HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-02-02; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
3:00 p.m.
February 2, 1987
City Council Chambers
Chairman Fuller called the Meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Present - Chairman Fuller, Commissioners Erwin,
Herring, Melideo and O'Day.
Absent - None.
Staff Members Present:
Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer
Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer
Mike Shirey, Engineering Technician II
Officer Shipley, Police Department
Vincent 3imno, Police Chief
Minutes of the meeting held December 1, 1986, were
approved as presented.
Oohn Becker, 5205 Kearny Villa Way #211, representing
Foote Development Company, addressed the Commission
stating last Tuesday the homeowners from The Summit
project brought a petition before City Council with
several items dealing with traffic safety. Mr. Becker
made a statement for the record, indicating Foote
Development Company has an interest in the homeowners at
The Summit and wishes to maintain a positive relationship
with them throughout the completion of their project. He
stated most items listed on the petition did not deal with
the project itself. Basically, he indicated he wanted to
assure the citizens of the cooperation of Foote
Development Company to expedite the completion of these
Gwyne Zenger, 3027 Via Sabinas, presented a petition to
the Commission and read from that petition requesting the
improvement of Elm Avenue east of El Camino Real.
Ms. Zenger stated there is $850,000 budgeted to complete
Elm Avenue, and this would eliminate a dangerous traffic
condition. She requested immediate attention to the
completion of east and west Elm Avenue.
Chairman Fuller announced the two items discussed during
the Oral Communication period will be given to staff and
placed on the agenda at a future meeting.
February 2, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 ™MMlcclriMnDCIsUMMIoolUNbno
Bob Oohnson reported on the discussion at the December
meeting regarding mailboxes at the post office. Ten
months ago the boxes relocated at a more convenient spot
for dropping mail off from vehicles. There is no plan at
the present by the post office to make any changes in
their parking lot. Hopefully, in two or three years there
will be a new post office constructed in the southern
section of Carlsbad to relieve the congestion at this post
Commissioner Melideo commented the alley goes from east to
west, but if that were reversed, you would enter from the
alley by the boxes. You could then exit onto Madison
Street, and traffic would not be going into the parking
lot itself. She reiterated her concern about the
hazardous condition in the post office parking lot.
A. Intersection of Melrose Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe
Chairman Fuller announced for the record, the Members of
the Traffic Safety Commission have studied the official
accident report on the December 17, 1986 accident, which
resulted in the tragic death of a young mother and injury
to her two children.
Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer, gave the staff
report on this item, as contained in the packet. This
consisted of existing conditions on Rancho Santa Fe Road,
the traffic data, the intersection control alternatives,
stop signs, traffic signals, proposed CT 85-19
improvements, design issues and the recommendation of the
Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee.
Mr. Johnson stated the City of San Marcos, the County of
San Diego and Carlsbad will need to coordinate the
redesigning of this intersection and the signalization.
Slides were shown of the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe
Road and Meirose Avenue, indicating sight distances and
passing problems, as well as turning problems. He stated
the critical speed southbound on Rancho Santa Fe Road is
56 mph and northbound is 52 mph. Graphs were used to
indicate where the accidents occurred in the last four
months of 1986. All of those accidents were in the
afternoon with the exception of the fatality, which
occurred in the morning.
Mr. Johnson explained the conflicting points and stated
the traffic signals are warranted, but the intersection
should be redesigned and rebuilt to function properly.
NEW BUSINESS: (continued)
There are many problems at that location and a schematic
of the intersection was used, as well as a photograph
displayed on the wall. There is no acceleration lane from
Melrose Avenue to Rancho Santa Fe Road; left turns from
the several driveways are extremely dangerous; left turns
from the driveways to Rancho Santa Fe Road conflict with
the left turn through lane; left turns from Rancho Santa
Fe Road to Melrose Avenue cross a wide portion of road and
conflict area at the intersection; left turns to the
driveways conflict with the left turns on Melrose Avenue
to Rancho Santa Fe Road; left turns on the northerly
driveways have an inadequate pocket to wait for safe
entrance into traffic; north of the intersection the
pavement narrows to two lanes; the free right turn at 15
mph and this acceleration must begin in the number one
lane; cars making turns off of Rancho Santa Fe Road to
Melrose Avenue and free right turns have a short distance
to go west bound to turn onto Corintia Lane, and there is
inadequate spacing between the driveways coming onto the
Mr. Oohnson stated these were just some of the reasons for
the need to redesign and reconstruct the intersection
before signalization of that intersection.
A slide was shown with the Traffic Safety Coordinating
Committee recommendations:
1 . Existing intersection to be redesigned and
2. Prepare design study report - Meirose Avenue to
Questhaven Road (consultant).
San Marcos has been reguested to do something, but must
have cooperation with the County and Carlsbad.
Carlsbad, San Marcos and the County to participate and
have consultant prepare roadway design alternatives,
intersection controls and cost estimate.
3. Reconsider Rancho Santa Fe Road realignment - per
Carlsbad Tract 85-19.
Commissioner Erwin inquired about leaving the intersection
as a "Y", and Bob Oohnson answered the acute angles would
create driver problems as far as sight. The intersection
should be a "T" intersection. Mr. Oohnson further stated
Carlsbad has maintained the road in that area.
In answer to Commission query, Mr. Gohnson stated it would
be a 9-to-1I month process to have the consultant hired,
intersection redesigned, contracts awarded and actual
proceeding with building of the redesigned intersection
and signalization. Staff indicated this project would be
given priority and put through as quickly as possible.
NEW BUSINESS: (continued)
Commissioner Melideo inquired about the possibility of
staff doing the designing rather than a consultant. Bob
Johnson indicated there is not sufficient manpower to do
this work and also do any other work in the department.
He added the selection process could be expedited.
Commissioner Herring stated his concern about the
dangerous intersection and asked whether there was
anything that could be done to alleviate the problems at
this intersection temporarily. Mr. Johnson answered as
the traffic volume increases, the accidents increase, but
it is primarily driver error — impatience.
Commissioner O'Day asked what had been done up to date to
help alleviate the problem. Mr. Oohnson stated the City's
crews have gone out and repainted and restriped the island
areas, left turn lanes, limit lines and installed some
additional signs. This probably would not have eliminated
the accidents that did occur.
Joan Ludwiczak, 2712 Mateo Place, handed a petition to
Commission Members. This petition contained 1,700
signatures of people in the area. Mrs. Ludwiczak sent a
letter last week stating they would like a traffic signal
at Rancho Santa Fe Road and Meirose as soon as possible.
The residents were reguesting a three-way stop sign be
placed at the intersection immediately, and left until it
can be signalized. Because of the downhill approaches and
the volume of traffic on the roads, the speed of vehicles
in that area is extremely dangerous to anyone seeking
access onto Rancho Santa Fe Road from Meirose Avenue.
Mrs. Ludwiczak gave the figures on the number of school
buses in the area and the number of children on those
buses. She reiterated the reguest for three-way stops
signs to be placed immediately and left there until this
intersection is signalized.
Commissioner Melideo stated there had been no mention of
driver responsibility on the part of both parties. Mrs.
Ludwiczak stated there was much stress created for anyone
trying to turn left into Rancho Santa Fe Road.
Bill Jacob, KPRZ, Rancho Santa Fe Committee for Safe
Intersection, distributed material to the Commissioners,
and referred to his summary. Mr. Jacob had been taking
traffic count figures and he called attention to the total
two-way traffic from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., all day every
day. Mr. Jacob stated something should be done
immediately. He asked for the improvement of the accesses
onto Rancho Santa Fe Road from La Costa Meadows,
Meadowlark and Brookfleld. He stated the five accidents
reported did not indicate the countless number of near
misses. He asked the signalization of the intersection be
approved by the Traffic Safety Commission, and, in
addition, steps be taken for the immediate installation of
stop signs and appropriate warning signs in all
NEW BUSINESS: (continued)
Angela Shadrick, 2052 Meadowlark Ranch Lane, San Marcos,
north of the intersection of Melrose Avenue and Rancho
Santa Fe Road, addressed the Commission, handing documents
to the Commission. She stated the road has been
documented for eleven years, and San Marcos, Carlsbad and
the County need to work together to redesign the area of
Rancho Santa Fe Road northbound to Melrose Avenue. She
felt Carlsbad was willing to do its share, but San Marcos
and the County were not accepting their responsibility.
