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TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 3:OO p.m. February 3, 1992 City Council Chambers
Chairperson Stachoviak called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Present: Commissioners Stachoviak, Melideo, Blake, Fuller and Rifkin.
Absent : None.
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer
Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department
On Motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Commission approved the Minutes of the
Regular Meeting held January 6, 1992, as presented.
AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Rifkin
ABSTAIN: Melideo
Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, representing the Pedestrian Action Group,
addressed the Commission, stating that each February she comes before the
Commission and asks that the Commission and staff evaluate the Pedestrian
Action Plan to determine how well the plan is being carried out. She read from the original Agenda Bill, October 1, 1987, where the Traffic Safety
Commission unanimously recommended that the word "pedestrian" be inserted in
the Municipal Code wherever "traffic safety" appeared, as the duties of the Commission included traffic and pedestrian safety.
Mrs. Hayes gave a detailed report of the objectives and requested the Commission place the Pedestrian Action Plan on a future agenda for discussion.
The consensus of the Commission was to place this on the April agenda.
Steven Vigil, 1050 Chinquapin Avenue, North County Transit District (NCTD), addressed the Commission, asking for the consideration of a double left turn lane on eastbound Marron to northbound El Camino Real. He stated that the buses make that turn and must get over to the right side of the street for a bus stop in front of the Bank of America. Quite often, drivers turn left on
the right hand side of the bus, making it extremely dangerous for the bus to then proceed to the curb.
Bob Johnson stated that this item should be taken up with staff, as operational problems are usually discussed with staff, and if no resolution is forthcoming, then it is referred to the Coordinating Committee and the Commission.
The consensus of the Commission was to have staff work with the Transit
District and keep the Commission informed.
A. Rancho Santa Fe Roadlmesthaven Road Intersection - Request for signalization
Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using a transparency to show the area and stated that the Commission recommendation in August was to delay
this item six months. It is now time for a follow-up report, and the issues discussed at that time are still there. However, the Planning Department is working with the State Wildlife Department for a habitat management plan to address the loss of coastal sage due to the mass grading for the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road and the possibility
that the gratcatcher may be placed on the endangered list. Fieldstone
Company will have the grading permit issued in the springtime, and if the above problems can be mitigated, grading will take place for the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road.
Mr. Johnson said he had written the City of San Marcos asking for concurrence of the existing intersection signalization and their help with the funding of the signal. They are taking the matter under advisement, but there is some resistance to the signalization of this
intersection. It is hoped that San Marcos may make a decision sometime
this month. They are responsible for one third of the intersection, as
the right of way is along the easterly boundary of the roadway itself,
which means that Questhaven Road is in San Marcos.
Mr. Johnson stated the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee met last Friday and could not make a unanimous recommendation, as the signal may not be needed and might cause more problems than exist there now. The extremely low volumes of traffic on Questhaven might create problems for
the heavy traffic on Rancho Santa Fe Road by causing them to stop for one car to turn onto Rancho Santa Fe Road. Funding was another problem,
and although it is in San Marcos' CIP, Carlsbad would have to provide
funding,and at the present time, there is no indication where the money
would come from. This matter would be before the City Council after
staff identified the funding source. Staff would have to consider
closely how this signalization compared to the other needed projects in
the City.
Mr. Johnson stated he would like a recommendation from this Commission
as to whether or not the signal should be installed and whether this
project should be moved forward. This would be a temporary situation,
as when Rancho Santa Fe Road is realigned, there will be a new
intersection for Questhaven. The realignment funding estimate is up to
forty million dollars at this time, and it will be done by an assessment district that is being worked on now.
In response to query about the timing and cost, Mr. Johnson stated that since this was a temporary signal, staff would try to hold the cost down, but that it could be approximately $125,000, which includes some road improvements. As to the timing, he felt it would be at least twelve months before any construction would be done on the signal, after
City Council authorizes the traffic signal. There are a lot of
decisions to be made regarding this signalization with San Marcos and Carlsbad. If San Marcos says "no1', then the signalization could not proceed.
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Linda Ankrom, 20089 Elfin Forest Lane, representing the Elfin Forest
Town Council, spoke in favor of the signalization, stating that she would like the police to observe the speeding on Rancho Santa Fe Road
before the merging point. She asked the Commission to at least start
the process for the signalization by saying "yes". She said that Elfin
Forest would eventually give over $127,000 toward the signalization.
