HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-03; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: December 3, 1990
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Chairman Fuller called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Present: Commissioners Fuller, Blake and
Stachoviak. Commissioner O'Day arrived at
3:04 p.m.
Absent: Commissioner Melideo.
Staff Members Present: Eob Johnson, Traffic Engineer
Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department
Bob German, Risk Manager
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 5, 1990,
were approved as presented.
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-
agenda item.
Bob Johnson reported that the item of Tamarack between
Jefferson and Carlsbad Boulevard and the alternatives for
widening that street will be before the City Council on
December 18, 1990. He said that staff will present the
recommendation from this Commission, as well as their
recommendat ion.
A. Tamarack AvenueIWilshire Street Intersection - Request
for Adult Crossing Guard.
Bob Johnson gave the staff report, stating that the
request was initiated by the Principal of Hope
Elementary School. A transparency was used to show
Hope Elementary School, and Mr. Johnson explained that
there were not enough gaps in traffic as required by
the Traffic Manual, resulting in the school patrol
students stepping out into the street to allow the
students to cross. This should not be done without an
adult present to supervise this activity. The school
did provide a teacher to work with the student patrol
and this has been in effect since shortly after the
school year started.
The City provides an adult crossing guard at the
intersection of Elm and Tamarack, and due to the
unusual circumstances at that intersection, with two of
the legs constructed to the total width, and two not,
the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee felt that the
crossing guard must remain at that intersection.
The Coordinating Committee recommended that the adult
supervision continue at the Tamarack/Wilshire
NEW BUSINESS : ( Continued)
The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee discussed
alternatives; such as should the City provide a guard;
moving the crosswalk and re-striping it north of the
school driveway. However, that location is not ideal
from a sight distance standpoint. The intersection is
a more normal place for a crossing, rather than mid-
block. There would perhaps be an advantage in moving
the crosswalk north of the driveway, as the patrol
could work there without an adult. However, the
pedestrians would continue to cross at Wilshire, so
that alternative was rejected.
After a thorough discussion, the Coordinating Committee
felt the school should take the responsibility in
providing an adult supervisor at that particular
location. This could be any adult, including parent
volunteers. Although there is a problem in case the
volunteer fails to show up, that is also a problem when
a City crossing guard fails to show up. Mr. Johnson
stressed the importance of being responsible when you
are supposed to be a supervisor or guard at any school
intersection. This is regardless of whether you are a
parent volunteer or a paid City crossing guard.
In summary, Mr. Johnson said that the Traffic Safety
Coordinating Committee recommended that the City leave
the guard at the Elm and Tamarack intersection and not
move that guard to Wilshire. Also, the school should
pursue having an adult at the Wilshire location--either
a school employee or a parent volunteer.
Chairman Fuller opened the meeting for public testimony
at 3:16 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak.
Betty Jean Campbell-Lahr, Principal, Hope Elementary
School, addressed the Commission, stating the parent
volunteer program does not work well, and there would
be times when no one would be there to assist the
children. She said there was a question whether a
teacher could be on the City sidewalk directing
activities outside of the schoolgrounds. Ms. Campbell-
Lahr said at the present time there is a teacher
assigned to the driveway and currently someone on the
Ms. Campbell-Lahr said that to comply with the
California Code, she wanted to know who is the
responsible person in this case. There is no money
given to the school to hire another person, and how can
the school legally comply and provide safety. The
children cannot cross without someone there to help
stop the traffic.
Chairman Fuller asked about a volunteer pool, with at
least three volunteers for that responsibility. Then,
if one is not able to be there, there would be someone
else to cover for them.
Ms. Campbell-Lahr said that volunteers are scarce these
days, particularly with the dual-working parents.
Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the
public testimony was closed at 3:20 p.m.
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
In reply to Commission query regarding how far from the
school can the School Patrol go, Mr. Johnson replied
they must be contiguous to the schoolgrounds. The
intersection at Tamarack and Elm would not be
considered schoolgrounds.
The consensus of the Commission that the parent
volunteer pool should be pursued to ensure having
someone to be on duty at all times.
The Traffic Safety Commission approved the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating
Committee to have the City of Carlsbad continue to
provide an Adult Crossing Guard at the Tamarack/
Elm intersection until a traffic signal is installed at
this location. At that time, a re-evaluation of the
need for an Adult Crossing Guard should take place.
Second, adult supervision shall assist the School
Student Patrol at the TamaracklWilshire intersection.
Hope Elementary School should furnish a teacher or
parent volunteer to work with the School Student
B. Jefferson StreetICarol Place Intersection - Request for
Adult Crossing Guard.
Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using transparencies
to show the school and conditions existing at the
school with regard to the intersection and the
Mr. Johnson stated that the 6th graders walking from
Pine Elementary School assist the K through 3rd grade
students crossing at that location. The Police
Department brought to the attention of the school
principal that there was no adult helping the students
and no gaps in traffic--only by the Student Patrol.
Since no adult was provided, the Carol Place/Jefferson
patrol is no longer there. There is an adult crossing
guard at the Tamarack and Jefferson intersection.
The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended
moving the adult crossing guard at Tamarack and
Jefferson, on a temporary basis, and relocate them to
Carol Place and Jefferson, so these young students
would have the benefit of help to cross the street.
The second recommendation of the Coordinating Committee
was to have the school provide a teacher, school
employee or parent volunteer at the Carol
Place/Jefferson intersection to allow the City crossing
guard to be moved back to Tamarack and Jefferson.