She stated Meadowlark Road is on a blind curve and has
been designated "dead man's curve",
Thomas Anthony, 1378 San Pablo, San Marcos, was recognized
by the Commission, and he stated he was the owner of the
corner area. He told of the accidents that have occurred
in that area, causing damage to his property, as well as
loss of life and property. He also told of the many near
misses that occur daily in that area. Mr. Anthony stated
the foliage on Rancho Santa Fe Road is so high it
obstructs the road, and cars coming out of La Costa
Meadows Drive have to pull way out into the traffic lane
in order to see whether it is safe to proceed. He stated
the driveways in that area are unsafe and need
realignment. However, something should he done now to
slow down the traffic. He stated he employs over 1,000
persons and he would like to see the police in the area
every day giving out tickets to the people who are
speeding in that area.
Mr. Anthony suggested the traffic be stopped back before
La Costa Meadow Drive and stopped again at the next
driveway; also stopped where Melrose Avenue comes into
Rancho Santa Fe Road. He felt the double stop sign would
save some lives.
Mr. Anthony reouested everyone stop getting on the merry-
go-round and saying, "It is not my problem." He stated
Carlsbad, San Marcos and the County should get together to
work out this problem.
Lynne Werner, 3526 Simsbury Court, stated she worked at the
industrial park and had witnessed four accidents. She also
stated it is possible to see all the near misses from their
office. She felt something should be done now to slow the
vehicles down, whether it is flasher lights or stop signs.
Seena Trigas, 6340 Flamenco Street, President of the San
Marcos Unified School District Governing Board, referred
to the Resolution presented to the Traffic Safety
Commission. Mrs. Trigas read from the Resolution as
"Whereas, the intersection as Melrose and Rancho Santa Fe ,
Road has been the site of a number o^ serious and fatal
traffic accidents and;
Whereas, this dangerous interesection is freguently
traversed by students, parents and employees of La Costa
Meadows Elementary School:
Now therefore, the Governing Board reguests the immediate
placement of a traffic light at said intersection so that
La Costa Meadows School students, parents and employees
may be properly protected from harm as they travel to and
from school."
NEW BUSINESS: (continued)
Mrs. Trigas stated the Governing Board is very concerned
about the dangerous situation at this intersection.
In answer to Commission query, Mrs. Trigas stated San
Marcos was aware of the Governing Board's feelings, but
they had not presented San Marcos a copy of the
Resolution. She felt that would be a good idea.
Mrs. Trigas stated the residents of North County should be
concerned about this problem. Traffic stop signs should
be temporarily installed, or whatever has to be done to
help make this a safer intersection. She stated she would
be happy to help in any way she could to bring this
Oeff Okun, San Marcos School District, 270 San Marcos
Boulevard, San Marcos, affirmed the School District's
willingness to do anything necessary to help mitigate the
dangerous intersection at Melrose and Rancho Santa Fe
Road. He offered his help in working with the other
agencies to solve the problem.
Representatives from San Marcos, including Brad Therien,
stated San Marcos' willingness to work toward a solution
of this problem.
Commissioner Herring stated the stop signs would result in
long queues and a complete backup of traffic. He inquired
whether a temporary light could be used or would be
practical. Staff answered the signal heads must be in the
proper lanes, and there are temporary signals that can be
installed on wooden poles, but this would not work in this
area. Staff felt this would just create more problems.
Staff also indicated stop signs would create more problems
than if there were no stop signs.
Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer, stated they have a work
program in the Engineering Department to update the
traffic situation. They are identifying future locations
for traffic signals in the City and hope to get this up-
to-date as soon as possible.
Commissioner Erwin supported the recommendation of
signalization at Meirose and Rancho Santa Fe Road, but had
misgivings about stop signs. He said if the other
Commissioners agreed, he could support them.
Commissioner O'Day stated he agreed with staff
recommendations. He would like staff to consider cuttina
down the foliage, striping the area out to the main road,
and considering doing something about the driveways. He
felt a flashing type of sign—yellow flashing light--could
be used to alert the people and would be a slowing factor
for the traffic.
