HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-01; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: March 1, 1993 TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Blake called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Blake, Courtney, Fuller, Green and Stachoviak. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Don Metcatf, Police Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 1, 1993, were approved as presented. AYES: Blake, Courtney, Fuller, Green and Stachoviak ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna, representing the Pedestrian Group, requested a future Traffic Safety Commission agenda item for an update on the Pedestrian Action Plan and an evaluation. She commented that some of the schools in Carlsbad still do not have sidewalks available for the children. It is difficutt to teach the children to always walk on sidewalks to be safe when there are no sidewalks for them to walk on. Mrs. Hayes stated that the representative from this Commission on the Housing and Redevelopment Master Plan Committee resigned, and she would like to see the Commission represented. She said she has read the second part of the plan, and it is lacking in the pedestrian and vehicular areas. Mrs. Hayes would be interested in seeing those are covered. Mrs. Hayes loaned a video tape to Mr. Johnson to be copied for staff and Commission use, showing transportation systems in Brazil. The tape shows their improvement in transportation and how to get people out of their cars and on to public transportation. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Bob Johnson asked for direction from the Commission on Mrs. Hayes’ request for an update on the Pedestrian Action Plan. By consensus, the Commission agreed to have this item placed on a future agenda. March 1, 1993 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 2 PREVIOUS BUSINESS: (Continued) In reply to Commission query, Mr. Johnson stated the priorities for the sidewalks have remained the same, but they are not necessarily built in the numbered priority. Mr. Johnson reported that the discussion on the guardrail at Alicante Road and Corte de la Vista at the February 1,1993, Traffic Safety Commission Meeting resulted in an appeal to the City Council. That item will be heard by Council at their meeting tomorrow night, March 2, 1993. NEW BUSINESS: A. Car Countw Drive - Request from automobile dealers to change the parking restrictions on the east and south sides of the street. Bob Johnson gave the staff report, stating this item was initiated by a letter from Bill Komik, General Manager of the Jeep Eagle Dealership, and signed by General Managers, Sam DeSantos, Cadillac, Bob Heinz, Infinity, and Dan Kunardt, Carlsbad Mitisubishi. The automobile dealers requested the parking restrictions on Car Country Drive be changed to allow parking during the day on the east and south side of Car Country Drive, but allow no parking between 12:OO a.m. to 6:OO am. They also requested that the two-hour parking remain on the north and west side of Car Country Drive. At the time the two-hour parking on both sides of the street was initiated, there was a problem with long-term parking--such as cars for sale, wholesalers and commuters. However, the two-hour parking limit created problems for employees having to park there and move cars every two hours. By retaining the two-hour parking on the side of the street where the dealerships are located, it was felt by the dealers that this would allow customers to utilize that parking, but allow any employees not parking onsite to park during the day. By restricting the parking overnight, this should eliminate any of the long-term parking. Mr. Johnson stated that new businesses must have onsite parking for employees and each dealer has been conditioned to apply that. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended that the parking restriction on the east and south side of Car Country Drive be changed between Paseo Del Norte and Auto Center Court. The Committee further recommended that a NO PARKING ZONE be established between the hours of 1290 midnight and 6:OO a.m. on this road segment. Sgt. Metcalf stated that the dealers are using the employees spaces to park used cars and inventory and the employees are being cited by the Police. This change would correct the parking situation for the employees, as the two-hour parking is very hard to enforce. Mr. Johnson stated that there are spaces onsite for employee parking, and perhaps a check should be made by the City to see why those spaces are not being used for that purpose. He added that the dealers on Car Country Drive were not in favor of the two-hour parking restriction when that was initiated in 1989. March 1, 1993 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Fuller stated he would like a copy of Mr. Johnson’s staff report to go to the Planning Department, where the restrictions for parking are imposed. Commissioner Green stated he would support this request, with reservations, as he would not like to see this item return to the Commission every four years. The City mandates parking for employees and this should be enforced. Bill Komik, General Manager, Jeep Eagle Dealership, was present to answer questions. He stated one of the biggest problems is that people do not know that there are dealerships on Car Country Drive--as there are no signs. With cars parked on the south and east side of the street, it will alert people that things are happening there and there is activii on that street. In reply to Commission query regarding the dealers having to provide employee parking, Mr. Kornik stated that they do provide employee parking. However, with the economic times we are experiencing, dealerships must have more than one franchise. This creates a problem with inventory for several franchises in one location. They want to be able to have offsiie parking, but do not want the long-term parking. That is why they requested that parking not be allowed from midnight until 6:OO a.m. Commissioner Courtney stated he had a problem with businesses and parking, and felt that onsite parking should be available for employees and customers and should not be full of other cars. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Green, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to change the parking restriction on the east and south side of Car Country Drive between Paseo Del Norte and Auto Center Court to allow parking during the daytime and establish a NO PARKING ZONE between the hours of 12:W midnight and 6:W a.m. The other parking restrictions on Car Country Drive are to remain the same. AYES: Blake, Courtney, Fuller, Green and Stachoviak B. Avenida Encinas - Poinsettia Lane northerly to its terminus - Police Department request to establish a prima facie speed limit. 0 Bob Johnson gave the staff report, stating that the Police Department has requested a prima facie speed limit from on Avenida Encinas from Poinsettia Lane northerly to its terminus to control excessive speeding on a dead end road. Avenida Encinas is a secondary arterial and will connect between Poinsettia Lane and Palomar Airport Road. At the present time, this segment is only 3,000 feet long and approximately one half of the ultimate roadway width. The southbound lane is 12 feet and the northbound lane is 20 feet, which allows for parking. A traffic speed survey was conducted by staff, and the critical speed was 41 miles per hour; therefore, the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended a 35 mile per hour prima facie speed limit. March 1 , 1993 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) In reply to Commission query regarding the speed limit, Mr. Johnson stated that staff reviews speed limits, and when conditions on a street change, a new survey is conducted, and if warranted, a different speed limit is imposed. Commissioner Green expressed concern with the 35 mile per hour limit, and suggested a 30 mile per hour limit. Mr. Johnson explained that setting the speed limit below the critical speed would create a speed trap, and would not be enforceable. Sgt. Metcalf explained that there are two methods for giving tickets: radar or pacing. A ticket can be written by pacing, as the Officer is seeing just what the motorist is seeing. However, with radar, the Officer is not seeing what the motorist is seeing--justa safe speed. The critical speed on this street is 41 miles per hour, and therefore a speed limit off 35 miles per hour is proper. If a lower speed limit were posted, the Courts would not consider any tickets written by the Police. Carlsbad does not set speed traps and has an excellent reputation in the Courts as far as fairness with the tickets written. Speed limits can be reduced by setting a proper limit and then monitoring that site, and if the speeds have dropped, then reducing the speed limit. Sgt. Metcalf explained that the Police Department is very active in monitoring this type of action. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Fuller, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to establish a 35 mile per hour prima facie speed limit on Avenida Encinas from Poinsettia Lane to its terminus, 3,000 feet northerly. AYES: Blake, Courtney, Fuller, Green and Stachoviak REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Stachoviak inquired about the timing of the walk signals on Carlsbad Boulevard. Mr. Johnson explained that the walk portion is set for seven seconds unless on a signal at an intersection where there are special circumstances; such as children or elderly persons crossing, which would then be set for more than seven seconds. Mr. Johnson stated that the flashing hand only means that you should not step off of the curbing and does not mean that you should stop where you are in the middle of the street or retreat to the curbing. The signals are set for someone walking four feet per second, which allows time for anyone to reach the other side of the street safely. Commissioner Green referred to the recent accident in San Marcos where a school bus was hit by a motorhome at an intersection with a left turn signal that required a certain number of cars in the line. Mr. Johnson stated that all left turn signals in Carlsbad are protected or left turns must yield to oncoming traffic. There are no protected/permissiie signals, such as the one in San Marcos. Commissioner Green requested information and updating on the traffic control with regard to major items in the improvement of Palomar Airport Road. Mr. Johnson said that this Commission will be kept apprised of that work under the agenda item of Report from Traffic Engineer. The traffic control plans are being reviewed at this time, and there will be elaborate traffic control plans for that project. March 1 , 1993 TRAFFIC SAFW COMMISSION Page 5 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: (Continued) Commissioner Courtney inquired about the intersection of northbound Paseo Del Norte at Cannon Road. Sgt. Metcalf explained that he was responsible for restriping that area. No number of lane changes were made, but motorists were making a double left turn lane out of a single lane, and this was creating a problem. The road was not designed for two left turn lanes-there is not sufficient room. The Police Department requested the road to be properly marked to eliminate this illegal use of the lane. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson stated he had no additional report. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 1, 1993, was adjourned at 4:s p.m. Minutes Clerk