HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-07; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutesrrc -,
Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: August 7, 1989
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Ad Hoc Chairman Ful ler cal led the Meeting to order at
3:OO p.m.
Present -- Commissioners Fuller, 0-Day and Ward.
Commissioner Herring arrived at
3:05 p.m.
Absent -- Chairperson Melideo.
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer
Sgt. Carpenter, Police
Bob German, Risk Manager
Minutes of the Meeting held July 10, 1989, were approved
as presented.
There were no requests to address the Commission on a
non-agend a i tern.
Bob Johnson reported that staff had investigated the
sight distance complaint of Harold Clarke, who addressed
the Commission at the July meeting. Mr. Johnson said a
work order had been issued to paint the curb red in the
area Mr. Clarke described, and staff had informed Mr.
Clarke of this action.
Mr. Johnson said he had talked with Mr. Lickterman of
NCTD, and the bus stops by the high school, which were discussed at last month's meeting with regard to the two-
hour parking limit at the swimming complex, are heavily
used by the students.
V i ce-Cha i rman Herr i ng arr i ved and took over the cha i r i ng
of the meet i ng .
6A. Request to establish a 2-HOUR PARKING zone on Paseo Del Norte from Cannon Road to 300 feet south of Car
Country Drive and on Car Country Drive from Cannon
Road to Paseo Del Norte.
Bob Johnson gave the staff report as contained in the
Agenda, using a transparency to show a Location Map of
the streets. Mr. Johnson stated this action was
initiated by the Car Country Dealers Association, due to
the lack of parking space available to customers.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Auto Dealers Association
became concerned about the on-street parking a year ago,
and this situation has become worse, with people using
those streets for "park and ride" and cars for sale.
Fu I ler
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NEW BUS 1 NESS: (Continued 1
Bob Johnson continued the staff report, stating that
Paseo Del Norte is a secondary arterial and parking
would not ordinarily be allowed. However, due to the
uniqueness of Car Country, parking has been allowed.
The Traf f i c Safety Coord 1 nat I ng Committee does recommend
the TWO-HOUR PARKING on the streets named and felt this
would resolve the problem for the time being. Future
problems would be resolved at a later date.
The Coordfnating Committee denied a request to remove
bicycle lanes on Paseo Del Norte for a dlstance of 300
feet southerly of Car Country Drive to provide
additional on-street parking.
The Committee was concerned about the impact on
employees, and if approved, it would be the
responsibi I ity of the dealers to provide off-str et
parking for their employees. There was one dissenting
vote on this issue, and that person felt more
information was necessary on how the dealers planned to
accommodate their employees as far as provid ing parking.
Ron Dixon, 5555 Paseo Del Norte, Car Country, stated the
two-hour parking limit would be a good thing for the
dealers and would free up parking space for customers.
He said that people now leave their cars there for two
or three days at a time, and it takes a week for the
dealers to get the cars out of there.
Mr. Dixon said they would provide off-street
their employees.
parking for
Don Stewart, 5500 Paseo Del Norte, represent ng Bob
Baker VW C/P, said the problem is with the w olesalers,
who teave cars parked on the street until auction day.
Also, there are some cars parked on the street that
appear to be abandoned. With a two-hour park ing 1 im i t,
some of the cars wi l 1 be cleared off of the streets.
Mr. Stewart added that some employees park in front of
other car agencies, rather than in front of their own,
and this causes hard feelings. He said that Escondido
car dealers had gone to the two-hour parking limit, and
were very happy with the results.
Mr. Stewart said they have applied for permission for
200 cars to be parked on an extra lot with a two-year
CUP. However, the Planning Commission wanted something
more permanent. He said that the agencies have large
inventories and that also contributes to the problem.
The extra lot would be for new vehicles only, which
would free up parking on the dealer's lot for the
emp I oyees .
Tony DeMarco, representing Pacific Coast Automotive
Group, spoke in opposition to the proposed two-hour
parking limit. He said that one of the objects of Car
Country is to have several agencies for people to walk
through, and if those customers are worried about
getting a ticket, they wi l I not take the time to %hopt1.
