HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-07; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutesc, MINUTES Meeting of : TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: May 7, 1990 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS \ CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Herring called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Herring, Fuller and O'Day. Absent: Commissioners Melideo and Stachoviak. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Officer Moore, Police Department Mike Shirey, Assistant Civil Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held April 2, 1990, were approved as amended. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. OLD BUSINESS : Bob Johnson reported that the two speed limit ordinances, one on La Costa and one on El Camino Real, were adopted by the City Council. NEW BUSINESS : A. Lasuna Shores Place - Investigate a loading/unloading zone at end of cul-de-sac. Bob Johnson gave the staff presentation, using two transparencies of Exhibits that were contained in the packet. Mr. Johnson stated that Laguna Shores Place is a cul-de-sac street located off Park Drive, and is being constructed to serve as access to the two developments shown on the Exhibits. Concern has been expressed for the loading/unloading for boardsail use, and if that zone is not provided for in the cul-de-sac, this might necessitate carrying the boardsails long distances to the edge of the lagoon. To accommodate the loading and unloading of boardsails in the cul-de-sac, a yellow parking zone could be painted at the easement location in the cul-de-sac for a distance of approximately 48 feet and an ordinance passed to allow this seven days a week, including holidays. The Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to designate two on-street curb parking spaces adjacent to the access point at the end of Laguna Shores Drive by painting the curb yellow for a distance of approximately 48 feet; furthermore, an ordinance be passed to indicate the restriction applies seven days a week, including holidays. Herring Fuller 0' Day Herring Fuller O'Day MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY CON MI SSION May 7, 1990 Page 2 Chairman Herring announced that the League of Women Voters have appointed an Observer who is present at today's meeting . NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) B. Grand Avenue - Ocean Street to Carlsbad Boulevard - Repast for angle parking. Bob Johnson reported that angle parking exists on Grand Avenue between Ocean Street and Carlsbad Boulevard, as shown on the exhibit included in the packet. At the present time, angle parking is not striped or established by Ordinance. Mr. Rochambeau, Administrator of Carlsbad by the Sea, has requested that additional striping be placed on the north side of Grand Avenue from Garfield Street to Ocean Street. The Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee that angled parking spaces be striped on the north side of Grand Avenue from Ocean Street to Garfield Street and that CMC Section 10.40.080 be amended to permit angle parking on Grand Avenue from Ocean Street to Carlsbad Boulevard on the north side and from Ocean Street to Garfield Street on the south side. C. Grand Avenue - Carlsbad Boulevard to Washinqton Street - Revise CMC Section 10.40.080. Bob Johnson reported that when the angle parking was removed from the north side of Grand Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to Washington Street, the Code was not amended. This was removed at the time the North County Transit District bus transfer station was moved from the south side of Grand Avenue to the north side. The Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to delete Section 10.40.080(5) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. D. Sidewalk Inventory Report - Request for comments and recommendations. Mike Shirey gave the staff report on this item, stating public input and changes were made and added to this Report. He explained the changes and the point system used, and asked for comments from the Commission and the public. Chairman Herring opened the Public Comment portion at 3:37 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, representing the Pedestrian Group, and the Pedestrian Committee, commended staff for the report. She said the missing sidewalks of Carlsbad are identified and a method given to fulfill the goal of having a safe place to walk for all Carlsbad citizens. She said that those who must walk should be given first consideration; and €or the most part those are children who are too young to drive, the elderly who are too old to drive and the poor of all ages who cannot afford to drive. Herring Fuller 0' Day Herring Fuller 0 ' Day MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION May 7, 1990 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS \ NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mrs. Hayes stated that the committee recommended the Commission set priority areas for those who must walk before applying the information staff has worked out. They suggest schools be the number one priority. Mrs. Hayes stated she had called all the elementary school principals to whom copies of this report had been sent €or their reactions. She said that some of them had not received the report as yet, and others found it at the bottom of their stack of papers, so she did not know how many had reacted to the report. Mrs. Hayes stated that with each school as a hub, the infill of the missing sidewalks could radiate from there to each school's boundary. The formula could be used to see that the routes to and from the schools are finished first. The suggestion was made by one committee member that in the first year, if all the sidewalks could not be built, that the five elementary schools, the junior high and the high school be considered first. Mrs. Hayes suggested that if there is not enough money, then the areas where the most students and cars are should be done first. This would also reduce the cost for infill sidewalks, as the areas farther and farther away from the schools