HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-06; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutes..- MINUTES n Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: 3une 6, 1988 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Erwin called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present -- Chairman Erwin, Commissioners Fuller and Herring. Commissioner O'Day arrived at 3:13 p.m. Absent -- Commissioner Melideo. Staff Members Present: Bob gohnson, Principal Civil Engineer Mike Shirey, Engineering Tech I1 Officer Shipley, Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Meeting held April 4, 1988, were approved as amended to change Alternative 113 to Alternative 85 on page 4, fourth paragraph, and to add that by consensus the Commission agreed a continuous left-turn lane was necessary on La Costa Avenue from Calle Madero to the commercial area located easterly of El Camino Real. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: No one was present to speak before the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: Bob 3ohnson reported the Commission had requested copies of the 1987 Vehicle Code, and those had been supplied to the Commissioners. He commented that Section 22350, the Basic Speed Law, had been omitted in the printing of the Code, but it is still applicable and on the books. Mr. 3ohnson stated the La Costa Avenue striping will go to Council on 3une 14 for approval. The Elm Avenue/Chatham issue has been resolved for the time being. will meet with her or him next 3uly to discuss this. the present time, the police have been observing the students and taking names and giving them to the Principal to contact the parents. This seems to be working, as most of the children are now using the suggested route to school and there have been no more complaints from the parents. The request for a crossing guard at Chatham has been dropped. There will be a new Principal next year and staff At NEW BUSINESS: A. speed limit easterly of El Camino Real. Tamarack Avenue - Request to establish prima facie Bob 3ohnson gave the staff presentation as contained in the staff report. Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a 45 mile per hour prima facie speed limit between El Camino Real and Elm Avenue and a 35 mile per hour prima facie speed limit from Elm Avenue to Harwich Drive. Erwin Fuller Herring Erwin Fuller Herring MINUTES NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 6. limit from Park Drive to Neblina Drive. Hillside Drive - Request to establish prima facie speed Bob Johnson gave the staff report as contained in the packet, stating the Coordinating Committee felt the 35 mile per hour sign should be moved farther to the west, ending at Neblina. Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a 35 mile per hour prima facie speed limit on Hillside Drive between Park Drive and Neblina Drive. C. Commissioner's Handbook - Review and discuss. Bob Johnson called attention to the Commissioner's Handbook which had been distributed to all Commissioners. He pointed out this handbook had been updated and he read the scope of responsibility for this Commission, continuing with the comment that City Council was the only body that could direct staff to perform any work. Mr. 3ohnson called attention to the section on the Brown Act and added this Commission was familiar with that and staff does comply with the requirements of the Act by posting the Agenda of this Commission's meetings on the board outside of the Council Chambers at least 72 hours in advance. He concluded, stating no action was necessary by the Commission. Commissioner Fuller commented about Section 2.28 having been amended to insert "pedestrian" in several places, and the insert was not the amended version. Mr. 3ohnson stated a new Section 2.28 would be supplied to each of the Commissioners. In answer to query about the name of the Commission being changed, Mr. 3ohnson stated he had thought perhaps the Commission should be the Transportation Advisory Commission and he asked the Commissioners to give this some thought before the next meeting. D. Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy - Review and adopt. Bob Johnson stated this was a policy that staff had been working on since 1986. A number of intersections were evaluated and some of those have been completed and some are under design at this time. Mr. 3ohnson said this policy was based on similar procedures used by Escondido and San Diego. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee felt a traffic signal evaluation policy was needed and within that policy would be a qualifying list of signals. This would establish procedures by which signals would be evaluated and placed on a list for future capital improvement programs. of signals by certain citizens. The CalTrans warrants would still have to be met and those warrants were included in the appendix of the report. This would eliminate some of the random asking Erwin Fuller Herring \ 5 \ MINUTES NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. 3ohnson explained this policy would assist staff in explaining why a signal could not be installed at the request of interested parties, but could be placed on the list in the order of priority. certain signal. would have to wait until its turn, especially if special conditions existed which would change the order of priority for a particular intersection. That did not mean a Commissioner Fuller stated he would like to know what CalTrans warrants had been met for the chart on page 7 of the report. Mike Shirey gave the following information: Chestnut Avenue/Pio Pic0 Drive; warrants 1, 7, 8 and 9. Carlsbad Boulevard/State State: warrants 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11. Chestnut Avenue/Monroe Street; warrant 7. La Costa Avenue/Piraeus Street; warrants 2, 9 and 11. El Camino Real/Costa Del Mar Road: warrants 2, 6, 8, 9 and 11. Tamarack Avenue/Highland Drive; warrants 2, 7, 8, 9 and 11. Tamarack Avenue/Garfield Street; warrants 6 and 7. Alga Road/Cazadero Drive; warrant 8. El Camino Real/Rancho Carlsbad Drive; warrants 2, 9 and 11. Mr. 3ohnson further stated this policy would be updated yearly or by-yearly, and is needed to lock in a method for explaining how the traffic signals are installed. Chairman Erwin stated he felt it would be a mistake for this Commission and the City Council to vote on this proposal. input from staff, police, public, the Traffic Safety Commission and the City Council and to vote on this proposal would surrender part of the freedom of each of those individual parts. He felt traffic decisions are made based on Mr. Erwin believed this would be the best policy to follow, but should be only a guide and not an adopted policy Commissioner Fuller stated this would be recognized as a policy, and policies are always subject to exceptions. Staff or this Commission could recommend an exception at any time. Commissioner O'Day felt this would give Council more flexlbility, as requests for signals are usually emotional issues and Council has nothing to rely on for a basis, and would take some of the pressure away from such requests. He suggested a paragraph could be included stating signals could be put in for other reasons, but he felt a policy was necessary. Commissioner Fuller added that with this policy, the Commission would look harder at requests. He concurred that a policy was necessary. Mr. 3ohnson said that staff does need guidelines to follow when requests for signals are received. \ \ MINUTES h 3une 6, 1988 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Herring agreed guidelines were necessary to help control citizen requests for signals. Traffic Safety Commission endorsed the Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy as presented. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Fuller requested the installation of a 25 miles per hour speed limit sign on Park Drive west of Kelly, as there is no sign for traffic heading west. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob 3ohnson reminded the Commissioners that the terms of Commissioners Erwin, Herring and Melideo will expire in 3uly. City Clerk with their desire to be re-appointed or not. He asked the Commissioners to submit a letter to the Mr. Johnson reported Mike Shirey had made a presentation to SANDAG and had gotten $10,000 allocated for a sidewalk inventory program. and missing links, with schools as the first priority. This inventory will include new ones Mr. 3ohnson stated the 3uly Traffic Safety Commission meeting would fall on July 4, 1988. held the second Monday of the month, July 11, 1988, at 3:OO p.m., in the Council Chambers. The meeting will be AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the 3une 6, 1988, Meeting was adjourned at 4:16 p.m. i-farriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk Erwin Fuller Herring 0 I Day \ \ [