HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-04; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES OF: TIME OF MEETING: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION 3:OO p.m. May 4, 1992 City Council Chambers CAI.& TO ORDER: Chairman Stachoviak called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present : Commissioners Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Rifkin. Absent : None. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On Motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Commission approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 6, 1992, as amended to change the spelling to "Hebert " . AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Rifkin ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-Agenda item. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported on the Rancho Santa Fe Road and Questhaven intersection signalization, stating there is no new information regarding negotiations with San Marcos. The EIR is scheduled to go to Council May 19, 1992. Mr. Johnson reported that the NO RIGHT TURN ON RED signs at Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas have been installed for one week and the Police Department will issue citations. The monitoring will be done to determine the effectiveness of the signs and the item will be back before the Traffic Safety Commission in July. Commissioner Rifkin commented that he saw at least two violations at that corner this morning. Sgt. Metcalf stated that compliance is practically zero at this time. Mr. Johnson stated that Mary Melideo is no longer on this Commission, as she was appointed to the Water Commission. The Commission at the present time has only four Commissioners. He suggested that the Chairman inquire whether any applicant desired an item be heard before a full Commission. NEW BUSINESS: A. Pedestrian Action Plan - Request for Status Report Bob Johnson gave the report, stating the five Key Elements were established in the Pedestrian Action Plan in 1998. Mr. Johnson stated that the plans for sidewalks for State Street and Laguna Drive are virtually completed and a copy of the plans has gone to the contractor for bids. Work should begin within the next couple of months. Laguna Drive widening from State Street easterly to Jefferson will begin by the end of summer. May 4, 1992, TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Johnson stated that pedestrian education is continuing. However, budget restrictions have curtailed the newspaper articles. The pedestrian issue is being considered in the revision of the Master Plan. The Planning Department is working on the trail system and that will be tied in with the sidewalks in the City. Key Element No. 5 called for a leader in each of the two Departments, Engineering and Planning, and those leaders provide training to their staff . Mr. Johnson stated that Mrs. Hayes had mentioned the Buena Vista Lagoon, and the Foundation has looked at the report furnished to them. (Copies were also furnished to the Traffic Safety Commissioners) The Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation is addressing that project and a lead City needs to be assigned. Again, funding is an issue, as there are no funds to construct the boardwalk at this time. Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, stated she has had persistence and has consistently tried to make it safer for the pedestrian on the streets of Carlsbad for the last 18 years. She feels that progress has been very slow in getting the sidewalks installed in the Village area. Mrs. Hayes asked where the $600,000 that has been earmarked for this program is, and why haven’t more sidewalks been installed. She said that on Monroe Street by the High School there are no sidewalks, and she wonders what it will take to get sidewalks installed there. Mrs. Hayes told about an area on Roosevelt Street where a small area of sidewalk was not installed. She also commented on Laguna Drive, where she lives, where there are eleven medical offices that cannot be reached by walking to them, as there are no sidewalks. Mrs. Hayes recommended that the money available be spent to install sidewalks, particularly in the Village. Commissioner Fuller commented that the Master Plan is being worked on at this time, and that Mrs. Hayes should attend those meetings and give input to that Committee. Bob Johnson stated that the money mentioned by Mrs. Hayes is the amount that is in the C.I.P. Budget. This is a guideline for projects to be completed, and those projects are shifted around as funds become available. Some projects have no funding available and cannot be completed. Mr. Johnson stated that as far as the sidewalk mentioned on Roosevelt Street, the City cannot build a sidewalk on private property, and they could not get the right-of-way to build that portion of sidewalk. At the present time, the City cannot afford to buy right-of- way to build sidewalks. B. Hosr, Way - Request for an ALL-WAY STOP at the intersection of Forest View Way Bob Johnson gave the staff report, using transparencies to show the intersection location, a comparison of the traffic volumes in 1989 and 1992 and a stop sign warrant analysis. This same request was denied in 1989, as the warrants were not met, and the traffic volumes have gone down since that time. There is no collision history at this intersection and the majority of accidents in the area have been due to excessive speed. May 4, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Johnson stated that staff looked at the speed limit in that area and some of the signs will be relocated. The Coordinating Committee recommended lowering the speed limit from 35 m.p.h. to 30 m.p.h. on Hosp Way. The sight distance is poor, and has not improved because of the shrubs that the Homeowners Association has not trimmed. Mr. Johnson reiterated that stop signs can cause more accidents by motorists rear-ending someone who has obeyed the unwarranted sign. He added that when warrants are met, the developer is conditioned to put in a traffic signal at Wintergreen and Grove. Perhaps in the future, one of the 11 warrants will be met, and that signal will be installed. Sgt. Metcalf stated that the Police have worked that area periodically, and the traffic volumes are very low. In the last two months, two citations were issued for speeding and six for registrations. Chairman Stachoviak opened the meeting for public testimony. Courtney Heineman, 2879 Woodridge Circle, representing Carlsbad- Woodridge Homeowners Association, stated this is a request from many of the residents there, and he is the Manager of the complex. There are 162 homes in that area, and all but one are requesting some means of slowing traffic. That resident lives where the stop sign would be placed, and she objects to the noise and pollution the stop sign might cause. Mr. Heineman stated the unsafe speeds in that area make it difficult to turn into Forest View Way, where the recreation center is located. There have been eight incidents where cars have ended up in yards, and near misses as far as injuring people in their homes. Mr. Heineman said that there are many school children who walk along that sidewalk on Hosp Way, and the residents there fear for their safety. He added that he hoped the reduced speed limit would help tne speeding problem there. Craig Correll, 2729 Forest Park, concurred with Mr. Heineman, and stated that