Commissioner Fuller stated he felt it would take eighteen months to two
years before a signal could be installed, and was concerned that by that
time the realignment might be well underway, negating the need for a
temporary signal.
Commissioner Melideo stated that a signal at this time would not help
the situation, and she felt it was more important to get the road
Commissioner Rifkin suggested that the Commission could recommend this
signal be installed contingent upon approval by the City of Sari Marcos.
He felt that since the signal was the number two item on the qualified
list for Carlsbad, that it is important for the signal to be installed.
Commissioner Blake concurred with Commissioner Rifkin and added that he
would vote in favor of the signal being installed based on the facts presented.
Commissioner Fuller stated that the signal is needed, but he hates to throw away that much money on a temporary signal. He reiterated that it
would take approximately two years to get the signal installed, and it would be important to know where the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road would be at that time. He said he would like to see the item carried
Over at this time and could not approve action on moving the process forward.
ACTION : Commissioner Rifkin made a motion, and Commissioner Blake seconded the motion, to recommend the traffic signal be installed at the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and
Questhaven Road contingent upon approval by the City Council
of San Marcos to proceed in the same direction.
AYES : Rifkin and Blake
NOES : Fuller, Melideo and Stachoviak
Motion failed.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Traffic Safety
Commission requested staff to place the matter of the Rancho
Santa Fe RoadIQuesthaven intersection signalization on the
Commission agenda each month for a progress report and
AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller, Melideo and Rifkin
MS. Ankrom stated that Susan Golding has appointed a person to be the liaison between San Marcos and Carlsbad in the matter of this
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
B. Review TSC Rules and Procedures and AdoDt TSC Resolution No. 92-1.
Bob Johnson reported that staff has made the changes as recommended by the Commission at the last meeting. The Commission's action would be to approve the Resolution.
Commissioner Melideo stated she would like to discuss Item fll, page 4,
X5 "Old Business", and would like to change that to some other name.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the Traffic Safety Commission changed #5 of Item fll, Page 4, to read "Previous Business".
m: Stachoviak, Melideo and Rifkin
NOES : Blake and Fuller
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-1, adopting Traffic
Safety Commission Procedures as amended.
AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller, Melideo and Rifkin
Commissioner Melideo stated the bikers and skateboarders are still creating a hazard on Carlsbad Boulevard. Also, pedestrian mobility on the village
sidewalks is difficult due to the sandwich board signs and restaurants with
tables and chairs*on the sidewalks.
Mr. Johnson asked whether the Commission would like the matter of the tables and chairs on the sidewalks and the signs to the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee for their consideration and a report back as to why this is allowed. The consensus of the Commission was to have this matter sent to that Committee.
Sgt. Metcalf explained that the bike patrol is not in operation at this time and that is the only effective way to control the bikers and skateboarders on Carlsbad Boulevard. He added that the Police Department is shorthanded at this time and that type of action is a priority four, which means the Police do not have the personnel to police that area at this time.
Mr. Johnson suggested that Commissioner Melideo write a letter to the City Manager and also attend the budget meetings to ask for additional Policemen to take care of this problem.
Commissioner Melideo said the pedestrian traffic safety and mobility are impeded by these two items and she would like the Commission to have a report at a future meeting. She also stated she felt the improvements on Tamarack should be completed before any of the Streetscape on Carlsbad Village Drive.
Mr. Johnson stated that Tamarack improvements are moving forward and the Streetscape Phase #5 has been postponed until after those improvements are complete.
Commissioner Blake inquired whether sidewalks along Laguna between Jefferson
and Carlsbad Boulesvrd are in the plans, and Mr. Johnson said that the re-
striping of Carlsbad Boulevard will provide a bike lane and a sidewalk lane. There are no plans for a boardwalk or sidewalk in that area.
Bob Johnson asked for Resolution No. 92-1 to be signed today by the Chairperson, and he will mail a copy of the amended Resolution to the Commissioners. He stated there are two items that will be lengthy at the next
meeting, and staff will delay any other items until a later meeting. These
are the Poinsettia/Avenida Encinas right turn issue and traffic safety and
speeding at the La Costa Heights School intersection.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 3, 1992, was adjurned at
4:45 p.m.
arriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk