program is received by staff. This will be held 2. of the Agenda. This item was taken out of order at the beginning 3. Carlsbad by the Sea - Various Parking Requests. Kent Sears gave the staff report on this item as contained in the memorandum. Staff will check into the curb painting to determine what is legal and what has been "bootlegged" in by the Hame. felt Carlsbad by the Sea should provide same of the spaces and not use City property. The Cdssioners Consensus of the Cdssion was to return this item to staff for further investigation of what parking spaces are available at the Hame, how they got there and remind Carlsbad by the Sea that this is a public street. The recorrmendation was also mde to suggest they make a handicapped space on their awn property. wood Fuller Melideo Erwin O'Day MINUTES \\\\\ September 9, 1985 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS ACTION 1"s: (Continued) 4. Steve Tisdale gave the staff report on this item, stating this was another instance where red curbing had been painted by persons other than City employees. Staff intends to change the red curbing in front of the mailboxes to the appropriate color and inform the -le in that area that they are to make any requests for such painting to the City. Tanglewood Neighborhood - Various Parking Problems Traffic Safety Camnission amfirmed staff's recomnendation to re-paint the curbs in front of the mailboxes and bill the haowners' association for the work. They will also inform the homeowners to mntact the City for any requests within the City's right-of- way. OFF-AGJiNDA ITEM: Cdssioner O'Day presented an off-agenda item regarding Daon's requirement to build six lanes of Rancho Santa Fe Road from La Costa Avenue to Olivenhain Road. was under amstruction, the number of accidents increased substantially. He suggested that staff request the possibility of closing Rancho Santa Fe Road and building the road at one time, re-routing the traffic dawn La Costa to El Camino Real. He stated that during the nine mnths Alga Road Traffic Safety Comnission directed staff to study the reconrmendation to close Rancho Santa Fe Road for construction from La Costa Avenue to Olivenhain and re- route traffic dawn La Costa to El Camino Real, allowing for the road to be built at one time, and also allowing the me access needed to the Road. The Comnission would like a report on this recomnendation at the October meeting. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: 1. CalTrans btter - Improvements tovarious 1-5 Ramp S Kent Sears referred to the letter attached to the packet and stated studies are being mde to determine whether signals are warranted and staff will be receiving a further report. By proper mtion, the meeting of September 9, 1985, was adjourned at 4:32 p.m. Rppectfull sutxnitted, i x. karr iet t Babi tt Minutes Clerk wood Fuller Melideo Erwin O'Day