HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-09-14; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES 1 ,' Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: September 14, 1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Erwin called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Commissioners Erwin, Fuller, Herring and Melideo. Absent - Chairman O'Day. Staff Members Present: Bob gohnson, Principal Civil Engineer Mike Shirey, Engineering Tech I1 Officer Shipley APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Meeting held August 3, 1987, were approved as amended, with paragraph four, page 2 to read as follows: Commissioner Melideo said the 17 parking spaces at the Village Corner property that would be lost were a part of the remodeling and extra shops allowed on the corner of Elm Avenue and State Street. This would eliminate the public parking there. would be a loss of more than 17 parking spaces, actually 70 spaces, as all the parking lot spaces would be returned to private parking for the merchants. Staff stated there ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: No one was present to speak before the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to come before the Commission. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ocean Street - Request to close Ocean Street to through Traffic between Carlsbad Boulevard and Oak Avenue. Bob 3ohnson gave the staff report, stating this item was placed on the agenda at the request of Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Director. He explained Ocean Street would be closed at Carlsbad Boulevard and additional parking would be provided on that street. This closure will eliminate some difficult turning movements at that intersection. Commissioner Melideo expressed concern about the parking, stating she would like to see the exact number of parking spaces to be provided on Ocean Street; how many would be public and how many would be private. Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to close Ocean Street at Carlsbad Boulevard. Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo MINUTES September 14 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION PAGE %OMMISSIONERS 8. Adult Crossing Guard - Request to establish Procedure for Removinq Unwarranted Adult Crossinq Guards (continued from August 3, 1987, TSC Meeting). Bob 3ohnson gave the staff report, stating this item had been continued to allow time for the school district to review the proposed procedure. A transparency showing the amended Procedure for Removing Unwarranted Adult Crossing Guards was shown and Mr. 3ohnson read the procedure. Commissioner Erwin stated he felt the school district should be notified upfront that there might be a change pending. He suggested amending the Procedure, Item #I, to read: Police Department identifies location of potential unwarranted school crossing guard and asks City Engineer and the appropriate school district to study intersection. The consensus of the other Commissioners was that this was not necessary, and was covered under Items 84 and 85. Traffic Safety Commission adopted the Procedure for the Removal of an Unwarranted Adult School Crossing Guard, as presented. C. Bicycle Detection Study - Request for implementation of findings in the report. Bob 3ohnson gave the staff presentation as contained in the packet. Traffic Safety Commission adopted staff recommendation as follows: 1. Adopt, in principal, the recommendation contained in the City of San Diego Traffic Signal Bicycle Detection Study Final Report. 2. Apply for TDA Article 3 funds to provide detector loops in bike lanes on heavy use bike routes in the City of Carlsbad. 3. Provide bicycle sensitive detector loops for all new traffic signal installations, locations undergoing modifications and location where loops are being replaced. 4. Continue to identify bike routes of highest use in order to provide a priority for funding requests. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Fuller inquired about the speed limit signs on Carlsbad Boulevard, and Bob 3ohnson answered the work orders are in process. Commissioner Melideo inquired about the right-hand turn on to Monroe Street from Marron Road, and staff indicated there is nothing planned for that intersection at the present time. At the time Monroe Street is widened, that intersection will be studied. Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo Erwin Fuller Herring Melideo MINUTES \\y / September 14, 1987 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 COMM~SS~ONERS Commissioner Erwin commented on the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Camino AlvaW, stating the sign indicating the right turn lane should be placed farther up the road to give more advance notice. Commissioner Erwin also stated the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue still has the arrow on the pavement on the right turn only lane. have been sandblasted off, and Mr. 3ohnson stated he would check into this. This was to REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob 3ohnson reported the next meeting would be October 5, 1987, at 3:p.m., in the Council Chambers. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of September 14, 1987, was adjourned at 3:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk