HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-06-01; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
3:00 p.m.
June 1, 1987
City Council Chambers
Chairman O'Day called the Meeting to order at 3:08 p.m.
Present - Chairman O'Day, Commissioners Erwin and Fuller.
Absent - Commissioners Herring and Melideo.
Staff Members Present:
Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer
Mike Shirey, Engineering Technician II
Minutes of the Meeting held May 4, 1987, were approved as
No one was present to speak before the Commission.
Bob.Johnson reported the citizens Circulation Committee has
been meeting and he deferred the results to Commission Erwin.
The[six-lane portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa
Avenue and Olivenhain Road should be completed within 30 days.
The traffic signals should be installed and working within that
same period of time.
A. Rancho Santa Fe/Melrose Drive Intersection - Discuss
Alignment and Signalization Report Prepared by Willdan
Bob Johnson reported this item would not have a quorum for
discussion or action, due to the absence of two Commissioners
and the abstaining of Commissioner O'Day due to a possible
conflict of interest.
The Commissioners agreed to set a special meeting for this
item on June 15, 1987, at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers.
Chairman O'Day announced the special meeting would be held
on June 15, 1987, at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, and
asked whether any persons present to speak on this item would
be unable to attend that meeting. All present indicated they
would return on the 15th.
Tom Anthony inquired whether the exhibit on the wall showed
the proposed alignment, stating he felt that was a good solutio i
Bob Johnson stated he would supply a copy of the Willdan
report to Candace Lyman for her perusal.
B. Marjorie Lane - Request for Two-Hour Parking Limit Monday
through Friday.
Bob Johnson gave the staff report on this item stating the
"throat" of Marjorie Lane is the restriction. The Fire
Marshal has indicated there should be parking on one side only
The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee supported the
recommendation to paint red curb on the west side of the
entrance for 80 feet.
The two-hour parking time limit would create problems in the
bulb portion of the street, and is not normally done on a
residential street. The two-hour limit would apply to all
vehicles—not just the high school students—and would limit
the residents and'their guests. Also, a parking limit would
require constant police enforcement. This would not address
the problem of the lack of off-street parking for the high
school students, but would just move that problem to another
street. This might set a precedent for other residents to
request the same two-hour parking limit. The Coordinating
Committee did not recommend a two-hour parking limit on this
In answer to Commissioner Erwin's comment the people would be
worse off with the red curb than now, Mr. Johnson answered
the street is only 32 feet wide and there should not be parkin,
on both sides. As the City becomes aware of streets of this
width, the parking restrictions will be placed on them.
William H. Poole, 1885 Chestnut, addressed the Commission,
stating his address is on Chestnut, but his home fronts and
the driveway accesses on to Marjorie Lane. His concern was
safety. The parents and students come into Chestnut and
Marjorie Lane and load and unlaod, blocking both streets.
He recommended enforcement at the time the students are
there. The police arrive after the students are gone. Mr.
Poole added there is no enforcement of parking regulations.
There should be no parking on the curb return. Also, people
park more than 18 inches from the curb—some at a 35 degree
angle. Those people parked illegally will not allow the
residents to exit the street.
Mr. Poole stated he resents having to pick up the trash and
debris left by the students. There are soft drink cans and
containers and beer bottles. At the time the school banned
the smokers, they moved over to this area. The smoking and
music start at 6:30 a.m., and the residents there need relief
from this nuisance.
Mr. Poole stated the neck of the street is narrow, and it
would not hurt to paint both sides of the street red.
Commissioner Erwin inquired whether Mr. Poole had talked with
the school people, and Mr. Poole answered not in the last
six months. The Vice-Principal used to break up the smoking,
but the residents were supposed to call the school each time.
The School District does not support the security people, but
it would help if they came on duty at 6:30 a.m.
Vernon Holbrook, 3614 Marjorie Lane, stated he bought his
home in August to be a retirement home. At this point, he
is not certain about that, due to the harassment from the
high school students parking on the cul-de-sac. Mr. Holbrook
stated this is a very dangerous situation and he would like
some help. He wrote a letter regarding this situation and
took time off from work to appear here today. He said there
is no enforcement by the police, and at this point he wants
the students out of his yard. He has fruit trees in his yard,
which they strip of fruit, and he has to pick up litter
Mr. Holbrook recommended painting the entire curb in the
cul-de-sac for no parking.
Ernest Mejia, 1845 Chestnut Avenue, addressed the Commission
stating he has trouble with the littering and the beligerent
attitude of the students. When he complained to the school,
he was told to go back to Mexico by the teachers there. The
security guards are civil service employees and are just
putting in their time. They receive no backing from the
school or parents.
Mr. Mejia stated he gets up at 4:30 or 5:00 a.m., to pick
up the papers out of his yard. At lunch time, the students
dump the trash in his yard again.
Mr. Mejia continued, stating he has lived there 36 years, and
is at the point of taking matters into his own hands, unless
he receives some help.
There are other people parking on the street, other than
students. Mr. Mejia stated these are people that sell items
to the students.
Mr. Mejia agreed with the suggestion to paint the entire
area red and police enforcement of that restriction. He
said his company is able to park in his yard, and that would
not inconvenience 'him. At the present time, he is unable
to get into onto his property due to the illegal parking.
Chairman O'Day closed the public testimony portion at 3:34 p.m
Commissioner Fuller commented he had driven to Marjorie Lane
this morning about 10:00 a.m. There was parking available
on Chestnut Street, but obviously the students would rather
park on Marjorie Lane, which is closer to the school.
Commissioner Fuller stated he would be in favor of the red
curb and a two-hour parking zone on this street. Commissioner
Erwin agreed, but was concerned about eliminating parking for
the residents by painting the curb red.
Commissioner Fuller added he would like to see the two-hour
parking restriction begin at 7:00 a.m. to at least 3:00 p.m.,
or 4:00 p.m.
Chairman O'Day commented about the number of times the
Commission will hear this request on the streets around a
Commissioner Fuller said there was parking available on
Chestnut, so they were not inconveniencing the students. He
felt this street was unique.
Sgt. Shipley stated there would be a problem to enforce a
two-hour parking restriction. The Commissioners felt it would
require some initial policing to get the idea across that
violators would be ticketed.
Traffic Safety Commission approved painting 80-feet of red curl
on the west side entrance to Marjorie Lane, as contained in
the staff report and recommended by the Traffic Safety
Coordinating Committee. The Commission also requested a
two-hour parking restriction from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, on Marjorie Lane.
Chairman O'Day stated he opposed this motion, as he felt this
would set a precedent the Commission would regret.
Commissioner Fuller added he felt this situation was unique
and required a different approach. This type of restriction
is common in other jurisdictions.
Staff will check into the curb return situation and cars
parking there. Those are not normally painted red, but if
vehicles are parked there, it is a hazard as far as sight
restriction. Staff chose the west side of the street for the
red curb as this is the entering traffic and is faster.
The Commission requested this item be returned in six months
with a report on the results of the signing.
C. Carlsbad Boulevard - Request for "NO PARKING" Zone on East
Side from Palomar Airport Road to La Costa Avenue.
Bob Johnson gave the staff report stating vehicles parked in
the bike lane obstruct the through travel of the bicyclists,
and sometimes the traffic lane. The Traffic Safety Coordinati:
Committee recommended a "NO PARKING" zone be established on th<
east side of Carslbad Boulevard between Palomar Airport Road
and La Costa Avenue.
Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the
Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a "NO
PARKING" zone on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between
Palomar Airport Road and La Costa Avenue.
D. Paseo Del Norte - Request to Establish a "NO TRUCK ROUTE"
from Palomar Airport Road to a Point 1,150 Feet South on
Paseo Del Norte.
Bob Johnson reported the Police Department had requested this
portion of Paseo Del Norte be eliminated from the code as
a truck route. This was done originally to allow parking in t
lot in back of Denny's. Since that parking is no longer
availciLixe to trucks, there is no need for the truck route
Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the
Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a "NO
TRUCK ROUTE" designation on Paseo Del Norte for a distance of
1,150 feet southerly of Palomar Airport Road.
E. La Costa Avenue - Request to Establish Hillside Street
Designation for Sidewalk Purposes.
Bob Johnson reported this item will be before the Planning
Commission this Wednesday evening. The Development Processing
Services staff has compiled a list of streets in the La Costa
area for which they are requesting a Hillside Street desig-
nation for sidewalk purposes.
-Mr. Johnson explained the reason for this designation was
the location on the down hill side of the street has no
room for a sidewalk to be built without a sliver fill.
A transparency was used to indicate how the sliver fill would
affect the hillside, and Mr. Johnson stated there would be
instability and this would use a large amount of land at the
bottom of the slope. The uphill side of the roads would
require sidewalks, if one does not exist at the present time.
Mr. Johnson stated where new construction is going in, the
roadway would be graded to accommodate sidewalks on both sides
He referred to the list of streets given to the Commissioners
and the map.
Commissioner Erwin asked for clarification of this recommenda-
tion, and whether that meant those streets would never have to
put in sidewalks on the down hill side. Mr. Johnson replied
the City Engineer would evaluate each and every instance as
development occurs. This does not mean sidewalks would not
be built. It would give the City Engineer the latitude to
require them or not.
Commissioner Erwin continued, stating Esturion Street has
sidewalks on both sides; Segovia Way is only a half -street
and he would not want to imply they would not have to build
sidewalks with the other half of the street.
Commissioner Fuller apV?d whether Commissioner Erwin' s copy
of the map could be .snhnmittea with his comments attached, to
be sent to the Planning Commission. Staff agreed to include
• this information. The final decision will be City Council's,
as this matter will go to them after Planning Commission takes
Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the
Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee for designation of
Hillside Street for sidewalk purposes for the streets named
in La Costa. This list is to include comments from
Commissioner Erwin, as follows: Esturion Street already has
sidewalks; Altiva Place looks as though it has already been
graded to include sidewalks; and Segovia Way is only half-
constructed at the present time.
Commissioner Erwin reported the Circulation Committee was
considering whether Rancho Santa Fe Road should be designated
as a prime or major arterial street. There was concern on the
part of some of the Members of the Committee that it was
premature to vote on this. Five Members were in favor of it
being a prime arterial and five were against.
Commissioner Erwin stated the report from this Committee is du
after two more regular meetings. He hopes this can be
expanded to include the entire City, to avoid problems like
this in the future.
Bob Johnson reported the North Beach Planning/Traffic Study
will be distributed within the next week. The Commissioners
are to give their comments by the July meeting.
Chairman O'Day suggested the Commissioners study the report
and submit comments in writing to Bob Johnson in time for
him to bring this as an agenda item the next meeting.
Chairman O'Day requested the Commissioners have their written
comments to Bob Johnson by June 24, 1987. This is to be
on traffic safety only.
Bob Johnson stated the Pedestian Study could be discussed
by the Commission at the next meeting, without written comment
from the Commissioners. Thelma Hayes will be present at the
next meeting to discuss this study.
By proper motion, the Meeting of June 1, 1987, was adjourned
at 4:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Minutes Clerk