HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-10-02; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesL,
Meeting of: TRAFF
Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: October 2, 1989
Place of Meeting: Clty Council Chambers
Chairperson Melldeo called the Meetlng to order at
3:04 p.m.
Present -- Commlssloners Melldeo, Fuller and
Stachovlak. Commlssloner Herrlng
arrived at 3:06 p.m.
Absent -- Commlssloner O'Day.
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Trafflc Engineer
Sgt. Carpenter, Police
Mlnutes of the Meettng held September 11, 1989, were
approved as presented.
There were no requests to address the Commlsslon on a
non-agend a i tem.
Bob Johnson welcomed Commlssloner Stachoviak to the
Traffic Safety Comrnlssion.
Mr. Johnson reported that the rural road standard for
Adams Street was dlscussed by the Traff ic Safety
Commlssion In May and June of this year. The Issue wI1 I
go to the Planning Commlsslon thls cmlng Wednesday for
d eterm 1 nation and recommend at ion.
The Pontlac Drlve "no parklng" from Tamarack to Vlctorla
will go to Councll tomorrow night for lntroductlon of the
Ordinance. The Car Country Drlve item went to Councll a
week ago and the Ord lnance wt 1 I be adopted tomorrow.
A. Harwich Drive - Request to construct Harwlch Drive as
a cul-de-sac street at Tamarack Avenue.
Bob Johnson gave the staff presentatlon as contalned In
the staff report, using a transparency to show the
exlstlng roads and future roads. He referred to copies
of the letters from Franklln Weston, all of which were
contalned In the Commlsslon packet.
Mr. Johnson safd that accordlng to Mr. Weston, speeding 1s
a problem on Harwich Drive, and he Is requestlng a cul-de-
sac at Tamarack.
Mr. Johnson used an aerial photograph to help show the
area In question, and he stated the cul-de-sac concept.
There are 29 homes In thls area at thls time. A
transparency was used to show the future network of
streets, but Mr. Johnson explalned that it would be
some time before all these roads are completed.
Me1 ldeo
Ful ler
NEW BUSINESS: (Cont i nued 1
Mr. Johnson continued, stating that the Traffic Safety
Coord l natD ng Comm I ttee d i scussed the speed I ng prob 1 em
that occurs on every street in the City; especially,
where it Is posted 25 m.p.h. The problem is what to do
about speed control, and whether or not a cul-de-sac is
the way to solve the problem. Mr. Johnson referred to
the slngle entrance cul-de-sac pol icy and showed an
transparency of that policy. Harwlch is a residential
street and does have a 25 m.p.h. prlma facle speed
1 lmlt, and the slgns have been posted at this time.
He explalned that the condftions of the slngle entrance
(cul-de-sac) developments are not met, and If Harwlch
were barricaded, that would affect Harwich and
Tamarack, creating two streets that would be cul-de-sac
streets and both would vlolate the City Engineering
Department Pol Icy.
In answer to Commlsslon query regarding accldents on
that street, Sgt. Carpenter stated there has been one
accident this year, and he could not recalf any prior to
Chairperson Melldeo opened the Public Hearing at 3:21
p.m., and issued the lnvitatlon to speak.
Franklin Weston, 3625 Harwtch Drlve, read hls prepared
statement lnto the record, In which he questioned the
val id ity of the traff ic study and requested a re1 iable
vehicle count over several days. Mr. Weston stated
there are vehlcles parked at the curb on Harwlch, which
makes the street narrow for people backing out of their
drlveways. Also, the street has curves and a 90 degree
lefthand turn onto Tamarack Avenue. He felt Harwlch was
too narrow and too busy for the amount of speeding
vehicles now usPng the street. Mr. Weston recommended a
cul-de-sac to alleviate the problems.
Jan Flemlng, 3626 Harwlch Drilve, spoke In favor of the
cul-de-sac, statfng It Is a dlrectlonal problem, wlth
the speedlng happenlng from Elm Avenue.
