HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-02-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES h Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY C(MMISSI0N Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: February 6, 1989 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMM CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Melideo called the meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Comnissiooers Herring, Fuller and Melideo. Comnissioner Ward arrived at 3:04 p.m. Absent - Comnissioner OIDay Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer Martin Lauber, Associate Civil Engineer Officer Carpenter, Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting held January 9, 1989 were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Comnission. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported that the 1988-1989 C.I.P. budget is going to City Council tomorrow, February 7, 1989 and the 1989-1990 C.I.P. is scheduled to go to City Council around June or July. NEW BUSINESS: A. Pedestrian Action Plan - Modify a portion of the Pedestrian Section of the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Bob Johnson gave the staff report on this item as contained in the packet. He used a transparency to show Exhibit A as contained in that report. Mr. Johnson put emphasis on the completeness of the City of Carlsbad existing Pedestrian Section when comparing it to other southern California cities. He also mentioned that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Comnittee had discussed this in length and provided input for specific wording ref i nernents. Comnissioner Herring inquired about the exact meaning of Ikreating environments conducive to walking" as it relates to a pedestrian crossing Elm Avenue at an uncontrolled intersection. Bob Johnson explained many of the traffic control devices that could be used on Elm Avenue to create environments conducive to walking and stated that upon completion of the Streetscape project there would be two additional traffic signals on Elm Avenue to further provide for pedestrian crossings. Chairperson Melideo opened the meeting for public input at 3:21 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Thelma 1. Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive complimented staff on the effort put forth to refine the Pedestrian Section of the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Mrs. Hayes also suggested wording changes to the opening paragraph of Sections D.6 and D.6.2. She felt that the last line in Section D.6 PEDESTRIAN should read llPedestrianmovement and safetyshould be facilitated and encouraged by creating environments and circulation patterns conducive to walking; and that policy D.6.2 should include Number 5, "to and from access mints to dlic transportation. Comnissioner Fuller asked if the Traffic Safety Coordinating Conmitteels recommendation to provide sidewalks in residential areas included all residential streets. Bob Johnson stated that this did not imply sidewalks on all residential streets and pointed out that was the reason for deleting the word glJ from in front of Ilresidential areas" as it currently reads in the Circulation Element. Comnissioner Herring asked staff what mechanism exists to get the sidewalks built in areas where there are no sidewalks. Mr. Johnson reviewed the options presently available to the public for these types of improvements, namely, sidewalk assessment districts, future improvement agreements (lien contracts) or to have sidewalks constructed as part of the project. SSlO \\\\\ S ERS Me1 ideo Ful ler Herring MINUTES February 6, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page: 2 COMMISSIONERS Y Cmissioner Fuller said that he agreed with Thelma Hayes' suggested changes to the wording as recomnended by the Traffic Safety Coordinating Comnittee. Cmissioner Ward asked if staff has considered building sidewalks away from the curb to create enviromnts conducive to walking. Mr. Johnson stated that the exact position of sidewalks for new projects is discussed in depth during the preliminary plan review process; most are adjacent to the curb and gutter but some sidewalks are approved that are not contiguous to the curb and gutter. Cmissioner Melideo mentioned that sidewalks should even be considered in rural neighborhoods because school children need a safe place to ualk to and from school. After a lengthy discussion among the Comnissioners, the Traffic Safety Cmission accepted the Traffic Safety Coordinating Comnittee recamendations with the two additions suggested by Thelma Hayes. The new uording recOmnended in the opening paragraph of the Pedestrian Section reads: Pedestrian movement and safety should be facilitated and encouraged by creating environments and circulation patterns conducive to walking; and to D.6.2 add 5) to and from access points to prblic transportation. It is noted that Comnissioner Ward only objects to the suggested change to Policy D.6.2. by the addition of Nunber 5) to and from access points to public transportation. TDAIProwsition IBABn Bicycle Fundinq - Request funding for the construction of bicycle lanes on Monroe Street. Bob Johnson gave the staff report contained in the packet. He informed the Cmission that the City of Carlsbad can apply for approximately S44,OOO in funding from SANDAC. Cmissioner Ward asked staff is they kneu the grade of Monroe Street. Mr. Johnson stated he assuned a 2-3% grade existed on this part of Monroe as compared to 6-n grade on El Camino Real between Elm Avenue and Chestnut Avenue. Cmissioner MeLideo asked staff if the existing road will be uidened on one side or both. Bob Johnson stated that the project will include the widening of both sides of the road, minor signal modifications and an important link to the existing storm drain network. Traffic Safety Comnission approved the Traffic Safety Coordinating Comnittee recmndation to apply for funding from SANDAG for the construction of bike lanes on Monroe Street for a distance 0.30 miles southerly of Marron Road. This was due to this addition being vague. B. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson asked the Comnissioners to please contact the Traffic Engineering Division if they do not receive their packets by the Friday before the Comnission meeting. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of February 6, 1989 was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, MARTIN C. LAUBER Associate Civil Engineer - Traffic Engineering Div.;ion Me 1 ideo Fuller Herring Ward Melideo Ful ler Herring Ward