HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07-10; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMeet1 na of: TRAFF
Time 07 Meetlng: 3:OO ..m.
Date of Meeting: July 10, 1989 \A, 0,
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Chalrperson Me1 ledo cal led the Meetlng to order at
3:OO p.m.
Present -- Chairperson Melideo, Commlssioners
Fuller, Herrlng and Ward. Cornmissloner
O'Day arrived at 3:05 p.m.
Absent -- None.
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Carpenter, Pollce
Chr is Sa I omone, D i rector ,
Houslng 8
Red eve I opment
Lynn Chase, Recreation
Carl Pope, Aquatics Supervisor
Super 1 ntendent
Minutes of the Meeting held June 5, 1989, were approved
as presented.
Harold Clarke, 824 Camlnlto Del Reposo, addressed the
Commlssion regarding the traff lc on Camlnito Del Parque,
statlng there is parklng on both sides of the street and
commercial trucks, whlch create a sight distance problem
when exlting from Camfnito Del Reposo. He sald that the
traffic moves very fast, particularly in the morning, and
this is very dangerous.
Bob Johnson reported that last month under Oral
Communications Lilllan Lawman and Kim Marie Sell spoke
regarding the speed limlt signs on Valley Street. He
sald that staff lnvestlgated and found that area did
qualify as a residence district. Since that tlme, a work
order has been Issued to lnstall 25 m.p.h. speed llmit
signs and the work has been completed. Mr. Johnson sald
that Miss Lawman had cal led his offlce and thanked the
Clty for lnstal I ing the slgns.
Mr. Johnson sald that Cornmissloner Herring's concern
about turnlng onto Elm Avenue would be taken care of wlth
the streetscape.
A. Carlsbad Swfm Complex at Carlsbad Hlgh School -
Request to establ ish a TWO-HOUR P ARKING zone In the parking lot.
Bob Johnson introduced Lynn Chase and Carl Pope of the
Parks and Recreatlon Department, stating that they were
present to answer questions.
Me1 ideo
Ful ler
Herr 1 ng
NEW BUSINESS: (Cont i nued 1
Bob Johnson continued the staff report, using a
transparency to show the parking spaces in the swim
complex parking lot. He sald that the students from
the high school take all the avallable parklng spaces,
leaving none for patrons of the swlm complex. Three
years ago signs were installed for a short tfme, but
were removed and are now being stored. These signs
cou Id be re-1 nsta I led to estab I i sh the two-hour park 1 ng
limit fromm 6:OO a.m. to 2:OO porn., between September 1
and June 30 of each year.
In answer to Commission query as to why the origlnal
signs were removed, Lynn Chase indicated there was no
ordinance in effect at that tfme, and the restriction
could not be enforced. The problem did not go away, but
has remained since that tlme, wlth the complalnts
becoming more prevalent.
The Parks and Recreation Department will request that the
patrolman asslgned to monitor the lagoon be authorized to
issue citations at the swim complex in order to help the
Police Department enforce the two-hour parking limit.
Carl Pope indicated that there is adequate parklng for
the swim complex when those patrons are not In
competition wlth the high school students.
There was a discussion about the bus routes in the
area, with Bob Johnson statlng he would check to see
exactly which bus routes served the school at a close
bus stop.
Mrs. Chase indicated that there would be a lot of
publicity about this two-hour parking limit prior to
the openlng of school, and when It does open, to alert
the students to the restrlctlons.
The Traffic Safety Commission approved the
recommendation of the Traff Ic Safety Coordinating
Commlttee to designate the 25 parking spaces located at
the swlm complex as TWO-HOUR PARKING, Monday through
Friday, durlng the hours of 6:OO a.m. to 2:00 p.m.,
between September 1 and June 30 of each year.
B. Elm Avenue - Request to remove on-street parking between Hard ing Street and Carlsbad Boulevard and
stripe four lanes on Elm Avenue.
Chris Salomone, Director of Houslng and Redevelopment,
gave the staff report, using a transparency to show Elm
Avenue and a wall chart drawlng of the proposed
streetscape. Mr. Salomone showed a transparency of the
parking lots under construction and stated they should be
completed by the end of the year. He said that 11 1 new
parking spaces have been created, with 90 to 95 spaces
lost on Elm Avenue. He also explalned the configuration
of the streetscape on Elm Avenue and the additlon of a U-
turn lane at Hard Ing and Elm, to al low traff Ic on Elm to
return to the freeway without having to make a circle
through the downtown area.
Me1 ideo
Ful ler
Herr i ng
L \
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Mr. Salomone requested that the Commisslon recommend
removing the on-street parking on Elm Avenue as soon as
the parking lots are completed, rather than wait untTl
the streetscape Ts completed. He felt If the City
waTted until the streetscape was completed, the parkTng
problem would have to be addressed again at that time.
He commented that Councf I had dlrected hIm to f i nd more
off-street parking, and he was working on that.
CommfssToner Ward commented that when the train goes
through that area, there is a great deal of dust, and
If there are parking lots next to the railroad right-of-
way, she wondered what dust control measures could be
taken. Mr. Salomone lnd icated he wou Id investigate
that issue.
Harold Clarke, 824 CamTnlto Del Reposo, spoke Tn favor
of this presentatTon as a property owner and commercial retaTl busfness ln the Village area at State and Grand.
The Trafflc Safety Commtsslon approved the
recommendatTon of the Traff Tc Safety Coordinating
Committee that on-street parking be removed and that a
NO PARKING ANYTIME ZONE be established at the time the
three downtown parkTng lots are completed and that Elm
Avenue then be striped wTth four traffic lanes between
Car 1 sbad Bou I evard and Hard 1 ng Street.
Commlssioner Ward asked about how the street
Tmprovements would affect speclal events, adding that
she had heard comp IaTnts about the Pol Ice not
control ITng the traffic after the fireworks.
Bob Johnson saTd that was not accurate TnformatTon, as
the Polfce Department was extremely busy very late on
the 4th of July. He saTd that every year staff strives
to improve on the hand I T ng of traf f ic at special events
and crftique each event.
Bob Johnson announced that the August meeting would be
held August 7, 1989. He also announced that he had copier
of the new 1988 Callfornla VehTcle Code to distrlbute to
the Commissloners.
By proper mo-tlon, the meeting of July 10, 1989, was
adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Harrlett Babbltt M i nutes C 1 erk
Me1 ldeo
Ful ler
Herr I ng