David Clark, 3632 Harwlch Drlve, stated he had I lved at
that address almost two years and there Is extenslve
speedlng on the street. He sald he had asked drivers to
slow down, but they become angry when approached and
asked to please drive slower in that area. Mr. Clark
stated he favored havlng a cul-de-sac and also requested
that the Pollce Department cane to that neighborhood and
sit there to tlcket the speedlng motorists. He said
there are a lot of ch i ldren playlng in the area, and the
speedlng makes It very dangerous.
Mrs. Lori Schnelder, 3610 Ashby Court, stated she sees
the traff ic coming up Tamarack that then turn down
Harwlch, and she has almost gotten hlt while turning
Into Ashby Court. She sald the people that live in the
Trails come up Harwlch, and if the street Is not a cul- de-sac, there should at least be a stop sign.
NEW BUS I NESS: (Cont I nued 1
Peter Karavas, 3623 Harwich Drive, stated that there is
the screechlng of tires at al 1 hours of the nfght, and
that his netghbors would agree with hls conclusion that
the speeding on HarwZch Drive is a real danger.
John Lfndsley, 3604 Ashby Court, stated that peak hours
produces the most traffic on Harwlch, but the speeding Is
the danger. He said the 25 m.p.h. speed limit signs are
be I ng Ignored.
Since no one else wlshed to speak on this matter, the
Public Hearing was closed at 3:45 p.m.
Commlssioner Fuller used the aerial photograph to I I lustrate one aspect not addressed by staff or the
citizens; that of the open space and brush. He said
there could be a fire in that area and the residents
would then need to get out of the area quickly. If a
de-sac were created, it would be very difficult to ge
out of the area, and both exits would be necessary.
Mr. Fuller said that for safety reasons, he felt both
exits were a necessity.
Commissioner Fuller contlnued, stating that with the
grading being done in that area, when there is raln,
there wi I1 be mud al I over the road and the residents
won't be able to use the road for an exlt. He contlnued,
stating that the area Is still being developed. and when
there are homes on the lower part of Harwich,
be parklng on the street and street trafflc w
and slow down because of the development. Mr
said that when College Boulevard is extended,
be a major shift in the trafflc patterns. He
stating that this Is an Interim sltuation and
believe a cul-de-sac was the appropriate acti
time; also with development, it would be less
there wi I I
I t Increase
there will
conc 1 ud ed ,
he did not
n at this
needed than
Fu I ler
Commissioner Herrlng stated that lf a cul-de-sac were
installed, this would cut off development In the area.
He felt the speed'ing cars were coming from the south.
Mr. Johnson said that staff was aware that there were
speeders in that area, but felt it was the nelghbors who
were doing the speed ing.
Commissioner Stachoviak stated he appreciated the
residents' concerns, as he Ilves on Basswood, and there
Is speed ing on that street. He agreed that the speed Ing
appears to be done by the local people and felt the
Pol Ice Deparfment could put pressure on the roads In that
area to get people to obey the 25 m.p. h. speed I imlt.
Mr. Stachoviak agreed that a cul-de-sac was not the thing
to do at that spot.
Commfssioner Fuller stated that the homeowners
association should take up the matter of the residents'
speeding, as most of the trafflc is local. He saZd that
sometimes the homeowners association can be effective In
puttlng out notices to "respect your neighbors' rightst1.
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
chairperson Me1 ideo said that no one had mentioned
school in the area, and If a cul-de-sac were lnsta
this would cause another problem for the school.
is a problem in that area, but the other residents
cannot be cut off from free use of oublic streets
because of 29 resldences In one area. This Is a publlc
street and and Is not the only one where there Is
speeding and screeching of tires. She said that is a
constant problem In every area. Eventually there will
be traffic control there, and that should help solve
this problem.
