HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04-03; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutes\ Meeting of: TRAFF MINUTES C SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers Date of Meetlng: Apri 1 3, 1989 A COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Pro Tern Herring called the Meetlng to order at 3:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL: Present -- Commissioners Herring, Fuller and Ward. Absent -- Cornmlssioners Melldeo and O'Day. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Eng i neer Chris Salomone, Housing and Redeve I opment D i rector Bob German, Risk Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Meeting held March 6, 1989, were continued to the next Meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported Commlssioner Melldeo had asked about the park i ng at Chase Fie1 d, and Parks and Recreation said there would be no onsite parklng--that all the work belng done is for Iandscaplng. Mr. Johnson said that Commissioner O'Day had asked about the sight distance at Tamarack and 1-5, and there will be a trafflc signal pre-construction meeting this Thursday wlth CalTrans, and that item wlll be discussed. Mr. Johnson said he had personally driven the area and did not see a sight problem wlth any bushes. Mr. Johnson said that Commissioner Ward had asked about the turn onto Poinsettla Lane from the new shopping center, and the berm between 1-5 and Avenlda Encinas will be moved to the north so there will be a rlght turn only lane and the left turn lane will be lengthened. He said the signal Is on recall and that it will be repaired soon; then the necessary repairs can be made and the berm moved over. 1-5 is from three to flve years away, and widening to s ix lanes wi I I be necessary at City bui 1 dout. The widenlng of the road over Commissioner Ward stated she had checked on Tamarack at 1-5 wlth regard to a sight problem due to landscaping, and could not see any shrubs that were a problem--just the bridge itself. NEW BUSINESS: A. City of Carlsbad Redevelopment Area - Information Item - Update of Projects Bob Johnson Introduced Chris Salomone, Director of Housing and Redevelopment, who was present to give an update on projects in the Village area. 3 - MINUTES Apri 1 3, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Chris Salomone stated the streetscape project is underway; a Master Plan for the Redevelopment Area has been recommended wlth a blue ribbon committee recommended; the parklng lots wl1I be going out for bid the mlddle of April; and a commuter rail transit center has been proposed for the downtown area. Mr. Salomone used transparencies to show the streetscape areas and explained that Phase I would be along by the Tw Inns to coincide with the Village Faire project. The second phase will be Carlsbad Boulevard; with the thlrd phase being the Ocean Street Sculpture Park. wi I I be Elm Avenue Phase Four Mr. Salomone added relations program, out in June to res continual update a that there wi I I be a year-long wlth posters and a brochure ma dents of the City. There wi I I d new pro.lects, with a model m I ed be a de for He said the lntent is .- display and' a speakers' bureau. to keep the public informed to dispel any ill-will caused by the dlsruption. The parking lots were discussed next by Mr. Salomone, wit a transparency used to show the existing lot sites; those to be built; the reciprocal parking and those designed. The parking lots will all be ready for use before any parklng is removed from Elm Avenue. Mr. Salomone reported on the proposed commuter rail transit station, using a transparency to show the site. This station would be in the railroad right-of-way just north of Grand Avenue, where the Bauer Lumber storage lot is located. There is seventy million dollars available for the commuter IIne between Oceanside and San Diego, with nine stations. There is to be one at Poinsettia Lane and one at Grand Avenue. The group has a fast schedule for this project and would like the City to make a decision on the Grand Avenue site soon. Mr. Salomone stated that staff is concerned about the circulatlon and the parklng; and the fact that the streets handling the traffic for the station might spill over into the surrounding parking, if successful. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Bouman are working to analyze this from a staff vlewpoint, and the City is asking SANDAG to give us bui ldout proposals for parking and how clrculatlon will work. Mr. Salomone added that it was important for traffic to be directed out to Carlsbad Boulevard and north away from town. He sald he had concerns and wanted it to be a benefit and necessary and an economlc benefit to the City. Mr. Salomone next reported on the Master Plan for the Houslng and Redevelopment area as proposed by the Housing and Redevelopment Advlsory Committee. the Committee would like to think about what will happen in ten or fifteen years from now. There wlll be a five- member commlttee and this wl 1 be similar to a mini- general plan revlew over the next eight months. He sald that this Commission and the Parks and Recreatlon Commission are to appoint an ex-officlo member to attend those meetings. He sald MINUTES \kY 0, April 3, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Cont I nued 1 In answer to Commlssion query regardlng the orlgin of the bus rlders that come into the downtown area, Mr. Salomone stated he wou 1 d ask NCTD for that informat ion. Commfssloner Ward suggested the Grand Avenue statlon be deleted from the plan, or make It a drop-off commuter station only. Chrls Salomone stated there was no evidence at thls time that the commuter rall would bring more business to the downtown area. The light rall wll1 take the El Camino route and not affect the coastal area. Mr. Salomone stated that the May 7 Village Faire wlll be lrnpacted by the Carlsbad Boulevard streetscape construction, but that hopeful ly, nothlng else wi I I be lmpacted. In answer to query about the Army-Navy Academy Mr. Salomone stated there wlll be a median installed In that area and that will provide a safe haven for the cadets crossing the street. There will be curbs and gutters installed and sldewalks. The act B. Bob Commlsslon recelved the verbal report and took no on. Poinsettla Lane - Request to establish a NO PARKING zone between 1-5 and Paseo Del Norte to prevent vehicles from parklng and advertislng the vehlcle as being for sale. Johnson gave the staff report, stating this NO PARKIN zone would be by ordinance, and the Coordinating Committe recommended this because this is a major arterial and there should be no parklng. Unslghtliness Is not a Justificatlon for a no parklng zone, unless there Is a safety problem. He stated that grading would take place later thls year, with constructlon of Polnsettia to be completed next year, which would result in more traffic. Commissioner Ward stated for the record that she had made thls request, not because of the aesthetlcs, but because of the repeating complaints she had heard. There are a lot of bike riders and pedestrians In thls area, and she felt it was hazardous with the parklng allowed. Also, on weekends, there 1s double-parking by the vehicles with "For Sale" slgns in them, creating a "parking lot1' effect Wlth the openfng of the shopping center, the trafflc has Increased In that area, making it more hazardous. Traffic Safety Commlsslon approved the Traffic Safety Coordlnating Committee recommendation to create a NO PARKING zone on Poinsettla Lane from Carlsbad Boulevard to where It currently dead-ends. C. Palomar Airport Road - Request to establish a prlma facie speed limlt from El Camino Real to easterly City limits. Bob Johnson gave the staff report, stating this was a request from the Police Department, and Traffic and Engineerfng surveys were conducted. used to lndicate the proposed 45 m.p.h. speed zone. He said radar could not be used to wrlte tickets in this area until the motorist exceeded the critical speed. But by talllng the motorlst, tlckets could be issued and would hold up in court. A transparency was Herr 1 ng Fu I ler Ward \ \ c $ \ P MINUTES Apr i I 3, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMI SSI ON Page 4 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Traffic Safety Commission approved the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation to establish a 45 mile per hour speed Ilmit on Palomar Airport Road from El Camino Real to the easterly City limits. Staff is to re-evaluate the speed limlt at the time Palomar Airport Road is widened to four lanes from El Camino Real to the City I imlts and a report is to be made to the Commission in SIX months to a year from the tlme the signs are lnstalled to determine the effectiveness of the lower speed Iimlt. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: None. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reported that there will be a pre- construction meeting thls coming Thursday, April 6, 1989, for the signals designed In the C.I.P. last year, and ready for construction; Tamarack and Adams, both ramps on Tamarack at 1-5, Highland and Elm Avenue and an Interconnect cable between Tamarack and Kelly on El Camino Real. Mr. Johnson said a traffic slgna is to be designed for College and Faraday, so when Col ege is opened at Palomar, there wlll be a signal n operation. The signal for Pine and Carlsbad Bou evard is recommended to be moved up In the C.I.P. In the future there will be an additional left turn at Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, and staff is investlgating how to use the exlsting condltlons there to improve the traffic flow and turnlng conditions. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of April 3, 1989, was adjourned at 4:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harrlett Babbitt Minutes Clerk ~ Herr i ng Ful ler Ward