HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-05; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: March 5, 1990 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS ’ CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Herring called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Herring, Fuller, Melideo, O’Day and Stachoviak. Absent : None. Staff Mertbers Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Carpenter, Police Department Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer Pat Entezari, Project Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held February 5, 1990, were approved as presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported that the subcommittee formed to go over the rules and procedures met last week; comments were made and forwarded to the City Attorney; returned and discussed by the subcommittee consisting of Commissioner Herring and Stachoviak. Mr. Johnson will send the copy of the rules to the Commissioners this week for review and comment. This will be an agenda item next month. Mr. Johnson reported that Ms. Bacon had appealed the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission to establish no parking restrictions on Park Drive. This item will be on the City Council agenda one week from tomorrow night--March 13. Mr. Johnson stated that the State Attorney General has been asked for a ruling on the golf cart issue in La Costa. This ruling can take six months, so it will be some time before this issue is returned to the City. )JEW BUSINESS: A. Tamarack Avenue Alianment Studv - Request for comments and recommendation. Pat Entezari, the Engineer for this corridor study, who has worked with the consultant on this particular study, was present to answer questions. Bob Johnson gave the staff report, stating this item was presented at an open forum where the property owners had an opportunity to look at the maps and ask questions. He said there are three alternatives under consideration--each with advantages and disadvantages. Herring Fuller Me 1 ideo O‘Day Stachoviak MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION March 5, 1990 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Johnson stated that today he hoped to accomplish two things; obtain comments from the public--especially those who live along Tamarack--and a recommendation from the Traffic Safety Commission as to the alternative to be recommended to the City Council. This item will go to the Planning Commission in April or May, and their recommendation will also go to the City Council, who will ultimately make the decision. The Council will weigh the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Commission and the Planning Commission, as well as the comments and letters received from the public. Mr. Johnson used wall maps to indicate the three alternatives and added that the report of the consultant is available to the public at the City's Las Palmas offices. Mr. Johnson stated that the three alternatives are the same at the intersection of Jefferson Street; with a four-lane configuration with a raised median to maintain the three eucalyptus trees off of the traveled way. This would then line up with the easterly leg of the intersection. The main differences in the three alternatives were listed by Mr. Johnson, as follows: Alternative #l - no parking at all; sidewalks and curbs, bike lane, and 12 foot wide traffic lanes (one in each direction). There would be a continuous left-turn lane, and this alternative is the least expensive. Alternative #2 would be the most expensive, with land from 23 parcels to be acquired and the purchase of six houses on the south side of the street near Garfield Avenue, making a cost of 2.8 million dollars. There would be on-street parking throughout the length of Tamarack Avenue, except where safety considerations prohibit it. Alternative #3 is a combination of #l and #2, with an on- street parking lane to the south in those areas for which the necessary right-of-way is already owned by the City or can be easily obtained. There would be approximately 20 on- street parking spaces provided with this alternative. The cost of this alternative would be $982,000. This would utilize property that has been previously acquired by the City and is the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee. Mr. Johnson said staff knew there would be complaints about the on-street parking and they have anticipated that. In response to Commission query regarding any houses to be taken on Alternative #3, Mr. Johnson replied that no houses ~ would be taken, but some easements were needed. I Chairman Herring opened the Public Hearing at 3:22 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Lowell Ponte, 522 Tamarack Avenue, commended the work done by the City on this study and stated he would favor #1 or #3, but not #2. He said that a street that looks wide encourages people to drive even faster. Mr. Ponte called attention to the fact that there is an elementary school nearby and the children travel Tamarack. MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION March 5, 1990 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS \ NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Ponte also stated there are railroad tracks on Tamarack hills and 43 private driveways, in this area. Also, in the winter, the sun sets right into the drivers' eyes. He expressed the hope that the 25 m.p.h. speed limit will be retained and that the curve radius would be 15 rather than 25. Mr. Ponte concluded, stating he was very proud and happy fo the good work the City has done to preserve the trees, home and the neighborhood, and is happy to be a resident of Carlsbad. Rick Bowers, 3885 Monroe, a partner in 293-295 Tamarack, stated that he favored Alternative f2, even though it was more expensive, as it provided parking. He said if there i no parking on Tamarack, the tenants will be forced to use the side streets. Lee Boyd, 391 Tamarack, was concerned about a garage he built out of solid concrete many years ago. He was assured this would not affect his garage. Margaret Jeffress, 548 Tamarack, stated that her concern wa the parking. She said it is difficult to get out of the driveways now, and if cars are parked on the street, there would be no way anyone could get out of their driveways. Ms. Jeffress said she did not want any parking on the street. Stephen Bannigan, 260 Tamarack, said that his concerns were the rise in the road and the speed of the traffic. He felt that parking makes all this more difficult and dangerous. He used the wall map to indicate the area where the road ha a slight rise and where the speed of traffic seems to pick up. Mr. Bannigan said this needs to be addressed. Mr. Sanchez, 270 Tamarack, pointed out the hill area and said if he is approaching his driveway from the beach side, he cannot turn into the driveway as he can not see the traffic coming over that hill. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, Chairman Herring closed the public testimony at 3:36 p.m. Commissioner Fuller commented that there would be some shaving of the hill with the improvements, but that it was not possible to cut too much without impairing the driveways. Commissioner O'Day inquired about the sight distance, and Mr. Johnson replied that it would be improved as much as possible without creating problems with the existing driveways. Commissioner O'Day said he thought parking wou outweigh bike lanes, and commented that the people on La Costa Avenue used the parking areas to safely exit from the driveways. Mr. Johnson said this was a judgment call--as there is a lo of bicycle traffic on Tamarack. He said that staff would recommend that the bike lanes remain. h MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION March 5, 1990 Page 4 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Melideo stated that nothing had been taken from the Beach Study, as bike lanes and sidewalks were important issues in that study. She said that part of Tamarack is R- 3 and some is R-1, and there is a need for parking without considering any beach traffic. Also, there was no mention of the "dip", which has been a problem for over 20 years. Commissioner Melideo said that there is also the railroad crossing and the Garfield intersection. She said she was not happy with any of these, and after waiting for 20 years was concerned no better alternatives were recommended. She lives close to that area and travels it frequently, and she commented that the traffic backs up to the railroad crossing from the Garfield intersection. Commissioner Melideo said she felt very strongly in favor of Alternative #2. This alternative would help everyone, as you cannot tell people they cannot come to the beach. She said that the study did not mention the possibility of creating parking along the railroad track at Washington. Mr. Johnson replied there is a study in progress with regard to parking along the railroad right-of-way; however, this problem on Tamarack needs to be solved with consideration given to preserving the quality of life the people living on Tamarack now enjoy. Commissioner Melideo replied that she hoped "cost" was not too much of the concern for improving Tamarack, as the acquisition cost of property will continue to rise. She felt the cost of Alternative #2 was not that much money, and it was a very important issue, as tempers flare over not finding a place to park. Commissioner Stachoviak said he had inquired about how long it would be before Alternatives #l and #3 would have to be changed to compensate for additional traffic. He added that the City Engineer had said that Alternative #2 would be in some people's houses. The comment was made that six or seven houses would have to be purchased and the roadway would be very close to the majority of the properties. Chairman Herring stated that it was necessary to provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people. The Traffic Safety Commission recommended Alternative #2, to provide a 64-foot street in an 80-foot right-of-way. This would necessitate, among other acquisitions, the purchase of six houses on the south side of the street near the Garfield Avenue intersection. Land from 23 parcels must also be acquired. On-street parking would be provided throughout the length of Tamarack Avenue, except where safety considerations prohibit it. Commissioner O'Day said he could live with Alternative #3, if the bike lanes were deleted. He made a motion that if the City Council made a finding for Alternative #3, they should be informed that this Commission preferred parking rather than bike lanes. The motion died for lack of a second. Herring Fuller Me1 ideo O'Day Stachoviak MINUTES TRAFF IC SAFETY COMMISSION March 5, 1990 Page 5 COMMISSION NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) B. Christiansen Wav, Carlsbad Boulevard to Washinaton Street - Request for centerline striping. Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using a transparency to show the area. He stated that a petition had been submitted with this request, and added that it was not city policy to provide centerline striping unless there was a problem. This street is extremely narrow, only 24 feet and narrowing to 20 feet at Washington Street, and if this were striped, that would make the traffic lanes ten feet wide. Ten feet is not wide enough for traffic lanes, and the City does not stripe a street that narrow. Mr. Johnson continued, stating that forcing traffic to stay in that narrow a lane is less safe than without a stripe. Mr. Johnson stated that Mr. Bilchik was concerned about the buses traveling down the middle of the street. Mr. Johnson said that Tom Lichterman of North County Transit District was present to answer any questions. He said that “yield” signs had been requested for vehicles on Christiansen Way, and staff would investigate that request. In reply to Commission query regarding any stipulations about Village Faire doing any work on Christiansen Way, Mr. Johnson said there were no conditions to improve that street. He commented that the commuter station should be open in 1992, and that will alleviate this situation. Tom Lichterman, Operations Manager, NCTD, stated that only one route uses Christiansen Way, and there are four buses an hour. Any other routing for that bus would result in traffic lights and going through the downtown area. He reiterated that the problem would be resolved in the future with the development of the commuter rail system. Cheri Sato, 2747 Washington, stated she would like to see a stop sign or something to help make people realize they should yield to a main street. She said she was almost hit head-on by a bus. Mr. Johnson said that “park off of the pavement” signs had been requested by Mr. Bilchik in the petition, and that will be evaluated. The Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee that no centerline striping be established on Christiansen Way, due to the narrow roadway width, low traffic volumes, absence of collision history and current policy to not stripe low volume, narrow roadways. The Commission further recommended that “park off of pavement” signs be considered for Christiansen Way and the City check into the possibility of improving the street to allow Christiansen Way to meet minimum standards. Herring Fuller Melideo 0’ Day Stachoviak MINUTES TR QFF IC SAFETY COMMISSION March 5, 1990 Page 6 NEW BUSINESS : ( Continued) C. Chestnut Avenue, Jefferson Street to Hardina Street - Request for on-street angled parking. Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using a transparency to show Chase Field. He stated that although angled parking does allow more parking spaces, the Coordinating Committee did not recommend it for Chestnut Avenue between Harding Street and Jefferson Street as it would reduce the width of the traffic lane, reduce the sidewalk width for pedestrians, be hazardous with the backing out of vehicles and pedestrians walking between them and there is no correlation between personal safety and availability of angled parking spaces; actually resulting in a decrease in traffic safety. The Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to deny the request for angled-parking on Chestnut Avenue between Harding Street and Jefferson Street, as follows: 1. Angled parking would reduce the width of the traffic land that vehicles and bicycles share in this congested area. 2. Backing-out maneuvers from an angle parking space is significantly more hazardous than parallel parking due to the view obstruction to the driver by adjacent parked vehicles. 3. Angled parking would result in vehicles overhanging the sidewalk and reduce the sidewalk width for pedestrians. 4. Many different types of vehicles such as motorhomes, trucks and long passenger vehicles park in this vicinity and would encroach into the traffic lane; also create a more significant view obstruction for the adjacent vehicle. 5. Pedestrians walking between parked vehicles remain unseen for a longer time period from the moving vehicles in the traffic lane, thereby creating a potential for an increase in pedestrianlvehicle conflicts. 6. There is no demonstrated correlation between personal safety and the availability of angled parking spaces. To the contrary, on-street angled parking results in more direct traffic conflicts with an overall decrease in traffic safety. D. Traffic Sianal Evaluation Policy Update - Request for comments and recommendation. Bob Johnson referred to the report, a copy of which was supplied to each of the Commissioners. Commissioner Melideo said she would like to add the Tamarack and Garfield intersection. Mr. Johnson stated that the TamarackIGarfield intersection was studied, but did not meet traffic signal warrants. Commissioner Fuller stated he would like staff to note the changes in some way so the Commissioners would know what changes had been made in the report. Mr. Johnson stated that future reports would have the changes underscored. Herring Fuller Me1 ideo 0 ' Day Stachoviak MINUTES "\$\ TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION March 5, 1990 Page 7 COMMISSIONERS ~ ~~~ NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) __~ __~~ The Traffic Safety Commission approved the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation that the updated Traffic Signal Evaluation Policy, including the Signal Qualification List, be recommended for adoption by the City Council. E. TDA/Proposition A Bicycle Fundinq - Request funding of four projects in Carlsbad. Commissioner O'Day stated he would abstain from discussion and vote on this item, due to a possible conflict of interest, and left the dais. Bob Johnson gave the staff report, stating the Traffic Engineering Division staff had identified four projects for possible funding from the SANDAG TDA/Proposition A Bicycle Funding. The Traffic Safety Commission approved the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation to request funding of the following four projects fron SANDAG, in the following priority order: Bicycle masterplan for the entire City of Carlsbad ($50,000). Bicycle lanes on Palomar Airport Road from Avenida Encinas to Paseo Del Norte ($355,000). Bicycle lanes on Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to Jefferson Street ($52,000). Sidewalk Program - construction of sidewalks in various locations throughout the City ($200,000). REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: The Commissioners stated that the potholes are still there at Tamarack and Jefferson. Bob Johnson said they had been repaired, but had washed out again. He said he would discuss this with Utilities/Maintenance. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: In answer to Commission inquiry, Bob Johnson said he would present the staff report, slides and the Commission recommendation to City Council on March 13, 1990, on the appeal of Marlene Bacon. By proper motion, the Meeting of March 5, 1990, was adjourned at 5:03 p.m. Minutes Clerk Herring Fuller Me1 ideo 0 ' Day Stachoviak Herring Fuller Me 1 ideo Stachoviak