HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-02-07; Traffic Safety Commission; MinutesMINUTES MEmNG OF: TRAFFIC SAFW COMMISSION DATE OF MEmNG: February 7,1994 TIME OF MEETING 3:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Ci Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Green called the Meeting to order at 3:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Green, Anear, Blake and Stachoviak. Absent: Commissioner Courtney arrived at 3:05 p.m. Staff Members Present: Bob Johnson, Traffic Engineer Steve Jantz, Associate Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion by Commissioner Stachoviak, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 3, 1994, as presented. AYES: Green, Anear and Stachoviak ABSTAIN: Blake OW COMMUNICATIONS: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item. PRMOUS BUSINESS: Bob Johnson reported that there will be an agenda item before the City Council tomorrow night for a no- parking zone on portions of Paseo Del Norte. This item was before the Traffic Safety Commission, and they had recommended not establishing a no-parking zone in that area. However, the final plans for the Poinsettia Lane/l-5 interchange require a re-striping of that portion of Paseo Del Norte. As a result of this, there will be a need for a no-parking zone, as the street is not wide enough to allow parking. City Council directed staff to come back with a no-parking zone for that area and that is the item before Council tomorrow night. Mr. Johnson stated he had sent a memorandum to the Commissioners that the Tamarack speed zone recommendation was approved by City Council. . r February 7, 1994 TRAFFIC SAFEPl COMMISSION Page 2 NEW BUSINESS: A. 1994 TDA Funding - Approve projects requested to receive funding Steve Jantz, Associate Engineer, gave the staff report, referencing the 1994 TDA Project List (Exhibit 1) included with the packet. This list shows Sidewalk Projects #2 and #3, which are part of the overall City-wide sidewalk priority list. Design of the construction improvement plans for Project #2 is complete, pending final right-of-way acquisition. Design of Project #3 is approximately 70 percent complete, with the right-of-way also being acquired. The Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommended a funding request for FY 94/95 TDMransNet funds in the amount of $588,261, and staff asked for approval. Commissioner Stachoviak inquired whether property owners with improvements contracts are included in these projects, and Mr. Johnson stated that if there is a Future Improvement Agreement, those property owners are obligated to pay per that contract. He added that the sidewalks listed are all vitally needed, as most of them are in school zones. Mr. Anear inquired whether property owners can be forced to install sidewalks, and Mr. Johnson replied that when it is necessary, that can be done with the creation of an assessment district. Mr. Johnson stated that this sidewalk priority list was established after many meetings and review and are high on the priority list based on the method established at that time. Chairman Green asked about the possibility of receiving a smaller amount, and Mr. Jantz said that Carlsbad has been very successful in getting funds from the TDMransNet grants, and this year they are asking for sidewalk construction. He said that staff feels they are well prepared to present this request, as the design work has been completed. Most of the grant applications are for design money, study and construction. This is a real project--something we can build in the calendar year 1994. Mr. Jantz felt that it would not be feasible to ask for a smaller amount--as they prefer requesting the higher amount. There is a good opportunity they will get all the sidewalks in Project #2 and part of those in Project #3. Commissioner Anear reiterated his concern that some people on this list are getting a "free ride" and that is not right. Commissioner Courtney said the sidewalk problem has been in existence a long time, and he was pleased to see this list that is being submitted, as they center around the schools. Mr. Johnson stated he will get the information from the Assessment Engineer with regard to assessment districts and he will send that information to the Commissioners. Commissioner Anear requested staff to contact Los Angeles to obtain information as to how they can force a property owner to install a sidewalk, as Mr. Anear was forced to do some years ago. Commissioner Courtney stated he would ask Mr. Johnson for his recommendation as to what vehicle the City of Carlsbad has for establishing assessment districts and what policy there is in existence. If there is no policy, then he would like to know what could be established as City policy. February 7, 1994 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 3 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Blake, the Traffic Safety Commission approved the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee to submit a request to the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) for FY 94/95 TDA/TransNet funds in the amount of $588,261, AYES Green, Anear, Blake, Courtney and Stachoviak Commissioner Anear stated he feels strongly that the City should form an assessment district and everyone should pay a fair share. Mr. Johnson stated a resolution authorizing submittal of this funding request will go to the Clty Council for approval; probably sometime in March. 8. Review and Comment on TSC Rules and Procedures and adopt TSC Resolution No. 94-1. Bob Johnson reported that this item was continued from the January agenda to allow the Commissioners time to review the rules. Staff researched providing copies of the agenda in the City Clerk's Office, and that will be done. Copies have always been sent to the libraries, and now the City Clerk has been added to the distribution list. The wording of Section 29, paragraph (b) has been changed to reflect that change. Mr. Johnson recommended adoption of Resolution No. 94-1. Commissioner Anear requested an explanation of Section 24, which Chairman Green supplied. Mr. Anear referred to Section 37, and stated he felt a spokesperson should have 15 minutes for a presentation. The Commissioners discussed this and Commissioner Courtney recommended taking the first sentence in Section 36, (c) and placing it in Section #37, changing the "five minutes" to "fifteen minutes". ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Anear, the Traffic Safety Commission requested the first sentence in Section 36, (c) be added to Section 37, as follows: 'Each person desiring to address the Commission shall approach the podium, state his name and address for the record, state the subject he wishes to discuss, state whom he is representing, if he represents an organization or other persons, and unless further time is granted by majority vote of the Commission, shall limit his remarks to fifteen minutes." AYES: Green, Anear, Blake, Courtney and Stachoviak ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Courtney, the Traffic Safety Commission adopted RESOLUTION NO. 94-1, as amended. 4 AYES: Green, Anear, Blake, Courtney and Stachoviak February 7, 1994 TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION Page 4 REPORT FROM TRAFFIC SAFW COMMISSIONERS: Commissioner Anear inquired whether the City had jurisdiction over private property, and Mr. Johnson replied that they do not. Mr. Anear continued, stating there is no striping on the street at the signal by the Price Club, and Mr. Johnson stated that would be striping of a parking lot, which is private property. Commissioner Anear stated that he recommended re-painting the curb on Pi0 Pic0 and Carlsbad Village Drive to red approximately 50 feet further south to allow for a right turn lane at the signal. Mr. Johnson stated that when on-street parking is eliminated, studies must be made and all persons involved must be notified. If there is an objection, then the matter is appealed to the Traffic Safety Commission. Chairman Green requested Mr. Johnson to check the curb in that area and report to the Commission. Mr. Johnson stated he would prepare the study and send a memorandum to the Commissioners. Chairman Green requested an update on the Streetscape at the next meeting. REPORT FROM TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Mr. Johnson stated two items that will be on the next agenda are: Bi-annual traffic signal evaluation list Tamarack speed zone from 1-5 to Skyline Drive ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 7, 1994, was adjourned at 4:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, - %!* arriett Bab Minutes Clerk