HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES + Meetlna of: TRAFF C SAFETY COMMISSION Time 07 MeetBng: 3:OO p.m. Date of MeetFng: November 6, 1989 Place of Meettng: Cjty Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Melldeo called the Meetfng to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present -- Commissloners Melideo, Fuller, Herring, O'Day and Stachovlak. Absent -- None. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engfneer Sgt. Carpenter, Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Meeting held October 2, 1989, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commfsslon on a non-agend a 1 tern OLD BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported that an additlonal street name slign had been Instal led at Sunny Hi I1 and Tamarack, so both are vlsible from Tamarack. Mr. Johnson sald the traffic signals on Tamarack have been energ Fzed . Commissioner Ful ler asked for clarlf FcatFon on the Adams Street width varlance, and Mr. Johnson said the Planning Commisslon approved the varlance and Alternate D. Mr. Fuller suggested the Minutes of the,Plannlng Commtsslon be more specifFc wl'th regard to exactly what had been approved. NEW BUSINESS: A. Hosp Way - Request to establish an all-way STOP at the ?ntersections of Wintergreen Drlve and at Forest V iew Way. Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using an aerial map to show the area. He stated that each street lntersectlng Hosp Way Is controlIed by a stop slgn, wfth the speed limit on Hosp Way of 35 miles per hour. There have been no lntersectlon colllsfons at the subject intersections 'Tn the three-year period begtnnlng January 1, 1987. Mr. Johnson explained the purpose of stop slgns and the types of acctdents that can be caused by Fnstal! Ing unwarranted slgns. The trafflc volumes on these streets do not warrant stop slgns, and instalfatfon of stop sfgns would not necessarily slow the trafffc. Me1 ideo Ful let Herrlng 0 Day Stachovlak s - X X X X h MINUTES n Movember 6, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Cont i nued 1 Mr. Johnson referred to the CalTrans Traffic Manual and reviewed the Pol icy for Stop Stgns and Yield SFgns, showtng a transparency and referring to the copy In the staff report. Mr . Johnson conc 1 uded, stat 1 ng the Coord i nat i ng Comm i ttee had recommended den 1 a 1 of the requests and had 1 ssued a work order to Uti I ities/Maintenance Department to install an "Intersection Ahead" sign and a 25 mile per hour advisory speed limlt sjgn at the westbound approach to the Forest View Way Intersection. A trafflc s lgna I has been des lgned for the Wintergreen Intersectlon, but wlll not be installed unttl trafftc warrants are met. In response to Comrnlssion queries regardfng the trafflc slgnal and sight dlstance at Forest Park Lane, Mr. Johnson answered that the traffic signal was a condition on a development for that area, but wl I I not be installed untll warrants are met sometime tn the future. Mr. Johnson saSd he had noticed the trees and bushes at Forest Vrew Way, but staff felt the homeowners would object Pf those were removed. He said sight dlstance was stlfl possfble, but Is limited due to the curve. That was the reason for the advlsory stgn fnstallatson tn that area. Courtney Herneman, Manager of the Car I sbad-Woodr Ydge Homeowners AssocfatFon, referred to hTs letter to Mr. Johnson dated August 29, 1989, with the petitlons of nearly a1 1 of the 126 homeowners. He sald the residents were taking their Itves in their hands every time they exit on to Hosp Grove. going to protect their safety. Mr. Heineman also stated that perhaps the advisory sFgn would slow the traffic down, but the speed is the dangerous issue. He stated the residents did not want trees and bushes cut down a I ong Hosp Way. He asked how the CmmlssFon was Shirley Lankford, 2830 Forest Vlew Way, spoke In oppositfon to the requests for stop signs, stating that she d id not want to 1 isten to the squea I ing of brakes. She felt there should be more pollcl'ng 'In the area to slow the traffic down and added that the speedFng Is done by the tenants of the apartment complex up the road. Mr. HePneman stated that he knew of at least one accident in that area that was not Ilsted on the Pollce report. In reply to Commission query about more vlsiblllity of the Pol Ice Department, Sgt. Carpenter rep1 led that there are on ly six off icers that can be used , and those are put In the areas where there is the highest number of acctdents and most traff ic. Chairperson Mel ideo commented that the add Ftlon of