Mr. Johnson stated that a yellow crosswalk will be
painted and training to the students for the
TamaracklJefferson intersection so they are aware of
how the pedestrian button operates.
Commissioner Blake stated there would be a hazard to
the children with the guard removed at Tamarack and
Jefferson, as the traffic eastbound is held up and the
westbound can proceed.
NEW BUSINESS : ( Continued)
Chairman Fuller opened the public testimony portion at
3:41 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak.
Steve Ahle, Principal, Pine School, stated the School
Patrol was not on duty in the morning--just in the
afternoon. He stated there are two or three teachers
in the parking lot to control the traffic there, and it
is almost impossible to have another teacher on duty on
the street. He said there is a question as to whether
parents want to take that liability and whether
teachers can take it. He felt this was a liability
issue and whether the teachers could take on another
Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the
public testimony was closed at 3:45 p.m.
Mr. Johnson stated that the volumes of children
crossing is higher in the morning and he showed a
transparency of the numbers tabulated of children
crossing in the morning and in the afternoon.
The consensus of the Commission was to leave the Adult
Crossing Guard at Tamarack and Jefferson and have the
teachers take care of the crossing at Jefferson/Carol
The Traffic Safety Commission recommended that the
Adult Crossing Guard stationed at Tamarack
Avenue/Jefferson Street, be left there; that the
Jefferson Elementary School provide a teacher or parent
volunteer to assist students at the Jefferson/Carol
Place intersection. Yellow crosswalks should be
provided across Tamarack Avenue on the west side of
Jefferson Street at the intersection.
C. Carlsbad Boulevard, East Side from Tamarack Avenue to
Svcamore Avenue - Request for Bus Stop Locations,
Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using a transparency
to show the section of Carlsbad Boulevard affected by
this request from NCTD. He said that bus stops had
been placed along Carlsbad Boulevard, but after
complaints from the property owners, had been removed.
The complaints listed were noise, smoke and loitering.
Mr. Johnson stated that in order to get more people on
the buses and out of their cars, there must be ample
bus stops. People cannot or will not walk a long
distance to a bus stop, and more stops are needed in
that area to provide the necessary service for the
beach area and for the seniors.
After discussing this at length at the Traffic Safety
Coordinating Committee meeting, the recommendation was
to establish two new bus stops; one midblock between
Juniper Avenue and Cherry Avenue and 50 feet southerly
Of Chestnut Avenue. These stops could be implemented
immediately, allowing Route 301 to take advantage of
the shorter walking distances.
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Commission query concerned having just one stop in the
middle of that area, rather than two stops. Staff indicated
the two recommended stops would satisfy the requirements
distance-wise, and avoid the complaint area.
Chairman Fuller opened the public testimony portion at 4:lO
p.m., and issued the invitation to speak.
Tom Lichterman, 311 South Tremont, Oceanside, Manager of
Operations, NCTD, addressed the Commission stating NCTD
wanted to have the added support of the City staff in
determining the bus stops. He said the two stops chosen
were the best and would not pose undue hardship on the
property owners. The buses on Carlsbad Boulevard have more
"offs" than "ons" in that area.
Mr. Lichterman stated that NCTD does not permit flag stops,
except in a couple of rural routes, as they contribute to
traffic accidents. He said there are some happening at this
time on Carlsbad Boulevard, due to the long walking
distances between bus stops.
Mr. Lichterman stated that Acacia would be the closest to
the center as far as distance between the existing two
stops, but there was a complaint from the property owner
Kent Andrews, 3492 Carlsbad Boulevard, stated he was the
Acacia owner that had complained, and the bus stop at that
point had increased accidents and created a health problem.
He favored the stops being placed in the recommended areas.
Edward Van Doorne, Oceanside, representing North County
Transportation Management Association, stated he agreed with
Tom Lichterman, and hoped to see the additional bus stops.
Morris Schreiber, 3570 Carlsbad Boulevard - #D, spoke in
favor of the additional bus stops, stating that the seniors
need more bus stops, as there is too much distance between
the bus stops on Carlsbad Boulevard.
Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the public
testimony was closed at 4:30 p.m.
Commission consensus was in favor of three, rather than four
stops on Carlsbad Boulevard, but the Commissioners deferred
in favor of staff recommendation and the seniors' need for
more bus stops.
The Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of
the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish two
new bus stops on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard at
midblock between Juniper Avenue and Cherry Avenue and 50
feet southerly of Chestnut Avenue.
0' Day
In reply to query regarding the red curbs on State Street,
Mr. Johnson stated he had researched the files and found no
work orders for those red curbs. They had evidently been
painted by merchants and/or property owners at some time.
There are no plans to remove that red paint.
Commissioner O'Day inquired about the ticketing that was
done on Alga and Poinsettia in the construction area, and
Sgt. Metcalf stated they were ticketing people driving at 40
plus in that area, although a construction area is 25 miles
per hour. The reason the Police were ticketing, was to slow
the traffic down and provide more safety for the children in
that area.
Chairman Fuller, on behalf of the Commission, thanked staff
for another successful year and wished them a happy holiday
Bob Johnson thanked the Commissioners and the Minutes Clerk
for their hard work during the past year.
Mr. Johnson reported that the next meeting of the Traffic
Safety Commission would be January 7, 1991.
By proper motion, the Meeting of December 3, 1990, was
adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
Minutes Clerk