HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-09-14; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES 4 MEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: September 14, 1992 TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Blake the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Blake, Fuller, Piel, Rifkin and Stachoviak. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: In reply to Commission query regarding enforcement of the Street Sweeping Ordinance, Sgt. Metcalf stated that since this Commission’s last meeting, plans have been formulated to educate the public about the Ordinance and issue warnings. Then, the Parking Enforcement Officer will issue citations to the violators. On motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 6, 1992, were approved as presented. AYES: Blake, Fuller, Piel, Rifkin and Stachoviak ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Chairman Blake presented a plaque to Commissioner Stachoviak on behalf of the Commission, in appreciation for his service as Chairman of the Commission for the year 1991. Bob Johnson reported that the Street Sweeping Ordinance was adopted by the City Council at their September 1, 1992, meeting. The Ordinance will be in effect 30 days after the adoption date. A program has been developed to notify the public how the program will be handled. Signs will go up in the Bristol Cove area first, and then the other area west of 1-5 between the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Buena Vista Lagoon. Mr. Johnson stated that the Commission had requested an update on the status of the communications between San Marcos and Carlsbad on the Rancho Santa Fe Road and Questhaven Road intersection, and there is a possibility that San Marcos will agree to signalization of the existing intersection. They will get back in touch with Carlsbad on this matter. -. September 14, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 PREVIOUS BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Johnson stated that the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road is a number of years away, and the signalization would be for the existing intersection. NEW BUSINESS: A. Carlsbad Boulevard/Oak Avenue Intersection - Request to establish turning movement restrictions Bob Johnson gave the staff report, stating that three separate requests had been received regarding this intersection. He used transparencies to show the intersection and the Alternatives suggested by staff. This intersection is number 14 on the priority list for traffic signals and there is no funding for such a signal at this location. Mr. Johnson discussed the four following alternatives: (1) Restrict the eastbound Oak Avenue turning movement to a right-turn in/right-turn out at Carlsbad Boulevard. (2) Install a raised median on Carlsbad Boulevard across the Oak Avenue intersection to restrict turning movements to a right-turn in, right-turn out. (3) Install a partial raised median across the intersection that allows left turns from Carlsbad Boulevard and restricts Oak Avenue to right-turn in, right-turn out. (4) Initiate one-way travel westbound on Oak Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to Ocean Street. Mr. Johnson said that staff did a turning movement count in July for a ten-hour period to determine what type of turning movements are occurring at that intersection. He referred to Table 2, which showed Alternative 1 would have impacted 146 vehicles on eastbound Oak Avenue left turns and through movements; Alternative 2 would impact 1,291 vehicles for eastbound and westbound Oak Avenue left turns and through movements, Carlsbad Boulevard left-turns and U-turns; and Alternative 3 would impact 588 vehicles on Oak Avenue eastbound left, through and right turns. Mr. Johnson stated that the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation is Alternative 1, and that the intersection be monitored for other solutions if problems occur. Mr. Johnson stated that three parking spaces might be lost by implementing Alternative 1, but this would be for safety reasons. He also stated that Alternative 1 would be the least costly to implement. In reply to Commission query about the alternative of leaving the intersection as it is, Mr. Johnson stated that the staff report did not include that alternative, but that it certainly was a possibility. September 14, 1992 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Carl McWha, 3179 Carlsbad Boulevard, owner of the Harbor Fish Restaurant, stated he uses that area and is concerned with the access. There is also a safety hazard for pedestrians attempting to cross Carlsbad Boulevard. He felt that Alternative 1 would be the best solution and would be the best cost-wise, and that the businesses in the area would support Alternative #l. In reply to Commission query regarding the loss of three parking spaces, he stated the businesses in that area need all the parking they can get, but if it involves safety, then the spaces would have to be lost. Daniel Soto, 3040 Carlsbad Boulevard, stated that the alternatives were impressive. He said he liked Alternative 1 and Alternative 3. He felt that a one-way street would not be good for traffic movement. The Commissioners all expressed concern for the loss of parking spaces, but felt that was an Engineering decision. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to adopt Alternative 1, to restrict the eastbound Oak Avenue turning movement to a right-turn in/right-turn out at Carlsbad Boulevard, with the recommendation that the intersection be monitored and other solutions studied if problems occur. AYES: Blake, Fuller, Piel, Rifkin and Stachovick Bob Johnson stated that a work order will be issued to the Utilities and Maintenance Department, and they will stripe the street. At this time, staff indicated that it was thought that sufficient funds were in the budget for this work. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Chairman Blake inquired about the truck parking on Haymar Street north of the Mall, stating that he felt that perhaps this was a hazard. Mr. Johnson said he would check into this, and if this is in the City of Carlsbad, NO PARKING signs would be installed. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson stated that the Commission’s next meeting will be October 5, 1992. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 14, 1992, was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. &rriett BabdiK Minutes Clerk