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Mr. DeMarco continued, stating that he estimated there
were 700 or 800 employees at Car Country, and he did not
feel those employees could be accommodated, even with the
storage areas.
Mr. DeMarco felt the wholesalers were the main problem,
and acknowledged there needs to be an improvement in the
parking, but not at the customers' expense. He also felt
the dealers need to be more responsible with regard to
their inventories.
Mr. DeMarco reiterated his opposition to the two-hour
parking limit, stating this was not in the best interest
of the customers coming to Car Country. He also thought
th is cou Id create some safety prob lems. I n answer to
Commission query, Mr. DeMarco stated that only two of the
four agencies he respresents are in business at this
The Commissioners questioned the dealers about the two
associations that are in existence and also the CC8R's of
the groups, and whether they had the power to help in the
parking problem. The dealers indicated they had not been
successful in getting cooperation in solving this
problem. They indicated this two-hour parking limit had
been discussed at the Association meeting, and the
dealers knew it would be their responsibility to provide
parking for their employees. The feeling was that if
this parking limit was enforced, the dealers would adjust
their inventories and the wholesalers would move their
Commissioner Ward stated she had driven to Hoehn Motors
on the west side of 1-5 and there were 78 cars that were
not parked on-site.
not the solution and urged the Association to look for a
She felt the two-hour parking was
Commissioner Herring felt this was a dealership problem
and they should solve it themselves; however, the two-
hour parking limit should force the issue and the dealers
w i 1 I have to decide where to put the cars and the
Commissioner Fuller supported this proposal and added
that it should be returned to the Commission for a
further report on whether or not the two-hour parking
limit is working.
The Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation
of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish
a TWO-HOUR PARKING zone on both sides of Paseo Del Norte
from Car Country Drive northerly to Cannon Road and on
both sides of Car Country Drive from Cannon Road to Paseo
Del Norte, Monday through Friday between the hours of
8:OO a.m. and 6:OO p.m., with holidays excepted. The
request that bicycle lanes on Paseo Del Norte be removed
for a distance of 300 feet southerly of Car Country Drive
to provide additional on-street parking was denied.
Fu I ler
P\ 8 -
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
6B. Carlsbad Boulevard - Request to establish a prima
facie speed limit from Manzano Drive to a point 1,000
~~ ~~~ feet south of Manzano Drive.
Bob Johnson reported that Council Member Larson had asked
about the speed I imit on the curve of Car lsbad Boulevard
under Palomar Airport Road at the April 18, 1989, City
Counci I Meeting. Ord inance No. 31 15 estab I ished a prima
facie speed limit of 35 m.p.h. from 1,000 feet south of
Manzano Drive and continuing to the northerly City limit.
He said that south of that area is one of high speed,
and the road is posted at 55 m.p.h., although the
Ordinance stated 45 m.p.h.
Mr. Johnson said that the Traffic Safety Coordinating
Committee felt that 55 m.p.h. was not appropriate, but
that 50 m.p.h. could be Justified on the basis of the
Engineering and Traffic Survey. Mr. Johnson indicated on
an aerial photograph where the new speed limit would be.
The Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation
of the Traf f ic Safety Coord i nat i ng Committee to extend
the 35 m.p.h. prima facie speed limit southerly 400 feet
to a distance of 1,400 feet southerly of Manzano Drive
and the existing 45 m.p.h. prima facie speed limit on the
souther 1 y segment of Car I sbad Bou levard be raised to 50
m.p.h. beginning 1,400 feet south of Manzano Drive and
continuing to the south City limits.
Bob Johnson congratulated Commissioners Fuller and O'Day
on their re-appointments to the Commission by the City
Counci I.
Mr. Johnson announced that due to the Labor Day Holiday,
the next meeting of the Commission would be September
11, 1989.
By proper motion, the meeting of August 7, 1989, was
adjourned at 4:03 p.m.
Respectful Iv submitted,
Harriett Babbltt
Minutes Clerk
Fu 1 ler
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