would be done to make it safer to walk to and from the schools. Mrs. Hayes continued, stating that the properties were identified that were obligated for sewers and gutters and the infill sidewalk projects could be established to use the extra money these properties would contribute. She said that these little "goldmines" should not be included as part of the $400,000 and the $100,000 thereafter; but spent on additional sidewalks on the years they are discovered. The pedestrian circulation should be linked with the public transportation, and Mrs. Hayes had asked the Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee and the Chair of the North County Transit Board to identify where no sidewalks exist to and from bus stops. She said she did not know whether or not they had done this at this time. Mrs. Hayes said that by providing sidewalks to and from the schools, the parents will be relieved of driving their children to school and for those with no cars or who can no longer drive, they will be independent and not dependent upon others to drive them. Mrs. Hayes concluded, thanking staff for this big step forward. Mario Monroyl 3610 Carlsbad Boulevard, stated that he seconded all that Mrs. Hayes had said. In addition, he called attention to recent newspaper articles stating that the school boundaries might be changed. There are no sidewalks in some of the areas to walk to the Jefferson and Pine Schools, and this would affect those students and parents. This is one of the reasons the committee is recommending considering the schools as the hub for building sidewalks. He said that timing is very important in this matter. MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION May 7, 1990 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS \ NEW BUSINESS: (Continued Bailey Noble, 5470 Los Robles, also concurred with what the previous speakers had said, and added that in the hilly areas perhaps only one sidewalk was necessary; also in the low-volume traffic areas. He said that for example, there is very little traffic on Manzano Drive, and certainly no need for sidewalks on both the north and south sides of the street. He said that the City could save money by considering such factors in the low-priority areas. L. 0. Brockmann, 5511 Los Robles Drive, stated he felt the report by staff was a most comprehensive one, and he also supported Mrs. Hayes' statements, and concurred that the schools should be the first priority. Mr. Brockmann stated the work should be done by areas, when possible, in order to save money. He also agreed that sidewalks on both sides of Manzano Drive were not necessary. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the Public Testimony portion was closed. In answer to Commission query, Mr. Johnson stated that the projects in the first five years were mostly in the school areas. Commissioner Fuller stated that the speakers today wanted the formula reworked to get it aimed at the schools as the hubs and then go out from there. He said that the formula as it now exists essentially accomplishes that. Mr. Johnson added that they had tried to do that, and had given the schools high priority. He said that the next phase will be to link the areas together. He asked the Commission to be aware that such factors as right-of-way, storm drains and utility relocation were not considered-- and this would be a big issue. Where roads have to be widened and the City has no right-of-way, it takes time and work to obtain that right-of-way. Mike Shirey used a wall map to indicate the areas targeted for sidewalks and the years they are to be installed. Commissioner O'Day said it would not be that cost effective, if just one small area were to be covered at a time. He felt it should involve a larger area. Mr. O'Day felt the schools should be taken care of by priority. Mr. Johnson said that the map does not show all the missing sidewalks, and it was staff's thinking to make a smaller radius with the schools as the hub. Commissioner O'Day stated that if the formula was followed as the City Engineer desired, to clump things together, some of the schools would be left out in the first year. Mr. Johnson answered that those matters would come before the Commission. He also said that some places need a sidewalk on only one side of the street, and there are some places that may never have sidewalks. Commissioner O'Day said that .some parents have told him about their children walking to school through mud, and this bothered him. He felt it was important to correct that situation. He said he did not want any school left out of the first year program unless the reasons were pretty over- whelming. t MINUTES TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION May 7, 1990 Page 5 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Johnson agreed with Mr. O'Day, and stated it would depend upon right-of-way acquisition, etc. He added that the elementary schools should have a high priority. Commissioner Fuller expressed a concern about what happens to the adjacent property owners; do they learn about this when the contractor tears up his front yard? He asked when the property owners are notified of this proposed sidewalk installation. Mr. Johnson said the property owners are made aware of the situation in order to give input. Mr. Johnson said the report will be brought back to the Commission. Commissioner O'Day asked for a color-coded map, and Mrs. Hayes asked for an overlay for each year to show the projects proposed. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: There were no reports. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reported that one of the projects this Commission recommended and Council adopted, was for funding by TDA for sidewalks. Mr. Johnson stated that the City has applied for the Volvo Safety Award. Mr. Johnson announced there would be a bus route training session and field trip on May 14, 1990, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:OO a.m., in Vista. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of May 7, 1990, was adjourned at 4:12 p.m. Reppectfully submitted, ** HARRIETT BABBITT Minutes Clerk