HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-04-06; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF:
TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 3:OO p.m. April 6, 1992 City Council Chambers
Chairman Stachoviak called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Present: Commissioners Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller, Melideo and Rifkin.
Absent: None.
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer
Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department Dan Clark, Principal Civil Engineer
On Motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Commission approved the Minutes of the
Regular Meeting held March 2, 1992, as presented.
AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Melideo
ABSTAIN: Rif kin
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-Agenda item.
Bob Johnson stated the Commission had requested an update on the Rancho Santa
Fe Road/Questhaven intersection. He said there is no resolution at this time.
The project is going forward, and the E.I.R. was before the Planning
Commission several weeks ago and is tentatively scheduled for Council later this month. There has been no decision from San Marcos regarding their participation in this intersection.
A. Poinsettia Lane/Avenida Encinas - Request for a NO RIGHT TURN ON RED restriction for northbound vehicles turning onto Poinsettia Lane
Bob Johnson stated this item was on the March Agenda, and there were four Traffic Safety Commissioners present. The motion regarding action on the item was a tie vote, resulting in a failed motion. A subsequent motion to re-consider the matter this month also failed due to a tie vote. Mr. Johnson said he had a request from Commissioner Fuller to re- consider the matter this month, and the Acting City Attorney stated this was proper. The Commission should first decide whether the matter is to be re-considered; and if they agree they want to do this, a brief staff report will be given and they will then re-consider action on the matter.
Commissioner Fuller explained that he requested this matter be brought
back to the Commission due to the principle involved. He felt it is not
fair that two votes should offset two other votes, which then makes two
votes outweigh the other two votes.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Traffic Safety Commission agreed to re-consider the action taken at the
previous meeting with regard to the NO RIGHT TURN ON RED
restriction at Poinsettia LaneIAvenida Encinas.
AYES : Blake, Fuller and Rifkin
NOES : Stachoviak and Melideo
Bob Johnson gave the staff report, stating that the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee was to have a two-month trial period for the NO RIGHT TURN ON RED restriction at Poinsettia LaneIAvenida Encinas. The restriction would be from 7:OO a.m. to 6:OO p.m., Monday through Friday. To be considered successful, the Committee recommended a 40 percent reduction in delay time at the 1-5 offramps.
This request was made by citizens in the nearby areas, in the hope that the delay there now would be reduced. At the March Meeting, comparisons were shown of the delay at the offramps. The Coordinating Committee did
have reservations whether or not the restriction would be effective--but
were willing to try it.
Chairman Stachoviak opened the matter for public testimony at 3:12 p.m.
Don Connors, 921 Begonia Court, stated the 3,000 members of the Southwest Carlsbad Coalition are well aware of the delays at that intersection, since they use the intersection every day. He stated that once work starts on the 1-5/Palomar Airport Road overpass, traffic will be diverted onto Poinsettia, La Costa, etc. During the two-year period of 1-5/Palomar construction, he felt the impact would be significant.
Mr. Connors said there are three roadways to the east of the 1-5 bridge where traffic is uncontrolled and not spaced. It is not possible to see the traffic over the bridge until traffic is almost at the end of the bridge. The people who drive that every day slow down, but others speed through there, creating a safety hazard.
Ray Heburt, 7111 Linden, representing Sea Cliff, stated their board is in favor of this posting of NO RIGHT TURN ON RED.
Mona Reasons, 7402 Lantana, stated she did not mind the delay at that corner, but was afraid of her safety due to the poor visibility. She urged the Commission to try the restriction for two months and added that the citizens might be back to ask for four months.
Chairman Stachoviak closed the matter for public testimony at 3:18 p.m.
Commissioner Rifkin stated that he has observed intersections that are
posted NO RIGHT TURN ON RED during certain times of the day, and the
observance of that sign seems to be significant, with no violations. He said the hours recommended for this site might be a little lengthy.
Commissioner Fuller stated that he thought the times were appropriate because of the shopping mall. If the 40 percent reduction is not attained now, the item will be back as an issue when the construction on the overpasses starts and traffic is diverted to the other crossings.
Commissioner Melideo asked whether there was any way to know whether or not the sign is working. She was also concerned about changing the signs after two months, which could cause confusion. She did not feel installing such a sign would alleviate the situation there.
Mr. Johnson explained that the Police Department does not do any studies; any compliance studies will be done by the Engineering Staff.
If there is compliance, the delay times should be reduced. It may be better to have the queues on the streets rather than on the freeway
off ramp.
Sgt. Metcalf stated he is on the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee, and the recommendation from the Committee was made with the thought that it won't solve the problem completely; however, the only way to find out how it would help is to give it a try.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Rifkin, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to install a NO RIGHT TURN ON RED restriction for a two-month trial period at the Poinsettia LaneIAvenida intersection during the hours of 7:OO a.m. to 6:OO p.m., Monday through Friday. To be considered successful, the delay time at the 1-5 offramps must be
reduced 40 percent.
AYES : Blake, Fuller and Rifkin
NOES : Stachoviak and Melideo
Bob Johnson stated that a work order will be issued for three signs at that location. The item will be back on the Agenda in July or August. Those signs will not be taken down until after the Commission considers the item again.
Chairman Stachoviak inquired about the grace period, and Sgt. Metcalf . said the Police would issue warnings from day one; and seven days after the signs are installed they will issue citations.
B.' Tamarack Avenue - Request to remove the raised median between 1-5 and Jefferson Street from the design for road widening.
Dan Clark, the Project Manager for the Tamarack Avenue widening, gave the staff report, using transparencies to show the proposed alignment and the different types of medians proposed.
