HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-13; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: September 13,1993 TIME OF MEETING: 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Blake called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Blake, Anear, Courtney, Green and Stachoviak. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Sgt. Don Metcalf, Police Department Chairman Blake congratulated Commissioner Green on his re-appointment to the Commission and Commissioner Anear on his appointment to the Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On motion by Commissioner Green, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 7,1993, were approved as presented. AYES: Blake, Courtney, Green and Stachoviak ABSTAIN: Anear ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None at this time. PREVIOUS BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported that the speed zone issues on Carfsbad Boulevard and Grand Avenue were adopted by the City Council and the signs have been installed. Mr. Johnson stated that Camino De Los Coches has been chip sealed and will be re-striped within the next week or two to allow on-street parking on both sides of the street. This will allow legal on-street parking at Stagecoach Park and eliminate the need for organizations to get a special permit and cover signs for special events at the Park. September 13,1993 TRAFFIC SAFW COMMISSION Page 2 PREVIOUS BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Green inquired about any data available on the speed limit change on Carlsbad Boulevard, and Sgt. Metcatf stated that this is only the second week for the new speed limit and it is too soon to report on any change. Bob Johnson stated that the ordinance went into effect August 26, and speeds are slightly lower than they were. Staff is working on a traffic study regarding pedestrian crossings and this will be brought to the Commission in the next few months. NEW BUSINESS: A. Hardinn StreetlMaanolia Avenue Intersection - Request to establish an ALL WAY STOP. Bob Johnson gave the staff report as contained in the agenda bill, using a transparency to show the intersection. The request came verbally from a citizen who was to submit a written request, but did not. He was told this item would be before the Commission today and stated he would be present, but is not here. Mr. Johnson stated that a traffic count was provided to the Commission that was taken about a year ago for this area and the intersection does not meet CalTrans warrants for an ALL WAY STOP. There has been one collision there in fwe years. Mr. Johnson stated there is a painted crosswalk across Harding and the east leg of Magnolia, and this facilitates students crossing with minimum conflict with vehicles. In response to Commission query regarding children crossing the streets in that area, Mr. Johnson explained the procedure staff follows in discussing with school officials the proper pathway for children to walk to school and the program the schools follow with regard to explaining the proper routes to take. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Stachoviak, the Traffii Safety Commission adopted the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to deny the request to establish an ALL WAY STOP at the Harding Street/Magnolia Avenue intersection. AYES: Blake, Anear, Courtney, Green and Stachoviak B. Traffic Safetv Commission Resolution of Commendation for John Fuller. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Anear, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the Resolution of Commendation for John Fuller. AYES: Blake, Anear, Courtney, Green and Stachoviak Commissioner Courtney suggested having this presentation made at a City Council meeting. September 13,1993 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) C. Elect a New Traffic Safetv Commission Chairman and Vice Chairman. ACTION: By unanimous vote, Commissioner Green was elected Chairman for the coming year. ACTION: By unanimous vote, Commissioner Courtney was elected Vice Chairman for the coming year. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Chairman Blake opened the Oral Communications again to allow public input. Karol K. Lee, 2200 Chestnut Avenue, representing Magnolia PTA, asked about the off-street parking at Magnolia School. Mr. Johnson stated that the City has no jurisdiction over private parking lots, and that she should take the matter to the School District. Ms. Lee inquired about sidewalks by the school and whether Magnolia was to be widened. Mr. Johnson said the sidewalks are being designed. He explained the plan for the street and sidewalk configurations by Magnolia School. Ms. Lee said there are no signs shown on the design plans on the north side of Magnolia regarding the NO PARKING, and she inquired whether the City intended to install them. Mr. Johnson stated the signs should be installed, as there is to be no parking on that side of the street during school hours to prevent parents parking there and allowing the children to be loaded or unloaded there and then creating a hazard with the children crossing the street to the school. Mr. Johnson will contact the Design Engineer to be certain the signs are shown on the design plans. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Green stated that on El Camino Real there are some intersections where there used to be crosswalks, and since the re-surfacing, there are only limit lines. Mr. Johnson stated that the contractor hired by the Utilities/Maintenance Department is supposed to re-stripe the intersections as they were before the re-surfacing, but sometimes they do miss some markings. Staff verifies all intersections and the markings and they will be returned to the same as before the re-surfacing. Commissioner Courtney stated that on Hillside approaching Highland, a new water line has been installed and some of the asphalt has been removed, making the street very narrow there. He was concerned about the high school students that drive in that area. Mr. Johnson stated that is a Water District project, and he will relay the concern to the Inspectors. He said an asphalt sidewalk will be constructed for the pedestrians to use. Mr. Johnson gave an update on Palomar Airport Road, stating that the interchange at 1-5 is progressing very rapidly and should be finished by the end of October. The contractor, Sundt Company, has done a very good job. The project east on Palomar Airport Road is progressing. The water line is going in and a detour is in effect. The bulk of the grading is completed at this time, and the project should be completed in October of 1994. Commissioner Courtney inquired about the traffic light at El Camino and Palomar Airport Road, and Mr. Johnson explained that it is on fixed timing due to the construction that cut loops. September 13,1993 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSIONERS: (Continued) Commissioner Anear inquired about adding a right-turn lane on El Camino Real to turn against the signal from Hosp Way north and Marron Road north. Mr. Johnson explained there is not enough space to stripe a right-turn lane. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Bob Johnson reported that Streetscape Phase V started this past weekend, and all traffic control measures have been implemented. The contract is for 170 working days, which means it goes until early next summer. There is a committee composed of merchants who are trying to have two events a month to encourage the public to come to the Village to shop and use the restaurants. Mr. Johnson stated there is night work being done in front of the businesses to expedite the completion and disruption for customers coming into that area. In reply to query regarding the Street Fairs, Mr. Johnson stated that the contractor must have the area as usable as possible for the fall fair. By the spring fair, the contractor should be out of that area. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 13, 1993, was adjourned at 4:02 p.m. Minutes Clerk