any suggestions or solutions will be welcome, if they will slow the traffic in that area. There is a downgrade to Monroe, and it is felt that the speeders might be the tenants in the apartments. The residents there are going to keep track of where the people are from that are in the accidents. He recommended some type of restrictions in the street to reduce the speeds. Robert Rodewald, 2823 Monroe, also a Member of the Homeowners Association, stated that in trying to turn left to go to the recreation center, it involves a very dangerous turn. Cheryl Lankfold, 2830 Forest View Way, spoke in opposition to the request, stating she did not want to hear the squealing of brakes all day and night from cars trying to stop at a stop sign by her home. She stated she is aware there is a problem, but feels that if the Police could patrol the area late at night, they would catch the speeders. Nancy Held Loucas, 2832 Cedarwood, also representing the Homeowners Association, stated that there is a pitch in the street in that area that throws the cars onto the wrong side of the street. She felt it is very dangerous for the children walking on the sidewalks in that area. May 4, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Rifkin suggested that Ms. Loucas use a tape recorder to record the late-night noises and/or any accidents. She agreed to do this. Cheryl Lankford stated that the people would not obey a stop sign in that area. Chairman Stachoviak closed the public testimony at this time. Commission discussion determined that lowering the speed limit was favored by the Commissioners. It was felt a stop sign would increase the accident rate and speed humps would be very dangerous to any bicycle or motorcycle riders. Chairman Stachoviak made a motion to reduce the speed limit from 35 m.p.h. to 30 m.p.h., and to install a flashing caution light at the top of the hill. Due to the lack of a second, the motion died. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Rifkin, the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee were adopted to deny the request for an ALL-WAY STOP, flashing beacons and speed humps at the intersection. The prima facie speed limit on Hosp Way from El Camino Real to Monroe Street is to be reduced from 35 m.p.h. to 30 m.p.h. AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Rifkin C. Carlsbad BoulevardIOak Avenue Intersection - Request for installation of a traffic signal Bob Johnson gave the staff report, stating that warrants are not met for an ALL-WAY STOP sign at this intersection. A transparency was used to show the collision history for this area. Two of the warrants are met for a traffic signal, and the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended that the Carlsbad Boulevard/Oak Avenue intersection be placed at Number 12 on the City's Traffic Signal Qualification List, lowering the existing 12, 13 and 14 items. Mr. Johnson stated there is no funding available for this signal at this time. Chairman Stachoviak opened the meeting for public testimony at this time . Jim Watson, P. 0. Bsox 1426, addressed the Commission, stating he favored a signal there. He stated the Oak/Carlsbad Boulevard intersection is a dangerous intersection, and requested that Oak be restricted to right turns only for eastbound traffic and that a raised curbing island be installed to prevent eastlwest traffic across Carlsbad Boulevard on Oak. Commissioner Rifkin made a motion to install a RIGHT TURN ONLY sign at the intersection of Oak and Carlsbad Boulevard on the west side of the intersection for eastbound traffic, and that the financing and feasibility of installing a median/barrier to prevent eastbound traffic on Oak from proceeding across the intersection be investigated. The motion died for lack of a second. May 4, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 5 NEW BUSINESS : (Continued) Chairman Stachoviak asked staff whether the Commission could shift from the agenda item of a traffic signal to a control device, and Mr. Johnson stated that if the Commission desired to have this item placed on a future agenda, staff would then get the information for a staff report. To comply with the Brown Act, the Commission should not deviate from the published agenda. At this time, the Commission is to consider the agenda item only. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to place the Carlsbad Boulevard/Oak Avenue intersection at Number 12 on the City's Traffic Signal Qualification List. The existing numbers 12, 13 and 14 would be lowered with the addition of the subject intersection. AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Rifkin Mr. Johnson advised the Commission that this list is merely a reference, and does not indicate that signals will be installed in that order. D. TSC Procedure Rules - Request for Revision Commissioner Fuller stated that he requested this item, due to the fact that when there are four Commissioners present and a vote is split two to two, the two negative votes have more clout by defeating the motion. He did not feel this was fair, and that the item should always be placed on the next agenda for a full Commission vote. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Commission approved the change in Section 41 of the TSC Procedure Rules, as follows : (c) A majority vote of the Commissioners present is required to pass any motion or action. The votes shall constitute "no action", and the matter voted upon remains before the Commission and is subject to further Commission consideration. If the Commission is unable to take action on a matter before it because of a tie vote, the Traffic Engineer shall place the item on the next regular meeting of the Commission for further consideration. AYES : Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Rifkin E. 1992 "Buckle UD America! Week" - Information Item Bob Johnson announced that a proclamation designating "Buckle Up America! Week" in Carlsbad would be read at the May 12, 1992, City Council Meeting. F. Traffic Safety Commission Resolution of Commendation for Marv Melideo Bob Johnson stated that Mary Melideo is now a member of the Water Commission and he recommended a Resolution of Commendation. ACTION : On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Commission agreed to issue a Resolution of Commendation for former Traffic Safety Commissioner Mary Melideo. m: Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Rifkin May 4, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 6 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Rifkin requested staff investigate the suggestion of Mr. Watson to have a right turn only on Oak for eastbound traffic entering Carlsbad Boulevard and investigate the advantages or disadvantages of a median strip to be placed in Carlsbad Boulevard to prevent traffic from crossing either east or west bound on Oak Avenue. Also, investigate recommendations for funding, if required, and bring the matter back to the Commission. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reported that studies in the area of the Sculpture Park will be done in July or August, as the traffic volumes are greatest at that time. Mr. Johnson stated that Commissioners Stachoviak and Blake should contact the Mayor if they desire to be reappointed to the Commission in July. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of May 4, 1992, was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Minutes Clerk