Bob Oohnson stated constant police enforcement would be
one sure way to slow the drivers down.
There was discussion about the placing of rumble strips to
help slow traffic. However, staff indicated those are a
hazard to bicycle riders and motorbikes.
NEW BUSINESS: (continued)
Chairman Fuller felt this was a critical situation and he
would ask staff to expedite the work on the intersection.
He was opposed to stop signs, as, in his opinion, they
would cause a higher incident of accidents on Rancho Santa
Fe Road. He felt the solution was to proceed with the
signalization of the intersection as rapidly as possible.
Traffic Safety Commission approved the Traffic Safety
Coordinating Committee recommendations for Rancho Santa Fe
and Melrose Avenue, as follows:
1. A joint agency agreement to hire a consultant to
prepare a design study report with definite
recommendations and budgets to improve the Melrose
Avenue/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection and a segment
of Rancho Santa Fe Road approximately 500 feet north
of Melrose Avenue southerly to Questhaven Road.
Coordination with the City of San Marcos and the
County of San Diego should take place throughout this
Once a design concept is approved by the three
agencies, the project would be given to the City of
Carlsbad Municipal Projects Division to hire a ,
consultant to prepare design drawings and eventually
to select a contractor to perform the work.
Construction could then be budgeted in the 1987-88
Capital Improvement Program.
2. The Committee further recommends that the realignment
of Rancho Santa Fe Road with Melrose Avenue to create
a four-way intersection at Corintia Street as part of
Carlsbad Tract No. 85-19 not be constructed until such
time that traffic volumes indicate the need.
Modification of the condition reguiring this
construction should be pursued.
3. A consultant should be hired to research the City
boundary and accurately survey the boundary in the
field. Each jurisdicational boundary should be
identified in the vicinity of Rancho Santa Fe Road
within the roadway segment discussed in this report.
4-. Signalization of the Melrose Avenue/Rancho Santa Fe
Road and intersection modifications should be given
priority by the City Council in upcoming budget
deliberations. The existing intersection should be
immediately rebuilt to properly and safely function
with the recently widened portion of Melrose Avenue.
The Traffic Safety Commission, by consensus agreed to have
staff include the flashing yellow warning lights, rumble
strips, signs or any other means of mitigating the traffic
problem at the intersection of Melrose and Rancho Santa Fe
Commissioner Melideo stated for the record that she wanted
the people to understand that the Commissioners are aware
of the problem. The people that buy homes in that area
should also be aware of the problems there. She stated
Rancho Santa Fe Road will eventually be a six-lane road
and there is no immediate solution to a problem of that
NEW BUSINESS: (continued)
Police Chief Vincent Oimno, in answer to query on how to
set speed limits, stated the Police Department is required
by law to deal with exact procedures the State has set
forth. The normal flow of traffic is between 50 and 55
mph in this area, and a speed check was run to determine
the 85% percentlle. The State makes an assumption, and
the Police do the same, that drivers will drive at a safe
and reasonable speed.
He stated if the speed limit were to be reduced below the
present speed limit in that area, the Police would not be
able to enforce it.
B. Election of a new chairman for the Traffic Safety
Commissioner Erwin nominated Commissioner O'Oay to be the
chairman of the Traffic Safety Commission for 1987.
Commissioner Herring seconded the motion.
Chairman Fuller nominated Commissioner Erwln to be the
vice-chairman of the Traffic Safety Commission for 1987.
Commissioner O'Day seconded the motion.
Commissioner Melideo stated she had received phone calls
from people on Summerhill. There are a great many trucks
in the area and the residents are complaining. She
informed those people there was a new tract being built in
that area and they have to endure the truck traffic during
the time of construction.
Bob Johnson suggested they be told to call the Police
Department. However, he said he would talk with the
construction drivers asking them to obey the signing and
speed limits.
Commissioner Erwin asked staff to investigate the
possibilities of stop signs at Alga Road and Corintia.
Bob Johnson announced the next meeting of the Traffic
Safety Commission, March 2, 1987, would be at the Safety
Center at 3:00 p.m.
By proper motion, the Meeting of February 2, 1987, was
adjourned at 5:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
arriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk