HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-10-07; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: October 7, 1985
Place of Meeting: P
COMMISSIONERS City Council Chambers
The meting was called to order by Chairman Wa3 at
3:Ol p.m.
Present: Chairman W, Comnissioners Fuller,
Erwin and O'Day.
Absent: Conmissioner Melideo.
Staff Menhers Present: Steve Tisdale, Project Manager Kent Sears, Traffic Engineer
The minutes of the September 9, 1985, meeting were approved as presented.
Kent Sears reported on the action taken at the previous meeting as follows: done and they have remved the red and green curb
on site handicap parking.
Carlsbad by the Sea mrk has been
Staff has suggested to them that they provide
On Tanglewood, the work has been done to change the red
curb to vhite at the mailboxes.
Chairman W announced that an Item No. 7 would be
added to the Aqenda tonight and this Item would be the closing of Rancho Santa Fe Road.
the Agenda by a mncensus of the Conmission.
This item was added to
1. La Costa Avenue between El Camino Real and Rancho Santa Fe Road - slseedina cars - TR85-38
Chairman W read the nature of the problem and the
discussion and the reamendation of the mmmittee from
the staff report.
Margorie Amistapace, 7579 Delgado Place, addressed the
Commission, stating there is too mch traffic that is too fast and the mise of all the trucks is objectional on La Costa Avenue. These trucks are on their way to
the land fill and instead of using Olivenhain they are using La Costa Avenue.
Fuller Erwin O'Day
October 7, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Page 2
Richard Runnells, 3103 La Costa Avenue, addressed the comnission on the same problem, stating the trucks start
up the hill and the noice level is excessive. He asked the route be hanged to eliminate some of the trucks on
La Costa.
secondary arterial and is built to handle heavy traffic,
including truck traffic.
It was noted by staff that La Costa is a
Carol Collins, 7577 Wlgado Place, stated also that the trucks are making objectionable noice as they travel La Costa.
Barbara Waters, 2738 La Costa Avenue,spoke to the Corrmission, saying that there are bike lanes and walking
lanes on La Costa, and she has called Coast Waste Management but has received no reply from them. added that she does not see how the people get any sleep
because of the noice from the trucks on La Costa.
Ruth Gale, 2600 La Costa Avenue, stated that she thought the trucks were supposed to be re-routed to Palomar Airport Road if they were going to the garage and down Olivenhain if they were going to the land fill. There are mre residents on La Costa than there are on Olivenhain and Palomar Airport Road, therefore, there should be fewer trucks on La Costa.
Chairman Wmd amnted that many trucks also travel Alga Road.
Barbara Walters spoke again, stating that the truck
problem will only get mrse and that a good my houses
are for sale along La Costa Avenue that cannot be sold
due to the noise.
Comnissioner Erwin asked the people present what they
were asking, whether they wanted the trucks eliminated from La Costa Avenue and put on Palamar Airport Road.
He reminded them that there are residences on Palomar
Airport Road and also on Rancho Santa Fe Road. reroute all trucks to Palomar Airport Road that, would
be an added cost to all the citizen of Carlsbad, due to the increased mileage the trucks would need to travel.
If they
Chairman wood suggested that Coast Waste Management be asked to restrict their travel to Palomar Airport Road.
Frank Aleshire, City Manager, stated there are a lot of trucks other than Coast waste that use La Costa, and if the problem is the trucks, that should be studied. One
of the issues in closinq Rancho Santa Fe Road is what to do with the trucks. With a terrpolrary detour, those trucks could be re-routed. However, La Costa is built for trucks and is supposed to be a truck route. If it is not to be used as this then the Comnission auld
study this problem and post La Costa Avenue as far as trucks. Even if you post no trucks; the trucks that have business in that area are permitted in and out while they are picking up trash or making deliveries.
October 7, 1985 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS
Sanitation trucks are permitted by state law to take the most direct mute to the land fills.
be needed to find a way to eliminate trucks from La
Costa Avenue.
More study would
Comnissioner Fuller stated that he did not want to make
a decision on this item as far as traffic on La Costa Avenue until a decision was made on Item No. 7, the
closing of Rancho Santa Road.
Comnission Fuller mved to take no action but to
continue to mnitor La Costa Avenue in this
area. The mtion was withdrawn.
The Traffic COmnission deferred this item until Item
No. 7 has been discussed,
ItemNo. 5 was taken out of order at this time.
5. West side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Elm and Grand - request for a 2-hour parking zone - TR85-61
Chairman W read the report, discussion and the
Cmittee remmndation on this item.
Sarah Marquez, 2968 Garfield Street, stated she was the
Manager at the Tme Square,
complaints from her tenants regarding the aployees of
Niemans Resturant parking in front of the tenants stores and causing them to lose customers. Also tourists are parking in front of these stores all day and he
recomnended the mmnission look at that and put a time limit on the parking in that area. She suggested a one
or two-hour-zone along that area of Carlsbad Boulevard.
She has received
George Roberts, 2967 Carlsbad Boulevard, said he was aware of the survey the staff had taken on Friday and Saturday, but not on Sunday. He had taken pictures m Sunday and he presented these to the Comnission for
their perusal. was a car there at 9:OO a.m. and it was still there at
4:OO p.m. when his store closed.
He said that one photograph showed there
Conmissioner Fuller mmnted that Neimans was to inform their enployees that they were not to park on the West
Side of Carlsbad Boulevard in front of the businesses.
Mr. Roberts comnented that nothing had been done on this to his knowledge.
Mr. EEoberts mmnented that when the rainy season starts
the enployees will not park in the back where it would
be nuddy. He said when the Carlsbad Inn opens, the parking problem will become mre critical. Mr. mberts
said they only want the same mnsideration that they
give the village people. They are asking for a time limit on the parking in front of their businesses.
wood Fuller Erwin
October 7, 1985 Page COMMISSIONERS
In discussion the Comnissioners inquire about the parking that is available behind these businesses and asked why the signs indicating that parking are not as visual as they should be to potential customers.
The mnplex Manaqer stated that they will be adding office space and a resturant into the complex and they hope to have eighty-five spaces for parking in the rear.
Codssioner O'Day stated that he did not see why a parking limit would not be acceptable.
Commissioner Fuller also stated that he would support a parking limit,
Mike Hofreiter, 2963 Carlsbad Boulevard, Century 21, stated that he had read the findings of the parking
study and he asked for clarification.
Kent Sears said the study was made on a two-hour basis.
Officer Shipley stated that the enforcement would be thc
same in that area for limited parking as it is in the downtawn area. Officer at the present time. It is only on a conplaint basis.
There is not a parking enforcement
The Traffic Cmission voted to put a two hour parkinq
zone on the West side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Elm and Grand for seven days a week.
7, Closure of Rancho Santa Fe Rmd
Conmissioner O'Day excused himself and said he muld IX)' take part in the discussion or the vote on ItemNo. 7.
Mike ROStOn, 6544 Corte Montecito, stated that he had a subdivision to be started with grading located across from the Stagecoach Park. The closure of Rancho Santa
Fe Road muld jeopardize his million dollar investment.
He said he was here to stop that closure. homes in his project would be wen in February, and if
the road was closed at that time, this would be
detrimental to his sales of homes.
The del
Mr. Bottomley spoke in qrposition to the closure of
Rancho Santa Fe Road, saying that this would cause him major inconvenience and lengthen his driving time considerably. He said the Polygon pmple were shocked at the suggestion of closing Rancho Santa Fe Road. He felt the issue of closing this road had not mme to light at the time of the planning process and wondered why it was just brought up so recently.
Xr. COttaLey afitiiiutd, stating that he did Aut klievt
that the half-road would be conpleted within five months. Council not to close Rancho Santa Fe Road but force the developer to ame up with a plan to widen and improve the road and allow traffic with adequate safety precautions.
He suggested the Cdssion remnmnd to City
w Fuller Erwin O'Day
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October 7, 1985 COMMISSIONERS Page 5
He stated that it mld be an inconvenience to all citizens to have this mad closed, and it would be a
danger to the people and traffic on La Costa and Levante. because they wuld be able to build and sell their home! faster.
This would be profitable to the developer
Comnissioner Fuller stated that the project has been
approved and they must maintain two lanes of traffic through the area as it is presently conditioned. pointed out that by closing the Rancho Santa Fe Road
they could have half of the road finished within five
months and then the detour would he a three-lane road.
In construction of this road, they must take the dirt from the west and put fill on the east. There muld be
trucks crossings, flagmen and in winter weather it mlc
be mddy. There muld be a greater accident potential.
The Cdssion is weighing the proposal by Daon to closl Rancho Santa Fe Road, with the added inconvenience, but with the additional safety factor of eliminating possible accidents.
Comissioner Fuller questioned Pat O'Day about the
construction of the road, and Mr. O'Day stated there would be large machines in all phases and one third of the length of road would be hilt at a time and mve th
dirt and change the mad over.
Mr. O'Day stated that three lanes could be oorrpleted in
five mths. There are seven storm drain crossings and
this mld add to the delay if a detour were maintained
through the road.
In answer to query, Staff said there are twelve thousani
trips per day on Rancho Santa Fe Road.
Mr. Bottcmley cxmmented that he felt that adequate flagmen and precautions would be better then closing thl road entirely. If it is stormy, people would go the other way. In good weather, it would be mch preferred to wait out the flagmen and go Rancho Santa Fe Road. Hi also suggested that he could leave extremely early and go through before the mn and equipment are working on
the road.
Conmissioner Fuller reiterated that safety is the primary consideration in the proposed closing of Rancho Santa Fe Road during this construction.
Kent Sears stated that staff was aware that problem would arise, but by putting traffic on established roads, and mre familiar mads, it would be mre desirable than having that traffic go through the construction zone. Road, it was obvious that people would use the path of least resistance and use other routes to avoid the construction zone.
Even without closing Rancho Santa F'
October 7, 1985 Page 6 COMMISSIONERS
Officer Ship]-ey said the Police will be experiencing more activity in that area: they always do in a construction zone. It will take mre mitoring, and i the road is left qen there will be a different type of accident an that road.
Captain Bob Vales, representing the Police Department, stated that the department felt that having a shorter
time frame for the mnstruction of the new road would diminish the agony. If Rancho Santa Fe Ftoad was left
open there will be mngestion and people would use
alternate routes.
City Manager Frank Aleshire stated that it was clear that someone would be inconvenienced by the
construction. The City is trying to weigh who should b
the most inconvenienced for the shortest time. With thl
detour, there would be a shorter time. There is a
disadvantaqe in that La Costa, Levante and Olivenhain would be impacted as far as additional traffic.
He suggested that traffic auld be limited on Levante and La Costa, but there is no way this will be a simple problem. required to build the road one-half at a time. They arl to build the West half first and then put in the East half, but that wuld take a year.
He re-enphasized that the developer is now
Mr. Aleshire stated the developer has suggested closing Rancho Santa Fe Road for 5 months to reduce the dance
of accidents and inconvenience to the residents for a
shorter time. This would be a request to consider and
Council would have to have a meting and invite all people to come to that meeting to give testimony.
was suggested that this might be next Tuesday.
Mr. Bottomley said he did not see how the City muld decide on something that was outside of Carlsbad and
something that would be an inconvenience, when there wa
no cgmrtunity to mme and protest.
Mr. Aleshire said that there was no requirement for a
public hearing The Council has the authority to make a
decision to close any road at any time. It is not an
unusal thing to close streets. The City is trying to get input from the citizens on this question.
Mike Ryan, Daon Corporation - 5150 Avenida Encinas,
stated that he would make the same msnnents he mde las time. Daon oould mnstruct the road either way. The
concern that Daon has is that history tells us that
construction and traffic do not mix. It takes extra police and flagmen, and during the Alga road construction, even with all the percautions and even though it was me-third the magnitude, there were thirt six percent (36%) more accidents. This was not in the winter rainy season. Daon felt that the accident rate would increase oonsiderably if Rancho Santa Fe Road was left cpen. inconvenience by mnsidering mrrmunity safety. He ooncurred with staff in overriding the
October 7, 1985 Page 7 COMMISSIONERS
Conmissioner Erwin distributed typed aments that he
then read for the Cdssion. He felt that it was not right to take this traffic from a non-residential area into a residential area. He cited his source for the numbers on the third page of his report and stated he
was against closing Rancho Santa Fe Road.
Codssioner Erwin made a mtion to remmnd to City Council that Rancho Santa Fe Road be left open while thc
construction goes on. Motion died due to the lack of a
Traffic Safety Comnission reconmended to City Council
their approval of the closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road subject to the following mnditions:
reimburse the City any additional cost that it may
incur, that Levante be posted to prohibit truck traffic
and signage to discourage thru traffic, also to include disadvantage signal phasing on Levante and El Camino, with green time to the El Camino advantage. Also,
investigate whether temporarily there could be the
prohibition of trucks on La Costa and look at truck
traffic during the closure to tenporarily prohibit or
discourage them.
the developer
Amended to consider placing stop signs on Levante at tw
different three-way stop sign locations to temporarily
discourage throuqht traffic.
The recomnendation was made that this situation should
be mnitored and they could add mre stop signs if they
felt they were necessary.
Conmissioner O'Day returned to the Comnission.
Item No. 1 which was trailed to Item No. 7
Cmissioner Fuller remmnded that the oonmission tak
no action m this item.
Traffic Safety Conmission affirmed the Cornittee
reconmendation to take no action at this time, but will
continue to mitor La Costa Avenue in this area. The
Comnission requested staff to look into the feasibility
of designating a truck route though the area to restric trucks fromAlga, La Costa, and Levante, and to re-rout them to Palomar Airport road. in those areas. Unless they need to be
Conmissioner O'Day suggested that a study should also b
made to We plans for the students on the North side o La Costa Avenue and how those students will be able to get across the street to go to the future school on
2. - Reauest for SDeed limit sians - TR85-80
Calle Barcelona, Calle Posada, and Calle San Felipe
Traffic Safety Conmission approved the Cornittees recomndation to deny the request at this time. The
local residents were to be oontacted by the Home Owners Association and requested to observe the speed limit. The Police Department muld mntinue to mnitor this area.
WQOd Fuller Erwin
mod Fuller
Erwin O'Day
October 7, 1985 Page 8 COMMISSIONERS
3. Alga, east of El Camino Real - Change in speed limit - TR85-26
The Traffic Safety CairaTission approved mnanittee's recomnendation to post a 45 rnph speed zone on
Alga Road between El Camino Real and El Fuerte.
4. - m5-75
El Fuerte, South of Alga - Reguest for a speed limit
The Traffic Safety Conmission mntinued this item to
the next meeting.
6. Establish srxed limit - TR85-81
This item was taken ugf previously (see page 3).
Elm Avenue betken El Camino Real and Tamarack -
The Traffic Safety Comnission supported the Conanittee reanmendation to establish a speed limit of
40 mph at this location.
1. Bicycle Safetymeo Program
Officer Shipley from the Police Department stated that they had been directed to establish a bike program at Kelly school. program and contacted all the schools. Each year the
third graders will be given this bicycle safety prcgram.
One of the officers had fomlated a
Next year it will be expanded to mre school.
By proper mtion, the Meeting of October 7, 1985, was
adjourned at 4:54 p.m.
R spectfully su ted,
Ef/arriett BaMi tt
Minutes Clerk
wood Fuller Erwin O'Day
Fuller Erwin O'Day
Fuller Erwin
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