Chairperson Melldeo said that testimony had been glven
about chlldren playing In the street, and she wondered
why they weren't play'lng In their backyards with parent
supervlslon. She also commented that the emergency
vehlcles would only have one way in. The residents want
to make a private area from a pub1 fc area, and she said
she could not agree with that.
The Traffic Safety Commission accepted the
recommendatlon of the Traffic Safety Coordinating
Commlttee to deny the request to construct a cul-de-sac
on Harwlch Drive at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue.
Drivers are to be reminded of the prlma facie speed
llmlt in this residence district on Harwlch Drive, and
25 m.p.h. speed llmlt slgns have been installed for each
d lrection of travel.
Cmmissloner Fuller commented on the suggestion to put a
stop sign at Tamarack and Harwich, and stated there
would be no Justlflcation for one at this point.
Bob Johnson concurred, and added that the purpose of a
stop sign Is to assign right-of-way, and it Is not used
for speed control.
E. Calle Barcelona - Request to establish a prima facie
speed Ilmit.
Bob Johnson reported that Mlsslon Estancla Elelmentary
School is under construction on Calle Barcelona at the
intersection of Calle San Fellpe. There wlll be school
classes 12 months of the year, with the school to be
opened in January of 1990. Speed surveys were
conducted, and a prima facie speed limit of 30 m.p.h.
recommended for Cal le Barcelona.
The Traffic Safety Commlsslon accepted the
recommendation of the Traff Ic Safety Coord inatlng
Committee to establish a prima facie speed limlt of
30 m.p.h. on Calle Barcelona.
C. Car l sbad Bou 1 evard - Request to rev ise Sect ion
10.40.041 of the Carlsbad Munlcipal Code by expandlng
I imlts of the NO PARKING from 11':OO
zone at various locatlons and to rev
parking restrlctlon locations on Car
.m. to 6:OO a.m:
se other
sbad Bou 1 evard .
Me1 ideo
Ful fer
Herr i ng
Stachov l ak
Me1 ideo
Ful ler
Stachov I ak
8 -
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Bob Johnson reported this item was requested by the
Pol ice Department, and he used a transparency to show
Car I sbad Bou 1 evard and the areas affected .
Mr. Johnson stated that beach erosion, malntenance
activities and constructlon of the streetscape project
a I 1 have changed park Ing cond It ions on Car I sbad
Boulevard, and the Pol ice Department felt changes were
needed in the parking restrictlons. This would
establish the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard between
the Agua Hedlonda Lagoon Brldge and Tierra Del Oro
Street as a NO PARKING zone between the hours of 11:OO
p.m. and 5:OO a.m., seven days a week. The hour was
changed from 6:OO a.m., to 5:OO a.m., to accommodate
early mornlng beach joggers and/or walkers or those
wtshing to fish.
the NO PARKING area, it would serve as a deterent for
cr he In the area.
It was also thought that by expandlng
The Trafflc Safety Commisslon accepted the
recommendation of the Traff Ic Safety Coord inatFng
CommZttee to amend Section 10.40.041 of the exlstlng
ord inance to establ Ish the west side of Carlsbad
Bou fevard between the Agua Hed Ionda Lagoon Br fdge and
Tlerra Del Oro Street as a NO PARKING zone between the
hours of 11:OO a.m. and 5:OO a.m., seven days a week,
and other changes In that Section as reflected In
Exhlblt 2, which Is attached.
Commfssloner Fuller lnqulred about the slgna\s at
Tamarack, and Bob Johnson reported there had been
problems wlth the Installation, and the malntenance for
the ramp slgnal was being disputed wlth CalTrans.
Mr. Johnson reported that all the signals should be in
operat ion th Is week.
Chairperson Me1 ideo had a request to have bushes trtmmed
at the corner of Sunny Hi1 I and Tamarack to improve
vlsibl I ity.
By proper motion, the Meetlng of October 2, 1989, was
adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
M l nutes C 1 erk
Me1 Ideo
Ful ler
Herr I ng
\ A