HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-01; Traffic Safety Commission; Minutes (2)MINUTES OF : TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION
TIME OF MEETING: 3:00 p.m. DATE OF MEETING: June 1, 1992
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers
Chairman Stachoviak called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m.
Present: Commissioners Stachoviak, Blake, Fuller and Rifkin.
Absent: NONE
Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department
On Motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Commission approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 4, 1992, as amended to change sub-paragraph C of Item D on Page 5 to read Ittie votes shall constitute.... It
Karen Campbell of 7141 Argonauta Way, spoke regarding the Alga Road/Cazadero Drive intersection stating that she was representing herself and her neighbors. She said that the intersection is very dangerous and asked staff to consider implementing one or more of the following:
1. Signalize the intersection.
2. Complete the removal of all trees west of the
3. Via Caltrans, install a "BLIND INTERSECTIONtt sign for
4. Make Cazadero Drive a one-way street southbound.
intersection that limit sight distance.
Ms. Campbell said that as a resident and mother she is very concerned and will even help with money if that is a problem. She also thanked Bob Johnson and Clyde Wickham for their help in this matter.
Mark Rifkin inquired-as to any studies being done.
Bob Johnson mentioned other alternatives besides signalization and explained that the existing signing alerts drivers to the intersection. He also stated that a blind intersection sign is not a legal sign. Mr. Johnson concluded by stating that the signal is on the 1992-1993 Capital Improvement Project list that will go to City Council on June 9. i
Commissioner Fuller asked if this item would be placed on a future agenda and Mr. Johnson indicated it would be after the necessary traffic studies are completed.
Bob Johnson reported that the NO TURN ON RED signs at the Avenida Encinas/Poinsettia Lane intersection have generated a large volume of mail and phone calls and will be back before the Commission in July.
Mr. Johnson reported on the Rancho Santa Fe Road/Questhaven Road intersection signalization, stating that construction of Rancho Santa Fe Road is still a long way off and there is no new information to report besides the EIR being certified in May by the City Council. Mr. Johnson inquired as to whether the Commission wants him to continue these monthly updates or wait until there is new information. The Commission agreed to wait until there is new information to report and then place the matter on a future TSC agenda.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Hosp Way speed zone ordinance is on the June 2 City Council agenda.
A. 1992 Junior Lifesuard Prosram - Request to discuss associated traffic circulation issues.
Bob Johnson presented the staff report stating that this item was initiated by the State of California Parks and Recreation Department in response to complaints from Mr. Doug McNaughton regarding traffic circulation issues in the area adjacent to the Jr. Lifeguard Program. Mr. Johnson showed the location of the Jr. Lifeguard Program and adjacent streets on a transparency. Mr. Johnson explained that the police and the State of California have been in contact with Mr. McNaughton for over a year and have been working to mitigate the problem.
Mr. Johnson also stated that he has met with Sgt. Metcalf of the Carlsbad Police Department and the State of California Lifeguard administrators of the program to discuss Mr. McNaughton's concerns.
Mr. Johnson mentioned that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee met and recommended that the following five steps be initiated.
1. Prior to the start of the summer program a parent orientation meeting will be held between the State Lifeguards, Carlsbad Police Department and parents of children in the program. All concerns of Mr.
McNaughton will be explained and Mr. McNaughton has been invited to the meeting.
Car pooling will be stressed at the parent orientation to reduce the number of vehicles transporting participants to and from the program.
Vehicles arriving for drop-off and pick-up will be asked to unload/load passengers in different locations. Some students will arrive and be picked up on Pine Street easterly of Carlsbad Boulevard and cross at the signalized intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard/Pine Street. Other students will utilize Ocean Street near Carlsbad Village Drive for drop-off and pick-up.
Lifeguard supervisors will monitor program participants at the Carlsbad Boulevard/Pine Street intersection, Split Pavilion and on Ocean Street to the greatest extent possible to minimize problems.
Carlsbad Police Department will monitor the traffic situation at the beginning of each session.
Stachoviak opened the meeting for public testimony.
Denny Stoufer, 219 Loma Alta Drive, Oceanside, representing the State of California Parks and Recreation Department stated that the department first met with Mr. McNaughton a year ago when Mr. McNaughton sent a letter. Mr. Stoufer explained that the reasons for locating the program at the Ocean Street Beach were safety of the participants and availability of toilet facilities and outdoor showers. He also explained that the drop off and pick up of the students is the safest available and there are two accesses to the beach from Ocean Street.
Mike Silvestri, 3926 Hibiscus Circle, representing the State of California Parks and Recreation Department stated that traffic circulation is not a problem and explained the smooth circulation pattern that occurs when vehicles dropping off and/or picking up children take westbound Oak Avenue to northbound Ocean Street. He stated that no entry is allowed to the Ocean Street parking lot as that creates congestion. Mr. Silvestri reiterated that there are beach access points along Ocean Street at Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad Village Drive and between Oak Avenue and Carlsbad Village Drive. He mentioned that three rotating instructors along with six regular instructors will assist the students in the morning and afternoon. Mr. Silvestri concluded by stating that there really is no circulation problem in that the affected area has a high volume of traffic anyway due to the popularity of the beach and only about 15 vehicles affect circulation as
participants are dropped off and/or picked up.
Doug McNaughton, 3100 Ocean Street, #5, representing himself, stated that he disagrees totally with staff and the administrators of the Jr. Lifeguard Program- He stated that the parents are the problem in that they double park, triple park and speed down Ocean Street past his residence. Mr. McNaughton then explained the narrow width of Ocean Street, the fact that R.V.'s park on it and stated that the intersection of Oak/Ocean is very dangerous and formerly had
three exits but now has only two due to the Split Pavilion being built. He said that even without the program a gridlock problem occurs in the morning and afternoon.
Mr, McNaughton said the solution is to move the program to Tamarack Beach where there is ample room for dropping off and picking up children as well as permanent rest rooms and shower facilities.
Geoff Bell, 3686 Highland Drive, representing parents and children of the Jr. Lifeguard Program, stated that safety of the children should be the number one priority and that the City should be sensitive to citizens in general, not a minority. Mr. Bell said that the City of Carlsbad, the administrators of the program, and the police have all bent over backwards trying to do what they can to mitigate any problems. He suggested prohibiting R.V's from parking on Ocean Street due to its narrow width and for safety even
though the program creates minimal traffic impact. Mr. Bell concluded by stating that these children make a contribution to the City and that the program is beneficial.
Mr. McNaughton again spoke but Mr. Bell had already exited the meeting and could not rebut Mr. McNaughton's comments.
Chairman Stachoviak closed the public testimony at this time.
Commissioner Rifkin inquired as to whether a gridlock problem really exists. Sgt. Metcalf responded that there is no gridlock, no noticeable problem, and 15 to 20 minutes of congestion at the most. Sgt. Metcalf said that this is already a very busy location, staff has done everything they can to mitigate any problem and several hours of staff time have already been invested.
ACTION: On Motion by Commissioner Rifkin, the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee were adopted to initiate the five steps previously mentioned and allow the State of California lifeguards to decide the location of the program based upon safety of the participants in the ocean environment.
AYES: Rifkin, Fuller, Stachoviak, Blake
B. Las Flores Drive - Establish a parking restriction on the north side across from Buena Vista Elementary School.
Bob Johnson stated that this item originated from the Carlsbad Police Department in response to a child being hit while crossing Las Flores to the north side upon direction from a parent. Mr. Johnson explained the situation, the existing geometrics and said that this situation is common in school areas and that parental behavior is the problem/solution. He said that a parking restriction for the north side of the street during the morning and afternoon school times is recommended by the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee but stated that this will still not stop children from crossing the street. Mr. Johnson said that we will have to rely on parental compliance.
Commissioner Rifkin inquired as to whether a tow truck can be
parked on the street at school times. Sgt. Metcalf reiterated that the key to compliance is parental education.
Commissioner Fuller realized that problems exist in the afternoon but inquired as to whether problems really occur in. the morning.
Mr. Johnson respondedthat the potential for collisions exists in the morning. as well as the afternoon due to parents being in a hurry and restricting parking is the only solution. He also stated that the prohibition would not be a burden to
Chairman Stachoviak opened the meeting for public testimony.
Judith Trinkle, Principal of Buena Vista Elementary School, stated that she agrees totally with staff and feels that this school generates more traffic than other elementary schools because of several out-of-area students. Ms. Trinkle stated that the majority of what she wanted to convey was covered very well by Mr. Johnson but reiterated that education of parents is very important and only a handful of people are causing the problem.
Chairman Stachoviak closed the public testimony at this time.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Fuller, the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee were adopted to install regulatory TOW AWAY NO STOPPING signs on the north side of Las Flores Drive. The restriction would begin at the end of the red curb near Pi0 Pic0 Drive and extend easterly to the Type rrCtr school sign installation.
The regulatory sign will be modified to indicate the hours of the daily parking restriction to be from 8:OO A.M. to 8:30 A.M. and from 1:30 P.M. to
3:OO P.M. except Saturday, Sunday and holidays. The parking restriction will not be in effect during the summer months when school is not in session and appropriate wording on the signs will indicate when the restriction applies.
Fuller, Rifkin, Stachoviak
Commissioner Blake stated that he cannot support this because it would not be fair to residents of Las Flores Drive who could not park in the street and will only move the problem to Pi0 Pic0 Drive and other streets.
No reports.
Bob Johnson inquired as to whether Commissioners Stachoviak and Blake contacted the Mayor stating their desire to be reappointed to the Commission in July. Commissioners Stachoviak and Blake responded affirmatively.
Mr. Johnson mentioned that the appointment of a new Commissioner to fill the vacant position is not on the next City Council agenda but foresees it being heard by the end of June.
Mr. Johnson reiterated that the NO TURN ON RED issue will be heard at the next meeting and explained the importance of all Commissioners being in attendance. He indicated that several other items on the agenda may make the July meeting rather lengthy.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of June 1, 1992 , was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
James W. Gale Minutes Clerk