the advlsory s'lgn should help slow the traff IC. CommissFoner O'Day refterated that stop slgns do not I ower the accident rate, but somet lmes 1 ncrease them. He also suggested that the homeowner associations can take part In warnPng the residents of a problem in their area and ask ng them to be cautious. P MINUTES November 6, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) The Traff'lc Safety Commlsslon accepted the recommendatFon of the Ttafflc Safety Coordlnatfng Commlttee to deny the request for all-way STOP sfgns at Forest Vlew Way and Wintergreen Dr'lve at Hosp Way. B. Calle Barcelona - Request to establish a NO PARKING zone from Rancho Santa Fe Road to Calle San FelPpe. Bob Johnson gave the staff report, usfng a transparency to show the school site and the proposed area for the NO PARKING zone. He stated that staff was recommmendlng thls action before the Mlsslon Estancla School opens, to avold the problems that normally occur in front of a school. Parents w?ll park and double-park across the street from the school and al low thelr ch F ldren to run across the street, creatlng a safety hazard. Staff feels by creatlng this NO PARKING zone now, there wFll be no problem when the school opens in January. Cornmissloner O'Day stated thfs school would be In the Enclnltas Dlstrlct and there would be more buses for the chl Idren, el lmlnating sme of the vehicle traffic and congestfon; also there was a turn-around system onsite that was falrly wetl-designed. He felt that should be glven a chance to work before restrlctlng the parklng, and felt the request was premature. Mr. Johnson rebterated the problems caused by chlldren runnlng across the streets In front of schools, and satd that staff was hoping to avold the problem In this Instance. He added that by el Fm4natlng the parklng, blcyc\e lanes could be palnted on both stdes of the street. The TraffFc Safety Commlssion accepted the recmmendationn of the Traff'ic Safety Coordinating Committee to establlsh a NO PARKING zone on both sides of Calle Barcelona from Rancho Santa Fe Road to Calle San Fe 1 Fpe. C. Safety Center - Request to establ'lsh a TWO-HOUR PARKING zone for eFght parkfng spaces adJacent to the Safety Center Building. Bob Johnson gave the staff report, stating that the Police Chlef had conferred wlth the Fire Chlef and agreed that the spaces adjacent to the Safety Center should be avai lable for short-term parklng and c3tlzens dolng business at the Safety Center. In answer to Commtssfon query regardtnng the parklng spaces to the north of the Center, Mr. Johnson safd those are available for longer parklng. The suggestlon was made to have a sign lndlicatlng those are public parkFng spaces. The Traffic Safety Commlsslon accepted the recomrnendatlon of the Traffic Safety CoordFnating Commlttee to establlsh a TWO-HOUR PARKING zone between the hours of 7:OO a.m. and 5:OO p.m., Monday through Friday, for the elght parklng spaces westerly of the Safety Center. not Fnclude the handFcap parklng spaces. Thts does Me I Fd eo Fu I ler Herr F ng O'Day Stachovfak Me1 Ideo Fuller Herr 1 ng O'Day Stachovlak Me 1 Td eo Ful ler Herr P ng O-Day Stachovjak x - < < < < Y Y Y Y Y X X X X X MINUTES November 6, 1989 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: The Traffic Safety Commission requested a letter be written to the Personnel Department commending Bob Johnson and his staff for the professjonal and advance plannlng done by them, as exhlblted by estabf tshlng a NO PARKING zone on Calle Barcelona in advance of the opening of the Misslon Estancia School to forestall the usual traff Ic problems created by such parking. Chalrperson Melldeo reported that at the northwest corner of Tamarack and Jefferson there are several big pot holes. Mr. Johnson lndlcated staff would dfscuss this matter wtth the Utlltttes and Maintenance Department. Comml ss toner Herr 1 ng thanked Bob Johnson and Sgt. Carpenter for thelr cooperatton with the Carlsbad Union Church 7n closing the street for Halloween nlght. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reported that electfon of officers would be on the agenda next month, wfth the selectlon of a Chalrperson and Vlce-Chairperson. Also, after the actlon fterns have been heard, Asststant City Attorney Ron Ball wlll be present to conduct a workshop on the Brown Act requirements and Roberts Rules of Order. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meet adjourned at 4:08 p.m. Re3pectfully submitted, Harriett Babbttt Minutes Clerk ng of November 6, 1989, was Mel ?de0 Ful ler Herr 1 ng O'Day Stachovlak - Y Y Y X K