The Commission discussion focused on whether or not raised medians were
needed in that area, and the effect that would have on the merchants in that area. There is not enough space to accommodate the turning
desires, and would create more problems than if it were not a median.
Chairman Stachoviak opened the meeting for public testimony at 3:58 p.m.
Don Gallacher, Unocal Station, stated he would be affected by this
median with a loss of business that could cause him to go bankrupt. The oil company would not go through the residential area in order to get to his station. He said this is not the right spot for nine palm trees. Mr. Gallacher said he would prefer a painted island, if any change is made. He asked where the funding is coming from, and if this is only to beautify the area, the funds should be spent elsewhere.
Jeff King, 3420 Monroe Street, representing Gerico's Restaurant, stated
the restaurant has been in that location for six and a half years and
has built up a local clientele. This proposed landscaped median is a big economic concern. Their restaurant' has only one entrance, and his concern is the ability of the existing patrons west of Jefferson to be able to come to their place of business. This would be a major inconvenience, and 313 of their regular patrons have signed a petition against this median. He said he hoped the businesses there would not be
destroyed just to plant palm trees.
Lou Main, 372 Arroyo Vista, Fallbrook, representing Unocal 76, the
supplier for the Unocal Station, stated his objection to the raised median. This would cause a heavy impact on the Station's business, and there would be no way to get the delivery truck into the Station. A painted median would not affect this, if left turns were allowed at that spot. This Station gets deliveries 120 times a year, and they cannot be made at one particular time all the time. The deliveries can be made at off-peak hours, but not through the residential area.
Kevin Bagley, 111 Elm Street, Suite 400, San Diego, representing D. D. Wilson, owner of the property where the Unocal Station is located, stated this landscaped median could put the Station out of business. If that property is empty, it loses its value. He stated there is no good reason for the median, and a painted island would cost less.
Chuck Jamison, 895 Tamarack Avenue, representing Don Gallacher, stated
he concurred with the previous statements.
Bailey Noble, 5470 Los Robles, representing Terramar Association, stated
he was neither for or against this item, but was aware that all the
alternate offramps will have increased traffic when the construction on
Palomar Airport Road begins.
Vada Canning, 815 Tamarack, stated she cannot turn-in or out of her
property at the present time. She said a short pocket will not contain all the cars wanting to turn there at peak traffic times.
Chairman Stachoviak closed the item to public testimony at 4:18 p.m.
Commissioner Fuller was concerned about the safety consideration. He
said he would be in favor of a painted median if one would work. He
felt the one shown tonight would not be safe and he'would have to vote against a painted median unless he was shown one that would work.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the Traffic Safety
Commission opposed a raised median east of Jefferson and the 1-5 freeway on Tamarack. The Commission would like to see a well-designed painted median (or left-turn island) in that area that allows left turns and is acceptable to this Commission.
AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Melideo and Rifkin
NOES : Fuller
Bob Johnson stated that conditions will change when Tamarack is widened,
and that area will need to be addressed, either with a raised median or a painted median which permits left turns into the businesses. It is limited because of the short distance there. Mr. Johnson stated that the City Council will make the final decision.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Traffic Safety Commission agreed to take Item D out of order at this time
at the request of Sgt. Metcalf. Mrs. Hayes agreed to this
change in the Agenda.
AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller, Melideo and Rifkin
D. Cannon Road/Carlsbad Boulevard Intersection - Request for review of the intersection and installation of remedial measures, as necessary, to
improve traffic safety.
Bob Johnson gave the staff report, explaining there was an accident at this site on December 13, 1991, due to a driver driving under the influence. The owners of the property have requested remedial actions be initiated by the City to prevent anyone damaging the homes there by driving through the existing vegetation and cyclone fencelblock wall.
Staff studies indicate there have been no other such accidents during the past nine years, and there is no sight problem at that T intersection. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended that additional Type N-1 object markers (yellow in color) be installed on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard opposite Cannon Road. Also, the Committee recommended that pavement turn arrows be striped at the crosswalk location on Cannon Road.
Sgt. Metcalf stated that in order for a car to become airborne, as in this accident, the speed had to be in excess of 100 miles per hour. An intoxicated. driver would not see the signs, but he added that staff would not recommend any other remedial installations that would be dangerous to bikers and/or other motorists.
Morna Bowman Rouse, Attorney at Law, 619 South Vulcan Avenue, Suite 207, Encinitas, representing Pasquale Buono, owner of the house damaged by the vehicle, presented photographs to the Commissioners for their perusal showing the damaged property. She stated there had been a
similar accident some years ago. She commented about the dip in the road there, but added that she understands that cannot be remedied. Ms. Rouse contended that due to the offramp from 1-5 at Cannon, this was in a direct line from the freeway.
The statement was made that this is a considerable distance from
the 1-5 offramp and could not be considered a direct line from the
The Commissioners discussed the building of a higher wall in the area,
but felt this was private property and was the responsibility of the owner.
ACTION : On motion by Commissioner Melideo, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to install additional Type N-1 object markers (yellow in Color) on the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard opposite Cannon Road, and pavement turn arrows be striped at the crosswalk location on Cannon Road.
AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller, Melideo and Rifkin
Chairman Stachoviak declared a Recess at 5:12 p.m., and the Commission re- convened at 5:15 p.m., with all Members present.
C. Pedestrian Action Plan - Request for status report
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Blake, this item was continued.
AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller, Melideo and Rifkin
Mrs. Hayes agreed to the continuation of this item, due to the lateness
of the hour.
Commissioner Melideo inquired who controls the parking at the parking lots, and Mr. Johnson stated the businesses located there control the parking. They can call the Police in case there is a need.
No report.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of April 6, 1992, was adjourned at 5:18
Minutes Clerk